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No. 18663
simple clothes, i.e tops with no design,
simple shoes
darker colors, (black, burgundies, dark greens) white, and pastels (light pinks, light greens)
white skin, glowy/dewy skin makeup, straight natural brows, light makeup look
either messy hair or very straight sleek hair
No. 18762
>A neat mix of grungy street punk, but cleaner and with some nice accents and clean, solid main pieces like Vivienne Westwood, Boy London and Mastermind Japan
>Also weeb swag in the form of shirts 4eva (Dir en grey, X Japan, NGE, various other animes inc. Ghibli) as well as keychains and buttons
>Doc Martens, canvas high tops, creepers, rocking horse shoes when I wanna make it a bit girly
>Misfits/Sex Pistols/other such band shirts (but not any I don't actually listen to, like the Ramones)
>Also some of my older edgy middle school weeb love in the form of Sex Pot Revenge, H. Naoto, Sexy Dynamite London, Algonquins, Deorart, Hellcat Punks, Listen Flavor, etc.
I'm the worst, I'm sure.
No. 18767
>>18715huh? I just don't like flashy clothes or makeup lmao
I like basic clothes
No. 18809
>>18786>>18796Sorry femanons, no homo!
>>18801Shamelessly! Except middle schools weebs can't usually afford designer swag.
No. 18814
>>18727 wanna be BFFs/girlfriends
No. 18845
>>18839Please be joking
>sweat>laundromats>mailWhat the fuck is that even
No. 18847
>>18653>>18829Who said they all had to go together? It's just various thing I find appealing.
No. 18877
>>18834That's not an aesthetic, that's a list of shit you reblog on your Tumblr.
The point of the thread was like, shit you wear. Clothes, jewelry, hair and makeup and such.
No. 18899
>>18877How come you didn't say that about
>>18877They did the same.
No. 18906
>That's not an aesthetic, that's a list of shit you reblog on your Tumblr. Actually that does count if you go by
>The point of the thread was like, shit you wear. Clothes, jewelry, hair and makeup and such.OP never clarified that. If that's what the thread is about it should be on /g/ not /b/.
No. 18916
>>18877>>18906OP here. This thread is not about shit you wear. It's about stuff that inspires you and shit. Can be shit you wear but idc.
"List of shit you reblog on your tumblr" is fine. I just want to see what stuff people like. People keep derailing it because they think they're funny though.
No. 18942
>>18936Anon with those aesthetics here.
Subtle cute isn't a trend or anything, it's just cute stuff that isn't aggressively so?
Moe is its own can of worm, but the poster child for retard moe is Yui from K-on!. Think dopey, kinda spacey characters that fill your heart with hopes and dreams.
No. 18955
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>>18944Followed. Mine is n-nope.
let's be friends anon
No. 18957
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>>18955I followed you back. Nice blog.
No. 19041
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- Dew drops
- Small snails
- Marimo
- Terrariums
- Nature photography
- Watercolor and oil paintings
- Warm colors
- Autumn
- Storybook art
- Fairy tales
- Crystals and geodes
- Bubbles
- Carousel snow globes
- Angel/fairy figurines
- Trinkets in general
- Thrift stores
- Cozy sweaters
- Mixed patterns
- Ivory lace
- Mori, natural and otome kei
- Tea parties and picnics
- The words "vitamin", "wisteria" and "glimmer/shimmer"
I overthought and spent quite a while on this list to try and make it concise and it's still so long…
No. 19135
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I'll bite.
> Savory Asian-style food
> Faceless girls with smooth skin in sexy poses and lingerie
> Daisy dukes
> Beach blow-out hair with long dark roots and bayalage blonde
> Sunsets over ice / sand / city, anything really
> Mature josei-influenced / modern yaoi, in either slice of life / historical
> Assorted americana
> Nightscapes
> Makeup collections
No. 19214
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i didn't realize you guys were having such deep conversations before i made this thread!
No. 19417
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No. 20250
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- Bees
- Minimalist high fashion
- Anything A shaped (coat, dress, skirt, culotte pant)
- Long skirt
- Stole
- Beautiful natural fabric like coton and leather
- Art nouveau
- Huge coats
- Simple sandals
- Pretty, thin naked girl in naturals environments
- Natural hair
- Guys with long hair
- the concept of « 森林浴 » wich is to visit the forest for relaxation. Take in the atmosphère for one well-being.
- Children book’s art.
- Barzoi and Saluki
- Clothes with simple deep colors.
- The french word « petrichor » (smell of the earth after rain)
- Natural hair and skin care
- Yves St Laurent’s moroccan house / garden
- Minimalist boho mixed with mori I guess ?
No. 20253
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this image
No. 26262
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No. 26317
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-knee-length dresses
-combat boots
-anatomical jewelry
-dried flowers
-no makeup
-rectangular glasses
-simplistic purses
-frankincense and myrrh
No. 26383
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