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No. 31463
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Probably my favorite of all time is Uzumaki by Junji Ito. I read it a few years ago, but it still stuck with me. Pic related.
There's a movie too, but I don't know if it's any good.
No. 31476
>>31463woo thanks for the suggestion!
im already enjoying it and im only up to the bit where the dudes dad makes his eyes fuck out
No. 31499
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>>31463I read Gyo from the same author. Very imaginative and repulsive at the same time.
Also, i like the anime "the wicked city" (its not 100% horror): No. 31613
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So happy to see fans of Junji Ito and horror comic fans in general here. You anons are all golden.
I love all of Ito's work, but I personally will forever be haunted by the hanging balloons story.
No. 31614
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>>31545>>31549Agree. Sounds like the Long dream.
No. 31618
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This fucker gave me nightmares for a week.
No. 31652
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>>31616Idk imo it was kinda…okay? I've seen a lot worse
No. 31659
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>>31463I love Uzumaki, it was my first introduction into the strange and disturbing works of Junji Ito (hallowed be thy name.) It's too bad someone stole all three of my copies of it.
sigh>>31614I love the Long Dream. Its my favorite.
Does anyone have any full comics? I remember a long time ago when /x/ used to have horror manga threads, that's where i read most of his work. Unfortunately, I haven't seen one of those in a really long time.
One of the stories that I'm having trouble finding the name of is one of his very, very weird ones. It was about a giant apartment building/hotel, and it kept going through each floor, and every room got weirder and weirder… sorry if I'm not explaining well.
Anyway, all hail Junji Ito. (Even if he
triggers muh trypophobia.)
No. 31743
>>31659>muh trypophobiaSame here, I get incredibly grossed out sometimes, but I love it, haha.
Well, I have the link to one, but it's a short story. the Yami no Koe book by Ito:>>31616I haven't seen it, what was bad about it?
No. 31755
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Shintaro Kago is what I'm all about.
Abstraction is a good, and so is Holes (pic related)
No. 31758
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>>31755Whoops, that pic is from Punctures, not Holes. I wouldn't start with Holes unless you're unflappable.
No. 31939
>>31758>PuncturesShit, I just read it, and the last page made me pretty queasy. Should have seen that coming.
For anyone else that wants to read it: No. 31985
>>31755>dat comicFucking kek.
Shintaro Kago is so great, I want to marry someone with his kind of imagination one day.
No. 32277
>>31616I like to think of the movie and manga as different things but in the same vein if that makes sense.
I enjoy the cheesy weirdness of the movie.
It has a good all over mood and grossness factor. Ending is shit (and hilarious).
I'd watch it for fun at least !
(I own it haha)
No. 32283
>>31659The Blood bubble bushes is one of my favorite of his short stories as well.
>>31662 never read that one, but I will now!
No. 32285
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I really loved that Interaction pretty boy was a longer one of his stories, and pretty sad too. Love how he draws shadows. Love how he does fog. Love Junji Ito's style in general. It stands out so much and is perfect for horror.
No. 32932
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Magical girl of the end.
No. 32937
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I would definitely recommencement franken fran but i think it is more about the gore.
I started reading it when someone on cgl said it reminded them of kota.
No. 32941
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i really love suehiro maruo's art, more just eroguro maybe? but alot of his stuff is really creepy
No. 32942
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No. 32946
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No. 32947
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No. 32948
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What are you're favorite junji ito shorts ? mine would have to be the groaning drain ,the town without streets and flesh colored horror. But there is so much to chose from.
No. 32959
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I'm a hero is my all time favorite.
The pacing is slow at the start but i think its a more realistic take on what would happen in a zombie apocalypse.
But it still being translated.
No. 32968
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>>32948The Woman Next Door is the only one of his stories that legitimately freaked me out. Probably because I have creepy neighbors myself.
No. 32975
>>32959I really love this series. I hope it's not dragged out too long and ruined though.
I think the take on how zombies view things is an interesting idea.
Also the main character is such a good person it's one of the few times I genuinely want to cheer on a fictional character.
No. 33244
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I don't know why, but I got super intrigued by Junji Ito's Tomie. I was extremely curious/fascinated about this character: her origins, what is her really.
No. 33253
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Thank you so much to everyone in this thread. It's been a long time since I last read any of Junji Ito's work and this thread has reminded me of my love for it.
The Enigma of Amigara Fault will always be my favourite I think. Still freaks me out years on from reading it. It just stays so clear in my mind.
Here's a link if anyone want to read it. No. 33300
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Someone read Ibitsu?
No. 33304
I wanted to know. Was the girl in the first one that they killed already the "evil never dying tomie"? or was it a curse that happened after they killed tomie and she became obsessed with her own beauty/worth?
No. 33363
>>33343Kirie's boyfriend in Uzumaki was devoid of all personality and logic and it bothered me.
>watch Gyo if you want to be disappointedI would never do that, but thank you for the warning. I personally believe Junji Ito's stuff cannot be properly translated into movies, esp Japanese ones. They are always too cheesy and i hate their cinematography.
No. 33659
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Fuan no Tane is pretty creepy
No. 77061
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I hope Distant Sky will update soon
No. 77076
>>77061I'll have to check it out. Haven't read this one yet.
>>77062This looks interesting.