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No. 17691
I remember this chick from my MySpace days, too. I hope someone has some deets on her because I never knew too much about her myself other than "OMG SELF-PROCLAIMED PINK QUEEN" which I guess she's still kinda doing?
>>17688There was a story? I'm kind of curious.
No. 17692
>>17690He was in a dark place in his mind, stopped answering her texts, was talking about her being too good for him, then on tumblr she was like omg he ran away/went missing and no one can find him
Killed himself in the woods
No. 17693
Has she done anything lolcow worthy that anyone knows about?
>>17692That's really sad. I guess she's got a reason for being a bit fucked up.
No. 17696
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Not to be morbid but read about it in july 2013 of her tumblr archive
No. 17697
>>17695She doesnt need to self post
She has like 44k followers
Shes obviously depressed as duck so let her quietly faded into marijuana fogged oblivion
No. 17698
>>17696"I just want him to hold and kiss me."
Am I the only one who thinks that is a bit selfish? Regardless of his suicide and people go who "omg selfish if you kill urself" but I just can't help but think her caption is a little… both selfish and childish/pathetic.
I wouldn't even be uploading that sort of picture on to my blog either. Too personal.
But of course, lulzy girls want attention. Not saying it isn't sad because yeah, dude is dead and she may have loved him.
Can't help but think it screams "fucking love me, reblog and send me 3388383 asks" though.
No. 17703
>>17700I'm not the OP but I think the OP may have posted this because she's one of the many former myspace today weebs who has a blog/kawaii/dumb and thinks she's probably a lolcow even though she isn't?
sigh if there is no drama then… no point her being on here.
No. 17707
>>17698Seriously shut the fuck up. It's not selfish. Why the hell would you not want your partner to hug, hold and kiss you if they passed away? I sure would.
THERE IS NOTHING LOL-WORTHY ABOUT HER. Can an admin take this crap down please? If she finds it it's not gonna make her feel any better/help her heal.
No. 17708
>>17702No, she did not. You don't have evidence of that so don't throw random
Accusations out. It's disrespectful.
No. 17710
>>17707Oh calm the hell down.
It's selfish because it's pointing attention to herself. It's the ME/ME/ME thing that I smell in the caption.
If it was the other way round, worded it differently it wouldn't have been so bad. But yeah, lulzy girls (or guys) do this type of shit.
Like I said she probably DOES still love him and cares. But it DOES at the same time seem a bit selfish, he probably had his own shit going on and just couldn't bare whatever was happening in his life.
So no, I won't "shut the fuck up" thanks. I've got my right to have an opinion like every fucker else has on here, so deal with it. Don't like it? Then piss off.
No. 17711
>>17708Yes she did you dumb twat. I'm not sure if she ever paid these people back but she straight up admitted she owed them money and would pay them as soon as she could get the money, like starpowerrr did.
Now get off her dick. Just because her boyfriend died doesn't mean she's a saint.
No. 17713
>>17709None, it's stupid. Just another petty post featuring some e-semi-famo girl who has life issues. Pfft, don't we all!
But yh stuped
No. 17715
>>17707You really should not be on this site.
That being said, I don't think she's a lolcow. She's got some issues and stuff, but for obvious and understandable reasons.
I also agree with
>>17710 and
>>17711 No. 17716
>>17710No, because Lexi, or actually how she likes to be called if you even know, Cupcake, is someone I talk to and you don't know shit. So YOU calm the fuck down. There is literally no drama surrounding her so stop trying to milk it.
Can an admin remove this now please? The girl is recovering from depression and anxiety, is on medication, trying to make her life better and doesn't need this - she doesn't need to find it.
No. 17717
>>17711It's probably some of her fans that are butthurt she got posted with an unfortunate picture of herself which is now, unsurprisingly a spoiler.
I wouldn't worry about it tbh. Unless you know the girl in person or whatever, know her business and besties then I wouldn't bother prying or getting involved with her bf/bf's death.
She has to grieve on her own and sort herself out in what ever way she's doing.
No. 17718
Loosing a partner is one of the hardest things to go through in life. She lost the other half of her and her desire to hold her then dead bf again isn't selfish wtf is wrong with you?!
I don't know who this chick is but fuck you and your reaching.
No. 17719
>>17716Oh you absolute joker, you anon.
I'm not the one getting hot and bothered over it though? You're the one bitching at me over what I had to say, clearly you didn't like it and now you've started cussing at me. Why not do what most people do on here and scroll past lol.
I'm not milking anything, all my opinion was is that it SOUNDED selfish. I NEVER stated she was a "Lolcow" or anything. She just SOUNDS selfish. Her boyfriend is dead, SHE wants him there for HER own comfort despite him having issues and not wanting to be here anymore. That's HOW it sounded selfish.
Not saying she's a bad person or anything. Christ all fucking mighty, what is up with this thread? A bunch of bastard butthurt fan girls. Do us a favor and fuck off back to tumblr or whatever you crawled out from.
No. 17720
>>17718Smells like the same person. My opinion, don't like it then simply, once again fuck off kindly?
I stated how it was the CAPTION that sounded selfish. Never called her a bad person, jesus.
Yeah and go fuck yourself xo
No. 17722
>>17716Yo, if you'd stop to actually read you'd see that most people here are being sympathetic, understanding, and wondering why she's being posted here. Talk about selective reading.
The anon you are getting buttmad at voiced an honest opinion and clearly didn't mean any harm from it. Please just go back to the depths of Tumblr where you came from.
No. 17728
>>17723I never knew people still used "XD" on the internet these days, but okay. Clearly a pre-teen.
"Get your nose out of her business" despite the fact, I wasn't the one who posted the girl on here. Makes sense, eh?
Well, she was the one who did choose to upload a picture of her boyfriend's memorial. I am not trying to be horrible, I am not slaying her down or making out like this a bad person. All I did say was that it sounded quite selfish in the caption, that's it. That's all.
Most bloggers, big bloggers of the web barely even post pictures like this. Not funerals and shit like that. I know they post with family, pets, personal things but that is a bit too personal. So it DOES kind of scream and pull in attention, especially with that type of caption like I just said.
Anon, no one on here is ever happy they get posted on Lolcow especially ones like "your friend" who have nothing wrong and some dick decided to throw them on here for a goof. It makes no sense, I agree. Not even the fucking lolcows who do lulzy shit are happy they get posted on here and lurk to the point where they're paranoid daily.
But all I made was an opinion, some people would have worse about her if they saw that picture. They probs wouldn't say it if they're a fan obv, but yeah. Get over it.
Your not her, it ISN'T your business either. It's HER business at the end of the day. It's NONE of our business. She POSTED that picture, drawns in attention/comments. What can you do?! It's the fuckin' internet!
It's 2015, shit happens. Get over it.
No. 17732
>>17724I'd refrain from embarrassing myself as you are doing and just, you know, get over it like a fucking adult. Oh no, random people are posting about you/your friend on the internet!? Toughen up.
>>141210I like you.
No. 17734
>>17731Well it looked a bit suspicious how it came RIGHT after that response.
Yep, so should the rest of you. Her white nights, get out of her business too.
Again MY opinion, don't like it— get over it. Do one.
No. 17736
>>17733MY OPINION.
Get over it, I'm not sitting her all night arguing with some boring fuck over a non-luzy girl on a forum. It's stupid, it's sad.
I made an opinion, not my fault she put that picture/caption out. Yes it's sad, I already stated what I had to say. I'm not repeating myself. No wrong having an opinion, not my fault you're all getting upset and using the "omg well depression–" yeah, people have depression, people loose someone. But that picture and it's caption sounded a bit selfish. Jesus.
Not laying her down, only said what I wanted to say. Plenty WORSE has been said about the girl probably by "h8ers" and I don't really care much about her if I'm being truly honest, I don't care about her or her life. I don't give a single flying bollocking fuck if that offends you guys either. I just read the caption and yeah, to me, sounded selfish. Boo-hoo.
Shove it up your fragile little asses and wipe the sand out of your vaginas, you shouldn't even be on lolcow if you handle can't dogshit people hurl on you on here.
No. 17739
>>17737That is true, lolcow is for bitching. A great anonymous bith-fest over silly shit with brainless cunts over the WWW.
Yeah, this should be moved to /b/ but OP is being a dildo and ignoring us.
No. 17743
>>17741Nothing is fair on anyone, apparently Lexi-chan is a saint and her asslickers are getting upset.
But yeah, it has to go. It's annoying and the whiteknights/arguing is pecking my brains in.
No. 17745
>>17741Please don't spam the same thing over and over.
Anyway, thread doesn't belong here given the lack of substance provided so far.
No. 17789
>>17773It's how she phrased it idiot, I don't care if I am a dick. It SOUNDED selfish, why is this still continuing?
Fuck off back to tumblr and go lick on lexi's flat tits if you care so much about her. No one else seems to give a shit.
No. 17790
>>17775Read up and re-read what I said in the long paragraph. It's how she went about that post, it just screams attention. It might not sound selfish to you, but it did to me. Everyone has their own opinion, this is lolcow, deal with it.
She's probably high as fuck, she look even more of a wreck now than ever. Just leave her be guys. It's her own business and I don't know why she was posted on here, again people FEEL the need to meddle in other people's business. But it's people like hers fault for blurting their business online anyway. Don't expect no backlash if you post half your life on the internet. It's common sense.
No. 63860
Lexi's posts after her boyfriend Mattie's death have always stuck me as extremely selfish and childish. She never seemed to truly miss him as a person, but as HER boyfriend. That, and the fact she's had, what? Three? Four? 'very serious' boyfriends since, all of which she treats identically to the one who killed himself. She latches onto dudes randomly and then pops them all into the same boyfriend-shaped box.
Here's an Ask she answered mere days after Mattie commited suicide: here's a text post of hers, also dated a few days after he died. me me me me me sure what's wrong with her, mentally I mean. She seems to have depression issues, definitely, but her posts in general all just seem a little … Off. Like she's not quite right in the head. Her videos are even worse; she sounds as if she has the mentality of an eight year old.
All said, I still like her and find her endearing/interesting.
No. 63861
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No. 63862
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She really does seem to have the mind of a child …