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No. 27821
>>27809would appreciate if you didn't group all blacks into this abomination. quite a lot of us know how to type normally. but i get what you mean. it's gross no matter where it's coming from
the red noses thing too jfc
No. 27830
>>27821Idk, U feel it would have been better if anon said they're tired of seeing obvious white(or kids in areas that don't speak in the dialect, but they want to sound cool) kids type AAVE, end up make phrases that been around for donkey years(a long time) annoying, but they know they won't speak like that in real life in front of their friends or family.
Here's mine:
I am tired of seeing
>Galaxy prints >People who draw man faces on purpose(like that infamous KLK fan art)>The term cultural appropriation>People kissing each other's asses so they don't offend anyone >all this gender talk>American reality TV starsI have many more, but I can't think of them right now.
No. 27856
>>27778Me too they all look like flat chested short haired korean girls tbh
No. 27875
>>27869>They don't have it bad>But we still need to bitchSo, why are they bitching and moaning now? Back then, they didn't "bitch", they protested and had riots for equal rights they didn't have. Nowadays black Americans have equal rights plus some extras. Just because some white assholes told you something offensive or plans to kill black people doesn't mean you have it bad, it means your dealing with some white assholes(consequences for being a killer or just an assholes may vary). Honestly, you'll never get rid of them as long as we look different or have different beliefs. Same goes with any other race.
Saging for OT
>Inb4 blacklivesmatterYeah, they do, and I think its wrong, but constantly being obnoxious is going to do the opposite of what you want.
>inb4 racist whiteyNo, I'm black.
>delete and repost because I forgot to sage No. 27880
>>27877>>27877>the more nasty and unreasonable you are, the more respect you'll getWhaaaat…? This is the first time I'm hearing this really. Usually.I see the opposite results when people act unreasonable.
Being assertive=/=being aggressive
No. 27884
>>27877Not sure if I'd call it respect. I've worked with people with really histrionic personalities and their coworkers put up with it just to avoid yet another tantrum.
It's more like how you'd treat a child or someone with Down syndrome.
No. 27889
>>27887I think it's because political people want three things:
>Support>Money>VotesAnd then there is some that actually want change tantrum or not.
But in this case, this just make those black/gay seem like whiny little babies.
No. 27891
>>27775i'm so tired of the word bae too.
>>27776also tired of the word trash
No. 27894
>>27887yeah you know, like not being discriminated against when applying to colleges or jobs, or acting roles for decades.
not being enslaved? lynched? or burned at the stake?
those things didn't take decades and sometimes even hundreds of years.
can somebody remind me how wanting equal rights equates to "bitch fits" ?
because the population of tumblr isn't also the black and gay population.
No. 27896
>>27892Some blacks are born into the middle class with money and haven't run into hardships. Some blacks are stuck are in this slave mentality that everyone is out to get them, so fuck everybody.
Oh that's another thing I'm sick of seeing
>This slave mentality some blacks in America haveOf course everyone has it bad, but if people from the gut can PULL themselves up, then they don't have it bad.
No. 27898
>>27896That's not a black exclusive thing. That is teenagers in general.
I'm from New York. I grew up in a diverse community. Lower to low middle class (which is the majority of minorities). Let me just say THEY REALLY DON'T CARE. Most of them are too busy trying to find a job and pay off debt or whatever.
I think people are failing to realize this whole sjw movement/ tumblr thing is just another reason for teenagers to rebel and feel like they belong to something.
Also the "pull yourself up" bootstrap mentality doesn't economically work in America. It's not the 80s anymore. If you're not from a well off family and you're out here trying to make it on your own you'll see that first hand REGARDLESS of race.
I'm pretty sure that's why some white people get mad at the social justice stuff. Racially, they feel excluded. Like their reality and hardships aren't as real. Somethings can be blamed on race. That's just a fact everyone needs to accept. But not everything.
A lot of policies are screwing americans over including white americans. The lack off focus on that is annoying to me.
No. 27908
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Disney. I've never liked Disney past my childhood. I don't get why so many adults obsess over their movies, they're meant for kids and I just don't enjoy them in my adulthood, save for a few exceptions but overall they're very plain and boring.
Especially Frozen, the movie was such a piece of shit I was shocked at the enormous fanbase it grew since I thought it was one of the worst Disney films I had ever seen. It's not a fucking feminist milestone, both of the female leads are selfish, weak, cowardly, stupid and never contribute other than getting into trouble and having others save their asses. The twist with Hans was a last-minute attempt to bring a half-assed villain into the movie, not a revolutionary plot twist. It made no sense and the audience wasn't given any clues that would add up in the end, I don't mean having him rub his hands together or cackling to himself, but SOME sort of hints about his motives. The "true love" part was the most predictable thing ever since they had shoehorned in the "OMG U CAN'T MARRY SOMEONE YOU JUST MET WE ARE SO PROGRESSIVE" tripe during the whole movie. And STILL Anna ends up with Kristoff, the guy he just met.
I hate that movie so fucking much, I could spend all day bitching about it. And even though it's been like 2 years since its release, I still see it all over the place. It's very, very loosely based on one of the best fairy tales of all time that had plenty of strong female characters and an interesting plot, why the fuck couldn't they follow it?
Oh, and Anna wasn't a charming klutz "everyday girl next door anyone can identify with", she was really fucking annoying and obnoxious. I've known girls like her in real life and they're always made me want to smack their bitch asses up.
No. 27915
>>27911You're not making history with this fake outrage bullshit. There's no black genocide being perpetrated by american cops, look towards africa for a real genocide you dumb piece of shit.
Keep regurgitating tumblr.
No. 27921
>>27916>jealous of attentionTop kek, why would people be jealous of pity? You know that it's pity you're garnering, right?
Also, asians are laughing their asses off at you. While you're busy going abloo bloo about thugs and a woman who committed suicide in her cell, we are getting into positions of power and highly educated.
No. 27932
>>27931I'm not gonna fall for bait but I'm bored and need to kill time at work.
So, I'll speak on the Asian comment. I think Asians have their own battles when it comes to race in America but there aren't many Asian people here and Asians have their own culture, role models and mainstream media etc which is something young black Americans (especially women) don't have. Maybe all this "complaining" is just a bunch of young adults trying to find their place in the world.
No. 27940
>>27938Is meant for
No. 27965
>>27957I find the neo-lolita better than the japanese fashion to be fair.
I hate it when people glorify obesity and I hate it when fat people say they hate anorexia.
No. 27970
>YaaasssThis is a weirdly, doubly irritating one because in high school this is what all the neds used to say to gloat over others once they'd won an argument or some shit, kind of like the same way people would say "So there!".
It was this really obnoxious, high-pitched, braying "SO YAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS" that still makes my skin crawl, and it's even worse seeing retards on tumblr use it.
No. 28027
I do believe that every life has some sort of significance. Humans, animals, plants, etc.- we're all here as an ecosystem to help the earth, but bitching about how racial lives matter because in the past they had been oppressed and still feel that they are isn't exactly instilling a lot of confidence in them. Going 'abloobloobloo' for a whole race is crazy. You don't know everyone's lives- just because you think that you're entitled to some sort of rights that you don't feel you have- it's like with respect, respect isn't given, it's earned (not saying that I don't respect black people, just saying that if you want to stop "feeling oppressed" you need to earn it. And crying and bitching about every little thing isn't how you do that. It isn't how women's rights got started.) For that matter, you don't know everyone's lives and feelings in the black race- why do you make such a broad statement on behalf of everyone? What if there was a black person who was a child molester? Would their life still matter to the point of whining about it?
>New-Age Celebrities (Cara, Kardashians, every other one that blows up my inbox instead of giving me nice nail tips)
I don't like them. At all. Most of them are famous for being famous and they're complete cunts.
I love Disney. I really do- I grew up on the Lion King, I still watch DChannel reruns of Lizzie McGuire at 3am sometimes- but seriously. The standard of their movies has slid down a slippery slope. A slippery, Elsa made slope. I mean, ugh. At least Pixar's still holding up decently for now.
>Politics never attacking true issues
GTFO 'Murica. Just, goddamn. It costs more to make money than it's worth nowadays. I think that says something about our country. Also, free education. That needs to be a thing. And better healthcare. Because I've still only gone to the dentist twice in my entire life. Yeah. Doing good America.
>This new generation of tween/teenagers
They frighten me. Lots of yelling and 'activism' and abloobloo-ing. I long for the days of goth/scene/emo kids and mall-rats. Now we have children who never leave their phones or computers. Fun.
No. 28033
>Blacklivesmatter shitThe only thing I really hate about this "movement" and associated ones from Tumblr or whatever SJW hugbox you care to mention is that if you modify or deviate even slightly from the accepted narrative (e.g. saying "All lives matter") then it equates in many a tiny mind that you literally oppose it.
It's a horrible, quiet, insincere dogmatism, in that you also know these tubthumping retards wouldn't dare say shit in public 99% of the time. I remember in a thread elsewhere on lolcow (not sure if it's still here) about the Nostalgia Chick, and there was a picture of a group of Tweets she made about how upset she was by some guy sitting next to her in a bar and was being "incredibly racist" (without specifying how, by the way), and was like
>hello, um, is anyone going to stop him omg im literally shaking with anger but i dont want to cause a scene uwu …It's like bitch, have a fucking spine and call that asshole out. Don't tweet in real time about it, waiting for someone else to sort it out.
No. 28034
>>28027>#FeminismI do believe that every life has some sort of significance. Humans, animals, plants, etc.- we're all here as an ecosystem to help the earth, but bitching about how gendered lives matter because in the past they had been oppressed and still feel that they are isn't exactly instilling a lot of confidence in them. Going 'abloobloobloo' for a whole
gender is crazy. You don't know everyone's lives- just because you think that you're entitled to some sort of rights that you don't feel you have- it's like with respect, respect isn't given, it's earned (not saying that I don't respect women, just saying that if you want to stop "feeling oppressed" you need to earn it. And crying and bitching about every little thing isn't how you do that. It isn't how civil rights got started.) For that matter, you don't know everyone's lives and feelings in the female gender- why do you make such a broad statement on behalf of everyone? What if there was a woman who was a child molester? Would their life still matter to the point of whining about it?
No. 28038
>>28034different person, but it still kind of applies
modern feminism gives the radicals a lot of credit and space to talk
there's also the weird thing where people say feminism is about equality for everyone, but then when men are wronged, they stand by
the whole gender wars shit is pretty awful though, feminists are mostly concerned with their disadvantages and MRAs are only concerned about theirs.
not a lot of working together, not a lot of understanding between the two, just a lot of shouting shouting and trying to prove who has it worse.
No. 28041
>>28034(original earning respect poster here)
Ooh damn, yeah. I like that too. Honestly, I think with big movements like #Feminism and #BLM and all that nonsense people forget that we are individual people and we can't generalize ourselves as such broad statements. Everyone has a different story to tell- every person has different ups and downs and scars and happinesses but, yes, while they can be connected at the base via gender or race- that's all they can be. You can't say that something as a group
needs to be taken seriously without knowing every flaw within the group.
Honestly, such big movements just prove to others that we need someone else to help us fight our own battles. We should be standing up for ourselves. If you, yourself, are black and feel oppressed- well, go do something about it- make people respect you the way that other people are respected. Respect is earned, not given.
The same with being female, if you think you're being treated unfairly- woman up. Earn the respect you feel you're due.
Not for nothing, but make people understand your side by talking to them- and then listen to their side. The only way for people to know how it is, is if everyone understands as a whole. (Very idealistic, but it holds true.)
No. 28051
>extreme sjw
i like politics. i like feminism. i like anti racism. but im tired of 99% of the discourse that goes on online. i'm tired of pop feminism thats all about "eyeliner so sharp it can kill a man, tee-hee!". i'm tired of dragging celebrities every time they do something ~problematic~, especially when they usually drag female celebrities ten times harder than their white male favorites. im tired of being told i cant enjoy a tvshow if there is a problematic actor on it or whatever. these are all little problems in the long run, who gives a shit what people like.
im also sick of the 1000 different genders and sexualities, of trans* headcanons and shit like that. im sick of cultural appropriation talk. bindis aren't sacred, dreadlocks aren't sacred, cornrows aren't sacred, kimonos aren't sacred. no one cares if you wear henna, stop harassing 15 year olds for posting pictures of it online.
>extreme anti-sjw
these are just as annoying as sjw. constant arguing, all of the "x-for-real-justice" blogs on tumblr. finding troll blogs talking about how breathing is cultural appropriation and saying shit like "SJW ARE CRAZY!", its an obvious troll. extremes of both sides are shit, no one is safe from it
>steven universe/adventure time/homestuck/wtnv
im tired of all of these, i have them blacklisted on tumblr. they all attract a certain type of "fan".
>underage people with dd/lg and bdsm blogs
I like some of the lolita shit myself. I like older dudes and wouldn't mind calling a boyfriend daddy. But I'm sick of seeing 16 year old girls be exposed to this stuff and never getting a chance to explore other kinks. I want to see femdom become the next kink/fashion trend.
No. 28056
>>28033>you also know these tubthumping retards wouldn't dare say shit in public 99% of the timeWhat? I come a across people having these conversations or calling others out on it once in a while, though keep in mind I live in NYC. Also, idk if they're tumblr users, being that they don't have the stereotypical dyed hair and have defended their arguments by citing sources, which is something I don't see on tumblr.
So yeah not saying that you're wrong, but that tumblr users are the ones who typically don't call anyone out on racism unless it actually affects them (meaning they care). Like I've noted that usually people who are completely black are less likely to use tumblr and to actually go out and have protests while accepting other races' support compared to biracial (black and white) tumblr users.
No. 28060
>>27877so when black people were protesting segregation as well as the torture and killing of blacks in the 60s and prior to then, they were just being loud and annoying too right?
because whites back then thought they didn't deserve shit, assuming they were all criminals when it was obvious that laws worked against them and for the privilege of whites (you can google The Condemnation of Blackness)
when people who do not know what it is like to be black and refuse to even try to understand what a person is talking about, you can't say why they're "complaining" about black lives mattering
No. 28061
>>28057pretty sad that he's still at the top of the GoP when he acts so abrasive about every damn thing he says
I mean, some of things he says make sense, but he says it in the most "fuck you" way possible
really pisses me off, hope some one else gets the nomination for sure
No. 28081
>>28060Not really an issue here in the UK. Black British have it easy compared to African Americans.
There are two kinds of African Americans the hoodrats and the normal people.
The normal people deserve everything a human being should have.
The hoodrats don't and yet they blast up each other, not giving a shit about black lives but when whites or whoever else does it suddenly its "omg black lives tho".
No. 28085
"I'm black in korea and omg people are staring at me…"
no shit
not everyday they see a jungle bunny walking down their road, is it?
No. 28092
>>28081I assume by hoodrats you mean poor people or people without class (or ratchet as people say). There are "normal" people of all kinds just like anyone can be a hoodrat.
So I think who you're actually referring to are hypocrites.
No. 28143
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People who confuse being socially aware/socially awkward to having major anxiety. I'm sick of seeing things on tumblr and facebook like "Anxiety sucks because I feel like everybody is watching me when I through a piece of paper away! It's hard for me to order food!"
No. 28178
>>28157the term people of color has been around for ages if you're annoyed by a non racist way to describe people because of 'tumblr" you're a fucking idiot
and no shit everyone fucking knows you dont have to cal african-americans african not all black people are african-american
jesus this thread is a screaming example of "i've never actually befriended or talked to a black person before"
No. 28179
>>28088no, it's not. affirmative action doesn't work. or maybe you'd see colleges filled with black people. but you don't. you fucking shithead
i love it when people say affirmative action like it's special treatment when black people had to make their own schools over ad over again because whites kept burning them down.
sure feels special
No. 28184
>>27916>> "the way I see it is some white people are jealous of the attention this black lives matter stuff is getting and the black people against it think if they talk shit about it they will get some brownie points from their white peers" exactly
>>27921>>"we are getting into positions of power and highly educated."then whey do you keep whining about it and complaining at every given opportunity. your pearly white palace must not be so accommodating.
No. 28189
>>28081>>"There are two kinds of African Americans the hoodrats and the normal people."
there are two kinds of white people. backwards-ass trailer trash. and normal people. the trashy white people don't deserve to have the rights of human beings.
do you see how idiotic that sounds?
did you know if you're going to pull out that black on black crime shit, it's higher statistically for white people? so why is everyone acting like it's fucking Compton in 1992? black gang violence REALLY is not that high anymore.
and there are two kinds of racists. closeted ones and open ones.
both think they're superior.
both have 0 empathy or desire to understand another group of people's existence and history on the whole.
both refuse to accept actual facts or being wrong
both think the government trying to help a group of disadvantaged people is "special treatment" despite the other having a 300 year headstart because the other was in chains
No. 28191
thank you based anon
I hate hearing random people aka racists say things like 'hurr affirmative action is special treatment. Do you have anything I could say when people say this? besides what you said about the 'headstart'? I want a quick way to disprove them (and you're well spoken unlike me haha)
No. 28193
>>28191if affirmative action worked, half the people in my home community would be in harvard.
or be able to afford a public university
motherfuckers out here had straight A's but could only afford community college
so much for affirmative action
it doesn't take that many brain cells. if it worked, why is the entry rate and retention rate for blacks in college so low? because it DOESN'T. AND EVERYONE IS POOR.
No. 28195
>>28193Anon, sorry for being ignorant but why can't black people get into school even though they have good grades? shouldn't they be given a scholarship by the government or money assistance to pay for the school?
can black people not go to college because they are poor? or do schools not want them there if they are black?? I'm confused sorry
No. 28197
>>28195because almost everyone in America needs monetary assistance right now. regardless of race. the costs are ridiculous. to even get a loan you need a good credit score, or you wont be approved. many black people are in debt. if you're not upper class, or like of the 1 percentile range for test scores, good luck.
also, many black students in inner cities still don't receive the proper help for applying to college.
many black students drop out of high school too.
it has nothing to do with them being black like 98% of the time.
No. 28200
>if affirmative action worked, half the people in my home community would be in harvard.LMAO WHAT
First of all, it's hard as fuck to get into harvard. Not only that, it's super easy for a minority like a Hispanic or blacks to get in. So blacks with shittier grades can get in easy, and Harvard pays for like the WHOLE thing. If Harvard excepted everyone then it wouldn't be an acceptational school.
>why is the entry rate and retention rate for blacks in college so lowSo because blacks quit school to be lazy etc to quit school its because affirmative action doesnt worK???
LMAO what does it even do then. You are given special privileges and you STILL fucking complain
No. 28202
>>28200you understand what extremisms are right? that i don't literally mean harvard. but that's pretty much how idiots like you make AA out to be. that it's some golden ticket to take you anywhere and everywhere because "black"
>>So because blacks quit school to be lazy(lmao see above comment jackass)
AA is there to ensure diversity, just like the equal opportunity employment
oh yes, all black people do is complain. so many privileges i could drown. tbh i wish everything was how you said it was. then at least the racial playing field would have leveled out for a bit. if i got free shit for being a minority, that'd be awesome. unfortunately it's not how it works or i probably wouldn't be in the position i am right now.
No. 28203
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Y'all have a black fetish I swear.
No. 28205
>>28203if people are going to bring up shitty opinions and misinformation and get "annoyed" that people are trying to combat racism , it's a fucking board and i can post my opinion too.
of all the things to be annoyed by, equality and fairness is like the STUPIDEST thing.
No. 28213
>>28211brown people hate the cold you guys could relocate some place far up north and be in non-progressive harmony.
no women to ask to not be sexually harassed or shamed. no blacks to complain about not being profiled and killed. no gays to ask for equal rights, or QUILTBAG people to be accepted as they are
most people just want to happy, and there are quite a lot of people who rather have a diverse culture and environment. but if it's not for you, you should go to a place where you don't have to deal with it.
(use containment threads) No. 28214
>>28202LMAO I didn't say its a golden ticket but it sure makes things way easier for you
I like how you don't aknowledge that college retention rates for blacks are low mostly because of lazyness. You just say muh steryotype but no, it's true. I'm not even talking about that steryotype (that I never even heard anyone say before but ok??) but most people who quit college do it because they are lazy. Not because of omg its affirmative actions fault!!1!1
No. 28223
>>28215there is freedom of speech but that doesn't mean you can say what ever you want and no one can say anything to you back. I made the comment that started this argument. It had no mention of black people etc but then someone had to reply ranting about black people.
It's usually the anti-sjw starting the fights then we "sjw/tumblr " people get the blame for it.
No. 28227
(I am very sorry!! This is the last time I'll be reposting. I keep forgetting to sage! If I forget something this time, I'll leave it there.)
>>28204Yeah, but it also lower the bars for African Americans ands Hispanics. Then, in the future, those who weren't good enough for college Anyway drops out sooner than most making people waste their time and money.
Honestly I'm black(no I do not think all blacks should think like me), so it's not only ' white people whining'. I'd rather have a smart white boy sitting next to me in lectures than a dumbass black boy who wasn't good enough for that setting as yet. Sorry, not sorry.
Also, I would rather a college accepting me because I got high grades, a high SAT score, and because I'm smart and ready to learn. Not because I'm black, they don't have to do that. If they didn't want to in the first place because I happen to be black, then fuck em, that place wasn't for me anyway.
I think they should just get rid of the race card, period.
>inb4 racistI don't think any other race is better than one another. While Affirmative Action may have been a good idea from when people still actively hated and wanted to segregate minorities, I think it should be pushed away now. Or focus on something else. For example, Affirmative Action for people who are poor(that's gonna be a whole different topic) or something.
>inb4 a lot of people than people who didn't get in with affirmative action drops out too!!I am aware of that, but AA may cause more drop outs than needed wasting everyone's time, money, resources, etc.
I'll sage, because this is way off topic. You could bump the American problems thread if you'd like.
No. 28238
>>28226Depends on the circumstances of the person. I ended up dropping out of college within two months due to mental bullshit and financial bullshit. I'm a white girl living in bumfuck 'Murica in working class.
Look- you can't compare everyone's problems as a whole and say, "Well, generally, black people get more '
privileges' than white people in certain areas." without knowing the individual background of each and every person.
It's like a science experiment. You have your variables (the privilege and oppression) vs your controlled actions within each test subject (which
no one seems to bring up). You can't compare apples to oranges without saying how the apples and oranges were alike in the first place. And since everyone seems to talk about races as a whole- that's a whole lot of different types of apples and oranges to fight over.
Arguably Granny Smith apples, while still fruit, may share nothing in common with a Sunkist orange. One being green and sour- the other being orange with a peelable thing and- fuck I am to tired for this. Please say that you guys at least get a little bit of what I'm saying?
No. 28242
>>28241Most of the black people around here that I've met are very 'loud' ( I guess from most of them living in an urban style enviroment?)
and the loudness scares me too. I'm such an autist but it's so intimidating.
No. 28251
I am an angry child. Many things bother me.
I love Disney, and thought Frozen was ok (Tangled was way better honestly, but no1curr about Tangled because of stupid Frozen), but it's been out for like 2 years already and it's still all over the place being rammed down everyone's throats like disney just can't let it go. It's upstaged every Disney movie that came before it, and it's upstaging every Disney movie that's come after it. I'm just so tired of seeing it everywhere, especially as like the "girls'" option for toys/lunchboxes/bandaids/etc, like girls can only like princesses or something.
>youtube beauty gurus
ugh. There are just too many of them, and they perpetuate a lot of unrealistic standards i think. They're usually really well off to begin with, which is nice for them I guess. And then they get sponsored by companies to use their product. Also really nice. But then… preteen, teen, and twenties girls buy into thinking then NEED to have this product and that product and it has to be this exact thing or else you can't look good. Makeup companies must love this, but it probably sends a few people into going broke.
>naked pallets
see "beauty gurus". And I guess they're ok, it's just like are we seriously still on this?
>basic ass girls thinking they're hot shit wearing all PINK tank tops and yoga pants and fake tan in public
no yr not. lol.
I've still got a few of these on fb that i'm purging. They get really preachy about their so much better than the rest of ours lifestyle, use stupid clicbait from dodgy sources like themindunleashed (which just sounds smug af in its own title) to back up their sanctimonious opinions, and are hypocrites because they tell everyone around them to keep an open mind, but can't be arsed to do the same.
>stoners who make weed and drugs their entire life
probs because they're usually stupid neophippies as well.
>the Kardashians
they are boring. and famous for nothing. and Kim dresses like shit ever since she got with Kanye.
>Donald Trump
His whole campaign is just a vanity project.
>Josh Duggar
did a horrible thing to his sisters and cheats on his wife. he doesn't deserve all the attention he's gotten over the years. i'm tired of seeing his stupid face all over social media. "family values" my ass.
>ppl boycotting target because they're not separating "girls' toys" and "boys' toys" anymore.
like wtf does it even matter? parents are still going to restrict what their kids play with, and yes, while sticking to traditional gender roles is a "good christian values" thing, that was never ever the intention when retailers chose to separate boys' things and girls' things. retailers did it as a marketing ploy to sell more shit. not for your values. fucksake. I thought the whole "christians boycotting target" thing was a joke, but then my super conservative cousin actually did say he was never going to shop at Target again.
>people who brag about having a SO at every chance they get
Stop. This is tacky. And it shows some serious insecurity.
>discussions about race in every other thread on lolcow
yup. it gets really tumblr in here sometimes. sorry.
No. 28254
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>>28244>ChihuahuasI don't think I've ever encountered a small dog that wouldn't be put to better use being chopped up and fed to homeless people.
No. 28266
>>28260Weed is a mediocre drug with a shit culture and the vast majority of its users are useless
>>28262Racism is the result of actually having interacted with other races.
No. 28271
>>27892so, just because youre black, you're oppressed?
thank you tumblr
apparently, you can be mental illness free, you can have a house, you can never have been abused or rape, you can have tons of money but SOMEHOW you are oppressed because omg ur black!!!!
thanks for your knowledge, black people in america TRULY have it the hardest!!!
it's not like people in africa suffers or something.
they should be lucky they have it fucking easier than people in their home country
fucking ungrateful cunts
No. 28275
>>28051i never understood whats wrong with underage dd/lg?
I mean at 16 years old, you're a late teen not a young girl. You know what you're doing.
plus 16 is the age of consent lol
No. 28278
>>28260i HATE hearing people praise weed cuz its naturalzz so good for u NO bad effects at all!!!
I mean it't horrible but its not something ANYONE with a developing brain should be using recreationally (hint hint, it changes your developing brain structure and shit). past a certain age it's cool/whatever but still meh to me. I dont think drugs in general are worth the risk unless its a medication or treament
and inb4 anyone asks I don't drink alcohol, smoke, or do any drugs unless they are necessary. i don't even like drinking caffeine.
No. 28286
>>28199Can you stop talking about slavery?
it happened long time ago, get the fuck over it.
Even black people themselve sold other black people in slavery.
wanna talk about something bad? what about what happened to the jews? what about mentally ill people that get abused in asylums? what about child abuse?
shut the fuck up with your race bullshit
No. 28289
I'm that type and what are you talking about?
What man actually want to be with an aggressive dominant boyish woman? lol Tons of guys like being dominant
No. 28298
>>28288You're being misleading if you're saying the risk of cannabis consumption is just as minor as that of fruit or water. Antidepressants though have a much higher adverse potential than cannabis, and are poorly understood.
But to compare cannabis, a drug that is frequently smoked, with benign substances, because 'everything has a risk', is just disingenuous.
>>28291Psilocybin has much less carcinogenic properties, but a different type of psychogenic risk.
No. 28300
>>28281huh? how stupid are you. I pretty much study brain biology and I'm not idiot. Did you even read what I said. I said it's not good for someone in a developing age! after that it's whatever. If anything, I have a moderate drug stance lol….
>>28288no shit ANYTHING can be bad for you. does this mean you should willing do destructive things? uh no. Like I said, weed isn't fucking crack, but it has it's place and time.
>>28291Those are two completely different drugs. But no.
>>28294maybe the retarded tumblr ones. I was just saying this so say that there are accepting/normal ones
>>28298thank you sane person
No. 28303
>>28302I don't think I ever got sympathy for being raped. Not even by my parents
it was all
>why weren't you in your room studying that night? if you were studying it wouldnt have happened>why did you go out at night with your boyfriend? if you didnt do that then nothing would have happened>why didn't you fight harder? if you had actually fought it wouldnt have happened>did you lead him on? next time dont do that and it wont happen No. 28304
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>>28303well anon, i'm sorry you have been raped. you deserve sympathy and a hug
No. 28314
>>28313:C I WANT ONE
I have a little arduino one but all he does is turn on a little light ;_;
No. 28324
>>28319I had that at my uni
Vietnamese girl that would never do her homework, she would just flirt with me to get me to do it for her
I realized what she was manipulating me after a few months, and I stopped
She failed 2 classes afterwards, and her parents pulled the plug and had her go back to Vietnam
felt pretty good tbh
No. 28328
>>28324it took you
No. 28341
>>283391. Find a desperate/socially awkward man to bait.
2. Be a sociopath.
4. Profit!
No. 28343
>>28338but im not a dude
>>28339>>28341more like
>desperate to get 4.0, way too behind>flirt with awkward asian boy>get the gradetbh we did hang out a few times and he was really nice (we are friends now ) but I really did use him to do all my work. he didn't seem to mind and did it all before i even mentioned it though.
No. 28347
>>28328yeah, it started out being her asking for help, explaining the problems and shit
then after a week or so, she would ask for more help than before, asking me to write her some examples
she eventually just asked to copy my code and I told her to fuck off
that was the end of it
I didn't even want to fuck her, I just thought she wanted to be friends, we hung out, but she started ignoring my texts and asking for me to do more and more to help her, and I bailed
>>28335no way am I going back to that unmoderated shithole. It's just full of angry idiots who want to stew in their own self-pity or start gender war bullshit
No. 28348
>>28305you're welcome qt anon.
if you want, you should go talk to a therapist. rape is horrible and you didnt deserve it
No. 28350
>>28348I went to talk to one lady and one of the first things she asked me was "why were you out so late/why were you alone with him?"
have not been able to bring myself to talk to a therapist since then
No. 28351
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>>28350That lady sucks. Maybe talk about it to a close friend? you deserve to get help!
No. 28358
>>28351thanks anon, but I have no close friends ): I'm introverted/have some mental health issues that make it hard for me to make friends/feel ok to talk
I will try to see a therapist but I can't even bring myself to talk about the rape. Like I know it happened but i'm almost still in denial. I can't even say the word rape out loud, i say "assault" instead because it feels like a dirty, disgusting, sexual word if this makes sense.
No. 28404
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>>28347>unmoderatedI got globally banned for three days for baneposting. THREE DAYS.
No. 28416
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>>28358i'd be your friend anon
(im sorry if it sounds weird)
I'm also introverted.
No. 28573
>>28358hey anon, i'm the same way. i can't say rape because it feels too awful and bad. and i feel responsible.
i say assault to downplay the pain.
i feel you
hugs No. 28588
>>28404mods here are complete nazis when banning
its really stupid
No. 28592
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>>28404Was getting banned part of your plan?>>28404
No. 28601
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>>28592>>28588>>28578>>28404>/b/ has to accommodate shitposters of this naturefucking baneposters are always autistic
No. 28602
>>28601youre always autistic
same with the mods who ban because of that
No. 28603
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>>28601You don't get to bring complaints.
No. 28611
>>28588I don't think he was talking about here though.
I believe he was saying that mods on /r9k/ we very active contrary to the other anon's beliefs
To stay on topic,
I'm sick of seeing:
>People posting their life stories on different Youtubers' videos. I may sound like an asshole, but I don't see the point really. Some YTbers don't even read their comments. So I thought it may be more effective to send letters or something. Idk, I just find it corny as hell. Sorry/Not Sorry
>People asking for spoilers on horror videosSorry if these are all YouTube related, but I just came from watching gaming videos. But honestly, if your anxiety is SO BAD, why the fuck are you on a FNAF video? A game totally based on jumpscares.
Horror and suspense is about the surprises and shock most of the time, so why ruin it?
Thing is, I'm on mobile most of the time, So when something uneventful is happening, I can scroll down and still watch the video. And the thing is, some of these people don't even enter or anything to hide the times, so it's not like you can easily avoid the spoilers if you wanted to.
No. 28613
>>28215if you're going to say "nigger" expect somebody to be offended not everyone is going to bow to your shit. you clearly don't know what that word means. so don't say it if you don't want to deal with the results.
>>28271yes, obviously that's what i said. yes, blacks have it the hardest. that's word for word what i said.
rolls eyesare some people just too stupid to admit that black people have been marginalized and
gasp causes have effects and WOW those effects can last more than a decade??
you're a fucking idiot lmfao. good luck getting anywhere in life. if i'm ungrateful at least i'm not completely retarded like you.
No. 28617
>>28286>>Can you stop talking about slavery?No.
>>it happened long time ago, get the fuck over it.No. I won't get over slavery. Because of people like you.
>>Even black people themselve sold other black people in slavery.Due to tribal warfare. But white people were the ones that brought them to another continent and split their families up and sold them generation after generation. No warfare involved.
>>wanna talk about something bad? what about what happened to the jews? what about mentally ill people that get abused in asylums? what about child abuse?shut the fuck up with your race bullshit
LMAO the jews and child abuse?! kek
This makes no sense.
You need jesus anon. Or like, a fucking college degree.
No. 28618
>>28306EXACTLY. why did hating children become trendy? congrats fucking edgelord. you're a "different" kind of woman.
women always trying to prove themselves to "not be like those
other girls" are the worst
No. 28619
>>28273>>It doesn't, but tumblr thinks white women cant be raped or molestednobody thinks that especially of all the fuckers tumblr. dumbass
maybe you're confused with nazi-sympathizes
No. 28620
>>28617>>28617nice samefagging.
keep whining about things that happened in the past to prove how much of a good person you are!!!!
No. 28622
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>>28613>being offended at the word nigger>calls someone retardHilarious
No. 28624
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>>28613>actioning>defending niggers>lmfaokill yourself
>>28617do you see me getting irate over Italians raping my people during the Roman empire? no? then shut the fuck up you fucking coon
>No. I won't get over slavery. Because of people like you.>"no I won't stop being annoying cunt being anally retentive about ancient history because you're making me act autistic!"
>Due to tribal warfare.that still happens today
>white people were the ones that brought them to another continent and split their families up and sold them generation after generation.which has benefited them more than their mud huts have
>No warfare involved.said it yourself, even our slavery was more peaceful
>LMAO>kekyou need a college degree in genetics to finally see past the veil on how truly idiotic niggers are
No. 28626
>>28620not an insult. nice try though
>>28622anyone else?
No. 28628
>>28626You can't whine about someone using the word nigger while calling someone retarded.
you're a sensitive hypocrite
No. 28633
>>28629replace white and black and you'd go apeshit.
please go back to tumblr with your race bait bullshit
No. 28634
>>28628but…i'm actually concerned for their wellbeing. i seriously think they MAY have a learning deficiency. i'm not using it to put down mentally ill people.
you see, there's two kind of mentally ill people. the regular people, and the retarded.
sound familiar?
No. 28643
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>>28629Muh chillun need to be paid for and take the white mans land becus we ain't got no rights vto access our leffs. So we need some free gibs
No. 28644
>>28639you're the one that told that anon to go get a college degree first.
guess you dont have one it either
No. 28649
>>28636>>28637>>28641>>28643>>28644DELCIOUSSS BAIT. FEED ME MOAR SAMEFAGS
bring it on, you people want to complain about anti-racists but when somebody actually makes a counter argument you want it to end lol
No. 28658
>>28645He posted that picture of the white dude lol
You're race baiting.
Saying nigger is racist but saying retard is not ableis? lmao sure anon sure
the thing is it's funny because people always say white tears and "omg look at these whites offended"
but it's black people who constantly whine about MUH SLAVERY
not us lol keep thinking you're oppressed and generalizing a WHOLE race because being black automatically means you have it harder than any other race. :)
No. 28660
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>>28656my mistake racists look all the same to me
No. 28667
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Don't worry Bens here to save the day.
No. 28668
>>28645when white people suffer we invent and adapt. when black people suffer they nig out and rob you fucking nigger
>>28649>LMAO >DELCIOUSSS BAIT. FEED ME MOAR SAMEFAGS>lol>samefags in pluralkill yourself
>>28658>ableistyou too
>>28660>tumblr>weebshitand you
No. 28670
>>28658the smiley emoticon doesn't make you look witty.
if the term is really that bad and ableist, send me an article about it so i can enlighten myself, and my apologies if anyone who is actually handicapped feels bad.
yeah and it's white people who plug their ears anytime black people bring up race relations. 2015 or 1955 it's always the same response:
i'm not trying to offend white people for being white. i'm just reminding stupid people they are stupid. not for being white. for being stupid. as for the anons, they started this argument. you can't get mad and bawww because somebody actually responded.
No. 28678
>>28673You know I honestly don't for the most part? My husband is white. Most of my friends are white. They seem to get it so for some reason I think there's hope.
9/10 times I don't bother but I have nothing going on rn so I'll keep trolling.
No. 28680
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>>28670you're implying intelligence isn't tied to race. That's just wrong nigger
pic related
>>28674sorry miss.Tumblr for not poisoning as many imageboards as you with your unscientific rhetoric
>>28673why would you expect basketball americans to understand anything?
No. 28683
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>>28680You may be better a math but guess who is more bootylicious!
No. 28685
>>28680basketball americans that's a good one. congrats. i laughed once, hell, even twice.
they should start calling us that.
No. 28686
>>28683what a fat ugly bitch. it's like a cross between gorilla and pig
>>28685how new are you?
No. 28689
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It was black women who nursed your white ancestors. They drink up all the milk so they didn't have milk for their own babies brains because they had to give it to white babies and it's been scientifically prove that breast feeding makes babies smarter. During slavory times the black women with big tits had to breast feed the babies and that is America.
No. 28690
>>28635>>28632seriously? i just went to google image lol. you really need to calm down on the war against tumblr.
>>28683>>28686>>28689keep trying i'm still not impressed. really go for the SOUL. truly delve deep in the massive shit pile you call a brain.
No. 28691
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>>28683Sex symbols and pinup girls were white and they were curvy as fuck.
No. 28697
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>>28689>>28683White women always had big tits
No. 28699
>>28696>>28683i'm half white and half latina
and i have a big butt.
you cant compare black women to hot as fuck latina babes :^)
No. 28706
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>>28701source on that claim
No. 28709
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more stats
No. 28710
>>28701you're giving black people a bad name.
please sotp
No. 28713
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even more
No. 28714
>>28704>>28700it's all bait.
don't even read the charts, i didn't. it's useless.
i'm just playing with the completely beyond repair edgelord racists here from what, /r9k? my god.
it's the ones that look like they may actually have some sort of understanding of how reality outside their little shell is i'll bother debating with.
No. 28717
>>28710they didn't even claim if they were.
it's probably just somebody trying to pretend to be black if anything.
really don't feed into it
No. 28718
>>28714holy shit
>sourced statistics, facts, science and numbers can swept under the rug as bait>"If I dun lyk it den it aint true brah">>28716?
No. 28724
>>28715I probably am. But you know, feel free to refute that.
I literally had somebody say I have no right to discuss race relations because child abuse is way worse. What…no it's not a game of who has it worst wtf?
No. 28726
>>28720it's not really for the trolls lol but alright.
>>28718yeah racist logic isn't really worth my time BRAHH. if your argument starts with calling me a nigger i have no reason to read anything you say or take it seriously.
No. 28731
>>28726>>28728my logic relies upon evidence. Because I used an ad hominem attack it does not invalidate my argument. nigger. That's called a fallacy fallacy
>it's not "evidence" to me evidence is not personal to you or me. it's objective. it's fucking statistics and graphs produced by reputable sources. jesus fucking christ
I've never seen such a blatant display of cognitive dissonance that it's led to someone dismissing evidence before even actually viewing it.
No. 28742
>>28714Yeah I know, but it isn't like these types of comments are new either, you know? It's hilarious because they're obsessed with other races and try to bait people, then get mad when they respond.
But I'm done with it, it's always the same shit. If being racist is what keeps them alive, then the rest of us are living better already.
No. 28743
>>28742ignoring science, news and politics doesn't make the world better. Putting your hands over your ears does nothing you ignoramus.
Statistics are just numbers. They can't hurt you. I haven't assembled them, you're not going to cry because you don't like the look of numbers in a table are you?
No. 28753
>>28724that anon didnt say you have no right.
he just said this "who have it worst" game was bullshit
No. 28754
>>28750>There are numerous studies out there that completely discredit the bs you're claiming.source?
it's your job to refute my evidence with contrary evidence, not mine
where oh where am I meant to find these magical statistics you speak of that you definitely know exist that you wont link or post? it's almost like they're aren't any.
And until you prove otherwise I stand by my claim there aren't any.
Burden of proof is on you to disprove me.
No. 28756
>>28750>>28754also forgot to add, nice loaded statement
>though you won't, otherwise you'll end up killing yourself from finding out you're wrong.because you scream you're right with nothing to support it it doesn't mean you're right.
No. 28767
>>28750pretty much.
racist and biased propaganda isn't evidence.
ignoring bullshit that has been proved false over and over does not equate to somebody putting their hands over their eyes and ears.
No. 28773
>>28767>ignoring bullshit that has been proved false over and over>still not posting counter evidenceevidence is evidence. how it's used it propaganda. Me using the numbers to push an agenda could be claimed to be propaganda if you're lucky, the evidence itself isn't part of an agenda however (many of the stats come from governmental sources, the others are academic). Numbers are numbers. The stats don't lie. Fucking retard.
>>28769>correcting spelling>not pointing out what was hypocriticalare you 12?
>>28772>people who disagree with me should dieI'm not even going into that one
No. 28775
>>28753that anon was worse than the "kill yourself, nigger" trolls.
>>28746I'd love to if everyone would stop giving me a reason to.
No. 28781
>>28773>>evidence is evidenceI'm sure Hitler's team of scientists used that one.
And for the last time, why am I going to bother looking up facts and figures with somebody so adamant to prove black people are "stupid, lazy, evil, violent, a threat to mankind, whatever racists believe". and starts off with calling me a nigger?
nobody! nobody cares enough! you want a proper debate present your argument in less obviously-shitstirring way.
No. 28782
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>>28777well SHIT better put back in chains then!
No. 28786
>>28781>I'm sure Hitler's team of scientists used that do realize the Nazi's discovered a shit ton related to hypothermia don't you? no? that's cause you ignore science.
>"all nazi's are bad, that means everything done in their name is wrong and immoral""
>And for the last time, why am I going to bother looking up facts and figures with somebody so adamant to prove black people are "stupid, lazy, evil, violent, a threat to mankind, whatever racists believe". and starts off with calling me a nigger?To prove them wrong you stupid nigger.
>you want a proper debate present your argument in less obviously-shitstirring way.fallacy fallacy again
>>28782man up.
>>28783show me the sources that support your claim that it's due to a difference in education
No. 28791
>>28786You're the only one that doesn't know this, why don't you look it up? You look for info that supports your beliefs, but don't look up info to see what these results were based on and what they mean?
Were you never taught that you have to look for information that supports and opposes your hypothesis? It's the same here. No. 28793
File: 1440132031854.png (1.11 MB, 4678x3308, LogicalFallacies.png)

>>28791First off, they're not beliefs, they're sources statistics, numbers and facts. They'res a difference retard.
Second off were you never taught the burden of proof? I've provided stuff for you to disprove and you've done fuck all you lazy cunt
I also find it funny how you accuse me confirmation bias and not looking at evidence while providing none yourself while continuing to do nothing to address my points, committing fallacy fallacies because I said a bad word you didn't like and have a huge cognitive dissonance.
You haven't even given me a source, you've given me a fucking search engine result. You know what, I'll entertain your link and come back after doing some research. I suggest you look at everything else I've posted as well. Nigger.
No. 28794
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No. 28795
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some more stats
No. 28796
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No. 28797
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No. 28798
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even more
No. 28799
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No. 28800
File: 1440132255430.png (73.17 KB, 400x241, 1426394887967.png)

No. 28801
File: 1440132273948.png (159.78 KB, 1205x930, 1426395081873.png)

bit more
No. 28802
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No. 28804
File: 1440132315857.png (579.12 KB, 969x921, 1426395364529.png)

few more
No. 28805
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No. 28806
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No. 28809
>>28793You're calling me lazy yet I had to do the first step for you. I'm not looking anything up for you because
you're the one who hasn't considered any other reason aside from race as to why one group may perform below another.
I've continuously addressed your points by stating that they're wrong in light of the fact that these two groups attend different schools. I assumed that was common knowledge and not something I had to provide information to you on. By that alone it proved to me that you only ever looked for information that supports your believes, which is what they will remain. You haven't even attempted to look for contrary information in order to ensure that your believes aren't just that.
I won't look at your retarded charts either because they don't mean shit. The first and only one I commented on was more than enough. It didn't imply anything about intellectual ability but more about the educational system in the U.S., but you were too stupid to consider that and thought you hit the jackpot when you found it.
I'm going to take the advice of the black people in this thread and finally stop responding. There is no point in talking to someone who is basically a puddle of piss.
No. 28840
File: 1440136353057.png (394.74 KB, 611x329, 33vhz5e.png)

I'm tired of seeing youtubers do the whole 'mukbang' trend, when they don't even understand what it is. I used to watch them when they were really popular on AfreecaTV, and a lot of people forget the whole 'live stream' aspect of it. The whole point is interacting with your audience, not just stuffing your face. It's like making a video titled "Livestream video!" and sitting there talking to yourself instead actually doing a livestream.
No. 28897
>>28868Basically yes. A strong female character = A sassy, "independent" woman who causes/gets into trouble and denies it all the while other people have to save them. Like Megara from Hercules.
We have Mulan who's smart, brave and humble and she gets some serious effort done including saving the emperor and not turning into a whiny bunch of angst even though she gets shit on for being a woman, but she's never considered a feminist icon for some reason and the movie gets always forgotten. Same goes for Brave, it had TWO female lead characters that were strong and developed yet nobody ever speaks of that movie. And Tiana in Princess and the Frog, she was fucking badass and worked really hard. And the only thing that movie got was bitching about bawww disney hate black ppl cuz she a frog
Instead we have people praising Elsa who didn't do anything, hid in his room, ran away from her troubles, almost got her sister killed, refused to cooperate, had to be dragged back in chains, continued to do nothing and finally "saves" her sister with magic deus ex machina tears. Or Anna, who was a spoiled thoughtless brat, didn't respect her sister, only cared about meeting a man of her dreams, almost got herself killed MULTIPLE times, had to have a man saving her, only cared about her own agenda, etc. etc. Which one of these are we supposed to like??
I didn't like Rapunzel in Tangled but damn even she was stronger than these two cunts.
No. 28917
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Its just annoying seeing posts like this about parents using their kids as props to make themselves look good.It reminds me of brad and angelina with their children.
No. 28991
>>27775Anyone 23 or over dating anyone around 16 years old (age of consent here).
It doesn't match up and no matter how much it's defended, how mature the younger one is or how little experience the older one has had, it's an unequal relationship. The brain is fully formed in the mid 20's and at 16 it's most definitely not even close. It's physically different.
Yes a 16 year old knows what sex is, but isn't mentally equipped to equally handle an adult relationship with an already matured person. They just can't have the same playing field, and the older one will be in power.
It creeps me right out, especially if the attitude is "it's legal, so she's fair game!". To me, that should be fair game to say, 16-18 year olds.
No. 29016
>>28991Yknow… Dating \=\ having sex
I'm 16 and dating a 25 years old guy and he wouldn't even think about touching me until I'm at least 18
No. 29102
>>29016So is he waiting for you to grow older? There's the mental aspect to a relationship too.
When you're 18 and still linked to this guy, the dynamic will still be the same. It's like the father/uncle/brother relationship. Soon as you get old enough it doesn't change things any. You're still the little girl to them.
No. 29139
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>he wouldn't even think about touching me until I'm at least 18
No. 29159
>>29154Fair enough, but the fact remains that he got with you because he saw a 16-year-old and liked what he saw.
If you were my daughter I'd have already gone after with him a fire axe. Just saying.
No. 29209
>>29154Well, what's his background? Experience etc?
He's definitely preying on you though.
No. 29260
>>28818I know but it's their fault.
At 16, you know what you're doing.
if they were 13 i'd understand but i think 16 is old enough.
No. 29262
>>28991I disagree with you.
Some 16 are extremely mature. MUCh more mature than 20+ years old people.
There's nothing wrong with it.
>>29016I think that's good anon!
No. 29263
File: 1440219945500.jpg (100.97 KB, 600x800, Ariel-Winter-Sweet-16.jpg)

>>29159>implying it's abnormal to like or find 16 years olds hotAriel Winter was 16 in this picture yet people found her hot.
No. 29264
>>29016When me and my boyfriend started dating, I was 15 and he was 19.
don't mind the negative opinions of others lol
No. 29270
>>28175>>28178Lump India with Asia.
Brown was more Mexican/Guatemalan/Ecuadorian etc because I often see them refer to themselves as such.
I know the term has been around for a whole but "PoC" is still racist as fuck to me. I don't want people referring to me and my family as such.
No. 29374
>>2926415 and 19 is passable though. It's still a little creepy, but mid 20's is fully formed adult brain. 19 it's still getting there.
The reason it's wrong is because the older one is in the position of power by default. However a woman of approximately equal age has the choice.
The age of consent/marriage in shitty countries is so young because tbh it doesn't matter if the wife can hold a conversation or not. If she can make babies that's the point, and the man is unquestioningly the superior.
Every time I've brought this point up with anyone who was an advocate of younger ages of consent, without a doubt the guys didn't give a shit about the girls personality, just that they had a functioning vagina and were compliant (easily manipulated).
No. 29470
>>29427uma thurman?
i've seen that song live twice now
they play it in every setlist
No. 29640
>>29209He's a law-student and works as a barkeeper on the weekends. His circle of friends isn't very big (he has 3-4 friends) and he likes playing basketball in his freetime.
He had one relationship with a woman his age that lasted 3 years before me.