File: 1440575949152.jpg (163.01 KB, 1200x827, Winx-club-serie-tv-01-g.jpg)

No. 31703
File: 1440581964759.jpg (70.17 KB, 321x452, WITCHposter.jpg)

<- superior
No. 31704
>>31703Agreed but I could see why Winx is more popular. the animation style and simplistic story is easier to hook a dumb audience than W.I.T.C.H. with the far superior art and story.
I don't think Iginio Straffi based Winx on celebs like he said b/c it's so obvious how similar they look to W.I.T.C.H characters.
No. 31706
>>31675That makes sense, but it still feels like the good gals are owerpowering the villains.
>>31703This really deserves a reboot
No. 31708
File: 1440583964449.jpg (141.52 KB, 900x650, Harmonix-Wallpaper-the-winx-cl…)

Winx Club was decent, I thought it got a lot better as the time went on and actually had good storylines and animation after the 2 first seasons, at least for a kids' show. The character designs gradually got cuter by each season and during the 6th one they were pretty nice.
>>31703Fuck off, those ugly ass bitches ain't nearly as pretty and flashy as the fairies.
No. 31709
I don't know why but a few months ago I watched all the episodes. I got hooked on it. The animation is somewhat poor and the show is overall slightly cringey.
>>31703Dat shit was da bomb
No. 31831
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i like totally spies.
No. 31892
>>31874whaaaat? I thought such parents only existed in tabloid articles…
and w.i.t.c.h. was great, cornelia & will were my favourites
No. 32030
>>31892My stepmother tried to get my dad to forbid me from playing Magic: The Gathering on the basis that the "Lord of the Pit" card looked evil.
I didn't get to watch horror movies for a long time because of her too.
No. 32333
>>31831We used to play "we're totally spies!!" in the schoolyard
I loved Martin Mystery too
>>32030Hahaha americans. Did you still manage to play it?
No. 32334
>>31708Omg this was my shit. I would watch it every morning while getting ready for school. It was kinda mediocre when it first came out but I agree that the story and animation got a lot better later on.
>>31704Yeah when I was younger and I saw witch come out I thought "pfft this is an ugly lame rip off of Winx!" (and it was probably the opposite, kek.) Winx had a much better appeal to children due to the flashy cutesy art style.