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No. 171516
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My best friend became friends with a fuckboi a few years ago. They met through a mutual friend and he basically took the guy in after his girlfriend threw him out for cheating on her.
I don't know why my friend likes this dude. He's the epitome of a tumblr kid and 'memes' a lot. I hate his guts so much. I don't even see my best friend as often as I'd like because he's always there. I thought the living together thing would be a year or less but he never went away and I have no idea how to deal with it.
No. 171518
>>171517Either stop getting then gifts or tell them how you feel. Gifts are gifts, not something you are meant to expect a return on.
I hate getting gifts because I sure as hell can't afford to give them back, and I tell people that.
No. 171519
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My current date has got this annoying girl friend who hits on him so desperately, lol.
>He posts a funny pic on fb about people who never want to leave their bed
>She comments: "Need company?"
>He ignores her
>He posts a pic
>She always, always hits the heart button
>He posts a pic with a phrase about men who treat their girlfriends right "in bed"
>She comments: "I reeeeally agree"
>He ignores her
>She always insists to take pictures alone with him when they're with friends
I'm not the type that gets offended by a dumb hoe hitting on your bf, even when he just ignores her, but it's not about him anymore, she was disrespecting me and this I couldn't bear. So I insisted to meet her, now she's calmed down. I think she understood that I could seriously beat her ass up. Bye Felicia
No. 171520
>>171518It's not that I 'expect' them in return. Its like… I go out of my way to do things for them, like even going so far as to lend them money when they need it, and they never do the same for me. They ask for gifts and shit.
Its irritating lol. See it would be different if it was like how you said. But they go "hey guys lets all get gifts for each other haha secret santa and shit" then they never do the same for anyone else. They "run out of money" every time. But its cool because they get their gifts. Not just me but the rest of our friends.
So funny this year I am just going to spend their gift money on a different friend and get them something really nice and "run out" of money on them.
No. 171523
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Can't say either of these bitches are much in my life anymore but I still see their selfish ass posts on fb and I both laugh and cringe.
Like most other people, I had poorfag friends in high school who initially were okay to me but over time manipulated me to do a bunch of crap for them without an ounce of gratitude.
I was the only one in our circle with a car, so they were constantly begging for free rides up until I was 19 and started to demand gas money, then they did it less.
At my high school graduation party they seriously asked me if I could leave my own party to give them rides home because they claimed to have no money for a taxi.
There were of course more subtle things.
We'll call these bitches J and T.
>roughly on good terms up until 20-21
>used to ask me to drive her hours out to another city (wanting it for free) to see these dumpy scumbag dudes she was internet dating
>to this day she has never held a job so always asking me to buy her things
>begged me to buy her pregnancy tests
Right before I moved away I gave away a bunch of my clothes to her and the others, which had gone mostly unused. She didn't show a lot of appreciation for it (almost like she was entitled to my shit for being a high school friend?) And anyway, years later she's too fat to fit into them and never messages me or asks how I'm doing. She did add me to her "fitness" group she made on fb where she posts her "healthy" food stamps recipes and humblebrags about her slow weight loss as if she does ANYTHING else with her life like working or worrying about bills. Her ass annoys me.
But the worst person by far is J the leech.
She's such a lolcow.
Like T, she constantly used me for rides but disguised the requests as something "fun" for us both like going to the mall or Starbucks so she'd get out of contributing gas money. When we'd go to these places she'd always try to get me to buy her something like "OMG ANON THIS IS ONLY $5 DOLLARS LIKE SO CHEAP, CAN YOU GET THIS FOR ME? I'LL PAY YOU BACK!" Yeah, she never paid me back.
I had a falling out with her a few years back when for my 21st birthday party she suggested I should rent a party bus for them…yeah, I should spend hundreds of dollars on my birthday so J can have her fun and potentially pick up a man. She never went to college, but she'd beg me to take her there to try to hook a guy, which never worked.
Currently, she pretends to act like she never gets money but can somehow afford shitty tattoos and geek merch quite frequently. Oh and she can of course pop out kids she can't take care of (totes okay, it's God's will right?) Best of all she got a sugar momma called K. She's a 300 pound hambeast but she babysits J's kids for free and gives her car rides everywhere. I feel sorry for K, because she's clearly quite lonely and doesn't realize that J keeps her around because she benefits from her. J even dubbed her "Auntie K" even though K literally has no bloodline or right to those children should shit fallout.
J's selfish side really shows when she post "wishlists" on fb about all the gifts she wants for her birthday, holidays, etc.
Her ultimate act of tacky was setting up a fucking Patreon for her own damn wedding, which was just a beach wedding at that. Fortunately nobody gave her money.
But to top all of that she is a desperate attention whore. Hypochondriac, etc.
A couple years ago she claimed she was mugged by a street hobo when she was out for a jog and this thief stole her wedding ring. The police investigated it and released an article that she had fabricated the story. There was huge fb drama when it was leaked, she shared the police's report and claimed that they were wrong and she was telling the truth.
IMO it was a huge ruse to upgrade her engagement ring hoping that sympathetic people would donate their money so her ass could get a new ring. Too bad that didn't happen.
I fear greatly for her children. She LOVES the attention she gets from reporting ills with her kids or posting hospital photos. For awhile I thought they were munchausen by proxy victims just because of the frequency with which they'd develop strange physical ailments or their illnesses were played up. Right now the focus is on herself though because of ~*~mysterious hospital tests~*~
I could go on and on about this bitch but I think you get the point. Pic related is her from two years ago. She has longer hair and more shitty tattoos now.
No. 171527
>>171526 and if I didn't give it away with that post, my boyfriend has a semi-successful music career too. I totally get what you mean, the genre/scene that he's in naturally attracts desperate girls (I know because I've been a part of that scene before I met him) and when your bf is better looking than most of the other musicians in that scene (not trying to brag cus tbh he's not even that attractive), desperate girls get way too into him and think they're entitled to his attention and music.
That's one of the weirdest parts of it to me - just their entitlement. Whenever I can, I go to his shows and hang out at the merch table/backstage and these girls come up after the show and get pissed that I'm there. I let them take pictures and stuff, I don't interrupt or forbid him from doing anything, but they act like I'm his overprotective mom who won't let him be around any girls. It's super annoying.
No. 171528
>>171527Oops, I meant that I was also
No. 171530
>>171527Honestly, I try not to be the "overprotective mom" but my insecurities are WAY too prominent for me to allow things like pictures and just general groupie girl behavior. It's really hard to balance my happiness for his success and my jealousy that they're getting his attention in SOME way.
We have a great relationship, I'm just a bitter cunt tbh.
No. 171533
>>171523>pretends to act like she never gets money but can somehow afford shitty tattoos and geek merch quite frequentlyI really hate these bitches. I'm not much better at spending my money right but when you're flaunting the things you are buying or tattoos for everyone to see or even begging online with wishlists it just makes it so much more tacky
Your J reminds me so much of someone I know who everyone tries to avoid because she's also whines to borrow money for drinks and tattoos and apanese snacks but never pays anyone back or even pays her rent. Unfortunately this girl isn't such a closed case because she's also from a horrible abusive family situation that steal anything they can from her whenever she does make any money so you want to be sympathetic to her. I hate being near her because listening to her tattoo plans or how she got so drunk last night makes me want to die but then if I try to avoid her I remember how little in life she really has and that I'm a judgemental bitch. You can't win with her she treads this perfect line between pitiful victim and horrible leech
No. 171541
>>171537>>171540I just find it so fucking crazy how some of you have been unfortunate enough to encounter these "kin" idiots in real life.
I feel for you anons, I really do.
No. 171543
My two best friends who have been dating since we were all 14 (now all 19 and in college) broke up. I used to be closer to the girl but she and I grew apart over the past year (no falling out, just no common interests anymore) and the guy and I grew closer (though strictly platonic). The girl just seems fucking heartless, leaving their 5 and a half year relationship and telling the guy "Oh I just need to be alone to figure out who I am!!" and then getting with a new guy who she'd been texting in secret two weeks later. He's scared as shit of being alone, nearly had breakdowns on multiple occasions, and she doesn't seem to give a shit about his feelings. I honestly spent so much time in high school hating how she treated him – she would abuse him verbally ("You're useless" "You're worthless" and then saying "Oh you know I don't mean it" as though it doesn't still hurt), abused him physically (never really hurt him, but would push him around or hit him to make him pay attention, that sort of thing), disregarded his feelings (blew him off when he reminded her their three year anniversary was coming up). All our friends hated her (even I, her best friend, kind of hated her) and we all knew she'd fuck him over. I'm honestly more angry at myself for being spineless and never calling her out for her bullshit in high school.
No. 171544
She's a friend's friend from high school. In high school she's kind of a 'loser' since she's this drama queen that seems always get involved in many school scandals, likes to start shits in my circle of friends, and apparently she has beefs with lots of girls in my year too, involving boys. Thank goodness she's never in my class and I mostly stayed away from her, so I don't hate her that much at that time. After high school, she studied abroad, me and my friends went to local uni(s). After she got back, she became more stuck up and annoying than ever. She seems to look down on me and my friends, since she studied abroad and I think she thought of herself as a hot shit or something. Every conversation that I had with her when we (me and my friends) meet up, she constantly tried to insert her achievements, and when we discussed about anything, she often cuts off when another person is talking and seems to think her opinion is the most unbeatable truth, since she studied abroad (yeah, she always insert this too). When we ordered food, she often compares our local food to the food she got when she studied abroad and how much better the food was there. Can't stand her, but some of my friends seems to like her, she's always there when we're having a meet up, and I don't know why to be honest. She's not even pretty, but she is taller than us though.
No. 171550
>>171547You… Do realise that's perfectly normal? What if she actually does have an aesthetic and just doesn't want her home to look like a dingy pawn shop? My mum only buys items and decor that fit her aesthetic, does that mean she wants to be efamous too?
Granted I don't know this chick but it sounds like you're projecting really hard tbh.