No. 17172
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>had pic related as my piggy bank until I was 9
>an electronic conversation sequence went off whenever you pressed the button or dropped a coin inside
>Ariel would spin around and talk to Sebastian and Flounder with lights going off
>one night I was curious about how the coin slot triggers the talking
>stuck the end of my tamagotchi in the slot to see what would happen
>the electronic conversation triggers (duh)
>it's actually pretty loud
>mom put me to bed and hated my ass when she found out I wasn't sleeping
>she comes storming into the room startled by the noise and yelling at me to go to bed
>I actually held a mini grudge against the electronic bank for betraying me in some way
I missed that thing growing up though, I think my mom sold it.
>cheap Disney themed toys
>glitter cups
>Polly Pockets
>Magic Sand
No. 17174
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No. 17176
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I miss my giga pet…
No. 17235
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My friend and I used to play with legos a lot. Legos are expensive here but my friend's older brother gave her his huge collection of retro lego sets.
We had tons of fun.
No. 17241
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>tfw childhood shit is trendy now
>tfw you can still use or own all these things for the aesthetic
feels good
No. 17257
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my childhood computer