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No. 18170
From the OC thread.
Tumblr: she is a crazy sexworker who used to be hot but got obese, who has the ugliest face known to mankind and is generally an annoying cunt.
She bitches all day about being porn and being a "survival" sex worker and then spends $100 on a cat tree or some shit while crying about how she can't afford to eat. She also browses lolcow, I think, and gets hilariously mad on her blog whenever she sees someone talking shit.
No. 18171
File: 1437675581232.png (141.41 KB, 439x645, Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 2.05…)

Her temper-tantrum about why she deserves an $100 cat tree and why people should donate to her getting animals she cannot take care of.
No. 18172
File: 1437675631173.png (37.85 KB, 615x227, Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 2.18…)

Whining about how she only made $350 for the month of June. (hint: try getting a job)
No. 18173
File: 1437675659843.png (32.62 KB, 475x129, Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 2.07…)

Condescending bullshit in response to someone telling her to get a job. Ridden with guilt-tripping and manipulation.
No. 18175
>>18174I'm not even anorexic and not even remotely skinny but she is fucking huge. at her here. She has fat rolls. She is definitely in the obese BMI range. She doesn't have a nice body lol
No. 18178
>>18177there were like two people talking about her, total. one of which was the person (i'm assuming you) who went on a tangent posting her blog bullshit after caps were posted of her with the lady amalthea alias.
she's just not the ugliest bitch ever. i get it if she has a shit personality and she's lulzy, but you're focusing so much on her appearance, as if she's an out of this world uggo. she's ugly, but nothing out of the ordinary, and she's def not obese. she's average. you've been posting in the last thread, and this one, specifically about how she's "obese", and she's seriously like, objectively chub. again, nothing out of the ordinary. she's no slaton sister. plus,the level of aggression radiating off of you when it comes to this whore is crazy. i'm definitely sensing some personal shit here.
No. 18182
>>18179Damn, you are mad. Sit down for a second, have a glass of water or something.
She's your average chubby camwhore.
No. 18184
>>18175idk i think her body is pretty hot
might not be 15 bmi indeed
and be a butterface
but for fucks sake that is not 'fucking huge' or obese. pretty much everyone has fat rolls if they're bent down
one thing i'd agree with is that she's ugly as fuck
No. 18190
>>18186So you think if someone isn't a 100lbs perfectly hourglass goddess they should just never show their body ever and that no one can ever appreciate it or masturbate to it? Lawl.
You girls posting about how she's obese and disgusting and you can't even believe it are so delusional. Do you think the majority of women are all 10/10 stunnera and she's the embarrassing exception? Go outside Jesus Christ. This girl is annoying but she is boring af. Obvious vendetta is obvious.
No. 18194
>>18193The point you're missing is that the fact that you think she's ugly is just that; your thought, your opinion. And if you want to have high standards and shame women that aren't perfect 10s because they have the audacity to put their bodies on display then go ahead, but just know you perpetuate a rigid and abusive standard that women literally kill themselves trying to adhere to.
In short go fuck yourself
No. 18197
>>18194It's not even having high standards it's a matter of having a standard at all. Someone doesn't have to be a perfect ten but to be as ugly as sin and try to pass as a sex worker is laughable.
The fact she comes across as such a cunt but begs for money and attention makes her a lolcow.
No. 18198
>>18197some people like ugly ppl
i personally would not have the courage to ve a sex worker if i was as much of an uggo as her, but not all men want 10/10s ALL the time. that's why their jack it to their chubby friends bikini pics on fb
some ppl like normal girls
No. 18200
>>18198>some people like ugly peoplekek
fat uggo samefag obvious
No. 18215
File: 1437690022459.jpg (37.99 KB, 625x327, k.jpg)

Too many fatties in this thread.
No. 18223
File: 1437692462637.gif (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 465x262, tumblr_nkf2a5guvC1s2rscko1_500…)

>>18222opps dropped my pic.
No. 18224
>>18188not really
i have self awareness which is what a lot of fatties seem to lack. her body isnt healthy and it is far from healthy. it takes a lot of extra weight to have your fat rolls jiggle like that. in real life she probably looks huge.
No. 18225
>>18197the point is she is a failed sex worker, she has only made $350 for the month of june. to anyone who has actually been a sex worker, most attractive women do this in their fucking sleep without putting ANY effort into it
the fact that she spends all day, makes like 10 videos a week, puts SO much effort into it and comes out with less than she would make if she had a minimum wage job is what makes her a lolcow.
the fact that she spends 24/7 on this "self-employed business" and still begs and cries for money and complains about being poor, but refuses to get a minimum wage job where she would make at least $350/week is what makes her a lolcow.
not just the fact that she is ugly and thinks she is gods greatest gift to porn.
No. 18268
>>18224I don't think most people who sit at home and make a living from filming themselves sticking things up their bootyholes are within the range of "healthy" but ok anon.
Like she's rectangular with a gut and everything, but that's just so inconsequential to what actually makes her a lolcow (ie her personality), and she's far from 'obese' anyway. I hate to agree with Tumblr, but calm the fuck down with your weird obsession with people not being thin.
No. 18277
This bitch is totally a lolcow, she's grating and entitled as fuck. I really don't think it should have been moved, if Ryden and OC can be on /pt/ she should be able to be as well.
Also, she is ugly as fuck. Like she's hard to look at in every way and I realllyyy feel bad for people who think she's attractive or in anyway not gross and overweight. She just looks like she smells sour in
>>18223. Just look at how the couch holds up her arm fat kek
No. 18374
File: 1437753614835.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.72 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_nqh2skxH4u1s2rscko2_128…)

If you think this is healthy y'all got to be kidding me
This girl isn't in her 30s. She's like 22 or something. There is no excuse for having a body like this
No. 18375
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And this is just… fucking sad. How do you get to the point where you are filming home invader porn?
No. 18377
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Quivering and begging like a little bitch for a more successful sex worker to follow her back
No. 18390
>>18225LMAOOOO 350 for PORN???
I stream VIDEO GAMES and make 500 min a month lmao this bitch should quit now
No. 18528
>>18411because of
>>18412 and
>>18417>>18420 I don't want to get abused on here lmao
I should say that i make this money being A.not that attractive/little ugly and B. flat chested. I don't know why she doesn't just do something like this vs put so much work into her retarded porn since this is actually to do and B. not going to ruin your future
No. 18535
>>18530people donate money.
I'm a decent player at some games which brings people in/plus I am very interactive with my chat. the chat atmosphere isn't like the usual/common TROLOLOK NIGGER twitch chat, its a bunch of cool/chill people so its appealing
No. 18559
File: 1437820954556.jpg (Spoiler Image,507.33 KB, 1780x1423, lady_amalthea_120615_0132_MFC_…)

more rolls than a michelin man
No. 19115
File: 1438022645145.gif (1.84 MB, 354x245, tumblr_nogtq3zs9y1s2rscko1_400…)

she put out a "yawning fetish" video and it is so over-priced. this gif made me throw up.
No. 19133
>>19120She started showing her face because she wanted to make more money and thought she was attractive enough that it would work for her (note: it has made her sales get worse.)
She claims its because she's moved away so she doesn't have to worry about "le college rapists" anymore.
She moved in with that boyfriend. Its cringeworthy to be honest. From what I gather he is an "artist" and doesn't work. And they rely on her shitty, lazy income. She calls him cringeworthy names and the relationship in general is just cringe. They had to beg tumblr for enough money for them to move in together
No. 19134
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>>19133and here she talks about way back when she was able to make enough money
No. 19654
File: 1438479817778.png (225.23 KB, 500x349, Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 9.40…)

not fat and unattractive at all