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No. 19667
>>19665Also, the immaturity is due to them living at home til marriage, or their parents paying for everything if they do move out. Plus due ti lack of common sense and experience because the whole society is babied.
In Japan, no one takes responsibility or fixes anything. A public apology without actually saying 'it's my fault', even by top CEO's, is all you get. I'm ashamed for them.
No. 19668
>>19661Yeah, it's anecdotal, but I'm obviously speaking really broadly here. Of course not every Asian person in every Asian culture in the world is like that, give me a break.
>>19665>>19667Ohhh, thanks for the insight. At least in Japan, that explains a lot. I was genuinely curious, culturally, about why they are that way.
No. 19670
>>19659I have noticed that they are also quite xenophobic, or just horribly shy. They ignore everyone else who isn't asian. Im sure they don't mean to be rude but it sure comes off that way.
I went to a school with a lot of asian students and it was pretty annoying getting one as a partner because they would never cooperate/talk. And yes they could speak english lol.
No. 19679
>>19659lol i know what you mean. most of the asians i know are still really immature in a way, like they would always over react to things and talk like they were animu characters.
theyd also be all "oh im asian so im smart" but most of them were so stupid studying 24/7was the only way for them to pull half decent grades
No. 19684
>>19676>Except us foreign people have the human decency not to label them as 'foreigners/outsiders' when they visit our countries. What world are you living in? Most people in the world are racist as fuck and subscribe to a bullshit "us vs them" mentality. It's very abhorrent, and far from unique to Japanese culture.
Stop being self-righteous. I guarantee your people are trash, too.
No. 19716
This is what I mean! Asian people just never seem to want to get to know anyone who isn't Asian. They're the ONLY race of people who do this. The chinesey looking ones, at least the indiany ones make a bit of an effort.
No. 19720
>>19688Chinese people are I think probably the rudest type of east Asians.
I really do think that. Farting, coughing, sneezing just all over the place like they weren't taught it's gross as children. Stare at you, eat like animals and just… gross.
No. 19771
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I, too, like cats. They are the best animal.
No. 19772
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No. 19817
>>19807The Chinese are hard faced bastards.
I remember being in H&M a few weeks ago cos sale season here in the UK. Not being mean but idk what the fuck is up with chinese international students. They're SO rude!
The girls just… ugh
Fucking pushed me out the way for no reason! Then moved infront of me when I was looking in the mirror.
Can't stand them
They're always the ones who have the most money too, spoiled rude cunts.
No. 19832
>>19824Fist rule: The blacker you are the more they hate you.
1# white people
2# Asians
3# Arabs
4# Blacks
No. 19837
>>19836I am half Asian and half Arab and I openly will admit Arabs will treat white people better than their own kind. I noticed this from my Asian side and friends too
>nationalisticLel lets not get too political.
No. 19839
>>19676It's funny, people who always go on about Eurocentrism and the need to understand other cultures refuse to do so when that cultural perspective doesn't fit their western world view. Did you know that globalism actually hurts none-Western countries? Westerners find the Japanese conformist culture to be restrictive, but Japanese consider it to be "the harmony between a people who know exactly what to expect from one another" and that offends you because you have a imperialistic western mindset and can't accept the thought of people maintaining their own traditions and culture.
A person who is raised in another country would not be able to do everything that society expects from them in another, right? They don't consider it racist, but you're so dense you're going to call it such because it rubs you the wrong way.
No. 19845
>>19832Depends really on what kind of black you are. If you're a big fat black with attitude and thug or some african walla walla then yeah I can imagine the looks.
But if you're a normal black, education, pretty/handsome you'll have a better time. It's happened, I've seen the vlogs.
Aminyan is an e.g if she was fat/ugly/darkdark then Japan wouldn't have wanted her but cos she kawaii… yeah
No. 19846
>>19824It's the media's fault tbh. Not just the "black skin ew" but the media how they've brainwashed the world into thinking blacks are all thug and booty. When there is blacks out there who are actually decent/normal.
It's the stupid cunts in the media who give blacks shit names for themselves. Blacks be going with it, cheering nikki's fat ass on and doing outrageous unwanted shit.
I mean that B-style in Japan. How the fuck is that even black culture? Hoodrat culture but not black culture. If those into B-style even SAW or KNEW the TRUE black culture, they'd want fuck all to do with it.
No. 19847
>>19839What I don't understand is why people are going to these type of asian countries and living there when it pisses them off?
I don't get it.
No. 19848
>>19824What bugs me also is that every black person who goes to either china/japan/korea ALWAYS makes a youtube video about "being black" and their "experience". It's always the same, they complain how they want to get treated equally and then make a big deal about how different they look there. What did they expect? It's not that common to see a brother walking down the street in some rural area. It'd be weird in other countries where there is less black people too.
All I have to say is foreigners should expect it.
No. 19849
>>19836This usually applies for the white gaijin pussy hunters/ weebs who are into cutesy fashion/ other otaku and creepy old men mostly
Asians hang with other asians, calm down white people.
No. 19851
>>19849White women who are skinny are treated as goddesses by PoC, I dont care if you like this or not.
>>19845Majority of blacks do not look like Aminyan though (which is not bad but I am saying that most black people have dark skin, which I find beautiful imo) thus they will have a hard time. Even if they are educated. I have for example very thick curly hair and this somehow intimidates people and thus they think I'm the bitch of a terrorist or something even though I am educated and friendly. If I was white they wouldn't look down on me. Even though I am half Asian (I basically look 0% Asian) they still see me as a terrorist. If I was black looking shit would get worse. If I was white they would treat me like a goddess and I've seen it with my very own eyes, my cousin looks white (she is half Asian too) and she is viewed as a messiah.
I'm not even a weaboo btw I dont even like Japan or Korea but I'm just speaking from experience and what I've seen. I don't hate white people either btw but this is just how things are.
No. 19856
>>19846There is no "black culture". The only culture we have is hoodrat culture, because we suck. There is only American culture. Subsaharan African culture is not practiced by African Americans, because white people raped our asses.
>>19853This. But even if we acted civilized white people would still find something to make sure they are superior…which they are…
sigh No. 19861
>>19860If the blacks wont shit on white people in daily life, they will. Check these videos out: people aren't some kind of weak people who are afraid of people. Come on white girl, your people conquered the whole world. Are you telling me you are afraid of us silly shitskins? Most of whites are racist because they AREN'T afraid. They just hate everything that isn't white because blacks in general are poor and retarded. I guess I can understand it's annoying to be surrounded around uncivilized cockroaches. Sounds like some national geographic survival of the fittest, I know.
Anyways my point is, it doesnt matter if we are civilized white people will hate everything non-white forever. Except the Japanese people and other "good" Asians of course. And yes, black people too, if this will continue, will forever be scum.
I've been redpilled tbh for a couple months and I feel good.
No. 19862
>>19861Why do blacks blame white people as a whole for everything haha.
"omg ur ancestors killed mine waah" all that shit im tired of hearing. It isn't socially expectable to be racist. Whites are afraid because if they say something even remotely racist their reputation is ruined.
Yet at the same time cops are killing black people and get off scot free. Funny how the world works.
I don't hate black people though and a lot of us don't. We're just tired of being forced to apologize for being white.
No. 19865
>>19860This is very true honestly.
One time we went to this Chinese store when I was younger in the states, and that was my first time noticing workers watching us throughout the store when the other women were shopping just fine.
Just for clarification though, my mom and I didn't have the good black stereotype.
Mom just cut off her relaxed ends And hat in twists turning into locs at the time, and I was a little weirdo skipping around following my mom like it was no one's business with messy nappy hair.
I noticed somewhat, but my mom waited until we left to tell me.
Another time, were looking around the mall in St. Martin, and this white/French woman saw me and my Mom coming in the elevator and stuffed her ass into the corner like were gonna do her something. Then she starting holding her purse. Again, I noticed, but I didn't think anything of it.
Needless to say, my mom promptly stuffed me in the corner also, and stayed in the middle of the elevator sorta near her.(Don't worry, it was only two floors so no one else was coming on)
In both cases, we weren't rude or loud. But I guess because we're black, we would steal? Sad to think about really, but places are slowly getting rid of the stereotype. And again, sadly the loud obnoxious ones will ruin it.
Yes people who came from places like the projects have told me that.
A bad life doesn't give anyone the right to act like an loud bitch, but you know what it does do? Give people two decisions, let their life rule them, or raise out of it, and get somewhere. I mean, look at Ben Carson, or those 3 doctors.
Anyway, if black people stop acting like hoodrats, and stop producing these 'ghetto' movies that are 'funny' and making fun of black people, probably foreigners who don't have actual access to real black people won't stereotype.
But you know, I according to some, I'm a self hating black.
No. 19867
>>19866Many POC do want white people to apologize for slavery and shit. Just because you don't feel that way doesn't mean every other poc is like you.
Well in truth a lot of don't have relation to slavery. Many whites immigrated here after that, including my own family. Plus slaves were kept by rich white people, not every white person in the 1800s was rich. Even if they did that doesn't make them personally responsible. Like if your family member murdered someone should you be sent to prison too?
Blacks are racist too. The only difference is they don't run the country and whites do. Its just funny how a black person can make fun of "pasty mayo skin" but if a white person called a black person something equally stupid and immature they would be demonized. Blacks can pretty much openly mock white people but whites can't get away with doing something like that.
No. 19868
>>19862>Whites are afraid because if they say something even remotely racist their reputation is ruined.the ultimate superior race is sad and afraid because they cant criticize cockroaches? White tears aren't worth anything and this is coming from a "coon". I am not angry what your ancestors did, I am angry with what they are doing right now. Inside America and outside of America. I am human I care about all races. I for example supported an independent Ireland when that was the phase even though they probably see me as a filthy niggergirl. Us blacks also sold slaves and there were many race traitors so we deserve it. The winner wins. Countries get conquered. Why get mad about this? It's just that white people are doing this for a very long time and very cruel. Anyways…
Black people dont actually give a shit about black people, why do you think no one bails black people out of jail? But when they commit suicide everyone, especially blacks, suddenly loves them. Maybe because they are dead? (just joking) Also, the reason why cops can kill niggers is because no one cares.
>>19867>blacks dont run the countrythis
>>19863White people admire 23 year olds who age like milk just because they behave like whores? Well enough negroes behave like whores so I guess you can admire plenty of Shaneequas.
No. 19869
>>19868>the ultimate superior race is sad and afraid because they cant criticize cockroaches? White tears aren't worth anything and this is coming from a "coon". I don't want to make fun of black people. They do a good job of that themselves heh.
You missed the point I was making. Blacks are so fucking hypocritical. They bitch and moan about a white girl with cornrows but will constantly put down white women to make themselves feel better.
Im not offended because literally everything they say about white people can be turned on themselves. Its just cute and laughable how delusional some of them are. "I can't be racist because my race has no power!" Yes you can, and you are.
No. 19871
>>19870Racist shitlord
No. 19872
>>19869I dont care if a Becky has cornrows (it looks usually fucking ridiculous though and I will call her a wigger if I'm in a bad mood)
And the reason they will put white wimmin down is because THEY(we tbh) were made fun of their cornrows. When white people do it it's suddenly vogue.
You're a hypocrite yourself too. There are many forums dedicated to make fun of black people. And if you had friends you'd know the mean kids in school who made fun of black hair. You do know white people made fun of my hair in it's natural state even though it was tamed down? It seems like both races pretend to be victims, although blacks sometimes actually are victims. Sometimes.
Who cares niggers insult mayostains?!
Let the black race have something because we have nothing except delusions about ancient Egypt and white people jokes. It shouldn't bother you. White people complain too much too tbh. And believe me, I defend white people all the time.
>>19870You should be proud of your heritage. Jews currently are the most superior among white people.
>tfw im not a superior white israeli jew so i can make Xtian white people my bitch No. 19873
>>19870Coincidentally, you had no part in anything good white people have ever done or made in history either.
Racism, theft, genocide and slavery are part of your heritage. You can't ax one and praise the other under the defense of "B-But I didn't do the [other]!", sorry.
Take it all or leave it all. Your choice. :)
No. 19882
>>19879I understand your rectal pain, but nope, not samefag or Tumblr. Just truth.
More than one person can notice you're full of shit at the same time, you know.
No. 19914
So you dumbasses criticize asians and put them down while simultaneously wanting them to try and make you part of their circle or dying to be part of yours. Great logic.
>>19694Thats because they wish Asians actually treated them like unicorns the way weebs brag about on their blogs. When they don't get the absurd treatment they want (not deserve), all of a sudden it's Asian peoples faults.
No. 19953
>>19947>white fetishismHold up! Just because I find the white race superior doesn't mean I find white men attractive. I prefer aesthetically black men and black men only, in general.
>>19950How was your day?
No. 19955
>>19867i saw a grown ass black man indoctrinating his kid in the subway the other day
he was saying horrible things a kid wouldnt even understand ("dont you copulate with them (white people). theyre dogs. isnt in their genes. ") and yet that kid will grow up with that shit in his mind…
No. 19986
>>19973lmao how fucking autistic are you
it's black people and white guilters who want the confederate flag removed from everywhere
No. 19987
>>19973>>pocFucking tumblr cunt, get out. Replace that word with "none-whites" because that's basically what you're saying. Whites in the South do not have a history with every none-white race on the planet. They're also the poorest part of America, but persecuting the poor is okay so long as they're white.
>>Removing events in historyThe fuck are you talking about? History textbooks are very biased against whites. We learn nothing about all the white indentured servants and what they went through, even though they were treated far worse than blacks. Our textbooks always side with the minorities, no matter who they may be, and never give a perspective from the other side. We learn lots about white groups who lashed out against blacks during the civil rights movement, but we learn nothing about all the violence black committed during this time. The protests were portrayed as peacfull and the cops evilfor doing their jobs. There was a black civil rights activist who was a convicted rapist and raped white women as "a revolutionary act". Please stop talking, our textbooks always side with the none-whites and do so for no reason other than them not being white you fucktard.
No. 19996
>>19963>trying to derail this hardFirst off, I don't believe in being "proud of your culture" unless you yourself did something to contribute to what that culture is today. I haven't done shit, so I don't give a fuck about "pride". I'm not going to pretend the exceptional people on earth are somehow representative of myself, or at least not until I actually prove myself to be among their ranks.
Secondly, why is your response to simply being told to accept every facet of your heritage if you're going to jump on the "I'm proud of my ancestors, we did so much!! :^)" boat something along the lines of "But…But the people who aren't white! They sometimes do this thing"? This isn't about them, it's about you specifically and your retarded, arbitrary attempt at picking and choosing what constitutes your heritage and what doesn't.
Thirdly, what money and aid? For just one example, even when black people were given rights in the US, they weren't allowed to own land or have decent schools, among other things until very, very recently. This wasn't a million years ago, either, yu literally have grandparents who were alive in that time. That's not even touching COINTELPRO, the Tuskegee Syphillis Experiments, how Native Americans are living today (correct me if I'm wrong, but they're literally being charged ridiculous prices for
expired food), etc. If you're from a European country, these examples don't apply, but in all likelihood there is still something (especially if you're Belgian, British or French). If you're South African, there's an entirely new library of fucked up shit to open up.
>>199651. I'm not a westerner. Not everyone who posts on this site is an American or Yuro. In my country's case, the more "western" aspects are a direct result of colonization. No one here asked for it, but as it happens that's the way things turned out.
2. What responsibility? I didn't do anything.
No. 20027
>>19987>>History textbooks are very biased against whites. We learn nothing about all the white indentured servants and what they went through, even though they were treated far worse than blacks.that awkward moment when 95% of the publishing industry, editors, historians, teachers, and board of education people are white.
>>" our textbooks always side with the none-whites"because history has shown white people fucked up lmao
No. 20028
>>19996Thank you.
Sometimes I'm surprised when I see actual, intelligent responses on here.
No. 20038
>>20034by your logic our ancestors should be proud of us
what that anon was getting at is that you can't be proud of all the good things your ancestors have done while also neglecting to acknowledge the atrocities they committed. You have to accept all aspects of your ancestors history. It makes sense to be proud of their good deeds and angry at the pain they caused, but to completely dismiss their wrong doings or blaming it on their victims is disgusting.
How many times do you come across the argument "well africans also enslaved other africans and sold off africans to whites" when people say rich white people enslaving black people was wrong? Enslaving people is wrong regardless of who did it. That shouldn't be the counter argument. Yes, it should be brought up, but that should not be the justification for why rich whites enslaved blacks. Doing so makes it seem as though they did not have any other choice or were forced to somehow.
Black people have to live with the fact that most of the world sees them through one lens, with their good deeds often
not being celebrated unless brought up themselves. I'm not referring to America here either, but if you were to ask people about whites and blacks around the world, almost no good black history facts will be mentioned.
Same with other groups like Native Americans.
No. 20046
>>20034Well, if we're going by that logic, at least your mother actually did the work of raising you and played some part in what you became. How did you help your ancestors when you weren't even born?
Secondly, why would your mother (or any of your family members) simply ignore it if you did a ton of horrible things and chose to only acknowledge the good things you've done? That would be pretty fucked up.
No. 20049
>>19996>>First off, I don't believe in being "proud of your culture" unless you yourself did something to contribute to what that culture is today.Ughhhh this old as fuck argument again. I'm so tired of hearing it. Listen, autist, culture is what makes you what you are as a person. If a culture is shit, you can expect the people who were raised in it to have problems. This is why people all over the world fight so hard to protect their culture in the face of globalization. Do you even know what culture and heritage is and what it constitutes? You don't care about yours, so I doubt it. Why do you believe that preserving your culture entails lying about history?
Sub Saharan African tribes have a long history of killing one another and taking women as sex slaves. By your logic, this is part of their "culture". They can't pick and choose what part of their heritage they like, gawd!
Do you seriously not know about all the humanitarian aid that Europe and America throw at Africa because they can't figure out farming and wont stop spreading AIDS through rape?
>>"I'm proud of my ancestors, we did so much!! :^)When did I say anything about my ancestors? I am not my ancestors. I'm proud of my culture, it made me who I am today and it's great. You aren't proud of yours because it sucks.
Blacks had power over their own schools, but they sucked because blacks can't maintain a dignified society. Other European ethnic group who faced the same discrimination have come a much farther way than blacks without the help of affirmative action and without the rioting and violence.
>>COINTELPROThey monitored white nationalist movements too you retard. Have you seen the shit black panthers say?
>>Natives They are basically their own country, so they need to maintain their own shit. Despite that, the government throws money at them anyways.
And also, not to be a dick, but your country would probably be complete shit without colonization. If it is shit, then it would probably be great if Europe still had power over it. China is getting colonial now, except they don't try to build the community in the lands their in, they just suck them dry.
>>What responsibility? I didn't do anything.Wait wait wait. So only white people must take responsibility for what their ancestors did, is that correct?
No. 20052
>>20046>Secondly, why would your mother (or any of your family members) simply ignore it if you did a ton of horrible things and chose to only acknowledge the good things you've done? That would be pretty fucked up.Different anon, but you have no idea…I've seen parents for SpED kids (take Chris Chan for example) only say the good things their kids have done, and flat out deny that their kids assaulted or nearly killed another kid. All while their children are screaming down the place right outside the hall And you have to look at them like "Really now?"
So honestly people cherry picking things are not that uncommon. Usually happens when you are ashamed or want to be perfect. Which is pretty normal anon.
No. 20054
>>20046But my mother didn't go to uni for me, didn't study for me, didn't find me a job, so why should she be proud of my becoming a lawyer?
Your culture makes you YOU. It's just one of the plethora of things that make you the individual that you are. There's nothing wrong with being proud of it as long as you don't take it to mean that they're your own accomplishments.
No. 20057
>>20049>Because they can't figure out farming Oh jeez, I'm not actively following affairs on Africa, what happened? Yeah most tribes were savages but they were also great hunters. When some settled down out of their nomadic stage and started herding, then farming, and started towns.
Meaning moat African tribes, depending where they are, already should know how to farm and take care of themselves from their ancestors. Are you telling me they actually regressed? What part of Africa are we talking about here? Because some African cities are very prosperous, sadly all we see in the media is bumfuck, huts, and deaseases.
Anyway, I think Sub-Saharan Africa's case is that they have leaders and groups that take the money for themselves shellfishly and don't help their countries with it. A very bad, and ignorant government, leaving their people to suffer.
Now what the civilians will do about their problems on their own is beyond me.
No. 20058
>>20057People are receiving foreign aid which negates the need to create and make their own resources
There are a few programs made so they can try to make their resources
No. 20063
>>20049>Listen, autist, culture is what makes you what you are as a person. If a culture is shit, you can expect the people who were raised in it to have problems. And? That doesn't mean you are responsible or have any right to take any personal pride in that culture. It's one thing to be happy it turned out the way it did so you could be born under your current circumstances, but to act as if you had any hand in it and subsequently feel a sense of
pride (rather than something like mere gladness) is just retarded.
>Why do you believe that preserving your culture entails lying about history?What are you even talking about? There's more than one anon ITT disagreeing with you. Outright lying about history certainly. isn't above most cultures, though.
>Sub Saharan African tribes have a long history of killing one another and taking women as sex slaves. By your logic, this is part of their "culture". They can't pick and choose what part of their heritage they like, gawd!Which ones? I'm honestly curious to see how much you actually know about Sub-Saharan Africa and if you're not just talking from your ass. And what do you mean "by my logic"? That's
your logic. They shouldn't be proud of that under any circumstances because it's fucing despicable, but in your world of "Muh culture made me who I am today it's great XDD", I guess they should. That's your line of thinking.
>Do you seriously not know about all the humanitarian aid that Europe and America throw at Africa because they can't figure out farming and wont stop spreading AIDS through rape?You seriously believe any of that money goes to the people who are meant to receive it? What universe are you living in? You're extemely naive, please don't try and talk about things you know nothing about.
>When did I say anything about my ancestors? I am not my ancestors. I'm proud of my culture, it made me who I am today and it's great. Heritage usually includes ancestors. Stop trying to argue semantics to dodge the topic. Sure, there are some good things to white culture, but you still need to acknowledge all the horrible things that are a part of it. Sorry, you can't pick and choose what you like.
>You aren't proud of yours because it sucks.This 12 year old tier bait
>Blacks had power over their own schools, but they sucked because blacks can't maintain a dignified society. Or, maybe, possibly it's because they were literally bred to be workers, usually not educated at all (so how would they teach?) and were given the bare minimum of things to be able to live. I'm not sure you understand that these people, by law, were not allowed to live like real human beings for a long time. There is no "they had power". They had none. There may have been a small illusion of it, but it just wasn't a thing back then, which is partly why African-American culture still has so many problems today.
>Other European ethnic group who faced the same discrimination have come a much farther way than blacks without the help of affirmative action and without the rioting and violence.AA mainly benefits white women, and pretty much no radical social change has ever come about without riots or some other expression of rage or force. You'd realize these things if you actually cracked open a book.
>They monitored white nationalist movements too you retard. Have you seen the shit black panthers say?COINTELPRO mainly targeted black people. Can you justify their attacks on the Civil Rights Movement at all?
>They are basically their own country, so they need to maintain their own shit. Despite that, the government throws money at them anyways.Last I checked, the entire country is rightfully theirs, anon. "The government throws money at them" is not a good defense when they're oppressed in plenty of other ways by that very same government.
>And also, not to be a dickWhat's the point of beginning a deliberately dickish comment with "not to be a dick"?
>but your country would probably be complete shit without colonization. So, why would you tell me to "take responsibility" for it having western cultural aspects? You need to quit trying to jump around subjects to avoid the obvious.
>If it is shit, then it would probably be great if Europe still had power over it. This is just an idiotic comment all around. It would probably be "great" for white people. For me and others like me? Not so much. Colonization was all about glorifying the colonizers and hurting the Natives of that land. They'd build things up as they saw fit, yes, but only for themselves. You don't break into someone's house, force them to live in the basement, then remodel the rest of the house which you then proceed to live in and pretend you're a good, kind-hearted person for it.
That, and "complete shit" is relative. The people who were living here before colonization saw no reason to change their way of life personally, so why is it so bad? It's not like it's for you.
>China is getting colonial now, except they don't try to build the community in the lands their in, they just suck them dry.What does this have to do with anything in this discussion? You really like pulling that "But those other people…!" shit a lot, don't you?
>Wait wait wait. So only white people must take responsibility for what their ancestors did, is that correct?I'm trying really hard to assume you're just going through a small slip of logic, not that you're fucking retarded. I literally typed up a rant on how you have nothing to do with what your ancestors did, your culture or your heritage at the very start of my response. I don't think like you do because I'm not some fuckhead who thinks they're entitled to others' accomplishments. The only way to come to that conclusion is if you somehow STILL think that I believe the same things you do.
No. 20065
>>20063Not that Anon but all I am seeing is a lecture on muh white guilt
How is your spergfest related to Asians being shallow?
It's more than obvious you have a chip on your shoulder because you hate white people, now how does this, all your pious and years of oppression have tondo with Asians being shallow?
No. 20067
>>20057The government in Sub-Saharan African countries is complete shit (not sure about the rest). All this "aid" is distributed among the government (or other leaders), who use this money for their own benefits. There's a fucking reason these charity drives have been a thing for so long, and it's because these exact same people from the commercials are either dead or still starving, sick, poor and/or illiterate (not to mention issues no one seems very fond of bringing up in relation to Africa, like mental illness and drug addiction). They're not getting the help they need at all. To be successful and African at the same time, you need to either work your ass off and pray you get lucky, or already be born in a certain class of people.
As for what the people can do? Basically nothing. They're not educated enough to understand the full scale of how badly they're being fucked over, and the few that do understand just don't have the resources to help themselves out of the gutter. The leaders take full advantage of this, and the upper class don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. It's really fucked.
No. 20069
>>20066Literally who said that? If you're going to be proud, go ahead and be proud, but don't pretend there aren't fucked up things the same people you're so proud of have done.
>>20065This has nothing to do with "white guilt", you just assume every time someone's not worshiping white culture, they must be attacking it. It's not my fault if you feel like shit, all I've done is point out some facts. I don't "hate" white people, only a dumbfuck could possibly entertain the idea of hating an entire race of humans. I hate retards who can't into logic.
>What does this have to do with Asian people being shallow?Ask
>>19870. I was merely responding to them with common sense.
No. 20070
>>20069So you derailed a thread because you took the bait
For someone who says they are saying facts, it all looks the same shame game, and again, beating a dead horse
No. 20072
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>>20063>>20069>common sensePeople DON'T need to apologize for what their ancestors had done, that is absolutely 100% correct.
You must understand that aid (in the form of money) Will Not Lift Growth in Africa. Most of the aid is linked to rampant corruption throughout the continent, why these charities are so blind to the fact that the donating money does not reach those in need but instead is used to fuel bloated bureaucracies, governments and donor-funded non-governmental organizations is beyond me. Last year, The African Union estimated that corruption was costing the whole continent $150 billion per year, while international donars were turning a blind eye to the fact that aid money was inadvertently fueling graft. Let's look at Zaire for example, now known as The Democratic Republic of The Congo in the present day, a man named Irwin Blumenthal, who the international monetary fund appointed as the head of Zaire's central bank, warned that in 1978 that the system was so corrupt there was absolutely no prospect for Zaire's creditors to get their money back at all. But still, the IMF went ahead and gave the largest loan ever given to any African nation, later on, a watch dog called Transparency International reported that Zaire's president, Mobutu Sese Seko had embezzled five fucking billion dollars throughout the 60s and 70s. This has happened many times throughout time, why just a few years ago Bakili Muluzi of Malawi embezzled assets of $12 million, A constant stream of "free" money is a perfect way to keep an inefficient or simply bad government in power. As aid flows in, there is nothing more for the governments to do – it doesn't need to raise taxes, and as long as it pays the army, it doesn't have to take account of its disgruntled citizens. No matter that its citizens are disenfranchised (as with no taxation there can be no representation). All the government really needs to do is to court and cater to its foreign donors to stay in power. This has nothing to do with white people. This is a problem that must be resolved internally.
People think that many African countries are desolate shitholes that require mighty whitey to swoop in and save the day when that's not the case. Nairobi, for example, is a huge city. Relatively developed too. But corruption is the biggest problem in Africa (and, by extent, Kenya) that many people can't make ends meet. This breeds crime and massive discrepancies in social class. If you walk down the street, someone will stop you and ask you to give them your mobile phone, any valuables and whatever else or they'll kill you. For this reason many people carry two mobile phones, a shitty dumbphone and their normal one. Lately they've caught on so now they know to demand you give them both.
The law enforcement is corrupt as fuck and many middle-class citizens often hire bodyguards (absolutely massive men, by the way) to sleep in front of the front door at night. The others have no choice but to remain in squalor and hope for the best.
Now, despite all this, African countries have great pride in their respective heritage and culture. Most African fashion designers don't take inspiration from the West but do their own thing and create unique, original designs. Many people are proud of them.
Why shouldn't white people be proud of their own culture and heritage? They have it drilled into their heads in school that what their ancestors had done was bad. You think they don't acknowledge that? Lol. Of course there's stubborn idiots who think Hitler had done nothing wrong, but you're delusional if you think they're in the majority.
You sound like a whiny Tumblrina who's desperately trying to seem holier-than-thou but actually has no idea what she's talking about.
No. 20073
>>20063Do you know what pride is?
>> With a positive connotation, pride refers to a satisfied sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, or a fulfilled feeling of belonging.So, please explain. Why exactly do I have no right to be proud? You're accusing me of taking credit for what my ancestors did when I said no such thing. It seems like your definition of pride is to take credit for something, is it? When did I take credit for my culture being what it is? You're argument is nothing but strawmen and whining holy shit.
No. 20075
>>20073The issue with you being "proud" is that at the same time, you're sweeping everything you don't like under the rug and trying to hide behind the fact that you're not your ancestors. It's not sensible. All of these things are your heritage.
>makes retarded arguments>gets corrected>"No! You're just whining! Muh strawman!"Alright then. Show me where I made a strawman argument exactly, all I've done is respond to your points. By the way, pride is
>1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.>2. the state or feeling of being proud.>3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.>4. pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself:civic pride.
Pretty sure all of these definitions agree with what I was saying.
>>20074Either you're playing dumb or you didn't read the thread
>I refuse to take responsibility for these things>But these other things, yeah I'm really proud of them And I still don't get why you're projecting your own hurt feelings onto me. If you make incorrect claims and have them corrected, don't scream and bitch about the person who corrected you talking about "ethnic feels" because that's not what's happening at all.
You shouldn't be proud of your culture if you haven't done shit or contributed at all IMO.
No. 20077
>>20075What someones ancestors did has nothing to do with someone who wasn't alive when it happened. You were not there and you take no credit for it.
Culture, on the other hand, is something that someone is born and raised with their whole lives and it's a big part of who they are as a person. See how that works? You're just butthurt that people you don't like aren't being cucks and apologizing for existing.
No. 20078
>>20072>Now, despite all this, African countries have great pride in their respective heritage and culture. And…? This pride hasn't helped them very much, especially when you take into account the amount of African people who are extremely racist and xenophobic towards outsiders (which can range from simply being Senegalese and living in Ghana to being British in Nigeria).
>Most African fashion designers don't take inspiration from the West but do their own thing and create unique, original designs. Many people are proud of them.To be honest, there's not much unique about most African designs when it comes to fashion. Just because it's not necessarily the same aesthetic as European or Asian stuff doesn't make it especially innovative or new.
Additionally, at least in those cases the designers are doing something for their culture by representing them in the fashion world. What is the random guy from the very tip of the nation who believes that women are below men and homosexuality should be punishable by death doing for Africa? Absolutely nothing, and he doesn't have very much to be proud of.
>Why shouldn't white people be proud of their own culture and heritage? Re-read my first post. If you haven't done anything or brought anything to the table, you literally have nothing to be proud of. You were simply born. Don't ride off others' coattails.
>They have it drilled into their heads in school that what their ancestors had done was bad. You think they don't acknowledge that?Anon certainly doesn't lol
>you're delusional if you think they're in the majority.Good thing I don't.
>You sound like a whiny Tumblrina who's desperately trying to seem holier-than-thou but actually has no idea what she's talking about.You sound like an analpained faggot who mistakenly thinks she knows more than she actually does and expands upon something that's already been said by the other party, but ultimately misses the point and gets angry because she desperately wants to fight someone she can consider a "Tumblrina".
No. 20080
>>20076How am I backpedaling if all I've done is repeat my original point?
>And that's okay. How so? You're literally bringing one up and pretending the other did not happen, and that the people who suffered from it do not deserve an apology.
>Also, why aren't you addressing my post where I explained to you in detail exactly WHY they shouldn't be apologizing? Cry moar.Because it doesn't exist? Bitch harder.
>>20077So culture just exists out of magic and isn't crafted by your ancestors, is that what you're saying? The two are synonymous, and certain parts of white culture are a direct result of the atrocities committed by ancestors. Deal with it.
>You're just butthurt that people you don't like aren't being cucks and apologizing for existing.Nice strawman.
No. 20081
>>20080>Deal with it.No?
>Nice strawman>bitch harder>it doesn't existcompelling arguments, too bad they're all bullshit
No. 20084
>>20081>M-Maybe if I just ignore the actual argument it'll look like it's not really thereLink me to your post if it exists and I haven't responded to it.
>>20082The same group of people behind these celebrations also killed several humans for their own benefit in the name of glorifying their culture. You can't divide them as you see fit, it's all under the same flag.
No. 20085
>>20080>>So culture just exists out of magic and isn't crafted by your ancestors, is that what you're saying?>>muh atrocities >>nice strawman>>Right after making a strawmanYou're just making shit up at this point.
Culture=Existing today
Culture is created by society. I do not have connections to what my culture was a hundred years ago, it's not my culture. I have connections to what my culture is now because I live it every day. I don't have connections to my ancestors because they no longer exist.
Aside from all this, you talk as if you know exactly who my ancestors were and what they did.All white people have the same ancestors cuz muh feels lol.
It's really fucking obvious that you're just butthurt.
No. 20087
>>20085Literally what did I make up? You're literally implying nothing and nobody from the past has any bearing on what your culture is today, and that's fucking retarded. Your culture would not be what it was if it were not for your ancestors.
>asking for clarification is now making a strawman>continues to complain about strawmans, then goes on with "you talk as if you know exactly who my ancestors were and what they did.All white people have the same ancestors cuz muh feels lol."Yeah, confirmed retard.
>>20086What's your point? These are not good things. They should not be proud of their culture.
No. 20136
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>>20087You're making the same points as every and any proud white guilted or muh oppreshun tumblr user ever
The only difference is you can't stand anons taking pride in who they are because you feel they are too privileged to
>I never said thatYou didn't but you're acting like they HAVE to be ashamed over something they can't change.
You're saying culture shouldn't be cherished then that would mean any and even your culture shouldn't be either under your same arguments. Nobody is innocent any and every culture has done some shit only you seem to blame western because its easier to and just about everything is westernized.
All it seems you're actually pushing is the same rhetorical argument and points because you feel that pride in who they are and their culture is a sin and Anon must repent by denying their own pride because of something out of their control and so they must feel bad about it or else they will burn in internal bigotry.
Otherwise this is entirely your opinion, not fact.
Sure what happened is a fact, but what your summarizing is your opinion and your own experience and that you're using this as an excuse to shame Anon into renouncing who they are.
No. 20137
>>20136>The only difference is you can't stand anons taking pride in who they are because you feel they are too privileged toWhere did this even come from? If you could read at all you would acknowledge that I said they simply shouldn't take pride if they refuse to take notice of the bad things too, not whatever bullshit you're spewing. You're literally shoving words into my mouth at this point.
>You didn't but you're acting like they HAVE to be ashamed over something they can't change.If you're going to be happy about one aspect, you need to accept the not-so-glamorous rest of it, too.
>You're saying culture shouldn't be cherished then that would mean any and even your culture shouldn't be either under your same arguments. Nobody is innocent any and every culture has done some shitI agree with this. I also don't give a shit about "cherishing cultures" if you yourself haven't even done anything, as I've said over and over.
> only you seem to blame western because its easier to and just about everything is westernized.No, this is just your autism talking.
>All it seems you're actually pushing is the same rhetorical argument and points because you feel that pride in who they are and their culture is a sinIt's simply hypocritical and retarded to only acknowledge and raise up one element of one's own culture in the name of glorifying it, and gloss over the bad things with "Y-Yeah well that wasn't me".
>Mand Anon must repent by denying their own pride because of something out of their control and so they must feel bad about it or else they will burn in internal bigotry.The rest of what you're saying is some random shit that came from your own hurt feelings. I don't even know where you came out with this garbage.
Do not take pride if you can't even acknowledge the whole thing, that's just counter-productive, fake and autismal.
>Otherwise this is entirely your opinion, not fact.All I've done is point out fact.
>Sure what happened is a fact, but what your summarizing is your opinion and your own experience and that you're using this as an excuse to shame Anon into renouncing who they are.They're not "renouncing who they are" if they simply accept every facet of their culture, including the bad.
No. 20152
>>20137>same rhetorical argumentYou keep insisting that this is out of anger but this is more amusing, but i if that makes you feel better about yourself, it was my privilege to help you make you feel better.
All I am seeing is
>they are bad because their culture is bad, and that their ancestors are bad which makes you badrepeated again and again
I'm not the one lecturing anons up and down about muh cultural guilt and going into detail about "facts" disguised as opinion as if you can't be proud while acknowledging what has been done.
You can throw nice buzzwords all you want, but you're using the same arguments and ponts as the usual stock of muh oppreshun and muh whyte guilt as if they're new.
No. 20154
>>20152If you honestly see that, then you're literally blind and I can't help you. I'm repeating myself because all you've been doing is putting words into my mouth and screaming about "white guilt" over and over like a broken record.
Ironically enough, you accuse me of using buzzwords but all you've done so far is repeat "Tumblr" and "white guilt". You haven't proven a single thing I've said ITT wrong.
You can call basic facts arguments of oppression and an attempt to induce guilt or insult someone's culture all you want, but that won't make it true sadly.
No. 20165
>>20154If that's what makes you feel better about yourself on /b/ in an anonymous board then knock yourself, lecture away but that doesn't make your opinions fact or whatevs
I may sound like a broken record, but let's not ignore the fact that you're sounding no different.
But again, you're repeating the same rhetoric again and again because that hasn't been done before, like ever.
ITT was about shallowness in the Eastern culture, not Western, as if Western is the only culture in the world.
So you're latching onto b8 about Western culture while ignoring Eastern culture, as if Western Culture hasn't been criticized before and anons who who are Western should feel ashamed for taking pride in their Western heritage as if they're wearing blinders
You can keep throwing insults to make you feel better
No. 20167
>>20165I'm not sure you even know the meaning of the word "opinion" at this point, other than maybe "Thing I don't like hearing".
Plus now you're literally repeating "You're repeating the same thing over and over again" over and over again.
>ITT was about shallowness in the Eastern culture, not Western, as if Western is the only culture in the world. So you're latching onto b8 about Western culture while ignoring Eastern cultureIt's literally all b8. This entire thread was a shitpost made to cause arguments. Who cares?
>anons who who are Western should feel ashamed for taking pride in their Western heritage as if they're wearing blindersAgain with the projecting your own hurt feelings.
>You can keep throwing insults to make you feel betterNo one has insulted you, you just didn't like what you read and decided everyone's trying to make you feel guilty for being white because Tumblr. I think I'm done here, since it's pretty clear you're determined to complain about "muh white guilt" and insist I'm like totally oppressing your right to only accept certain aspects of your culture and pretend the rest didn't happen.
No. 20181
>>20167>It's literally all b8. This entire thread was a shitpost made to cause arguments. Who cares?Apparently you cared enough to create posts upon posts derailing a thread dedicated about Eastern Culture
There is no need to constantly repeat about being ashamed of your culture/heritage/race/ancestors since you do not know the anons race, heritage, etc because there is no need to state ones race on an Anonymous board
So I guess lecturing people here about this sort of thing is kinda stupid?
So tl;dr: You took the b8 in a thread about Eastern Culture and made it into Western Culture. Congrats, I guess?
No. 20182
>>20181And you also took the bait and played a hand in derailing because you felt oppressed by posts on an anonymous forum where people laugh at anorexia patients and fat, autistic weeaboos.
Do you want an award?
No. 20196
>>20182I never said I didn't take the b8, but you're the only one talking about Western culture in an Eastern Culture thread
No need to throw around "muh oppreshun" unironically there, Bucko
Opinions are one thing, but saying your opinions are facts seem rather stupid especially when chanting the same old drawl as any other teen on the internet, even if you're not a kid.
But do continue, this amuses me
No. 20197
>>19659I'm not even the same anon, you mong. You're just ridiculously butthurt.
>unironicallyBeing unable to detect sarcasm is a known trait of autism, you should look it up, m8.