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No. 21370
>>213212.5/10 tbh
R-racist chan come save the day
No. 21379
>>21374Disgusting countries attract disgusting people. It's not just white men who go to the Philippines and Thailand to molest girls, human trafficking there is a huge problem, people from all over the world do it. No one would go to these shit countries for any other reason. When you're country is nothing but prostitutes, you can expect sex tourists.
On the other hand, these refugees in Sweden and Norway are running away from death and they have the nerve to rape the women of the countries that are kind enough to take them in. No honer.
No. 21448
>>21370fuck off go get raped by jamal or something
>>21413to hell with yuro
No. 21476
>>21473I never said I disagree with immigration though, I'll be an immigrant myself in the future.
I DO disagree with allowing criminals to emigrate and open borders with lax control though.
I actually have some Swedish friends and they are not the gentle, warm liberals you'd like to believe. They're fucking racist as fuck and curse their government for inflicting this plague on them and sending Sverige down the shitter.
No. 21487
>>21483"I want to post pictures of dead corpses and make a mockery of rape!!!!my freedom of speech!"
You guys talk all this crap about honesty and saying what's on your mind but you expect to be able to say all kinds of garbage and no one can say anything to you.
No. 21566
>>21469fuck… this is so sad. And he only got 16 years in prison and a deportation?!
Swedish people need to be more proactive in politics to block immigration. I don't know why anything hasn't been done like in Denmark.
No. 21570
>>215471. Not our problem, that's something they should sort out among their own people. Their disgusting as fuck culture needs to stay in its own country.
2. They consider white women to be "fair game" because they don't wear a hijab. That's why they target white women for rape.
3. People do care about Muslim women being raped, but going to their country and forcing them to change their ways would be imperialism, wouldn't it?
>>which means they don't care about the victim being raped they're just mad that an immigrant did it. You pulled that our of your ass just now. The reason anyone cares about rape in the first place is because of the victims. No one likes to see their own people suffer.
You are the one who is trivializing rape by defending Muslims.
Muslim women are a part of Islamic culture as well, and they'll bring their Islamic "values" with them. Islam teaches that women are responsible for the crime of rape.
No. 26591
>>21581Immigrants are unnecessary problem, there is no need to let them in in first place.
No. 26604
>>26602i say it's time to kill off all white people. they've pretty much ruined the entire planet and most countries in their thirst to conquer and rape all brown countries. all the biggest corporations are run by white men, and they just ruin everything.
i'm glad people are finally realizing the truth.
No. 26607
>>26604you wanna kill all whites then go out and do it.
>all the biggest corporations are run by white mencause black men are too stupid to do it? plenty of asians also hold ceo roles, they're also non-white but fare quite well. weird
>i'm glad people are finally realizing the truth.yeah maybe they are on /r/blackladies
No. 26619
>>26607Arabs and chinese did it too. The arabic empire (the original caliphate ISIS refer to) and later ottoman empire conquered a lot of lands and peoples, slavery was widespread, they have both white and black slaves. Most of todays Middle east end part of Balkan was under Ottomans. East Africa was under Arab control, slave trade was very developed. They consider blacks non human.
Chinese stayed in their own reagion, but dont lack wars and conquering, but they (because emperers law) had forbidden oversea expeditions, so Europeans took over. But there were mongols.
Both of them ended in 19th century, so they were colonised for few decades on few centuries of colonialist past.
Black didnt do much, they were used as slaves by both Arabs and later whites, but otherwise didnt interfere with other races.
And most European countries (except UK, Benelux, France, Spain, portugal) dont have big colonial history toward other races, they were mostly engaged in conflict and hate toward eachother (Germans vs. poles. vs Russians vs Scandinavians vs other slavs…)
your sjw history is shit, based on british propaganda about muh greatest empire, where they turned it around to be a bad thing.
No. 26620
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>>26619When non-whites get involved black people somehow get more status.
No. 26621
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>>26619Kill all white people and enslave their women.
No. 26623
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>>26619when whites get enslaved again by dunecoons there will be peace again
No. 26625
>>26622>>26621>>26620these are beautiful paintings. i don't like the message, but they are very well done.
and all made by white men too.
No. 26630
>>26629Sure there was no slavery in Europe done by Europeans.
Moors fucking conquered Spain.
No. 26660
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It's weird on Tumblr when I get into some ridiculous SJW because some stupid content appears on my dash and I'm too much of an idiot to ignore it, then inevitably somebody pulls the "you're a white cracker your ancestors owned slaves you don't get to say shit, you don't get an opinion" and it's like hold the fuck up, I'm British.
Britain has an extremely limited history regarding slavery as most of the black people that were transported to the UK functioned as domestic servants alongside the white domestic servants and were paid for their services.
It was actually the British that were instrumental in ending the slave trade after the Zong massacre.
At the time you could even find many black people that held positions of power above the white peasantry, like Dido Belle for example who was adopted into the Mansfield estate and left with large amounts of land and great wealth.
A lot of black people that like to point at every white person seem to forget that, yes, whilst about of white people are wholly culpable in promoting and continuing the slave trade, it was actually originally other black tribes in Africa that would raid other villages, defeat and enslave the civilians and sell them onto white slave traders.
They assume that every single person who's white has some sort of historical history involving slavery when the truth is it was overwhelmingly just America that was involved, and even then it was only rich landowners that could afford to procure and maintain slaves.
Like fuck, my ancestors never owned a damn slave, according to records my great, great, great, great grandfather spent 7 years in the hull of a prison barge at sea for stealing a silver cup and some ladies stocking. No way could most white people afford slaves, implying it was ever really a thing in the UK anyway.
No. 26663
>>26660That Belle film made me cry a little, I'm mixed too and I was brought up in a white household (also from the UK) and I'm the opposite, I've been treated with nothing but love and nice things. So to know how it would've been like back then and how she went through it, it kinda broke my heart.
But the amount of black women that flocked to see that film… claiming they can relate and "dido isnt mixed she just black"
ugh I know the director was black but c'mon, this is about being mixed. Not just black.
I have no idea how they can relate to Dido at all when they're full black and not mixed.
When I saw that film, the black maid (Mabel) did not look envious of Dido at all tbh. Infact she looked like she PITIED her.
No. 26674
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>>26672Why'd you delete your post.
No. 26675
>cracker Why Anon.
No. 26677
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>>26675How is this word racist
No. 26689
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>>26686White and black make some hot ladies
No. 26727
>>26690>would find the rape of non-whites sexy or funnyi said i don't care if blacks get raped, and you tried to conflate that with being sexually turned on by it? uhh nice try there i guess. gotta say something provoking if you're offended, right?
besides, my actual, true ideal is that nobody gets abused, blacks just stop reproducing.
>south East Asiannah, i like asians, so in this case it's sad and i feel bad for the kids.
No. 26820
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When the unemployment rate was the highest in American history, during the Great Depression.
The American Murder rate declined.
Poverty is not the root cause of crime.
West Virginia is mostly dirt poor and has a crime rate lower than National Average.
No. 26821
>>26620>>26621eunuchs were used to guard harems because they couldn't get the women pregnant and had sex problems anyways.
Arabs took many blacks as slaves. painters loved to utilize exoticism of the middle east in their painting as well, though most had never been to these places. No. 27057
>>26689she's beautiful, bot not because she's half white/black
anyway I really wish you fuckers weren't so insecure about race
>wahh muh yt race is dying out, no more human abnormalities will roam the earth
>wahh yts don't like my afro or melanin :(((((((( No. 27109
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>>21371Sup cunt.
Have some stats.
No. 27118
>>27109If you want black guys to stop dating and having sex with white girls, you wont get that by being rude. when you are rude to people they start doing what you don't want out of spite.
you get more bees with honey.
No. 28935
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No. 29009
>>26739Bitch, you call that extreme? Have you ever been around any normal man? This board is huge hugbox, like everything where women are majority. Lot of people, myself included, think that we should just shoot or shell the immigrant boats from Africa and Middle East with mortars, and we aren't even that much racist, because we would have nothing against them if they actually stayed in their countries, fixed their shitholes. We would gladly trade or do business with them, establish tourism etc, but we just don't want settlement. Practice proved multiculturalism to be failure which means people with different cultures should stay separated. Also we naturally don't trust much different people as much as similar people.It's just asking for troubles, and if those refugees don't respond to our calls to use legal way of immigration, then we should take drastic measurements and just start shooting them. They're running away from death, so I guess only death can stop them. If they'll keep running away, their countries will never get better.
Sure some of those wars started because Americans destroyed their stable dictatorships, but then the politicians should face the consequences, not common folk. For some fucking reason people think that democracy, equality and other utopian shit is the only right way and try to force this shit upon others. I would happily give away my "rights" to vote and other shit for stable dictatorship, monarchy or any other authoritarian system if I knew it would care about this country, it's people (which means also me), be stable and minimalize chances of some dumb fuck getting into power. I'd rather have good "evil and immoral" dictatorship than shitty "greatest equality achievement of mankind" that runs country to the ground and makes our lives harder by creating conditions where it's even hard to start family, have and raise childreen. Something basic, even from fucking biological point of view.
No. 29021
>>29019We will all be better off though, even if that's not what the bankers/CEOs/powerful people care about. They just want more people to sell credit cards to, more people to keep the housing market high, more votes, etc. They don't give a shit about these people beyond the money they'll be able to leech from them by selling them shit.
It's still the best way to eradicate this type of Islam though. Any religion with "values" gets in the way of capitalism. How are they going to sell fashion and boob jobs to Muslim women if they're covered up all the time?
No. 29028
>>29020No, you get it wrong. This isn't double think, but reaction. They come and start rape so we change our minds and stop caring about their good being.
>>29014I look at this that way: we either
>A) build giant fences, tighten security on borders and preserve both cultures so life wouldn't be so dull with everything the same around the world and you could still travel and see different cultures, lifestyles, basically take a break from your usual neighbourhood during vacations or something. Basically separate and remain civil. This is probably the most possible way because it's just giant compromise. This could be achieved if nationalistic parties got to power or something.
>B) go there, colonialize by force and either enslave/genocide entire countries. Technically we are capable of that, it's just ethics and compassion that stops us. Decades ago soviets or chinks were able to commit mass genocides, with todays bombs, tactics and technology in general it'd be even easier. This ofc would require to completly change our morals which is unlikely.
>C) wait like pathetic bitches until shit gets really bad and blood will run on the streets. It's inevitable with increasing cultural, racial and economic tensions. People will kill each other, some civil wars will be started, shit will be destroyed and we'll end up with option A, but with grudges an lot of destroyed shit.I don't believe you'll try to get rid of islam or primitive african cultures. Poland was occupied for over hundred years with russification and germanization actions, then 50ish years of communism with developed propaganda and yet, polish culture prevailed. Besides people bitch and bitch more and more: they bitch about low wages and shit jobs, multiculturalism, lack of affordable housing, degradating health care, people even start to bitch about degradation of culture, sluttiness, selfishness etc. You can't convince people with that shit in a longer run. The widespread depression and boredom are one of symptoms of degradation of the west and consumptionism.
No. 29029
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I'm sure it'll be a utopia without all those white devils ruining everything.
No. 29042
>>29020We already care about you. You get to live in our countries, work alongside us as equals and receive education. In your countries we aren't considered equal, in SA and Ethiopia whites are legally fucked.
In China and most of Asia whites are seen as ugly animals to be stared at and raped through human trafficking from eastern Europe. South Asians just rape English girls instead. We are fucked for having been so kind to you savages.
No. 29043
>>29028Look, I hear you, and it angers me too. But attempting to eradicate or outwardly shut out an entire group of people will have the opposite effect because of the fear that SJWs have allowed them to instill. Instead, we need to use SJW bullshit against them to trick them into cooperating "because we care". This is what good politicians know how to do.
Option B is already what's happening. There's more than one way to genocide a group of people that doesn't involve out-right killing them. Right now, it's subversive because it's done under the guise of "helping them". Much more subversive than USSR's attempt to get rid of religion.
Islam is like Lyme disease. If you try to eradicate it by force, it will fight back and the world will suffer. It's like an infection to be controlled.
We already see this kind of subversive genocide in the US. We can't just sterilize poor people because they would fight back and have even more kids out of spite, but we can set up Planned Parenthoods in poor neighborhoods, promote women's rights, and generally set up our economy so that poor people simply don't have the resources to reproduce because they're too busy being wage slaves.
No. 29050
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>>29043The difference is that current option B is being done by accident, not on purpose. People really think that by just throwing cash at people, that giving them food insetad of rod, will help them. Once they notice it, they might start to actually help them, and with their self-hating mentality it'll be over. Besides it's not like they have any respect for us and aren't hostile to us anyway. The fastest way would be to just kill some of them just to scare them away. Shell boats full of immigrants for a year or two, deport lot of them or make contidions in refugee centers so hars they'll fuck off themselves and situation will fix itself.
By actually helping them you aren't getting rid of them, and as long as they're somewhere close, there will be battles. Bigger or smaller, more of less often, but there still will be more shit than it would be if country was homogenous. Don't let Europe, which was for ages homogeneous to end up like USA,which is not worth making segregation anymore, and it still has fucktons of racial and cultural problems.
Besides this help costs money, and our system is slowly crumbling. If we didn't have millions of young people not being able to afford housing and forming families, we could think about it. Using our superior technology and cooperation to find them, put into few supertankers and ship them back to their shitholes and shoot if they'll be trying to come back will cost less than fucktons of programs for generations. Especially that we have to get our shit together first.
>>29044There's no problem with just sex. We're living in times when people fueled by porn and liberal propaganda are getting more and more perverse, shallow and hedonistic. I had my share of casual sex, sometimes I was repulsed how easy girls got, sometimes I felt remorse after participating in gang bang or fucking someones wife while he was watching, I thought about it a lot, didn't found fulfillment. I'd love to form family and have 2-4 childreen, but divorce rates and how they fuck men over (including my own father) make it look risky, wages are like 1600-2000, where half of this goes for rent, quarter for food and stuff, and housing costs like 100 000. I'll be fucking mid 30s or early 40s when I'll be able to buy house without wearing rope on my neck in form of credit, and no one wants to live with their parents, women if given a choice, would rather someone who already has his own place, and parents themselves expect you to move out. It's just not that easy.
No. 29055
>>29050You're so selfish. You should be out humping on any white dick you can find so you can preserve the white race.
Look at all these white nationalists who can't get sex. It's because of stuck up bitches like you. No. 29059
>>29055Why should I offer my Caucasian blonde haired/blue eyed genetics to white scrubs like you when you put little to no effort into the maintenance of both your mind and body?
Like, I don't even need to see a picture of you to know that you look disgusting and list "4chan" as a hobby. Gross.
No. 29090
>>29087There are plenty of ok white guy's with ok jobs, he might not be rich but he could take care of her. She could have 2 babies and when they're old enough to do stuff for themselves she can go back to school.
But she wants to party, play video games and do whatever she wants. She's not thinking about the bigger picture.
No. 29106
>>29090>>29087>>29080I want to live an independent life that doesn't involve me playing broodmare to some pig that's going to go off and cheat on me within the first year.
Maybe if you scabs actually tried harder to make yourselves appealing to us you wouldn't have to sit here and guilt trip us into "preserving the white race", we would do so willingly.
No. 29129
>>29106I don't get it.
If you're bitching about cheaters, then get your mandar recalibrated and stop picking bad ones.
If you think all white men are bad, then don't fuck them.
If you don't want to fuck white men, don't be surprised when faced with the possibility that white people might not exist in a few generations.
Like, the young Japanese are well aware that they are making themselves extinct and they're acknowledging it and not caring. Good for them, if that's what they want.
No. 29155
>>29055Hahaha that whole thread
>I will tell you why: the problem is that today, women are the primary targets for the global brainwashing of the white race, as women are by far easier to manipulate than men, thanks to their emotional receptiveness. This is the same argument that every WNist uses to justify why they can't get gf.
Being more socially driven causes women to be more concerned with group identity and to avoid those who are perceived as "outsiders". These people are alone because they're shit.