File: 1440139207749.jpg (391.05 KB, 1366x768, Axis.Powers-.Hetalia.full.1551…)

No. 28892
File: 1440146894838.jpg (501.52 KB, 1200x1318, Axis.Powers-.Hetalia.full.5040…)

>>28874Do not utter falsehoods.
No. 30096
>>28853it's kinda boring
it was entertaining for 4 episodes, then it went downhill
No. 30111
File: 1440463956384.jpg (77.14 KB, 500x312, 09-07-04-hotdog-b.jpg)

I do love hetalia, but 90% of the fanbase is fucking god awful.
>tfw no sane hetalia friend to discuss civilly with.
No. 30283
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>>30111We could be great friends, anon.
No. 30357
File: 1440482254840.jpg (44.34 KB, 1126x710, sealand_hetalia_fanart__by_xio…)

based sealand
No. 30359
File: 1440482522739.jpg (85.51 KB, 469x600, 445629.jpg)

an actual contribution
No. 30361
File: 1440482583171.jpg (85.05 KB, 600x600, FrUkUs-hetalia-frukus-30983780…)

>>30355Wonderful analysis; I love how educated and well-read farmers are.
No. 30363
File: 1440482722132.jpg (58.66 KB, 475x672, sweden-finland-sealand.jpg)

No. 30517
File: 1440518938644.jpg (63.4 KB, 273x750, 0001_mochiamerica.jpg)

>>30355>7/4 on signShoving phallic items down his throat soothes the pain he has on that day. Also keeps the blood down.
>not posting best mochi No. 31628
File: 1440568023823.jpg (502.19 KB, 1017x868, Spain-and-South-Italy-hetalia-…)

I dropped out of the APH fandom because a lot of the cosplay community in my area for it changed so much… makes me sad because the friends who organized the first APH day in my city are STILL doing it (like, what, the 7th year in a row or some shit?) and I used to get sad that I couldn't go after about year 4 (bc I go away for uni) but when I went for year 4… there were so many new people, I felt so uncomfortable. :( APH fandom is fucking shit and always will be, but I found some really awesome friends through it :(
gonna stop being OT and dump my folder (wow why do I still have it lol)
No. 31629
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No. 31630
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No. 31632
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No. 31633
File: 1440568826890.jpg (97.98 KB, 800x602, 08-09-13-1.jpg)

ngl i still have hetalia cosplay goals that i want to do… but the only person who cosplays hetalia in my current friend group is fucking crazy :(
No. 31635
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No. 31636
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No. 31637
File: 1440569710968.jpg (44.69 KB, 469x600, Hetalia68.jpg)

No. 31644
File: 1440570658468.png (385.55 KB, 600x401, pirate_france_cosplay_random_b…)

No. 31645
File: 1440570720681.jpg (140.18 KB, 500x515, Bad-Touch-Trio-hetalia-3253965…)

No. 31646
File: 1440570780160.jpg (1.55 MB, 1280x800, Italy-hetalia-16602208-1280-80…)

No. 31647
File: 1440570833225.jpg (40.34 KB, 480x480, 1309967727767.jpg)

No. 31649
File: 1440571139814.jpg (85.43 KB, 1000x517, tumblr_leq2txoOTm1qd354ao1_128…)

No. 32639
File: 1440753495067.jpg (18.76 KB, 236x334, 00e747682d36c35eaa67881f36b2f2…)

No. 32640
File: 1440753536424.jpg (53.7 KB, 500x585, tumblr_mm047bSYqY1rsjhdqo1_500…)

No. 44203
File: 1445831779864.jpg (63.61 KB, 550x507, canada___hetalia_by_hanacch-d5…)

No. 44204
File: 1445831816262.jpg (110.51 KB, 680x850, America-Canada-hetalia-1692049…)

No. 44206
File: 1445831881235.jpg (49.19 KB, 500x800, $_57.JPG)