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No. 168395
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This girl looks like urkel. Shame, her coords are always cute.
No. 168396
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No. 168397
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No. 168398
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Cadney has gotten really fat. It's not flattering in the slightest, she looks like an old woman.
No. 168399
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Lovely Lor. I don't understand how someone can spend thousands on clothing and makeup instead of spending that money on a nose job.
No. 168402
>>168395I don't know about his, she's pretty alright looking
>>168399yeah, I kinda feel bad for her
her face is so unfortunate
No. 168403
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>>168398She always looked old.
>>168399She seems nice and sweet, I really feel bad for her.
I wonder why lolita attracts so many ugly girls, I don't understand how they can wear pretty clothing while having an ugly face.
No. 168404
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No. 168406
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No. 168407
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No. 168408
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No. 168409
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No. 168410
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No. 168411
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No. 168412
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No. 168413
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No. 168414
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No. 168415
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>>168405I did too. They both have manly, long as fuck faces.
No. 168420
>>168407This one has a pretty face, she's just a little older.
This fucking coord, though.
Why would you try to coordinate BLACK accessories with a brown/pink JSK?
and lita boots? christ.
No. 168422
File: 1456263682791.jpg (102.29 KB, 645x960, 1-dawnsuela.jpg)