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No. 34126
I think it's still around, but it was kind of a trend that's just not as popular anymore.
>>34121Also, holy chin-fillers and/or photoshop.
No. 34173
>>34172its obvious she had surgeries to look like that
thats why everyone in her family looks different lol
No. 34179
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I fucking love ulzzang.
I seriously wish i looked like this
No. 36290
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This is a tiny pet peeve of mine, but ulzzang is just an outdated slang that people used to call people with a pretty/good looking face. It literally means 'best face' (얼(굴) + 짱). It's not a set style or anything.
No. 36322
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>>36319They're so cutie tho
No. 36328
>>36327pretty people of the same race tend to look a like because there is a standard they all go by.
kind of like pretty white women all look like kim k clones or look thin, blonde, girl next door types.
No. 36428
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>kind of like pretty white women all look like kim k clones or look thin, blonde, girl next door types.Okay first off, Kim K. isn't really white.
She's Armenian which whilst very technically exists within Europe, they are more Indo-European than anything and a lot of Armenians possess genetics mixed with Middle-Eastern peoples due to having been dispersed throughout that area so it's a totally mixed bag.
Second, I'm kind of curious as to what country you live in if you believe that every pretty white girl either looks like Kim Kardashian or is a blonde, girl-next-door.
There are so many different variables and the same applies within South Korea or any other country for that matter.
Daul Kim is a good example, South Korean model but she possesses very stern, masculine features and hasn't had the eyelid surgery or any other surgeries.
No. 36429
>>36350To be fair not even natural bodies age well with the body.
I'm sure as shit getting a facelift and very small lip dissoluble lip fillers once I hit around my 50's.
Surgery CAN be done well, it's all a matter of moderation and keeping it light which is what a lot of celebrities fail to do because their psyches get warped from being under the pressure of the limelight and scrutiny of all these trashy magazines tearing them to shreds because they decided to have a down day and not wear any makeup and jogging pants.
No. 36435
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>>36428In every country there are trends and beauty standards most girls will follow because they wanna fit in and then they end up looking alike. In America a lot of white girls look like Kim k clones or southern blonde girls next door and they all do that pose with their hand on their on their hip.
No. 36461
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>>36437>>36436>>36435None of those girls looks like Kim K, only one of them is blonde, none of them look like a Southern Bell and none of them are particularly pretty either tbh.
These are terrible examples. It's weird that you seem to believe that Western beauty exists only within these paradigms.
No. 36462
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>>36461I didn't say all girls followed that rule but most do. Tan skin, brown or blonde hair, forever 21 clothes.
In Korea the standard of beauty is pale, thin, baby fat face or v shaped, big eyes, cutesy so girls follow these trends and end up looking the same.
No. 36463
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>>36462That's not true though because in every country there exists multiple standards of beauty. There is NO set, singular standard.
No. 36517
>>36516That's an entirely subjective opinion.
I think she looks fine with her hair and eyes the way she is.
No. 36536
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>this thread
No. 36601
>>36589There is literally a video of her moving her head around, turning at different angles proving that they are that big.
Some people just have big eyes.
I am sorry for your small eyes Anon.
No. 36630
>>36616That doesn't make any sense because when you widen your eyes it's your upper lids that lift up, not your lower lids, whereas with this girl it's her lower lid that has widened.
She just has big eyes Anon. Accept it. It happens.
No. 36634
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Damn, she looks like a creepier version of Amélie Poulain and she looks WAY older in those pics… but I like her clothes.
No. 36658
>>36657I kinda agree. She's pretty average and not super pretty or cute like you all talk he4 up to Ben She really doesn't belong in an ulzzang thread unless that's the look she's going for.
Makes it look like she's self posting (long shot) with all the defensive as Fuck comments, or if she has some intense fans. And no one has to be 'ugly' to think that she's average.
Anyways, more ulzzang, less this girl.
No. 36664
>>36661First of all, notice how I said 'y'all' meaning it's not only you. But if the shoe fits….
>>36472>>36467>>36466>>36461>>36601>>36507I'll use those as examples, but I'll leave it as that. If y'all want to talk about her some more, who am I to stop you?
And second of all, why only her? Why didn't you just post different examples. There are more examples out there than her too.
No. 36960
>>36664Not one of those posts say that she is exceptionally pretty or super cute though.
You are imagining things.
No. 36968
>>36917lol no I am not Alterhacker, just another girl that thinks she's quite pretty.
I know she gets posted to places like /r9k/ a lot and is aware of it though.
No. 37028
>>36634Look at these and tell us again how she doesn't edit her eyes lol.
She's still cute, but v average.
No. 37053
>>37052Not person posting this chick but if she's
>>36634 then judging by the way her lower lid is held it does look like she's squinting imo.