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No. 171625
I get my kawaii lingerie from've only bought 2 bra + panty sets and both of them were really cheap(one was $10 and the other was $13) so I can't speak for everything they sell but I would say they're decent for the price. I'm not a huge fan of the panties that come with the bras since they look/feel quite cheap to me, but the bras are great.
The only issue is the sizing; I do recommend going at least a cup size higher than their bra size chart suggests you should wear. Their size chart said I should wear a D70 but I'm actually in between E70 and F70.
No. 171627
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These comments. Really, people on a chan saying to dump someone cause hes a weeb. Pot, hello kettle
No. 171633
>>171629>Weebs are abusive and delusional a lot of the timeSo are normal people who don't like anime, though.
Like >>30990's bf would probably still have retarded ideas of women even if he was into something other than anime.
No. 171641
>>171621You could get that sailormoon lingerie set, it was soooper popular in japan for a while
Also eva suit lingerie is cute
No. 171643
Insecurity, fag.
Also the amount of times the word "projection" has been used terribly wrong in a sentence in the last month on cow has me hoping it's one person and that you all aren't just going full fucking retard. Because it seems like many of you have no idea what projection even means.
No. 171645
>>171621Honestly this looks like the type of lingerie you can get anywhere, I see this sort of thing on amazon.
That feel when my boyfriend has a lingerie fetish but I fucking detest wearing lingerie.
No. 171647
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>>171630Same here man
Came here expecting classy high-class lingerie
Instead it's kawaii uguu crap because a weeb said so
Anon, do yourself a favour and buy some Agent Provocateur lingerie, or L'Agent if you can't afford AP. Your weeb boyfriend will be out of this world with that.
No. 171648
>>171645If you're not super into lingerie try la perla as its more minimal and reminiscent of everyday underwear while also being luxurious true lingerie.
I have the opposite problem. I own more lingerie than regular clothes and my boyfriend only cares if what I'm wearing is easily removable. I envy you!