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No. 33625
Am i the only one feeling nostalgic about old lolcows and how things used to be sometimes?
I really miss this era of Venus when she was around 14 and i was so jealous of her, i just discovered the whole "kawaii" thing not long ago and to me she was one of the most kawaii being ever, with a cool mother letting her dress the way she wants, homeschooled so she didn't have to deal with any "bullying" like i was dealing with at school, had tons of kawaii frilly ruffly clothing,was popular for being kawaii,spoke nipponese,had pretty dolly blonde hair (i was too stupid to tell it was fried)… everything my 14yo self dreamed of. I used to read her blog religiously and find her life soooo interesting and exciting.
I also was stalking everything about Dakota Rose on PULL a bit, i was so jealous and insecure back then yet i admired her so much for her pretty style. i was there when she went on tv for the first time and shit blew up, it was kinda fun.
i remember passing time trying to find the clothes she wore that i liked, finding the music i liked in her videos, and posing in my "kawaii clothes" in front of my mirror with some Capsule pretending to be a cute internet idol. Haha.
(now they are either boring and dried out of milk for Koot, or just plain sad to look at for Weenus)
No. 33627
>>33626It used to be when i was 14-15, i changed i am nearly 20 now.
But sometimes i happen to miss these things i have no idea why. I felt kinda happy having "rolemodels" maybe?
No. 33630
>>33629Omfg little twin stars i used to love tokidoki actually, i still have that tiny tokidoki pouch from when i was 13 with a tiny peach plush i got at my first convention ever, first "kawaii" item ever.
Now i don't go to convention and just feel like things changed too much and can't feel like before..
No. 33647
>>33625I miss scene kids and emos :(
fuck this swag/babydoll shit
No. 33649
>>33647Same here.
The babydoll thing has a cute aesthetic but it's fucked up by all the dd/lg bullshit, not that i have anything against them, they can like what they please but i don't like that the tag is just overwhelmed by "uguu daddy gimme the sticky cummies in my kawaii clothes i am daddy's princess kitten uwu"
No. 33652
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>>33649i bet half those girls would hate dd/lg bdsm if they ever actually tried it
>>33650tacky shit is the best.
my hair is short so im considering getting a bunch of extensions and going semi-scene haha
No. 33661
>>33647I think there maybe a comeback here in murica.
My lil sister seems to be heading that way. Same thing with her friends too.
The emo/scene kid fb page seems to be doing well.
No. 33668
>>33667yeah it's probably gonna come back
rubs hands together time to make a shit clothing line and milk scene kids…
lol i jk
Okay so back in 2008/2010 there was this shit clothing line here in the UK (also went viral elsewhere) called "Babycakes" or "bbycks" and it was BIG with scene kids. Literally EVERYONE was wearing it. The guy who created the store was from my city, Paul Griffiths and I'm sure he wasd like 23/24 or something. Anyway he came up with a shit design one day, threw it on a tshirt, he had the scene kid hair/typical emo white boy and liked the emo ass music. Got myspace and got his pals to start modelling his shitty designs. I'm sure he was a millionaire by the time it was over… Anyway Babycakes his shop, well its gone now. I've been there a couple of times with friends who were into the style I guess. It was nice and the bright colourful balls were cute on the ceiling! But it was so fucking overpriced tbh looking back. £20 for a shitty t-shirt with a lego character thing saying "OMG" and a shity acrylic necklace? Pfft.
No one knows where the guy went tho, he just disappeared lol.
No. 33669
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>>33668 Paul Griffiths the guy who created "Babycakes"
No. 33672
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>>33671even kaka tried to jump on the bandwagon but no one cared lel
No. 33676
>>33667My sisters 11,and I just saw her fb flooded with that shit, and I'm like its either this or a weeaboo phase, or maybe both.
(I cringe a little on the inside.)
>>33672I don't ever remember it being popular over here in the states.
No. 33729
>>33682I have no clue. I don't agree with it.
Cause let me tell you when I lived with my dad and stepmom they were strict as hell.
My stepmom goes on and on about wanting to protect my lil sis but then lets her have a fucking fb. Bitch is crazy and their shit parents for the most part.
No. 33780
>>33625>>33625yeah youre not alone OP
i'm 21 now and for some reason have the same feels
No. 34113
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