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No. 170684
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I don't take selfies because I don't use social media and I hate my face. If I was prettier I'm sure I'd take a bunch.
No. 170685
>>170684That picture
triggers me
No. 170690
>>170683Ah.. man, this really speaks to me, on the body checking & also thinking my friends are judging me for the photos I post. I don't look "accurate" in good selfies. In a picture I get to hide what I don't like and show what I do like.
Thankfully, I've met a lot of people over the internet and none have mentioned my photos looking inaccurate. I think as long as you don't edit your face or put excessive filters over selfies, you're good.
No. 170691
>>170688It's just self-photography: don't act so self righteous. You are not smarter, more humble, or less shallow than someone for abstaining from taking selfies. I'm not saying most people who take excessive selfies aren't narcissistic or vapid, but holding a holier-than-thou attitude towards something so trivial doesn't make you look that much better than them.
In 15 years most of us won't be embarrassed about our pouty lips and snapchat filters, but we will be stressing over how we've aged, looking back bittersweetly on our youth.
No. 170694
>>170689>>170689that's because you were a baby and didn't take the photos.
imagine finding your mum's naked butt selfie taken in the mirror.
No. 170696
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>>170688lmaaaooo I kno rite? look at this vain, narcissistic cuntbag, u tell em girlfriend xD
No. 170701
>>170699Ugly anon you're replying to here.
I have no problem with the concept of selfies. It's the
over-the-topness that a lot of people end up falling into that bugs me. Share a photo of you at Waikiki, cool. Share 500 photos of you making weird faces in your bedroom … I don't think I'm out of line for finding that embarrassing.
There's a difference.
No. 170702
>>17070090% is quite the statistic Anon, I'd love to see the accredited data to back that up.
You think there are no narcissistic people at university getting their BA, doing a Masters or PHDs? Really?
No. 170703
>I don't think I've ever met a smart narcissist so yesOfc you have, you just probably didn't realise that they were a narcissist because they're intelligent.
People with ASPD for example, one violent act away from the sociopathy categorisation, tend to be exceptionally intelligent overachievers, but are also the greatest narcissists. It's why so many of them end up in business as CEO's and shit.
This entire world is ran by 'smart narcissists'; you're just too dumb to recognise it.
No. 170706
>>170703The business world gets called out for that constantly, and yet people conveniently ignore another field filled with narcissists and psychopaths: politics.
Sage for OT, it just gets my goat to hear about greedy CEOs blah blah blah and never hear a word about politicians. As though they are angels.
No. 170707
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i'm not pretty, i hate the way i look, even though i know i am not completely and utterly ugly. but i can only see my flaws when i see pictures of myself, and they make me feel so bad i hate myself. i never take pictures of myself, and try my best to avoid anyone else taking a picture of me also. i have no pictures of myself on my facebook or my flickr, and if someone managed to force me into a group picture or something and tags me, i remove it from my wall.
seeing pictures of myself makes me feel horrible, i don't understand how true uggos, hamplanets and those hairy autistic tumblr chicks can stomach seeing pictures of themselves let alone plastering them all over the internet. its mind boggling to me.
No. 170712
>>170708There are unholy alliances and revolving doors between the politics/public and business/private worlds, but I wouldn't say that they're literally one in the same. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point.
This is not the place to discuss the issue, but people do complain about shady business practices and lobbying and whatnot as though they exist in a vacuum, completely ignoring the politicians and legislators who participate in enabling it.
Or they do the thing where they think certain politicians are Jesus and will magically solve the world's problems by (fill in the blank with simplistic solution). Nope. They're narcissists and sociopaths looking out for themselves. At least CEOs don't pretend to do otherwise.
No. 170716
the actresses in this video hit the nail on the head.
their lines and delivery are to a farmer as nails on a chalkboard.