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No. 29597
>>29574like what?
muh gay right muh poor oppressed minorities?
No. 29782
>>29559Same. I have a south African white friend who's great and fun to be around, but she grovels to nigs at every opportunity. Its a bit disgusting but I just kinda ignore it and look away when she goes off on one of her spiels.
Also she got culturally enriched by some black thug recently, he groped her on the train. Im a horrible person i know but i kekked on the inside.
No. 29785
>>29782In many parts of South Africa the social constructs are reversed and blacks are dominant race despite a minority of whites still holding most of the wealth.
Many whites within the country are subject to discrimination and will have difficulty securing work if a fellow applicant happens to be black.
No. 29850
>>29829This is why I don't use tumblr. Every blog that has either a particular look I like, or touches on some themes I'm interested in, just gets so horribly derailed. Believe it or not, even fucking sugaring blogs(as in, sugar daddy sugaring), get derailed with all the "#BLM" "DAE WHITES SUCK?" "Bloo bloo oppression"
No. 29900
>>29804Because white people took them out in the first place and bred them so they'd have no connection back to Africa. Somali immigrants and the like can and probably should go back, though.
Now why can't all the white South Africans just go back to Europe? Answer the question instead of dodging things. :^)
No. 30001
>>29963I literally said they can and should fuck off, retard. Read my post.
>Somali immigrants and the like can and probably should go back, though.Besides, I was the first to ask a question.
Quit dodging it to whine about things that have already been responded to, or admit you're a dumbfuck.