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No. 27807
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>>27803delete your shitty post
No. 27860
No. 28017
>>28015west finland best finland
tw swedes
No. 38842
File: 1443145288559.jpg (113.88 KB, 1000x889, nami.jpg)

>>38830Yours truly enjoying my siwa purchases.
No. 38857
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>>38842prove it
post one of our memes
No. 38870
File: 1443147774635.jpg (422.08 KB, 3168x3168, rainbow_cake-6.jpg)

>>38861no, i meant something like this…
maybe you are someone else
No. 39265
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rip finnfag
No. 39266
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No. 39268
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No. 39269
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No. 39270
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No. 39271
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No. 39272
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No. 39289
File: 1443240242445.jpg (61.37 KB, 580x435, kkkf.jpg)

täällä ollaan
No. 40493
>>39269Hese tastes like shit
>>39366Winter is coming, hope the refugees have their flights booked to escape
No. 41552
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No. 41553
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No. 41554
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No. 41555
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No. 41556
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No. 41557
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miss you forever
No. 41831
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No. 41839
>>40328PULL I think.
I'm a sucker for online shenanigans tho, I used to go to efagz for the longest time until they banned lurkers.
No. 41841
File: 1444077379295.jpg (729.79 KB, 1800x1200, burgy.jpg)

why can't finland make a decent burger?
america rules.
No. 41846
>>41839Same here.
>>41841We're not lards, that's why.
No. 42745
File: 1444666905261.jpg (67.1 KB, 604x1068, __aph___slovenia_by_sweette_ch…)

any other balkan girls?
No. 43141
>>43140I managed to learn a few phrases and loose words. I helped an elderly Finnish couple board the right bus (In English) and they told me my pronunciation was perfect.
By the way, I have downloaded albums by Värttinä, Karoliina Kantelinen, Laïs and Mimmit. Any other artists you recommend? I asked /mu/ in 4chan and all they suggested was weird experimental shit with no vocals.
No. 43161
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No. 43162
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No. 43165
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No. 43166
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No. 43167
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No. 43756
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No. 43757
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No. 43758
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No. 43759
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KIDDING. i love finland
No. 44045
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tfw i'm a scandiboo
No. 44046
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No. 44048
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No. 44049
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No. 44118
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/tori/ reporting in
No. 44141
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I'm a finnanon I drink Kurko here
No. 44142
>>44141yritä nyt edes
näin tavallisen suomalaisten pitäis hoitaa alkoholin juonnin
No. 44143
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>>44142I don't booze, I'm a sober finnanon
No. 44562
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No. 44563
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No. 44564
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No. 46117
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scandiburgy tho
No. 49054
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Mitäs täältä löytyykään.
No. 54440
>>54439 >adviceYep. She's been throwing those around even more lately. It's bad enough that she's so full of herself, now she's been trying to push her opinions and "advice" towards everybody else.
Do you think this could have been because of that one anon on cgl? That comment must have really bruised her ego super hard. Putting it as a cover photo was a sick sign of her obvious buttblast. I noticed that she got worse after that incident. It's become a parade of:
”Hey look at me! I am better than all of you and I am funny! Right? Right? Riiiight?! Notice me senpais. I am better than anyone says I am!"
No. 54498
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The deleted comments. They aren't even that bad, The Swedish thread has a lot worse stuff and they get to stay.
No. 54948
>>54945I have a feeling that some of the judges' "acquaintance" will win this year. There's just no hope for it unless a super new cosplayer comes up with an amazing costume so the judges wont have any excuses.
Who do you think flagged the posts regarding Ilona? Was it Ilona herself or Rimppu trying to be relevant again?
No. 54952
>>54948Could be either one of them. Rimppu's been policing so much that I wouldn't be surprised if it was her but then again I doubt she likes Ilona enough to care about seagulls talking about her.
Speaking of Ilona, her new blog post is addressing the SM contest. The whole thing was a stupid idea to begin with and the people behind it were the ones I wouldn't trust to organize even a birthday party. The overall quality was terrible, 7 contestants, the "prizes" (two international contests) were announced months after the admission was closed, shitty venue, bad and nonexistent marketing, problems with TV licenses, etc. Instead of fixing anything for the next year they'll probably throw a bitchfit and quit the whole thing. After collecting crowdfunding money, kek.
No. 54953
>>54952Has Rimppu finally went to the SJW Tumblr side? I think she feels she needs it because she's super insecure to begin with. Must be hard looking at the mirror everyday.
Just went to Ilona's blog. Holy shit! That's a huge wall of text over there!
No. 57316
File: 1452290940850.webm (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 320x264, mongol thread.webm)

In finland there's an ancient tradition called "norðbúgvarnir", loosely translated as "initiation fuck". A few weeks after his 18st birthday a young man goes on vacation with his mom to be taught about sex from her. Many mothers and sons leave out the sex part nowdays, yet still do the vacation for tradition's sake. This way nobody knows if the boy learned to fuck from his mom or not.
Usually the couple rents seperated rooms in an expensive hotel. The boy recieves a key for his mother's room and is allowed to enter her room from midnight on; the mom fulfills his sexual desires during the weekend; the norðbúgvarnir ends sunday noon.
Mother and son discuss before the norðbúgvarnir the rules, especially regarding the more special and kinky sexual desires. The father is not involved in the whole process.
Finish mothers take great care of their looks, to have their sons enjoy the norðbúgvarnir.
In finish tradition the norðbúgvarnir marks the end of maternal care and the begining of adulthood.