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No. 168425
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Posting stuff from the old thread for anyone who doesn't want to go back and dig
No. 168426
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No. 168427
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No. 168428
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No. 168429
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No. 168430
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BTW I'm so fucking angry about my hair.
>get a relaxer treatment that thins it out, but makes it look shinier and sleeker
>only problem: it's thinner now
>now my hair looks too short
Fucking kill me. Anyone have any tips?
Pic unrelated, but this was the dream :(
No. 168434
>>168430You're going to have to grow it out or just cut it off. If you grow it out, you'll probably have to style the ends of your hair so they match the texture of your grown in roots. The processed hair won't match the unprocessed hair. If you cut it all off, you're gonnga still have to wait for it to grow back but at least your hair will be all one texture. I've seen girls try both methods but I think growing out relaxed hair is more common because nobody wants to chop off all their hair when that's not what they initially wanted.
I don't understand how your hair went wrong. Why can't you get what is in that pic? How did relaxing make it look shorter? I've never known hair to look shorter when the curls are straightened out, can you explain?
No. 168437
>>168434Thanks for the advice, I guess I'll just grow it out, the thought of chopping it all off fucks me up.
>How did relaxing make it look shorter? I've never known hair to look shorter when the curls are straightened out, can you explain?I was wrong to say "shorter", I just meant that because it's thinner it looks like I have less hair, and I miss it being thicker.
>>168432>I don't get it you got the treatment knowing it would make your hair sleeker and smoother looking but that's not what you wanted? It was okay at first, but then I got sick of it.
No. 168439
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>>168425I have 2A hair but everytime I google 2a hair or wavy hair I see straight hair with some random flips. Heck even on the chart I see a straight haired girl…..
I have the same hair (except a different cut and color) as picture related but uglier and frizzier and this came up in google when I typed in 2a hair. Is this 2a hair?
If so what do you recommend me to get nice glossy hair? I am aware this is not black hair but blacks are the best in hair care and so far following the mainstream tips really sucked. Cowashing is not an option at the moment I want to get rid of all the products I currently have.
No. 168441
>>168439That looks 2b to me tbh. 1 is straight and 2a is just crossing the line into wavy hair. If your hair is like the pic, then I think you're 2b.
The frizz is probably because it's not as moisturised as it could be. Shampoo on alternate days but condition every day. Argan and coconut oil haircare products will be good for you. A deep conditioner like henna wax might smooth it out a bit. Leave in conditioner will make it sleeker-looking almost straight away. If you have split ends, trim your hair because wavy hair tends to exaggerate them and looks frizzy because of it. You can also try curl activator to add more bounce and get rid of frizz.
No. 168442
>>168440Most products you buy in regular shops will be for european hair, so it's targeted towards use on thinner strands. If you're using it on coarse, dark and thick hair, it won't be as effective. If you really want to do it yourself, look for products specifically aimed at black hair.
My personal opinion is that if you're bleaching it super light, go to a professional. I know that sucks when you want to do it yourself, but it's honestly the best way. Bleaching black hair can absolutely fuck it up. It'll take months to get it back to a decent standard if the bleaching goes wrong.
Once you've had it bleached, don't forget to take care of it more than usual and keep it conditioned.
No. 168443
>>168442 said, you may fuck up your hair bad.
Go to a professional who knows how to work with negroid hair. The price may bite your wallet, but you will be sure your hair will be fine.
My aunt has her own barbershop, and she says to not dye or bleach your hair at home and let it to professionals, because it's more complex than most people think.
By the way, bleaching hair may cause them to fall off.
No. 168445
>>168442>>168443Thanks, I have been using bleach for black hair, textures and tones does work the best but when their platinum blond only makes my hair brown. I am scared to rebleach it again. I guess I got to bite the bullet and find a good black hair salon.
Ugh this is so fustrating, I been bleaching and dying white hair and extensions but I can't figure out to do my own hair.
No. 168446
>>168445Oh you don't know howany women struggle with bleaching, you are not alone in this boat.
Hopefully you'll find good salon.
Also, watch stylist's age and his hair. Young ones are not experienced enough to do proper bleaching. If they manage to keep their own hair well styled, then you don't have to worry for yours.
Finding good stylist is yet another quest in your journey for great hair.
No. 168450
>>168441Bumping this thread because..
Anon, you saved my hair. My hair looks now exactly like the picture I posted, shiny smooth and not frizzy.
No. 168451
>>168437I mean you could just get clip ons if you want it to look thicker.
>>168424tfw almost two years natural and hair is a little past collarbone when it's straight
No. 168453
>>168452You just ask her how she got her hair so nice
Also if its a weave you can spot it. And it actually doesnt concern you anyways tbh.
No. 168464
>>168462Read my post
>>168439you "curl" your hair with a wand artifically. You can curl your hair up to 3a curls and they will still be extremely shiny, just like when you straighten straight hair with a straightener.
Real curls however are never shiny naturally if you dont moisturize them.
No. 168466
>>168460I feel like this is /pol/ getting buttblasted that a white woman thinks black women hAve pretty hair.
>>168457 at least has to be /pol/
No. 168471
>>168470>>168468Eh, I've posted already in the older thread that people sort of forgot about. I was thinking of getting it, but it seems like a hassle to get, plus I tried to hide my surroundings/face, so it was pretty bad quality.
Either way, not like I won't do it. I usually wear my hair in natural cornrowed ponytails, so no curls to show really. Probably next week when I wash my hair anon.
No. 168472
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Hey guys, I've got kind of a wierd issue
My parents have been relaxing my hair since I was three and gave me two large chemical burns. One on each side of my scalp, right at the temples.
I stopped relaxing it about a year ago (almost 19 now) since I've moved out as they're very against nappy hair, but it's not going so well
I've been using a Shea Moisture product to moisturize my hair, but cheap shampoo and conditioner from Walgreens to clean it. It's always dry and it doesn't look like it's grown much.
I also condition it everyday, but use a shampoo 4-6 times a month. I haven't gotten it trimmed either because I'm too afraid of going to a beauty salon because it's really REALLY kinky, dry and my hair doesn't even begin to cover the bald spots, but I'm worried my hair growth just came to a stop
I really don't want to go back to relaxers, but I feel kind of crappy knowing that I'd have to wear bandanas and headscarves for the rest of my life if I don't
Anyone have any advice? .-.
No. 168473
>>168472It's more common than you might think, don't feel alone!
Scars can stop hair from growing back unfortunately. It's just a waiting game to see whether or not hair will grow back. Massage your scars regularly to stimulate the skin and follicles. Use scar treatments like vitamin E and silicone sheets to minimize the scars.
If nothing else works, you can find a plastic surgeon who will cut away the scar with no hair growth and stitch the edges together, leaving a less noticeable scar and an almost invisible bald spot. There's also an option for a hair transplant.
As for the dry hair, don't wash it in very hot water, Condition every time you wash it as well as using deep conditioning treatments, like henna wax, at least once a week. Use a shampoo that doesn't have drying ingredients, like alcohol. When it's windy out or the weather is bad, protect your hair. No heat styling. Coconut oil can be used to replace lost moisture. Conditioner should always be left on your hair for at least ten minutes, provided they are free of sulfates - ALL YOUR CONDITIONER SHOULD BE FREE OF SULFATES, this is very important. Sulfates can actuallly dry your hair out more and so the conditioner you're using could be making your hair dryer.
No. 168474
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>>168473Oh jeez, I didn't think the conditioner would really matter, but I'll definitely check when I get back home
As for the scars, I got them a really long time ago. I was 4 and they're very large. About the size of my palm at the very least, so I dont think stimulation would help at this point any more. I might look into hair transplants one day, but as for now, I'm a poorfag
Thanks for the advice! I'll be looking into getting a better conditioner and start laying off the hot water for now and see if coconut oil helps
No. 168475
>>168467Difference is, this anon wants to ask some chick they don't really know if they have weave in.
>>168470I might do the same when I get home.
>>168469I feel you. But damn, does it feel good to get a flat iron out and see how long your hair actually got.
No. 168481
>>168478People sperg out over self-posts in threads where it makes sense to post them, this thread probably wouldn't be any different. Considering that admin had to stop people posting new race threads, I'm guessing there are more than enough racist chans to come in and flip out with the angry anons.
>>168480The frequency changes depending on what I've done with my hair. If I used product like hairspray, I'm washing that shit out no matter what. Can't you wash your hair in the sink or something?
No. 168482
>>168480When my shower broke I just washed it during my bath and it worked fine. That or the sink.
I wash my bangs almost every day but the rest maybe 3 times a week. I have oily hair.
No. 168486
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>>168485Dark and lovely creme glaze is good
No. 168487
>>168484Sorry anon, but atleast people are posting.
you said up two times.
No. 168488
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>>168424I'mnot black and I have cancer
(you are cancer) No. 168493
>>168491Don't you need a sulfate shampoo to first wash out silicones? And then you start to use sulfate-free shampoos?
That was my understanding at least.