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No. 18546
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I improved it
No. 18548
>>18539What happens if you don't know someone's gender, then?
This SJW/anti-SJW bullshit has gone too far, you all need to fuck off
No. 18549
you just ask someone's gender.
or you he/she that person.
have a wonderful day!
No. 18553
>>18551No for other people too. Makes me feel ashamed of being a woman (since most females buy into this bullshit)
>>18552What do you mean? It's just reasonable. He/She is fine and if you want to be an "it", fine too! But no "they" plz. Cancerous tbh.
No. 18557
>>18549What if I can't talk to them at that time?
>or you he/she that person. You're legit saying "Say "him or her" or "he or she" instead of saving time and breath by just using "they" or "them" because muh grammar autism!!!". No thank you. :^)
No. 18562
>>18557When don't you know the gender of the person? It's very obvious.
Because you like to spend a lot of time on image boards: On 4chan we automatically assume an anon is a boy even if anon is in actuality a girl. Here we assume anon is girl / fag.
No. 18565
>>18562Eh, I think it depends on the board or thread. When you're on a lolita/gyaru/nanchatte thread, you would mostly assume they are girls, /cgl/ in general is stereotyped as 'catty bitches'
If you go on /R9k/ or /fa/ or /mu/, it's female.
No. 18575
>>18562>it's very obviousNo, not necessarily.
>assuming peoples' genders over what 4chan boards they use>reliablePeople have been using "they" as a singular pronoun since before you were born. Grammar and language change with time, deal with it.
No. 18627
>>18578>mainstreamWearing lolita then is also mainstream
>>18575I dont see this shit on 4chan
>>18565>/R9K/Has it changed? R9K hates girls
>/MU/A board for angry teenager boys
>/FA//fa/ isn't flair magazine boo. Occasionally an attentionwhore tripfag female will come but /fa/ most often has guys with a shittier fashion taste than the weaboos here.
No. 18630
>>18627Ah shit. You just made me realize my error. I meant *male. Those boards are still make dominated.
>>/fa/ *horny angry teenage boys and hipsters
>>/r9k/ Still hates women as usual
>>/fa/fuccboi central
No. 18636
>>18578I still use "s/he" most of the time but I think "they" as singular is OK. Not because I think this nonbinary crap is legitimate, just for times when you don't know the person's gender or you're talking about anyone
I would try to use plural instead though because it sounds a bit better
So instead of
>If someone wants to eat meat, they have the right toYou could say
>If people want to eat meat, they have the right toAnd that way you can step around the need for a gender-neutral pronoun. Obviously it doesn't always work though
No. 18645
>>18644Whoops I meant to write
but I just want to say*
No. 18646
>>18644The problem is, how can you tell if someone actually has dysphoria or is just a tumblrtard who read some blog posts and wants attention/to fit in/whatever? Especially over the Internet?
It makes things difficult sometimes. Tumblr is probably making things worse for real transgendered people, not better, by diluting the term so much.
No. 18649
>>18646it's these "anti-truscum" people who say you can be trans without having dysphoria.
yeah ok, and my blood sugar is totally normal but i have diabetes. oh and i can eat peanuts with no problem but i have a peanut allergy. and my heartbeat is normal as well but i have a heart murmur.
how the fuck are you gonna say you have a condition when you don't have any of the symptoms of that condition?
the trans community had to fight for a long time to get being trans recognized as a medical condition, and now these dumbasses are basically undoing that by reducing being trans to a fashion trend
No. 18651
>>18649Holy shit, I just googled truscum and found this: thought this was satire or something at first but it's not.
>Truscum (pronounced "true scum"), also known as transmedicalist and transfundamentalist, are trans people who delegitimize the gender of other trans people.
>Some attempts have been made to quantify their identities with respect to gender, age, and race. These results, along with their behaviour and views, lend support to the view that the typical member of their community is an adolescent USAmerican White trans man with little to no experience with the medical establishment, and has been out for a relatively short amount of time.
>They refer to other members of the trans community, especially genderqueer and non-binary people, as "transtrenders", further erasing their identities.>Such views are not only extremely harmful to other trans people living in the West (which is where almost all truscum live), but also to all non-Western trans people (some of whom live in the West).
>Truscum knowingly misgender and trigger them if they engage them in a debate. They especially reject non-binary genders and neopronounsI don't want to live on this planet anymore. "The ebil white American male transgenders are oppressing us and calling us fake transgenders!!"
Trans people have it bad enough as it is, and now these fucking "gender is a social construct" people have the nerve to essentially call real trans people bigots for not acknowledging their ridiculous claims.
This whole wiki deserves its own thread probably.
No. 18669
("Battle Without Honor or Humanity" starts playing in the background)
No. 18713
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Why was this in a goddamn magazine
No. 18777
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>>18651Holy fuck, this website is fucking magical. I'm probably going to spend 3 hours clicking around it now out of morbid curiosity.
No. 18871
>>18777any time you see non-ironic
trigger warnings you know you've struck gold
No. 18977
>>18644This. I just want it to stop already. Irl absolutely no one gives a shit what fucking pronouns you prefer to use.
I hate how they all scream oppression over every little thing. Stfu already and realize that people just don't care nor do they want to cater to special snowflake behavior.
All this sjw/anti-sjw stuff is really just one giant clusterfuck of internet edgelords trying to out edge each other as loudly as possible.
No. 18980
>>18979It goes something like
>I feel bad!>It can't be my fault that I'm insecure, surely there must be someone to blame!>I know, it's the patriarchy!I used to be a frequenter of reddit's female-oriented beauty/fashion boards (FFA, MUA, SCA) and while they're okay for the most part some of them are just really fucking delusional.
A few days ago some SJW started arguing how cultural appropriation is a serious business because it doesn't matter whether actual Indians/Japanese/whatever get offended or not, what matters is that SHE, a Japanese-American, finds it offensive and speaks for all Japanese people in the world!
No. 18993
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No. 19022
>>18713>More choices than everSo they're saying gender is a choice…
basically I'm convinced these people are doing everything they can to shit on legit trans people
No. 19371
>>18993did you just draw and write a paragraph on rocketrissa/rabbiedee or am i mistaken
because this sounds exactly like her
now that i think of it tbh shouldnt she have her own thread
No. 19376
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No. 19401
>>19397Genderfluid isn't even real. It's just a special snowflake label like, oh sometimes I wear jeans and v neck shirts and feel like a boy and sometimes I wear dresses and paint my nails and feel totes ~girly. GENDER!
Third gender has something to do with native americans or certain cultures where their society may in fact have a third gender role(?) I really don't fucking know but tumblrtards like to pretend this applies to them.
No. 19403
>>19401As opposed to demigirl, demiboy and agender which are totally legit.
Genderfluid is one of the more infuriating copouts these people have. Committing to even a made-up and arbitrary identity is so daunting that they have to install a revolving door for gender.
No. 19435 it's wiki, but you can just go research the shit thats on there about third genders for yourself
>>19401gender fluidity is not as simple as not fulfilling a genders stereotype by wearing both men and womens clothing
if that were the case all drag queens would be gender fluid, but thats not the case
No. 19631
>>18682I use they when speaking about a person who's gender is unknown. I'm either using he, she or they and that's that. I'm not going to memorize dozens of tumblr defined pronouns so I don't
trigger any snowflakes.
I agree with the androgyny thing here. That's the only way I can think of the term they being used for a known person making sense. i'm really sorry if that's offensive or wrong in some way. But I can't help it. If you look male I assume you are male. If you look female I assume you are female. And if you are androgynous to the point where there are no concrete clues to your sex then I wouldn't feel comfortable asking you. I'd be afraid of misgendering and upsetting someone. I know those people are aware of what they were born as and it's always possible that they think it's obvious to everyone too. There's a person I often see at the convenience store who is quite obese and dresses in generic clothing. I can't tell at all if they are male or female.
It's like that old SNK skit "It's Pat". Julia Sweeney played a nerdy, awkward androgynous person who was so gender ambiguous people felt uncomfortable around them. People didn't want to be rude so they used subtle methods to try to get Pat to give them clues or outright tell them what gender they were. It never worked out and they were always left more confused than before.
I think this pronoun thing is pretty much an internet only phenomena in the sense that having all these nonsensical pronouns would never work out in real life. Imagine trying to fill out a form and confusing the people that have to read said form? Legal documents full of xie, xir, xim, fae and fireself. Legally you can't be recognised as a "they". You're either male or female on documents. And culturally it would never work outside of any circles of like minded friends.
It's just ridiculous. You're either a he, she or a they. pick one and stick with it. Unless you truly have dysphoria there's no reason to be switching pronouns. These special snowflakes with they're tumblrtarded pronouns make real dysphoria look like a phase you go through in jr high.
No. 19640
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>>19631>I think this pronoun thing is pretty much an internet only phenomena in the sense that having all these nonsensical pronouns would never work out in real life. Imagine trying to fill out a form and confusing the people that have to read said form? Legal documents full of xie, xir, xim, fae and fireself.Personally, I would love it if this bled over into mainstream real life. You could watch shit like this unfold every single day. I'd get so much exercise just walking around and observing people.
And you can't deny that a world full of Francis E. Decs would be a more interesting place.
No. 19854
>>19799"Daily reminder that we must be better parents and not have our future generations to turn into these entitled autistic little shits"
this tbh
No. 19937
>>19799Why are they all so fucking ugly?
Also, my favorites are the ones that are trying to sound tough while whispering so mommy and daddy don't here them sperging.
No. 20079
>>18548Ask for their name and make a reasonable guess if you can, or otherwise just call them by their name?
Pronouns are not as important as Dumbler would have you think. I get a lot of tras people come into my coffee shop, there is no not-retarded way to ask somebody's gender identity, and what's it to you anyhow? 99% of people are probably cis or binaries anyway, so all this pussyfooting around the attention depraved children is meaningless.
No. 34639
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No. 37119
>>37047I find it really weird when someone is like that. Or they use the opposite sex pronouns but don't even try to look anything but the sex they were born as.
If you're a guy that likes traditionally feminine things or a girl that likes traditionally masculine things it does not change your gender. To me it screams massive discomfort with being yourself. So you invent some trendy label and tell anyone who questions it that they need to check their privilege.
Our grandparents gender stereotypes are on the way out. So why do we have to create new ones? Why not use the opportunity to just be comfortable with ourselves?
I'm so glad I was born too early to be a tumblr teen. I really dodged a bullet.