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No. 20806
File: 1438903067454.jpg (128.92 KB, 539x594, kim-kardashian-in-kanye-west-x…)

kanye pls stop
No. 20819
File: 1438905277500.jpg (84.8 KB, 700x525, Kanye-West-Adidas-2015-03.jpg)

………………..some of this crap also reminds me of the matrix when they're in the real world lmao
No. 20839
File: 1438907569660.jpg (314.34 KB, 500x750, 714062b7540b2932cecc5e1b35cb32…)

>>20829I agree, everything has been done. Sorry, I remember Audrey Kitching tried pulling that flintstone look off a while ago lel
No. 20904
>>20826chav coats? lmao the kardashians didn't do shit that hasn't been done before. please.
everyone with a brain knows most runway isn't supposed to be everyday wear. however the brand i was working for markets themselves as resort wear so.
No. 20917
>>20904She made it mainstream, I dont care what you say or think.
>>20905Say what you want about Kim K but her coats are classy as fuck.
No. 20918
File: 1438916653887.jpg (153.32 KB, 800x1200, uggh.jpg)

>>20904also I'm talking about these coats:
If you go on instagram and check the pretty girls out, all of them look like Kim Kardashian wannabes. It's sad but the scene period was worse. I actually like the current style but it's starting to get old.
No. 20920
>>20807I don't get why any shits themselves over
any Kardashian/Jenner. They're all fucking trash. It felt good hearing them get booed at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards any time they were so much as mentioned. The average person is sick of their BS but the media shits themselves over them. There's a huge disconnect.
No. 20952
File: 1438920323474.jpg (32.86 KB, 615x409, tumblr_n6gv51Qlab1rfwfq9o1_128…)

overrated you say?
Here, have a cara delevignerkerly w/e
semi-related since she's a fashion model.
No. 20964
File: 1438921629849.jpg (65.03 KB, 448x604, cara delevigne2.jpg)

>>20957Anon, that's an objectively bad photo. I understand your thirst, but calm down. Everyone has bad days. That picture documents one of hers.
She has so many lines on her face and under her eyes, and her skin looks irritated, especially around the nose area.
Next you'll be telling me this is the image of a good profile because it's Cara.
No. 20989
>>20793My company likes to hire instagram models because they get the instamodel fan base and instamodels will work for the clothing and 'honor' of working with the company.
But the Kardashian trend feels like it's taking over, the place I work for CAN NOT STOP talking about Kardashians an how much they love them.
No. 20995
>>20992her body is amazing though.
She definitely looks like her mum in the face.
No. 21071
File: 1438976789781.jpg (175.47 KB, 634x991, 2B16F1E700000578-3184892-Unzip…)

>>21067She is short, but she is closer to 5'7.
Anyway, I can't believe everyone is complaining about Cara and Kendall but no one has mentioned the shittiest fake model by far: Gigi Hadid. Cara has a beautiful, unique face, and Kendall is at least conventionally attractive and not too fat, but Gigi looks like a whale and REFUSES to lose weight because ~muh curves~.
At least Cara and Kendall were skinny-ish at some point, but Gigi… if only she could stop eating everything she sees, she might be tolerable. Drives me crazy how instead of working to meet the demands of her job, she just goes crying to her trophy wife mother and rich father and starts abusing her connections to get the industry to fit her fat ass.
No. 21077
File: 1438980154092.jpg (45.96 KB, 452x640, Gigi-Hadid-Sports-Illustrated-…)

>>21071Look at this disgusting fat obese cow!!
No. 21078
File: 1438980188323.jpg (74.99 KB, 424x560, gigi-hadid-bikini-miami-042415…)

>>21077absolutely disgusting!
No. 21079
>>21067>>21071Cara is actually 5'8" not 5'6".
I think you might be getting confused because she was originally listed as 5'10" at the start of her modelling career. A lot of managements do this to get more bookings.
That being said, 5'8" is actually short for runway, but Cara has always been more commercial anyway.
No. 21080
>>21076if she was a random person on the street i wouldn't care, but she is a model… they are held to higher standards. the SI pic is shopped and old, and do you really think she looks like a MODEL in the second pic? sorry if you're
triggered but get over your insecurities
No. 21081
File: 1438981417842.jpg (215.31 KB, 1000x1500, Moschino.jpg)

>>21080You think shes too big to be a model, then go ahead, think shes too big to be a model. but shes not fat/disgusting/"eating everything in sight" or whatever the fuck you said earlier. shes still tiny, and there are plenty of models her size or bigger. tess is a fucking model for christ sakes. And her so called "fat disgusting body" still looks fine on the runway.
im sorry 90s heroin chic skinny isn't fashionable anymore.
No. 21083
>>21081tess is a joke, she appears in magazines so people can gawk at her and think "what a gross freak", it's only a tiny minority of tumblr fatties who unironically like her.
"tiny"? lol… cara's body looks like an average college girl… gigi is larger than average… models are not supposed to be mediocre. calm the fuck down. no one is judging you by the same standards as models
No. 21093
>>21071HOLY Shit those arms! My MOMS arms are like this! a model shouldn't look like shit, it's your job to look good.
>>21080this pretty much. she looks whatever for being a regular person but its her
job to look good
>>21081sorry, you seem to know nothing about modeling or models. She is large for a model. Very large. Sure, 90s models may have been more 'thin' but models on the runway are still thin. And tess is a joke.
>>21083This. Cara is not even that small right now. Yeah when she is more disciplined she looks thinner but generally her thighs are pretty big/she looks like a thin college girl.
I don't get why people get so ~
triggered~ by models…sorry, models are meant to be exceptional. To be muses even sometimes. Not be an average looking woman. Much less one that looks like some of the fatties on here or Tess.
No. 21098
>>21072exactly. i got so annoyed when i found out she was trying to dump modeling to do this big acting career and is getting everything she fucking wants.
she was also recording with beyonce or something?? and because she's with st.vincent i won't be surprised they push some indie-pop shit on us
No. 21100
>>21098oh yeah, that paper towns bullshit. but, to be honest i'd rather see her in movies instead of modeling because she'll probably be cast for the average looking
quirky white girl that she is.
No. 21101
File: 1438986416967.jpg (168.6 KB, 2000x1000,…)

lol cara
No. 21106
>>21102oh yeah i saw that on the telly earlier advertised, didn't appeal to me at all.
those poxy films are getting more popular these days… ugh dry as fuck
No. 21110
File: 1438992033565.jpg (17.52 KB, 320x320, Blogging.jpg)

This isn't a self post guys. The girl I'm posting is a childhood friend who loves to blog/freelance modeling, what do you guys think of her? As in features/face ect :)
No. 21112
File: 1438992378096.jpg (64.27 KB, 640x640, Blogging.jpg)

>>21110she doesn't do fashion though, she's doing architecture… i think the modelling thing is just a side thing that she has an interest in but that's about it (:
No. 21114
File: 1438992589716.jpg (100.18 KB, 566x719, 1434393336593.jpg)

Another girl I know who went to my college, she claims she's a model but tbh I think it's only because of her hair that gives off that 'model aura'
No. 21115
>>21071I don't know man I've seen her next to 5'9 models and she still seems much shorter, I'll settle at 5'7 though
Yaaaaas drag Gigi she's the fucking worst, I only knew who she was because her mum's on RHOBH and her father is Mohammad Hadid who is ridiculously wealthy. The modelling industry is just full of nepotism but life's not fair I guess (sick of Georgia Jagger as well)
Ya'll need to settle down, these girls are MODELS whose careers are built on judging their bodies, yes it's a CAREER, a JOB so they have to do it well. If you're not a model then chill out we're not coming for you so
No. 21119
File: 1438993425447.jpg (108.07 KB, 618x452, green-moss-delevingne-campbell…)

>>21115She's not 5'7", she's 5'8". This is the official confirmed measurement now.
Here's a picture of her stood with Kate Moss, who's 5'6", and Naomi Campbell, who's 5'9.5"
She's 5'8", and you can clearly see this in the photo.
End of discussion.
No. 21122
>>21121They are "all" wearing heels.
This is Kate Moss's Topshop launch party. Do I really need to go and drag up feet pictures?
No. 21123
File: 1438993852052.jpg (150.49 KB, 728x728, Models-Designers-Fashion-Parti…)

>>21121In fact, nvm, here you go.
No. 21125
File: 1438994170349.jpg (33.67 KB, 476x357, kate-moss-reveals-how-she-was-…)

>>21124All models are crackheads.
As they age they really do need the drugs to stay thin, it's pointless singling Moss out because they ALL do it.
Still, she was a stunner when she first hit the circuit.
No. 21140
>>21119The fact that they're all crowding around that fat, ugly man and that he probably has status in the fashion industry is hilarious to me.
Women who work in this industry are expected to be attractive, well put together and not fat, even if they're not models, but men can be as sloppy as they like (provided, of course, that they're not models) as long as they're high enough on the totem pole.
It's fucking nasty.
No. 21141
>>21110>>21112Her face doesn't stand out much, so nah.
>>21114I'd buy that this girl is a model. I see what you mean by the hair, though. Do you have more of her?
No. 21153
>>21147I remember reading something similar once by a fanfic writer years ago:
"I saw a system of vanity run by gay men that HATE the female body, women walking on runways, looking like holocaust victims with their boyish bodies. And I saw the vanity in EVERY woman when she hated herself after seeing these things"
No. 21165
Sometimes I like to go on Net-a-Porter and look at the overpriced Goodwill trash they have for sale.
This is a $1280 Moschino mini-dress. No. 21167
File: 1439007415069.jpg (21.63 KB, 390x585, 508306_in_pp.jpg)

>>21165>>21166Also these things, which I remember being on there a couple months ago as well.
$970 sandals that look like something an obese old lady with type 2 diabetes would wear to Walmart.
No. 21168
File: 1439007770979.jpg (284.51 KB, 920x1380, 608937_in_xl.jpg)

>>21166Another one from the collection. It's an $895 sweater.
No. 21172
File: 1439009156454.jpg (125.86 KB, 920x1380, 590481_fr_xl.jpg)

This is where we are as a society. This is the height of fashion. We wear leggings as pants and think that going out in sweats or track suits is acceptable. No. 21176
File: 1439010372787.jpg (88.96 KB, 390x585, 566463_in_pp.jpg)

This looks like a typical cheap collage shirt you can buy off Amazon, Taobao, or even some shops in East Asia with stolen pastel Tumblr images/art.
Why the fuck is it $450? Because it has the word "Moschino" on it? Retarded.
No. 21183
File: 1439021288231.jpg (125.27 KB, 540x807, cutehf.jpg)

>>21172yeah it's ugly af
But minimalist high fashion can be cool and not dumb are wearable. pic related.
No. 21184
>>21176Yeah Moschino is the shittiest brand / trend there is actually.
And why the hell is "toilette" written in the left corner??? It's toilet in french, disgusting.
No. 21190
>>21110if she's rail thin and over six foot, she's got a great face for modelling, if she's over 120lbs and under 6foot, she looks very average.
I say this because full faces are rare on skinny models and it's quite a desirable trait right now.
No. 21192
>>21112To short and to fat for high fashion for sure.
Maybe she could be a comercial model? (doing makeup ad and thing like that) but still I think she has an average/pretty face. Idk maybe those are not great photos.
No. 21194
>>21191yeah, for sure it's ugly but that's what art's supposed to do right? Push the envelope of good taste. Only Ready-to-wear or highstreet fashion is tailored to existing tastes.
I feel the same about people criticising conceptual art, it's not there to look pretty, it's there to explore past what our current tastes are.
What would be the point in a Chef who only made cheeseburgers and fries? Gourmet Chef's make crazy shit to push the envelope and only tens of years later are they adapted for the mainstream.
TL;DR I see the point of these things, but they aren't for the general public or daily wear
No. 21195
File: 1439026603807.jpg (171.36 KB, 500x525, realwhitebitch.jpg)

>>21194Moschino is not art. It's shit just like the jeremy scott's work for adidas.
I hate when people try to pass shitty "high brand" work for art just because it's fucking expensive and it's featured in some fashion magazine.
No. 21197
>>21196Jfc that's some tacky shit.
Looks like a stereotype of a "cool", "edgy" fashion designers' work from some forgotten 90s cartoon.
No. 21207
File: 1439049309178.jpg (40.24 KB, 390x585, miumiu.jpg)

I saved this back in May and it's since sold out.
It's a pair of bedazzled overalls by Miu Miu for $4,105. It's cotton with polyester lining and the details are sequins and "crystals" made with glass, metal and polyester.
No. 21210
>>21207I would wear this. It's tacky af but that's ok.
Thing is for like less than $50 and an afternoon's time I could make one just like it, so there's that.
Fashion is bullshit.
No. 21224
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@ all of you
No. 21226
>>21208>>21213You faggots do realize modelling isn't some elegant, beautiful lifestyle, right? It's work, dealing with other models trying to sabotage you if you're unlucky, being stressed out, thinking of yourself as not being good enough, and ultimately all this is to commodify your body as a clothes-hanger with flesh, legs and eyes. That's not even bringing up the fact that if you're unfortunate you could end up with ridiculous debt like Nadya Vall did.
Maybe if you were doing some sparse modelling jobs on the side while pursuing other things, it'd be bearable and even enjoyable. Full time modelling? Nope. Hard and unrewarding.
It's ridiculous how much this shit is glamourized.
No. 21228
>>21224Fashion is fucking repulsive. For every good collection, there's trash that will get praised anyway in a twisted parody of the Emperor's New Clothes.
You could become a fashion designer and have your debut literally feature girls wearing slices of ham on their tits. People would praise your aesthetic skill and technique.
No. 21229
>>21227I doubt even they're having that much fun, especially when they're constantly being called out on having connections.
Kendall complained about other models being shitty to her because she obviously doesn't deserve to be at her current level constantly.
No. 21231
>>21226its elegant and fun for girls who are rich and already have famous parents.
do you think anyone would are try anything on Kendall, cara or north west in the future? because of their wealth and power they wouldnt dare.
for normal girls its hell though.
No. 21236
>>21230Unrelated but
>gorgeous outfitsHave you seen high fashion (high fashion, not Victoria's Secret lmao) lately? It's not very pretty.
No. 21331
>>21327that its surprising that the fashion industry is run by people who can't truly appreciate the female body yet dictate what its meant to look like
it's also ironic how what should be considered female beauty, is looked down on, so that even if you are thin if your hips are too defined or if you don't have a nearly flat chest, you're not wanted for modelling, what they want is someone who is rail thin, losing any shape and looking more like a males body (this is obviously stereotyping all female bodies as being naturally curvy but for the most part females have wider hips than men and can grow breasts)
and the females in this industry end up judging themselves based on standards that they themselves didn't set
No. 21351
>>21331They don't dictate what the women body is meant to look like. The majority of the population love average women body.
Models are mean to be unique and spectacultar, not the norm at all STFU.
No. 21353
>>21347>>21351Man, it's hard to believe how many of you can't read.
I'm explaining what the quote meant here
>>21153 you stupid sacks of shit. The author who wrote it in her story gave this basic explanation a few years ago. Like I said before, I'm not sharing my personal beliefs jfc.
No. 21363
File: 1439126589766.png (1.43 MB, 1625x1090, 2015-08-09 14.22.02.png)

>>21236When was the last time you avidly looked at any high-fashion collections?
No. 21365
File: 1439126906050.jpg (117 KB, 736x1104, givenchy2016.jpg)

>>21363Yeah people think Moschino's shit is what high fashion is all about.
Givenchy's last collection honestly gave me life.
No. 21385
>>21351>Models are mean to be unique and spectacularSo why do they always have to have the same body type and very specific measurements? As in, "You must be x cm in the waist, x cm in the bust and x cm in the hips. If you lose or gain one inch, it's so-and-so agency's prerogative to drop you."
Lmao fuck out of here you ugly model stan
No. 21386
>>21385To fit until sample sizes duh? Fashion looks better when it hangs off of smaller frame, fact.
Doesn't change the fact that girls like that are in the absolute minority. Even I've never seen a legitimate high-end model but I know I'd notice one immediately in the street of they walked past.
No. 21390
>>21385Hm because they make the clothes following very specific measurement?
It would be to long to sew each clothes according to each model, and it would make them to be more important than they really are.
No. 21391
>>21386Then it's not so much about being "unique", but looking a certain type of way. And being very thin is nowhere near and "absolute minority" in most of the world, except maybe objectively fat countries like Mexico, the UK or Murrika. Height, on the other hand, may be a bit iffy, but if you're from a Scandinavian country or fucking Somalia everyone's tall as shit.
Some models have weird faces, but those same faces are directly slammed as "ugly" outside of the fashion world. You're basically fucked if you ever get fat or chubby if you have a face like Lindsey Wixson's.
Anyway, the bottom line is that skinny, tall girls with unconventional facial features are not very uncommon unless you live in generic-fatty world. Most people aren't cardboard cut outs.
No. 21392
>>21390So you've jumped from "It's about being UNIQUE XD" to "W-Well they make all of these clothes to specific measurements for these exact same specific body types, you see. The models aren't really that important after all"?
Honestly, the clothes should fit the people, the people shouldn't have to make themselves fit the clothes. That's just fucking redundant and lazy.
No. 21396
File: 1439142661343.jpg (221.59 KB, 683x1024, image.jpg)

and this is what people want to look like?
No. 21402
>>21391Are you dumb?
It is a very tiny minority. Ence why so many people are butthurt over their exceptional appearance.
No. 21407
>>21329you can want things without being a jelly hag anon. what's wrong with saying "it'd be cool to have rich parents?"
And im not even one of the anons who was talking about wanting rich parents.
No. 21408
>>21406true, it's a nice upgrade. I hated seeing girls who forced themselves to be a 00 rather than being a natural 00 because it was obvious that they were starving themselves by the way their bones stood out. Usually when you're naturally that thin your ribs aren't that obvious.
>inb4 you're a fatass>>21405Thats not true, but lets not make this about race. There is no point on these threads. Just stop.
No. 21414
>>21401Nope, I never even posted in the thinspo thread.
Nice job at deflecting my arguments to cry about "jealous fatties" tho
No. 21418
File: 1439162060864.jpg (49.12 KB, 378x540, 486219_298818316900096_7594738…)

You know it's a damn good thing that Amina/Vanessa got picked up by Kanye, cause this is how she looked in 2013.
Beautiful girl but she looked like a complete chav before.
The lighter hair really suits her.
No. 21419
File: 1439162368757.png (365.3 KB, 689x457, gremmy.png)

>>21418yeah, it really does
I personally hate her nose, and idk if she doesn't sleep or something but she has pretty bad dark circles
No. 21427
she looked like she was stuck in 2000
No. 21516
>>21406Yeah some designer are getting slighty away from the too skinny look.
Cara Delevigne who was the littleheart of tht model industry for a few month really wasn't very skinny.
No. 21518
File: 1439179810375.jpg (299.4 KB, 1024x1488, image.jpg)

>>21516Cara would be considered fat/Average by lolcow standards but these girls in here insist that models nowadays are rare skinny people
No. 21521
>>21518she isn"t really skinnt by MODEL standart not lolcow… of course she is skinny for the average girl.
And yes, model are "rare skinny" people because they have to! Do you know anything about the model industry?
If you don't fit the measurment for the show you are out.
No. 21524
>>21513lmao you must have a nose as huge as hers
whatever retard it's my fucking opinion, her nose is too big for her face
No. 21526
File: 1439180205802.jpg (201.36 KB, 1200x900, image.jpg)

>>21521A lot of models are starting to look more normal skinny though. None of these girls really look super thin just in shape. I think people should accept that the times of gay designers and perverts running everything and abusing the models under their care are coming to an end.
No. 21528
>>21524YES bc all humans should have the same noses!!! Lmao.
I like the differences of peoples faces. Unique characteristics are beautiful.
No. 21529
File: 1439180386816.jpg (48.89 KB, 450x675, hedislimane2015.jpg)

>>21526You only see this fat shit on "Kanye West's runaway".
In the real world even male model are getting very skinny,
No. 21532
File: 1439180451897.png (211.91 KB, 328x380, we.png)

>>21525it's just the tip though, right?
don't be upset just because I chose to edit her nose the way I found to look better, you took that as a personal attack
No. 21541
>>21535Yeah I wanted to see if it would actually look better smaller since my first impression of her was that her nose was too big.
>>21534riiiight, yet you get this upset over a nose
No. 21575
>>21550I didn't think so either, but then I realized out of context I'd totally believe
>>21532 was a black girl with blond hair.
No. 21576
File: 1439206248316.jpg (48.19 KB, 1080x1080, 3628928-tsukiko sagi.jpg)

Actually, are we sure this isn't a biracial chick with blue eyes/contacts?
No. 21607
File: 1439222494745.png (504.84 KB, 500x750, Mariehill.png)

>>21606If we are talking real model, Taylor Marie Hill maybe? She is also on the soft side for a model.
Of course don"t get me wrong she is a bombshell and she is nowhere near fat.
In the shit tier model category : Gigi Hadid and Kendall jenner. because money.
No. 21609
>>21607She's only soft looking because she's 19 though.
Sadly all these models once they begin to enter their mid-20's believe they can just starve to stay thin and neglect exercise as they did when they were a bouncy teen and inevitably almost all end up looking very flabby.
No. 21610
File: 1439223180659.jpg (34.39 KB, 427x640, marie.jpg)

>>21609She has a very comercial face, if she toned her body a little bit she would be really perfcect to be a VS angel (she already walked for them)… I don't think it would do her good to starve herself because she ain't really high fashion catwalk material and her face don't look as good when she is skinnier, pic related.
No. 21623
File: 1439227137897.jpg (91.16 KB, 1102x549, taylor-marie-hill-michael-duml…)

>>21610Oh man no, Taylor has been starving herself for a loooong time now.
It's actually pretty upsetting to see because before she was stunning and healthy looking, like a real pinnacle of girl-next-door and now she's physically depriving herself to fit into this bizarre fashion standard.
Like, I really love fashion but I hate the industry practices and it's contribution to mass psychological degradation.
Just look at this before and after, it's sad.
No. 21624
>>21623She is so cute and lovely in the first photos.
Emaciated in the last one but I love it, I guess I have ana taste.
No. 21640
>>21623I know, I love fashion too. But it's like "you have to be this thin and please a ton of girls who just want you to starve and keep a certain way if you don't, you're a fat ugly bitch" kind of attitude.
Someone has just made a misandry tag and to be quite honest with you, I don't like many women as much as I don't like most men either. It's not down to gender actually, it's not down being full of shit. But whatever, everyone is different I guess. Just my opinion and you can slander it if you want to.
No. 21643
>>21619The problem I have with models, you can look as weird as fuck and it's complimented because you look… well, weird? Sometimes I like the weirdness but most of the time I just think they're so ugly.
Get a thin weird alien faced girl, put her in black and slap her face on the cover of vogue.
£4 a piece
there u go
new model
No. 21652
>>21640Aha, it was me that just made the misandry thread.
I'm not even sure the problem with the fashion industry x anorexia is a male problem, as there's no denying that clothing does just hang better on slighter frames, but there's a limit you know?
Also kind of suspect that the majority of high-end designers are male, it's almost like they prefer their models to look like little malnourished boys.
No. 21661
>>21639Yeah, I know.
Unpopular opinion I guess but a woman's worth is greatly influenced by her beauty / look.
No. 21667
File: 1439233948358.jpg (388.13 KB, 716x1008, Casati.jpg)

>>21663Yeah, I'm addicted to reading women's biography and diary throught the last century and there are little to no ugly famous woman, most of them shinned by their soul but also by their appearance even if they where gifted with a "particular" beauty.
Pic related it's La Casati. Not super beautiful, but a great allure, great sense of style and super rich.
No. 21698
>>21674Sure, but I'm french and I can't give you the english titles of the books. But I least you will have their name and You will be able to look them up?
> Liane de Pougy courtisane, princesse et sainte Liane de Pougy was a Cocotte living during the "Belle Epoque" in Paris. She had a very spectacular destiny since she maried a Prince, and ended up dying in modesty.
>Sarah Bernhardt le rire incassable by Françoise Sagan.She was a worldwilde know actress. She was incredibely talented, dramatic and very intense. She was extremely respected in all Europe and in America, everywhere basicaly.
>Anaïs Nin's diary.Changed my life. She was a writer, very close friend with Henry Miller. Talk about her relationship with her father, her love life, friendships, incredibly gifted and beautiful woman.
> La Casati Luisa Casati inherited a lot of money very young when her parents died. She lived a crazy life, loved art, loved party, she had a gorgeous house, lot of animals, was the muse of a lot of artists, just was overall amazing and interesting.
When you start reading about la Belle Epoque you keep on learning about a lot of people and you will have a lot more to read. I hope you will like thoses womens as much as I did.
No. 21802
File: 1439260713984.jpg (102.2 KB, 637x1000, cara-delevingne-2012-victoria-…)

>>21518>>21520>>21800Cara is my favourite model by far and had a great body, but I've noticed too that as she's gotten older her body has filled out a bit.
This is super common amongst models anyway since they snag them whilst they're young and lithe, but once you hit your 20's your body really does change drastically. Look at Gemma Ward for example.
Still love her though, even if she is getting a bit of a chin on her.
No. 21803
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Emily's still pretty popular, isn't she? And Karlie Kloss, although she's been associating with TSwift's retarded little girl gang
No. 21813
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>>21810Cara doesn't have a prominent chin.
I was talking about how her neck is starting noticeably sag and wreck her profile.
No. 21983
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>>21973Oh, I should also add if you were talking about how Gemma's chin has gotten so big and not Cara's nasty receding downs chin.
No. 21991
>>21983>>21973Funnily I was actually talking in regards to both of them, but Gemma's change is truly shocking.
Womanhood really hit her like a brick wall. She went from looking like an ethereal Nordic fairy to an aged, dowdy, Australian housewife.
I mean I'm glad she's happier now but what a shame, she really was in line to become one of the "greats".
No. 21996
>>21995Oh yeah your definitely not alone in noticing. You really think her career hit the bricks just because of Heath's death?
There was an article published like 1-2 years ago from the perspective of somebody that worked with her at her agency and they'd just succeeded in getting her first booking since her hiatus and documented weight gain (the roll-model magazine debacle).
Apparently Gemma walked into the casting having not been seen properly for several months now and despite dropping some of the weight everybody was in so much shock at the sight of her because her face had drastically changed seemingly overnight.
I think this was actually the casting for the infamous Chanel denim bikini walk.
I mean really, she wasn't even fat, but she was model-fat.
No. 21997
>>21991before/after pics needed
>>21996pics needed circa her failed re entry period
No. 22000
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>>21997Okay well this was her at the prime of her career getting bookings left, right and every orifice imaginable.
No. 22001
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>>21997And her during the Chanel bikini S/S show which turned out to be one of her last castings after the pictures got out.
No. 22002
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>>21997Diff. anon but here's pt I aka Gemma Chin Before….
No. 22003
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>>21997….And pt II, Gemma Chin After
No. 24619
>>20806I'm genuinely terrified.
Still looks more classy than rihanna tho.
No. 24684
wtf happened to her holy shit
No. 25702
>>24874It's not super bad in itself like the shape of her jaw, but it gives her such a horrible double chin. I mean, she's a model but her profile is basically fucked
Has she done any high fashion modeling work with her profile showing? I'm so curious
No. 25707
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>>25702I think it's really only certain angles + how far she's retracting her head into her neck at the time because I've seen plenty of untouched videos/stills where her chin looks fine.
Also the answer to your question is yes.
No. 26921
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>>26900Unfashionable plebian detected.
No. 27352
>>27342Karl needs to be burnt at the stake now tbh, obviously he's gone senile.
Also hey I didn't know there were other fashion anons on lolcow. I might go start a high fashion discussion thread on /g/