File: 1463076277367.jpg (118.48 KB, 670x503, 670px-Ask-for-a-Girl's-Phone-N…)

No. 171259
Few days later I learned it was because he was fucking my best friend behind my back. She knew I liked him too.
No. 171266
>>171255Only if I knew they had a crush on me already, which doesn't really count. I seem to solely attract virgin autists that are too afraid to even approach me so I just ask them out instead. 100% success rate.
Anyways, there was this guy that I didn't really know but we hardcore flirted whenever we saw each other so I decided to take the plunge and ask him out but he said he just wanted me to be his bootycall. Oh, and then his ex-gf got jealous and told everyone I was a anorexic slut lol.
But for one night stands (especially at clubs or concerts), asking the guy to hookup with you will have a 90% success rate. Just don't expect anything serious from it. I like to buy the guy a beer and dance with him or talk to him a little before asking him, usually works.