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No. 35979
>>35957They're just going to scrounge off the government and commit crimes. They also have high rates of mental illness and other bullshit from their third world shithole.
I say let them rot.
No. 36053
>>36012With kids to look out for? For a war they never wanted? Most people are not even involved in the conflict that started it. That doesn't mean I don't get why people don't want them in their country though. I'm just saying it's terrible that they're being displaced and moving to other peoples countries in search of refuge.
Honestly I wish all capable countries would unite to end the bs going on in these countries so that they won't have to deal with more immigrants. WITHOUT ruining the immigrants country by forcing them to give up their natural resources or force cheap labor on them because then they won't want to stay anyway.
No. 36100
Amerifag here, but it seems to me that there's already too many Muslims in Europe as it is. I know a couple countries agreed to only take in Christian migrants, which is pretty smart. It always seems like the Muslims aren't interested in integrating themselves into European society and see it as competition or something.
I agree with
>>36089. Why aren't the other Islamic countries stepping up to take in their ~brethren~? Saudi Arabia? UAE? Kuwait? Everyone knows they have more than enough money to fix the situation, why aren't they doing it?
No. 36101
>>36089>Norse afterlifeYes!
Yeah, they look like dudes I'd see floating around the Apple store.
No. 36108
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>>36102There aren't actually a ton of Muslims in the US, most of the Arabs here are Christian of some kind.
I suspect Muslims are hesitant to immigrate here because they know how much we despise them.
No. 36147
>>36140Good to see there are actually some western women who care about our countries.
It's sad as a white guy how many seem to hate their own race.
No. 36200
>>36192It's sad they had this happen in their country, and I wish them the best, but my economy is already fucked and I don't want it fucked even harder. The unemployment rate is sky high right now, it'll just get higher.
Fuck off, we're full.
No. 36265
>>36206>>also implying that refugees (because that's what these guys are, not fucking "migrants") are somehow incapable of setting up businesses and help in creating jobs that wayWith what capital? Do you have any fucking idea how expensive it is to start a business? If they're that rich, they don't need to come through the refugee route and can emigrate legitimately.
Oh, and people with refugee status are banned from working. So, no. They're not refuges if they can work, and they don't contribute to the economy if they are.
Islam is ideologically incompatible with the west. They cannot integrate into our society and should be disallowed based purely on that premise.
Also the image of the drowned Syrian boy? His family had been safe in Greece for three years, he died because his dad took him on a boat trying to get into Canada illegally to get new fucking teeth. And he's going to do it again with his other son.
No. 36273
>>36266I actually agree with Japan not taking in refugees. Fuck them. If a country is already overcrowded and suffering (economy wise) why take in more?
That's like maxing out your credit card and then applying for a new one to buy more shit you don't need.
No. 36332
>>36147White men hate their race more than white women. White men hate white women especially, they go to great lengths to insult them while simultaneously complaining about white women hating white men.
>>36152Gidding me? Germany is, by far, the most cucked nation in the world. They put their women up for sale in brothels so sandnigger men can fuck them. That's literal cuck shit.
No. 36346
>>36284I'm afraid of that too in a way. I can seriously see them having kids and then that kid is a citizen, so even the refugee parents can't go back because 'muh citizenship' and why bring your shit religion into another country?
So many of these people flee their countries bullshit to bring it with them into a new place. Like those women in Australia who don't want to remove their jihad or whatever to show their ID to a highway cop.
No. 36417
>>36332>White men hate their race more than white women.No we don't. Speaking as someone who has dated other races of women, it made me appreciate white women more.
I can't stand white wiggers who go on about how much better black men are, more masculine, bigger dicks and that kind of shit, and the small number of white weebs who do a similar thing with asian men vs white men.
No. 36535
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The thing is that majority of these migrants aren't even from war-torn places.
Media is trying to force them on us, but people are against it.
In Poland, some "refugees" were given free food, home and the locals even managed to get them a job. And yet, overnight, they escaped to Germany. Without even saying thanks to the people that helped them.
So much about "running from war."
No. 36655
>>36346They're already doing it in England. Muslims and Africans, all come over and have a fuck ton of kids so they can stay in the country. Then nana and granddad come over.
People argue "well dey r workin the jobs british dont wanna work" and "ur racist omg"
fucking hell is anyone not an asslicking soft cunt these days?
No. 36912
>>36089>It's so cowardly that all these men run away from their problems instead of fighting for their nation. thats funny coming from someone who most likely sits in front of a computer eating fast food all day.
I bet if you were in that situation youd be crying and pissing yourself everyday.
No. 36944
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>>36922I think most Americans are against benefits for illegals, and I'm pretty sure the majority want tighter border control.
But honestly, the truth is that it's way easier for the US to take in Mexicans than it is for Europe to take in Syrians. It's much easier for Mexicans to adapt here and they're not Muslim which is a huge plus
I think Obama said the US is going to take in some migrants but we probably want them even less than the Europeans do, considering our opinion of Islam
No. 36948
>>36944A lot of mexicans are running awayfrom their country because of the druglord issues, but trust me when I saw they don't want to intergrade. A lot of them refuse to even learn English, which is why Spanish has been pushed on americans a lot harder in the last decade. I don't mind immigrants as long as they do through the legal system and become a citizen and intergrade, but the majority don't and refuse to.
I know CA has it the worst with children who attend public school and their parents can't help them with their homework because it's either too difficult for them or because it is in English.
Obama is a hack who wants to pardon the hundred something thousand illegals in this country because he wants to be a popular guy and muh PC oppression
No. 37003
>>37001And here's why you have no right to complain. When white Americans came here they didn't try to learn the language, they just took over and killed off the native Americans and then put them all on tiny reservations.
America didn't start off as a white country but for some reason white Americans feel white people are entitled to everything here.
Europe I can understand that's their country but I don't get why white Americans feel all the entitlement.
No. 37007
>>37002If you aren't a delusional racist I can understand where you're coming from. These immigrants need to at least assimilate and be greatful they're in Europe.
But I'm not for listening to a bunch of Americans whining about a country that they stole.
No. 37019
>>37001Native Americans: White Europeans were wrong. But now a days, they aren't illegal and already live here, while getting b3nefits from the government (or so I've heard). So they are a different story, sorry.
Mexicans: Gave us/up the land. We didn't steal it. Now they are coming in literal droves. They talk shit about the country but make they get any benefits they can while bleeding the economy dry. Mexico's own immigration laws are tough as shit, and they refuse anyone living below them, but if we do the same, we are the bad ones right? Proabably if they came in legally, no one would give a fuck. What people don't understand is that, most don't have a problem with them beong immigrants. America was built off of immigrants and human migration for Pete's sake! Most people have a problem with ILLEGAL immigration.
Don't even say bs about the legal process is a long wait. Well if other people from the same place can wait, why can't they do the same? Probably if they came in the legal way, the current wait wouldn't be so congested.
And why do y'all say white like it's only white people complaining? Its not only whites, it's people who want and need jobs to keep their own (legal) family afloat, taxpayers, students, blacks, Asians, and even other Hispanics.
Don't you think we hav3 a problem when people who aren't legal a part of the government or at least distributed to it can't get benefits, but illegals can get them all with no worry?
>inb4 welfare rwdnecks and blacks who live off free government things and beat about itI don't think they should get it either unless they really need it, but hey, at least they are legal, and some of the money they spend will go back to the economy.
Don't worry though, this whole free immigration thing is going to bite every country that accept almost of them in their juicy asses. At least, with the current way the economy and money is worked. Then, y'all will find anyway to cover it up, or straight up find something else to blame for the already falling economies.
Saging because this thread isn't about America, but about Europe.
No. 37100
>>37019Undocumented immigrants come to the U.S> because of how difficult for them it is back home. Idk how many of you have grown up or have known someone who lived as poor as you can be
and in a dangerous neighborhood, but it's horrifying. People would do anything to escape from that and to ensure their families don't suffer the same, including risking their lives trying to make it across the border.
When they get to the u.s., attaining citizenship is no easy feat, and you don't get benefits right away, if you're not doing shit or have been incarcerated. Some places do help out single moms, but not with much, and the numbers are limited.
The vast majority of the times they can only attain the shittiest jobs available,
without complaint because they know that they can't say much being that they are undocumented. That does not mean that they deserve to be treated like shit because they are undocumented though, and do have a right to be treated like a human being who is doing the job they were hired for, especially for those that are already being underpaid or overworked.
Not only that, but they pay taxes, idk how many times people have to provide links for this shit on this site, but it's a quick google search.
To the others who commented about them not wanting to integrate: that is the biggest load of shit. First of all, learning a new language is not easy, particularly at later stages in life, but primarily when you have been dealing with as much shit as they have. Secondly, they're sending their kids to school and working in a predominantly English speaking country. If they crossed the boarder for their benefit, don't you think they'd learn English to as well? They want to keep a lot of their culture alive to sustain some sense of identity, that doesn't mean they're trying to enforce their values on anyone else. I'm glad they know two languages, it's a good thing.
A lot of people who move from the U.S. to non-English speaking countries don't learn the language used their and expect everyone else to bend over backwards for them (something I notice Asians complain about the most).
No. 37103
>>37100>Undocumented immigrants come to the U.S because of how difficult for them it is back home. Idk how many of you have grown up or have known someone who lived as poor as you can be and in a dangerous neighborhood, but it's horrifying. People would do anything to escape from that and to ensure their families don't suffer the same, including risking their lives trying to make it across the border.While I'm aware that their living situations are terrible, how did other
legal Mexican immigrants come here? They worked their asses off to get here legally, and that's who's pissed that these people come begging. Its almost the same for every legal immigrant that come here that wants a better life. Its called the American Dream. Just because they live next door, they feel they can just waltz right up, give their sob stories, and sway the people of America with sympathy pictures and the likes.
>When they get to the u.s., attaining citizenship is no easy feat, and you don't get benefits right away, if you're not doing shit or have been incarcerated. Some places do help out single moms, but not with much, and the numbers are limited. What? Some illegals have no intentions on becoming legal anyway, and try to skip out on court/citizen dates. What do you mean they don't quickly get benefits? As soon as they get here, and they go to the immigration offices, they get relocated to apartments, and are eligible for care checks and food stamps. While Americans who have been waiting for months aren't getting shit. For God's sake, they're even trying to give them driver's liscenses.
>The vast majority of the times they can only attain the shittiest jobs available, without complaint because they know that they can't say much being that they are undocumented. That does not mean that they deserve to be treated like shit because they are undocumented though, and do have a right to be treated like a human being who is doing the job they were hired for, especially for those that are already being underpaid or overworked. Shittiest jobs? Like what? I didn't know a construction worker was a shitty job? Or a plumber? You know….trade jobs that Americans who can't get a higher degree usually take, but can't now because corporate found someone cheaper (that's both of the boss and illegals. More on the boss). Oh, In sure some teens that need to help their families would love to have extra cash to help their own expenses and their families. Like that bagging job, burger flipping, and price checking would went great to the entry level people! Oh but….they're shitty jobs Amwricans don't want….
>Not only that, but they pay taxes, idk how many times people have to provide links for this shit on this site, but it's a quick google search.Explain how someone you claim is dirt poor and is illegal so not even in the system able to pay taxes.
To the others who commented about them not wanting to integrate: that is the biggest load of shit. First of all, learning a new language is not easy, particularly at later stages in life, but primarily when you have been dealing with as much shit as they have. Secondly, they're sending their kids to school and working in a predominantly English speaking country. If they crossed the boarder for their benefit, don't you think they'd learn English to as well? They want to keep a lot of their culture alive to sustain some sense of identity, that doesn't mean they're trying to enforce their values on anyone else. I'm glad they know two languages, it's a good thing.
I've seen people flat out say they have no intention on learning English. They try to impose their ideals, values, and culture onto us under the guize that we are offending them (not being able to fly the American flag in school anyone?). Not all, but a vocal minority I should say. We must respect their culture and values (which they we're running away from), but they can't respect American values? Okay. English is said to be one of the hardest to learn, so sometimes I excuse them, but how can you learn when you surround yourself with people who speak only Spanish also all day? No one is saying that you hav3 to do everything like an American robot, but because immigrants in the past assimilated (while still keeping up with their traditions if they wanted to), they were accepted easily and people were happy to welcome them(depending on the ethic/national background. We all know there were some exceptions.). No one is saying that there is something bad about being bilingual, as it is encouraged in schools, but there are people who are fine with just Spanish and expect our mouths to wiggle right to their asses.
>A lot of people who move from the U.S. to non-English speaking countries don't learn the language used their and expect everyone else to bend over backwards for them (something I notice Asians complain about the most).Stop pointing fingers, this is not about them. They are not going to Asian countries in literal droves. I'm not talking about them so I didn't mention them, but you think that I think that because they are American everything they do is right? Bullshit.
Really, I hope you're not a regular middle class or lower middle class, because those same people you re fending for are the same people too who are going to push you down if youre not careful in a couple of years. That's if, we keep letting them move in with people as large as colonies, and not regulate anything because the sore , are taking over a Eurocentric hearts of Americans feel bad.
Saging because us Americans, again, is taking over a Eurocentric thread. Sorry again.
No. 37154
>>37104this is a thread about the UK, fuck off americunt, nobody cares about hamburgerland
I can't wait for you all to drown in trayvon martins DIN DU NUFFINKS and recession.
No. 37176
>>37168This is actually a UK thread. Please go away and take your duppy stereotypes with you.
I did clearly say "SYRIAN MIGRANTS BRIT-FAGS" not American-fags ty.
So nah, go away.
No. 37211
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I just can't believe this shit is actually being pushed.
The brazen lies on the news, the namecallings, the unwarranted appeals to emotion.
God, if you want to be proud of your ethnicity and country you're a "Rich, racist, white xenophobe nazi"
What the FUCK is wrong with this world, were we can tolerate human displacement warfare, the raping of European girls, the drain of the host nation's wealth, the out-breeding… I mean jfc.
Most of these "refugees" are economic migrants coming from shitholes in Africa and other terrible muslim countries.
Makes me fucking sick the Europeans have to be burdened by these pieces of human garbage. And if you say "no" you are smeared as an evil person!
No. 37212
>>37211It's not just 'whites' blacks born in the UK, asians don't want them over either.
UK is getting too overcrowded as it is. I'd rather they take in the children and leave out the adults to be honest. I don't wish this on anyone.
But all these do gooders going on how we need to take them in should be the ones to give up their beds and food since they're so up for it. Fuck knows where they're going to work or anything.
No. 37221
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>>37220>then there are people like the one you replied to who are just afraid of them taking all the white womenTaking white women? I am a white women. I don't like seeing other white women get brutally raped.
You're so quick to throw out insults and assume things about my life when I only want to protect the place where I grew up from mostly economic INVADERS.
No. 37234
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>>37222>thousands of girls being raped>lel ur a fat bitch tho, lol XD>>37224>If rape is your only concern.It is not, idiot. Read my first post.
Economic migrants who leech off the government tit, draining resources for future generations, making it harder for European youths/children to succeed.
And don't worry. With 85% of your "refugees" "feeling war" being male, unless I am lusting after homosexual men, it is not an issue.
Can you people seriously rake the "muh feelings" and "muh humanitarianism" out of it, please? god, do you think anyone should take your opinion on the matter seriously if your only retort is to ignore facts, deflect the argument, and sling personal insults at your opposition?
I'm Glad Hungary and other Easter European nations remain uncastrated by you uneducated "progressive lot. The last bastion of western culture. I'm sure they know far to well the plight of "minorities" when you look at what happened with them and the gypsies.
No. 37236
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>>37220>logical reasonsLike, facts?
No. 37237
>>37234>It is not, idiot. Read my first post.Its not only white people against this but when people like you start crying about rape and white genocide, then it takes away your credibility and outsiders start assuming its just nutty white people being over dramatic.
>I'm Glad Hungary and other Easter European nations move there then.
No. 37238
>>37236Europeans have every right to be mad,
whose paying for all those immigrants? They are.
The ones who are scared of the white race vanishing are funny though lmao, you can't stop evolution!
No. 37239
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>>37237You're probably an American.
This "miltikulti" mindset is prevalent with you people.
I cry about rape and white genocide because the Africans/Muslims are targeting white women. Virtually of rapes in Sweden are by Muslims/African men on native Swedish women.
White genocide, ethnic displacement, is a real thing happening. People turn the other cheek because to acknowledge any victimization of whites is "insensitive" and "racist".
It should not be "nutty" when you want to protect your race and culture. If you go on to say "Native Europeans are not ethnically white" you are stupid. This is like saying Chinese are not ethnically Asian.
>>37238it is. Before rampant immigration starting around the 80s, places like Sweden were 98%+ white.
This is not "evolution", this is orchestrated ethnic displacement. There is noting "evolutionary" about importing millions of an outside group into a host population, without integration, without responsibility.
No. 37241
>>37239I like talking to crazy people.
If all white people go extinct, why should I care?and how will that impact me?
I genuinely don't understand why the thought of there being less 'white' people is of such anxiety to some people.
>orchestrated ethnic displacementorchestrated by whom?let me guess…the jews, right?
No. 37242
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>>37241Orchestrated by your governments. They're all in it to get the favor of their newly imported voter block.
They leech off or your tax dollars and stay in office. Once critical mass hits, they'll run with the money with a broken country in their wake.
I care if white people go extinct. White people care. most people care. It's not just the skin color, but culture gets overwritten and edited as well.
Some of us enjoy what Europe is and was, and do not want it to become a brown Muslim-ruled state.
Just because you can say without guilt that you ignore the extinction of a race, doesn't mean that people will agree with you, or see you as a "tolerant progressive"
Say you don't care if blacks go extinct, and see how quickly you get socially ostracized.
No. 37243
>>37242Race is social construct, so, if white people go extinct (or any race for that matter) it wouldn't be a bad thing. I don't care if black people go extinct and they are going extinct btw.
Who cares though?by the time it happens you, your future children and their children will be dead. Most people will be mixed in the future, so so sad.
No. 37244
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>>37243>Race is a social constructlmao, and this is how I know you're a middle class white American who spends most of their time on Tumblr.
You conveniently ignore "culture" as well. White people do not magically disappear or turn brown. There is a cultural and genetic usurpation. If you promote the Muslim/African immigration in droves, you are permitting the death of a culture, as well as its people.
If you claim you do not care about race, would you object to Whites invading Africa in the millions? You know, because African heritage and culture and skin color just don't matter to you.
No. 37246
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>>37244>>37243I'd also like to add with the growing Muslim demographic (aka, voting block) and in a few decades if things continue the way they are, native Europeans WILL become a minority.
This means the Muslim interest can gain a stranglehold on the government. There are already many "no-go" zones all across Europe. Places governed ONLY under Sharia law.
You think getting 50,000 immigrants a day will not effect Europe? If not now, it will in less than 50 years.
You are making Europeans strangers and criminals in their homelands.
Stop European displacement, stop European genocide.
No. 37247
>>37244>If you claim you do not care about race, would you object to Whites invading Africa in the millions?would you be helpful to them and coexist peacefully?if yes then no I wouldn't mind.
In this situation immigrants are just causing more problems for the natives than good it seems(higher taxes, not wanting to assimilate etc) and thats the problem I see with it. I dont care if they all mate with white people and give birth to cappuccino colored babies.
No. 37248
>>37246>"no-go" zones all across Europe. Places governed ONLY under Sharia law.>You think getting 50,000 immigrants a day will not effect Europe?I hate the fact that Muslims come to Europe and dont want to accept the culture and make things better for themselves.
I think these things are problems but if you are just asking me do I care of white people go extinct, no I don't.
No. 37249
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>>37247>I dont care if they all mate with white people and give birth to cappuccino colored babies.The interracial birthing rate is extremely and insignificantly low.
No one cares about the interracial babies. Regardless of the astronomical numbers of Africans/Muslims coming into Europe, the largest interracial marriage constituent is East Asian/White.
They do not integrate, and this also includes breeding and intermarrying with the natives. If you did not know, it is very much against Muslim religion (and is a punishable crime) to marry outside of your religion.
Unless you count rapes. I'm sure there are more half-brown rape babies than there are non-rape babies.
Muslims are breeding at a rate significantly higher than Native Europeans. So much so that in a few decades white children will become an extreme minority.
The Europeans are heavily taxed. They do not receive as many grants, housing benefits, free food… whatever. They cannot afford to have children, and the "protected" immigrant class, who gets catered to with European money is free to have as many children as they please. They get more money that way.
A perfectly constructed race replacement system, under the guise of being "tolerant" and "humane".
>>37248I am not asking you to care, I am asking that you understand that most people care.
No. 37252
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>>37247Again, I would really like to emphasize that there is no significant demographic of "cappuccino colored babies".
European men going to SE Asia and having babies with those women is INFINITELY more common than a Muslim and a European creating a child together.
No. 37253
>>37249>most people care.Your proof?
>So much so that in a few decades white children will become an extreme minority.aww too bad so sad. dont care.
>The Europeans are heavily taxed.I said I think that's a problem.
>than a Muslimsince when is muslim a race?
No. 37254
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>>37253>Your proof?lel. I wish I could say "common sense". I don't think a government agency anywhere has ever asked a group of people whether or not they "cared about race" in such an abstract way.
I will say that most people stick to what they know and what they are familiar with. People segregate themselves. This is also along racial lines.>aww too bad so sad. dont care.I can tell.
>I said I think that's a problem.You will confess to their being economic strain but refuse to see the cultural implications?
At least you acknowledge there is an issue. But this brand of "omg I can't even see color!" cultural relativism is bullshit and you and I both know it.
>since when is muslim a race?Since when what anything a race, miss "social construct"
No. 37255
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>>37253Also, nice deflection.
"cappuccino" babies are barely a considerable demographic.
Saying "Muslim isn't a race" doesn't detract from you yourself saying a child of a European and non-European will have darker skin.
Please argue against my POINTS. Your deflection and snide passive-aggressiveness doesn't make me take anything you say into serious consideration.
No. 37257
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>>37254>lel. I wish I could say "common sense".Even when talking to my most racist friends ive never heard anyone say "In 6000 years there will be no whites!". The average person doesn't care what will happen after they're dead.
>Since when what anything a race, miss "social construct"a white person could be Muslim and there are a lot of Malaysian Muslims.
>You will confess to their being economic strain but refuse to see the cultural implications?I acknowledged there are cultural problems, like them not wanting assimilate but as far as caring if European white people become the minority, I dont really care about it.
on a funny note i found an article from 1910 saying there will be no white babies by 2015 lol
No. 37259
>>37257You know damn well where the Muslims immigrants are coming from. The Middle East and Africa.
Please spare me the "b-but sometimes…"
Because this isn't the case.
White children are already a minority in America.
It was nice talking to you, as you don't seem like a fully insane progressive like most people are.
But I have to go.
No. 37265
>>37259>>37259>You know damn well where the Muslims immigrants are coming from. The Middle East and Africa.You should say that then and stop talking as is Muslim is a race/ ethnicity
>as you don't seem like a fully insane progressive I said I don't care if black people go extinct either but because im not a nutty with a tin foil hat screaming "THE WHITES WILL BE GONE 2 MILLION YEARS FROM NOW AND IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT!" I must be a "progressive" crazy person. I can be reasonable without being a crazy sjw.
Race does not matter to me, what does is their willingness to assimilate. If an immigrant is opposed to the values and principles of European culture, they should not come there. Not only because they will not find success, but because their presence harms Europeans.
No. 37277
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most people wouldnt look at her and know shes a syrian migrant
No. 37308
>>37257>but as far as caring if European white people become the minority, I dont really care about it.I think this is because you don't really see the symbiosis between yourself and your group, since your country has been at peace for so long. You think it doesn't exist. Make no mistake, the welfare of individual whites depends on the ability of whites to remain masters in their own countries. When whites become a minority things will get progressively worse.
As for me, I will do everything possible to preserve my people.
>>37265>race does not matter to meRace matters to virtually everyone else in the non-western world, and by virtue of that alone it is important to you.
This is something liberals have trouble wrapping their heads around. Yes, you can say "race doesn't matter" till you're blue in the face, it won't make race any less important for the rest of the world and it won't do anything to stymie the racial nationalism of non-white groups in western countries.
No. 37323
>>37265Race might not matter to you, but it matters to them. You seem to be under the impression that everyone who wants to move to Europe thinks this way, but they don't. They've been raised with a completely different cultural narrative than you have; always look out for people the same colour as you before anyone else, regardless of anything else. Whites are the only group raised to look at a person's value independently from their race/ethnic group, and when you combine that with people who do not, in any circumstance think like that, it goes awfully for the white people.
People from places like this cannot assimilate into Europe successfully because of this. They will always put people from their "own group" Whatever it may be, before the rest of wider society, because they're not the same.
No. 37332
>>37323>Whites are the only group raised to look at a person's value independently from their race/ethnic groupAs someone who has actually lived abroad, I can't emphasize this enough.
The problem with western altruism is that it only works if the compassion you show is reciprocated. In the case of say, Pakistanis in the UK, they basically owe the existence of their state and many of them, their lives, to the UK's decision to split the Indian subcontinent up - The inter-communal violence would have probably exploded into full-blown genocidal warfare were it not for this.
How do they repay Brits? Through being the most radicalized Islamists in the country, grooming thousands of white girls and turning inner city areas into shitholes.
No. 37344
>>37308>Race matters to virtually everyone else in the non-western worldso?just because other people are stupid doesn't mean I have to join in.
>As for me, I will do everything possible to preserve my people. No you wont. what have you actively done to preserve the white race besides talk shit online?
>They've been raised with a completely different cultural narrative than you haveI said there is a cultural difference but as far as race it doesn't matter. If an Arab child is raised by a European couple they're not going to be inherently different.
>Race might not matter to you, but it matters to themRace does matter to most people but the average person doesn't not care if their race goes extinct. All humans will go extinct eventually, get over it.
No. 37347
>>37332>As someone who has actually lived abroad, I can't emphasize this enough.are you that person who was hating on Asian guys not too long ago?
why do you always assume that you're the only person who has lived abroad?its a big world out there, you aren't the only person who has gotten on a plane.
the fact that you have lived abroad doesn't make your opinion anymore valid, just because you went to china and hated it doesn't mean there aren't other white people who didnt love it.
No. 37386
>>37344>so?Suppose you woke up one morning and decided that the concepts of "men" and "women" didn't actually exist. Does this mean you now inhabit a world where these isn't real, important, biologically hard-coded sexual dimorphism within H. Sapiens?
>If an Arab child is raised by a European couple they're not going to be inherently different.Yes they are. The vast majority of different-race adopted children are far more likely to suffer from psychological dysfunctions.
>but the average person doesn't not care if their race goes extinct.This simply isn't true for non-whites.
No. 37390
>>37344>I said there is a cultural difference but as far as race it doesn't matter. This is wrong but I can't be bothered arguing it. Race is not a social construct, it exists biologically, and races are different from one another.
>If an Arab child is raised by a European couple they're not going to be inherently different.But they're not being raised by parents of a different race are they? They're being raised with the same cultural values as their parents, and instil the same values in their children.
>Race does matter to most people but the average person doesn't not care if their race goes extinctYes they do. The average person is not white globally, we're the minority. The reason there are so many strict marriage laws and customs in other countries is to make sure their race is preserved. Asian countries abort female foetuses and kill baby girls en masse just so their family name wont die out. Do you have a problem with empathy or something? Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't. These things are really important in almost every culture and race, and they care about them deeply.
No. 37421
>>37211>proud of your ethnicitylel, how the fuck can you be proud of something you had no choice in being
>but there's not enough roooom we can't fit any people in at all!The 61,000 empty homes in just the region of the UK I live alone says you're a fucking moron
No. 37426
>>37421Also I can't quote, that last bit isn't aimed at
>>37211I just think it's fucking hilarious to have pride in something you didn't do anything to get. Like the royal family, if you want to start talking about scroungers
No. 37455
>>37390>Asian countries abort female foetuses and kill baby girls en masse just so their family name wont die out.Killing children=/=not being concerned if 1 million years from now there are no white because because they don't want to have babies.
>The vast majority of different-race adopted children are far more likely to suffer from psychological dysfunctions. Probably because they're being bullied because they're different and they feel like an outcast.
No. 37465
>>37463If they have never been around other Arabs how can they connect to the culture?
The problem with most adopted kids is they feel ugly and like out casts but that isn't because they're a different species, it's because theyre around people who remind them they're different everyday. If no one cared about race or mentioned it that kid would be like his/her peers.
No. 37468
>>37465You're hilarious. Do you realise how many non whites are already in Europe?
Do you realise second and third gen Pakis and maghrebis are more radical than their parents?
>muh… Muh liberalism! Muh white privilege! No. 37470
>>37466They didn't care. Which is why so many young people can't find good jobs, there's pollution, many animals have gone extinct because humans killed them all for funzies etc
But those are bad things, I can't see why a race going extinct would be bad.
No. 37476
>>37474Can't you come up with a better insult than poo skin?
I bet you're such a sweet and gentle guy. The kind of guy who shitposts online and calls people poopoo skin must be a real sweet heart.
No. 37478
>>37476I love how the only argument this 'tard seems to have is "ew ugly ugly brown people!". You know, like they somehow aren't people in need when they're the wrong shade of beige
>>37474Pretty sure ancient Islam was almost egalitarian compared to the rest of the world, but sure keep living in your little bubble there
No. 37479
>>37478>ancient Islam Islam is a middle ages thing. It didn't exist in antiquity
>egalitarian Lol. Read the quran please
No. 37481
>>37480There is no way you actually understand Islam if you think it was ever more egalitarian towards women than European societies were.
Remind me how many female caliphs there were again?
No. 37484
>>37481I said "almost" you fucking spacklord, and that was compared to other theocracies of the time.
Also you're fucking wrong, Islam began around late antiquity/early Middle Ages if you're going to be a pedantic fuck
No. 37491
>>37489If the average white person doesn't care about it, why should anyone else?
Even the ones who complain about white genocide aren't doing anything to stop it.
No. 37492
>>37490This isn't true. In China, and even in greater China, racial pride is the default.
Of course this doesn't stop them from treating each other like shit, but they WILL unite in the face of perceived foreign aggression.
Get into an argument with a Chinese mainlander, even a pickpocket who has just tried to fleece you, and two dozen other Chinese will instantly crowd around and start shouting at you and backing him up.
No. 37493
>>37492Sure they might be proud to be Chinese but that doesn't mean they care about others. Chinese people are raised to mind their own business and worry about those close to them, if they see a woman being beat up on the street they'd keep walking and ignore it.
It's not only the special and beautiful white people who don't care about their own.
No. 37495
>>37493They care about the Chinese group. It doesn't mean they're any less cut-throat, but it does mean they view foreigners as a greater threat as they're the existential threat.
You're referring to ingroup altruism, which they lack, true. The real thing that will make you think is, if they saw a foreigner beating a Chinese woman they WOULD intervene.
No. 37497
>>37490They have a one child law because they have a culture that emphasises the importance of having heirs. The one child law is a very recent response to an existing propensity towards having lots of children. They wouldn't have needed to introduce the law in the first place if they weren't already having too many children, would they, you utter spastic.
>>37493Your nation becomes your family on a global scale.
No. 37499
>>37495Probably not. Another reason Chinese don't intervene is because they can be sued and fuck over for it.
"The Chinese courts set a precedent in 2006 when a young adult trying to help an elderly woman who fell was sued for $6,076." No. 37502
Why am I even humoring this guys obsession with Asian males?
I'm bored and the thread is way off topic now.
>>37500 No. 37570
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>>37421>lel, how the fuck can you be proud of something you had no choice in beingYou're right. And I guess that justifies me giving everything away to brown people?
If I do not deserve my "privilege" than they don't either
sucks to suck
No. 37571
>>37478>like they somehow aren't people in need what, people in dire need of European wellfare money?
most of these "immigrants" are not coming from war. Most are not even Syrians. Most are adult males.
If you look at a boat of fucking black-as-night Africans and tell me they are "poor syrian refugees" you are a
l i t e r a l
No. 37573
>>37486Syria is 90% Muslim.
Most north African nations and Middle eastern nations are usually around 80-100% Muslim.
Don't ignore the majority just because "w-well sometimes they aren't!"
That's like saying not all Africans are black because some are albino. Yes it exists, but it sure as hell not the majority.
"non Muslim" immigrants are negligible.
No. 37577
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>>37490You do realize Chinese people kill Muslim extremists, don't you?
You know in Asian countries (like Bhutan) the natives kill Muslims? Even Buddhist monks?
In Japan it is illegal to practice Islam. They deported nearly 5000 immigrants in the past few months. In fact, if you are Muslim you are almost guaranteed to not get asylum in Japan. 98% of Japan's population is native Japanese. They want to PROTECT their culture.
"asian countries don't care about Asian culture!" fucking bullshit. You are a retarded white liberal who sees the world with rose tinted glasses, and ignore the genocide happening right in front of you.
Asians care about their nations and culture. Fuck off, you stupid white cuck.
No. 37596
>>37594I'd rather piddle out of existence than be overcome by a sea of shitskin, too.
No. 37600
>>37596We aren't even on the topic of "shit skins" anymore. I was just saying that white people aren't the only race going extinct.
Also Koreans and black people are expected to go extinct too. O well who cares.
No. 37602
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>>37600Can't wait for the only two races making progress in the world to die out because of their apathy.
I'd love to see a world ran by Africans, Muslims, and other misc. shitskins.
No. 37605
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Too bad they're breeding like rabbits in the meantime.
I'd really love to see what they do with the world once their enablers and tard-wranglers have all gone extinct.
If asians and whites die off who will give them they programs
No. 37708
>>37570>giving everything away to brown peopleYou aren't giving shit you fucking mongoloid, where the hell are you getting this
Before you say MUH TAXES R THEIR BENEFITS, most of the budget for that shit is towards pensions in the UK. So no, you're wrong.
You remind me of a fuckwitted relative of mine who bitched constantly about a neighbour being provided a van to take his crippled son to school. Didn't matter that loads of other families get the same, no, this guy was brown so he's obviously getting a free ride from the government. He's exactly as much of a tool as most of the thickies in this thread
>>37571Not seeing any fucking darkies in OP's pic, are you?
No. 37712
>>37609yeh maaaaaan lets just blaze it and do what we want because were all just dust in the wind maaaaaan
please take your totally-not-disinterested-not-impartial nihilism elsewhere.
No. 37716
>>37714because it's ridiculously reductivist nonsense.
i suggest you get off your computer and go dwell in a cave until you starve to death, because nothing you like really matters, right?
it's also incredibly selfish. "it may not be happening to me, so i don't care".
No. 37719
>>37718it actually does affect you. now. and it will get worse in future. and you can't blame "white people" for being weak while demonstrating an equally pernicious streak of apathy.
also, genes don't have much to do with it at the moment. it's excess and wealth, and it won't last forever. once that bubble well and truly burst, just wait until white families go back to the way of having a dozen kids, 7 of whom survive etc, then the violent competition with migrants for resources will /really/ kick in.
No. 37754
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>>37708>comparing a crippled (native resident) person getting benefits to hundreds of thousands of Africans and Muslims pouring into Europe to collect gerMoneyeeyyyyy
>>37708r u perhaps seeing darkies in this pic?
No. 37770
>>37754I honestly don't get it, if a country is literally blocking you from their country, and the majority of its residents obviously don't want you there, or they are not financially stable enough, why the fuck are you protesting, or trying to fight your way in?
Its not your country, and you can't do whatever you wantarmy just walking right in. Hell, you even LEFT your country to find another one that will even consider you, so why act so ungreatful, do things you know are illegal, and act so damned entitled?
For Pete's sake, there are even other countries that would literally overpopulate some areas just to make room for you.
On another note, sadly some countries won't even consider what Japan is doing, by not paying them any time of day.
No. 37919
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when political cartoons get real
No. 37932
>>37277Most of them just look African tho
I would have no problem at all if they all looked like her, but they DONT
No. 37939
>>37932yea europeans dont care about the economy or if they even bring in criminals(there are plenty of white criminals, what is the difference?). for us the only thing that matters is if they look attractive/white.
im sure if most of them were the white Arabs most Europeans would gladly give up everything we have and take the criminals too, criminals can be reformed.
No. 38084
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No. 42094
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>A secret German government report has been leaked to the Bild newspaper in which it is admitted that the true number of nonwhite invaders set to enter that country this year will be nearly eight million—while the head of police in Germany has warned that invader violence is already a daily occurrence and “out of control.”
No. 42185
>>36140>I dont care how many times you show me the picture of the drowned boy, I just don't careThis. I know someone who takes surveys for some extra cash and one of the surveys was a picture of the drowned boy and asking if that would make her want to allow refugees into America.
Yeah, it sucks the kid died. Kids in Africa are dying too. Children in the US and Europe are dying. Kids are dying all around the world. It's just the media shoving this shit down our throat to feel bad for the poor, innocent, non-raping, totally not economic refugee. :^(
No. 42187
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>>42094>Germany has warned that invader violence is already a daily occurrence and “out of control.”This is ridiculous. Media has been covering all the rapes and violent crimes, or even trying to paint the police as abusing the refugees. There was one video of a man who pushed his wife and young child in her arms on the train tracks and held her down as she screamed because they wanted to be allowed into the country. The police were trying to get them off the tracks. Media portrayed the cops as the ones who pushed them on the tracks because they're evil islamphobic racists!
It breaks my heart that there are young school children being raped and Germany blamed the parents for not being around. They're not placing blame on the refugees who did it. There were also flyers sent home telling girls not to wear mini skirts and shorts to school despite it being summer, so they don't ~offend~ the Muslims.
No. 42373
>>42201Lol anon let's see what you would do If your neighbours\family gets murdered and you know your turn is next.
These people flee from death , they dont care about your fee fees.
No. 42434
>>42122I'm German, too and I don't even know… I try to help them when they ask and I'm able to. Like if they are searching something at the market or being lost at a train station. But today a family sat next to me at the station and the man spit at the ground before my feet and the child repeated it and all laughed and I'm just like wtf that is gross
I will still volunteer to teach them German because tbh if they want to they should get a chance. I'm just pissed of at the rude and entitled ones
No. 42438
>>42434I would say not to bother with them.
If Britain is any kind of example, even if the first generation are decent, the second generation tend to grow up disgustingly entitled, especially the males.
No. 42510
>>42509What do jews have anything to do with communism.
Also many of these clips aren't of syrian immigrants, am I missing the point of this video or something
No. 42925
>>42909My friend who lives there told me about this shit. That the refugees refuse to eat the food because it's not "good enough". Fuck off. You're getting free food.
There's a video of refugees complaining that they have to walk a whole 1km to get their free food. Then they complain about how winter is coming. There are signs they make their kids hold that read they're hungry and want food and "peas". If I knew I could get free food, I'd run that 1km.
No. 42928
>>42909another finnfag here and yeah, those iraqi guys are fucking assholes. They've popped up EVERYWHERE in my city. Their complaints about the free food are the epitome of dickery. People say that "yeah well they said that the milk fucks up their stomach" but seriously those people "protesting" for better food were complaining how the food is "horrible" in general and they "wouldn't feed this to their dogs". And they weren't asking for improvements for the food, they wanted MONEY so they could buy their own food from restaurants. Fuck you, I go to work and even I can't afford eating out every day.
90% of them aren't even actual refugees or families, they're all 20-30 year old guys who have been taught how to play the system. I hope we send these bastards back.
No. 42961
>>42928I'm an immigrant from eastern europe and before we went abroad I would often have nothing to eat and go hungry. It made it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork.
When I got to the west I had so much food available to eat, I was infinitely grateful.
Oh but I'm white so MUH PRIVILEGE
No. 42967
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The thing I don't understand is why does the regressive left want these people in their countries? 90% of these "refugees" are young men of fighting age. If they are in such desperate situations, why are they leaving their wives, mothers, sisters, nieces and children behind?
Why do the left want these people known for treating women like objects that must be obedient to them? I thought the left enjoyed the modern woman who is independent. These people are known for attacking and raping women who don't have a male chaperon by their side. They're known for hating and executing homosexuals. They're known for restricting free speech to prohibit speaking ill of their pedophile prophet Muhammad.
Why people expect us to shake hands and miraculously become one is ludicrous. We live in two completely different societies. We're not going to see eye-to-eye. Since most of us here are women - If someone told you to cover up, respect and serve your husband and father as if he were a king and to convert to Islam or they'll rape and kill you, you wouldn't stand for it. So why do these lefts expect these "refugees" to change their mindset? Because it's "the right way"? That's not how it works. They're not going to change. Before someone cries out that this won't happen, there's already a place in France that is ruled by Sharia law.
Europe is fucked.
No. 42981
1000 mudslimes to be settled in german village with 100 inhabitants
>The backwater village Sumte houses some 100 old retired people and local farmers
>The next super market is 4km away
>There exists only one police station for the whole province YES
>Migrants should get jobs first before Dutch nationals
>600K unemployed nationals
>No jobs plan for unemployed nationals
>"Migrants should be helped first"
>land seized from farmers and the poor to house asylum seekers
>all public housing go to asylum seekers by decree of the PVDA No. 43049
>>42983>that guy saying the food isn't good enough for dogs, only womenI'm surprised he's a refugee at all and not ISIS
>>42994People are all like that. I've seen before hostages grateful for the tiniest scrap of food immediately after they're rescued but after two weeks they're complaining that their instant noodles aren't in the flavor they wanted.
No. 43101
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>A school in Germany has asked its students to cook and clean for migrants at an asylum centre as part of “practical work experience”. Parents are furious that children will be changing bed linen and working in the kitchens at an asylum system, calling it “servitude”.
>Parents were told about the school project in a letter, which was then posted to Facebook. The parent who posted it wrote:
>“I am definitely not a hater and am really tolerant, but this is taking things too far. Is there a new subject in Lübeck’s schools called servitude?”
>The post now has over 2,000 shares and 1,000 comments, many of them asking why the migrants cannot make their own beds and do their own cooking.
>Initially many thought it was a joke, but local newspaper SHZ got in touch with the school who then confirmed it was real.
>Kiel’s Ministry for Education confirmed that 13 to 14-year-olds from a school in Lübeck will changing bed linen, helping in the kitchen and sorting clothes. A spokeswoman said that the school had the idea because some migrant children sit in the class, and insisted the students themselves thought of the project.
No. 43103
>>43101So, what I understand from this is that the migrant children suggested the German children (and probably some do gooders) change their beds for them, and the schoolteachers were okay with that?
Do they have the choice not to do it?
No. 43104
>>43103The school claims the children insisted they wanted to do this, which many call bullshit on. The fact that the children don't have a choice and parents are angry about it reflect that.
In other news, refugees scare Germans into not leaving their homes by shouting 'Allahu akbar' as they take to the streets with pipes and sticks with masks over their faces.
No. 43106
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Harmless! They're poor refugees who need a better chance at life.
No. 43113
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>>43049Lol, I just noticed that.
No. 43133
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>>43113Why are we helping these pieces of shit? I would send them back.
No. 43155
>>43133I seriously don't even know anymore. Most of my friends are still defending these pieces of shit despite all the damage they cause to the society. It's been proven by statistics and even my real life encounters that they're a menace and contribute nothing else than negative things to our culture, can't control their impulses and demand shit at our expense. Our country is pretty much broke and there are no-go refugee ghettos forming around our low-income areas yet still people defend these freeloaders.
Why the fuck is this happening? Why do people demand more of this bullshit? Why isn't anyone doing anything? Some of the people I know are seriously considering moving abroad to avoid the incoming race war.
No. 43216
>>43169Welcome to white man's burden. It's all about viewing those poor browns/blacks as children who demand your philanthropy constantly. If you don't participate in it, you are a racist turbo-nazi and deserve anti-fa to go fair game on your ass.
The easiest way to solve this problem is turning off the aid income to Africa and the Middle east. Let them be and don't interfere no matter how bad shit goes down there.
No. 43223
>>43169This is pretty much true. I think white peoples superiority complex will be the death of them. These people will eventually short their mess out, they don't need you to be better.
They pretty much see themselves as the right way to be and they need to fix everyone else. it's kind of like those white feminists who feel they need to "save" Muslim girls from wearing hijabs, when most of those girls want to wear them and the ones who don't eventually stop themselves.
No. 43253
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No. 43286
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>>43197>Those commentsLol, get a load of these faggots.
No. 43292
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>>43287>Woman takes their side>Shit all over her anyways Kek, they really are worse than SJW's.
No. 43417
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>police in the northern town have confirmed that an “arson attack burned out an apartment in a vacant—but planned—“asylum seeker accommodation” in the early hours of Friday morning.
>the invaders were due to move into the apartments next week, but this plan will now have to shelved.
Good job, Germans!
No. 43576
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No. 43930
I don't understand the Jew hate. They're a million times more advanced and peaceful than Muslims will ever be. I'll take Israel over some backwater Muslim shithole anyday.
Also look at this:
>Destroy our precious farmlands to house shitty leeching immigrants :^) No. 43936

>>43930Jews are the whole reason these immigrants are flooding in to begin with. So much blood was shed so they could have their own country, and yet, these American kikes don't even live in it. They obsessively try to destroy free speech to silence anyone who calls them out on their shit. They use Their wealth and power to silence all opposition and finance buttfucking crazy watchdog groups to harass anyone who thinks critically of the SJW culture (like tumblr). They're responsible for the degeneration of American culture through their media power and propaganda. This whole anti-white batshit insane PC bullshit is because of the jews, they're insane corrupt assholes. They're at the head of the FDA, control all media, and halt research and science to support their own interests. They need control over America because we fight all their enemies for them.
Also, look at this video. Look at how paranoid and crazy they are. They're one of the most wealthy and powerful ethnic groups on the planet and they have the nerve to run around pointing fingers at everyone screaming oppression.
No. 43975
>>43974>SWEDEN: Horrific gang rape of 29-year-old white mother of two by Muslim asylum seekers in Swedish refugee camp.
>Seven-hour non-stop gang rape by 12 Afghan MUSLIM refugees was the 'most gruesome rape marathon in Sweden's history,' say prosecutors. The rape was oral, anal, and vaginal, with up to three rapists in her at the same time. Only 7 of the 12 rapists were convicted.The other Muslim onlookers were clapping and cheering and calling the woman a "whore" and a "slut," how Muslim men describe unveiled women. The victim is now confined to a wheelchair, suffering severe mental distress. The Swedish media concealed the ethnicity of the perpetrators and quickly removed the story. Swedish socialists say it would be "racist" to deport the rapists. No wonder, Sweden is now considered the rape capital of the world.
I fucking hate Sweden so much
No. 43983
>>43975Sweden is already ruined, probably forever. They're so deep in their own self-deception that even though a muslim refugee kills their whole family, they're still going to believe that their country is free of danger and the criminal refugees are "just a tiny percentage". There are ghettos in Sweden that have 90% refugee population and they're pretty much no-go areas in which a whitey gets beat up for coming to their turf. The police and the ambulances refuse to enter the area because the mudslimers will pelt them with rocks and attack them. During a half a year course this year 30 refugee-made grenade attacks took place in there. A few months ago a muslim refugee stabbed two random people in the middle of an IKEA store.
yet people still think the "racists" are the biggest problem of the country. I know Swedish folks who are terrified of going out after dark since they fear of being attacked, yet they still firmly believe there's nothing wrong with their refugee situation.
No. 44025
>>43975>>43983How is this even a thing? how does this fucking happen still in the world? it's not like sweden in a shit country with zero security and just fuck, i feel so sick. It breaks my heart and soul to read about a rape of anyone, but especially something as soulless as this. All of these people need to be murdered or jailed– SOMETHING.
Sweden, what the fuck are you doing?
No. 44148
In recent news, Muslim migrants DEMAND sex"Migrant Thinks That It Is Ok To Say On Camera That 400 Men Can Have Sex With One Girl"‘No Borders’ Activist Gang Raped By Migrants, Pressured Into Silence To Not ‘Damage Cause’
>One Saturday night, as loud music played at a nearby party, the woman was reportedly trapped in a shower block set up near the camp in a pine forest know as Red Leap.
>A gang of African migrants allegedly raped her there, and her cries for help are said to have gone unheard because of the music.
>La Stampa reports that the woman, around 30 years of age, would have reported the horrific crime were if not for her fellow left-wing activists, who convinced her that if the truth got out it could damage their utopian dream of a world without borders. No. 44151
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No. 44195
>>44154Careful what you wish for. We don't want Breiviks springing up all over the place.
I say endure a little longer. Give these savages enough rope to hang themselves.
No. 44212
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>>44154You'll only get ten years in a lovely prison if you're a swede
No. 44271
>>44227As far as I've seen, what he did struck fear directly into the hearts of the leftists and now they are thinking twice about policies that they go ahead and pass that directly effect the quality of life of the Norwegian people.
The thing is, terrorism works. Violence is the only thing that Muslims respond to, they couldn't care less if we don't want them here. Terrorism is being committed against us every day. They rape white women and kill white children, what is the result? We're afraid of them and we're afraid to speak up against them. We need other races to fear us if we want to secure the lives of white people living in our countries. Otherwise, we are going to be exploited and taken advantage of.
No. 44300
>>44299>I think people are starting to realize how Europe is going to get fucked by this rateI sure hope so. I feel so bad for Europe. There's been cases of refugees burning down their own tents and Germans burning down buildings meant to house refugees. Now the government took over a 4 star hotel, fired 100 people ( some of which were working there for almost 40 years ) and kicked out all the visitors so they could house 700+ refugees in it. Looks like they're going to be cozy this winter!
I want to be an economic migrant! Get to sit my ass in a comfy 4 star hotel, get free food, free money for being lazy and I wouldn't get in trouble for raping women and children and robbing families that offered me a place to stay! Being a mudslime refugee sounds neat! :^)
No. 44308
>>44271I know exactly what you're saying, I just think that this is all going to get bloodily worse before it gets better.
I do think Europeans need to get organised, because this can't go on with the intellectual shrug that is the response to this situation. Our zeal really needs to match that
A few thousand armed Muslim fanatics have thrown the entirety of the Middle East into chaos. Can you imagine what a few thousand dedicated and armed Europeans would do?
No. 44667
>>44301Germanfag here. This happened in my shitty city with little tourism so the hotel was going to close this year anyway. The only confirmed crime of any refugees is the rape of a girl by two Somalis. I haven't heard of a confirmed crime of Muslims or Middle Eastern people. However, there have been over 500 crimes of Neonazis in this year alone. Especially here in East Germany (we are less educated and have more inbred retards than the West Germans). It's weird that nobody here talks about the horrible crimes that the Nazis and right-wing do in this country. The latest crime that shocked all of us was the rape and murder of 4 year old Mohamed in Berlin by a 32 yo German man only a German link, sorry. Posting here for the first time. I used to hate on the immigrants lowkey but I realised whose fault this really is (our government and social system) so I woke up and am trying to be rational and smart, not blindly hate the wrong people. I'm still pissed about the situation in my country, our government and Sweden are shit.
No. 44672
>The only confirmed crime of any refugees is the rape of a girl by two Somalis. I haven't heard of a confirmed crime of Muslims or Middle Eastern people.If the Finnish and Swedish media, police, authorities etc. are anything to go by, no news is not necessarily good news. Think on.
>It's weird that nobody here talks about the horrible crimes that the Nazis and right-wing do in this country. "Better the devil you know" comes to mind, really.
I don't in the least sympathise with nazi retards, but I can understand why people are less agitated about them causing trouble, especially in the "in-bred, retarded" east of Germany, which is as far as I can tell not as wealthy (ourisde of Berlin) as the rest of the country. Poverty might thus have something to do with it.
> I used to hate on the immigrants lowkey but I realised whose fault this really is (our government and social system) so I woke up and am trying to be rational and smart, not blindly hate the wrong people. I'm still pissed about the situation in my country, our government and Sweden are shit.Also, it is OK to dislike them both, because both groups (migrants and native authorities) are committing serious damage to the native people of your country by abusing their trust and generosity, amongst other things.
No. 44674
>>44672you are right. I agree with pretty much everything you've said. But I'm still really pissed about the government because they have the power to stop it. They knew it was gonna happen but they didn't do anything. Some immigrants coming behave very strangely. Like a lot of guys (it's annoying that the majority are men) think they can get a local girl to marry them so they can stay forever. They cat-call girls all the time thinking it will work. They are very naive.
And something I forgot to mention was that only a few of them are real refugees. Even people from Syria or Iraq come to Germany because of the money. I've heard this from Middle Eastern people themselves and they should know their people the best.
The facilitators give them delusions, they tell them that they will live in luxury.
I'll be honest. The immigrants that worry me the most are the Africans. They commit every crime you can think of (drug dealing, stealing, robbing old people, sexual harassment) just today I saw some hippie girl walk hand in hand with a very dark skinned black guy. Probably one of those girls with white guilt and left-winged. Another kind of retard.
And the people with a heavy tan and Indian accent claiming to be from Syria… it's ridiculous.
No. 44699
>>44672>If the Finnish and Swedish media, police, authorities etc. are anything to go by, no news is not necessarily good news. Think on.Exactly. In Finland, the police force has been confirmed by an ex-cop to stay silent about the crimes the refugees have committed to avoid making "uncomfortable" assumptions. The journalists often censor themselves and don't mention the ethnicity of the offender, not even if they're asking for eyewitness accounts. Additionally not every crime makes the news either, just the most gruesome ones. My friends have been harassed, even mugged by refugee bastards but naturally they don't call the news outlet about it. It's all what you see around yourself. The people who are the most accepting of the uncontrolled refugee invasion are usually the ones who live in a very white neighborhood, have a cozy indoors job and rarely encounter the less pleasant type of immigrants. They're also often male which means they don't have to deal with the catcalling and harassment.
>>44674Every time I see a white girl converting to Islam, they'll start pushing a mixed baby in a stroller while dressed up in a full niqab attire, and the dad is usually gone by then. I feel sorry for them, but usually they're so deep in their self-deceptive state that they refuse to accept their naivety.
No. 44708
>>43045>>43133>>43155>>43256>>43584>>44013>>44674This. All of this.
Fucking mudslimes degenerate. One said to my father one day that they will invade our country with the womb of their wives. Truly disgusting. And their children are disgusting trash most of the time.
I am seriously scared for Europe. These savages keep invading and tje governement let them in bc muh humanity or else it will be so racist amirite? All the guys can get fucked anyway theh barely ever bring something besides trouble. Fucking disgusting. I am not even from tumblr or anything but these men could die in front of me i would probably just walk away.
No. 44748
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Let is snow
No. 44763
>>44744>Comments are not available for this articlelmao the media censoring the discussion at its work
These people are savages. Truly disgusting. Everyone who's still desperately defending them should be put right in the middle of them and see for themselves what noble beings the precious refugees are.
No. 46410
No. 46430
>>44974It's actually forbidden in Islam to have more than 3 wives iirc. (Lunatic sub-Saharan African nobility break this rule all the time, but it's pretty much law in the Middle East.) A man should only marry a second or third if he can afford to support them all, so most marriages are monogamous. They're encouraged to marry widows or (in olden times/remote places) orphans since they'll be destitute otherwise because of a woman's low status in society. I'm not sure how closely this is followed but, as I said before, polygamous marriages are uncommon anyway.
Not going to argue with the birth rate, though. The high percentage of young people in Arab countries is partly to blame for all the violence there, and it would be in their best interest to invest in a few quality children instead of 10 neglected kids who throw rocks for fun. Unfortunately, that's often what you get with members of ultra-religious groups. They're like the Quiverfulls. Their birth rates would most likely go down if they assimilated into a post-industrial society like Germany, but it seems like most of them won't.
It sucks that there's no way to keep the economic migrants out, at the very least until the crisis in Syria stabilizes. I'd assume that most of the lone males aren't war refugees, unless they're sending for their families once they arrive or something.
No. 46450
>>46443It's showing
some people as they are and trying to generalize that to all Muslims or all immigrants. And quoting snippets of some multiculturalists out of context.
I could make a video showing like 400 bitchy women, quotes from some radical feminists about destroying men, testimonies from men assaulted by crazy women and say "WOMEN, NOT EVEN ONCE". Or do the same for men, or Protestants, or anything.
Radical Muslims and mass uncontrolled immigration can both be bad for societies, but not because Muslims or third world country citizens are inherently violent nutjobs. There's no point trying to argue about that with neoreactionaries, though.
No. 46452
>>46450Let's ignore the fact that valuing individual freedom and human rights is a soly western value. Everythin you said about Muslims can easily be disprove by doing a little research, not from libtard cultural studies classes, but simply by observing them. Islamic culture goes by "an eye for an eye" while we go for "turn the other cheek". Muslims live by their religion, it rules their laws and it's the center of their lives. The average Muslim would be considered a religious fanatic by our standards and Islamic fanatics are considered terrorists. They value Jihad as a way to promote their religion and are much more accepting to violence, it's what we call an "honer culture". Aside from that…
>Nearly 90 percent of Afghan women suffer from domestic abuse>66% of Iranian women, at the beginning of the marriage have been at least physically abused once.>91% of university students polled by the Jordanian Human Right Center approve of wife beating. An earlier study by another organization found out that a majority of WOMEN also supports the right of a husband to beat the wifeAccording to the [National Family Council] report:
83% of Jordanian women approve of wife beating if the woman cheats on her husband
60% approve of wife beating in cases where the wife burns a meal she's cooking
52% approve of wife beating in case where she's refused to follow the husband’s orders
>A study published in June 2006 in the Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, based on interviews with 300 women admitted to hospital for childbirth, said 80 percent reported being subjected to some kind of abuse within marriage.
>120 women from refugee camps, villages, and cities in the Gaza Strip to determine the incidence of gender-based violence. The preliminary results are alarming: half of the women interviewed to date have been victims of violence>London-based Refugee Workers Association Woman’s Group (GIK-DER) revealed disturbing news last week [in November, 2006] that up to 80% Turkish and Kurdish women are victims of domestic violence and sexual harassment. At the same time 70% of Turkish and Kurdish husbands cheat on their wives.>Violence against women in the home is the main emergency needed to be tackled by the Mediterranean's southern shores. The phenomenon affects between 40% and 75% of married women, who suffer mainly at the hands of their husbands.You're applying western morality to Muslims and closing your eyes to their culture and society for the sake of ideology.
No. 46457
>>46452First off, not all Muslims adhere to fundamentalist beliefs. There are many (relatively speaking) major "liberal" clerics in Muslim countries.
"Eye for an eye" punishment just means things like kill murderers, maim maimers, etc. It's barbaric to a degree, but it's not terribly dissimilar from Western ideas of justice. Other ideas of Sharia law are very different from Western philosophy, but many Americans hold some sort of "eye for an eye" beliefs.
>>46454And here we're getting closer to the root of the problem.
Your graphs show that a lot of domestic violence is correlated to quality of life and average education, not just religion. Poor, uneducated people in third world countries will cling desperately to fundamentalist religious values.
Egypt is 95% Muslim, Maldives is 100% Muslim, etc., but they have considerably lower rates of domestic violence. They also happen to have a general higher quality of life, and stronger economies. Countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also extremely Muslim, but have higher quality of life, and also have much lower rates of domestic violence. It's still a problem there, partly due to Islam, but not nearly as much.
The Quran does mention "lightly" assaulting women, but not very often and as a "last resort"., that is still horrible, but the Old Testament also has many verses about assaulting and raping women: is extremely poor, 85% Christian, and has a 77% domestic violence rate according to the World Health Organization: poor Christian countries like Kenya and the Congo have no laws or regulations against domestic violence, and have major issues with it.
>Article 444 of the Congo Family Code states that a wife “owes her obedience to her husband”The actual religion doesn't matter much when it comes to these issues. It's that these countries are shitty, and many people grow up in terrible environments. Clashes occur when people from a seriously poor third world country try to migrate en masse to a first world country, not because Muslims are evil. I don't like Islam, but I also know many Muslims are normal, kind people. The only time I think a Muslim should really not be allowed to assimilate is if they're calling for sharia law in the country they move to.
You can't really broadly classify someone based on what country they're from either. But it at least makes more sense to set immigration quotas and adjust how scrupulously you look into people based on what country or region they originate from, rather than their religion or ethnicity.
No. 46464
>>46460They site their sources within the article. Also, the picture in
>>46454 is from wikipedia No. 46473
>>42520>>42524Communism was made by jews, read history of Russia of early 20 century.
>>42525oy vey, tumblrina
No. 46475
>>42978To the left, they decrease numbers of white people, to them it's very productive.
Europeans should consider immigration to Russia, Putin won't let such shit happen there.
No. 46476
>>43475That's the least of their atrocities, my child.
>>44667Moron, you really believe all that shit, don't you faggot see what's happening to your country? When will you wake up?
No. 46587
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1,000 refugees will be flown to Canada every day, with considerations for ‘lodging sites’
>1,000 refugees will be flown to Canada every day, with considerations for ‘lodging sites’
>Refugees will then be flown to Toronto, Montreal and the military base in Trenton, Ont., the planning document shows. The internal aid agency report comes from a group tasked with helping fulfill a Liberal campaign promise to get 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by the end of the year.
I can't stand this shit anymore.
No. 46589
>There are many (relatively speaking) major "liberal" clerics in Muslim countries.Islam now about where Christianity was 500 years ago. That is, it's better than it was 500 years prior still, but its still barely tolerable. A lot of people say that Islam needs some kind of Reformation. I think what is happening in the Middle East with ISIS is exactly that. That is their reformation right there.
>a lot of domestic violence is correlated to quality of life and average education, not just religion. Poor, uneducated people in third world countries will cling desperately to fundamentalist religious values. You're basically making a case why they shouldn't be here at all. Their cultures are entirely at odds with our own.
>Egypt is 95% Muslim, Maldives is 100% Muslim, etc., but they have considerably lower rates of domestic violence. Maybe because:
1 - It's such a norm that it's seen as irrelevant to even report it
2 - women don't report it for the same reasons beaten women in the west don't
3 - women do report it, and the police either don't give a shit and don't follow it up, or they cook their figures.
>b-but christians!This is less changing the goalposts and more of a reason why we shouldn't let any third worlders into Europe.
In the UK witch hunting was pretty much dead for centuries until we started getting west African migrants coming here bringing their wacky voodoo christian shit with them.
No. 46597
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You know a lot of people have been talking about this wave of mass economic immigration and the increase of Islam as if it's been designed and intended to wipe out European and the West, but you know, I actually believe that the exact opposite is happening here.
I believe this is all a conspiracy to rally Europe to destabilise and effectively wipe out the Middle East for good, or at least reduce its population and subsequent power enormously so, enough to bring it under total, permanent control.
Compare this to 9/11, back then people, very, very powerful people wanted something from Iraq, but they had neither the reason nor means to rally their little pawns into taking it, so they staged an enormous false flag that successfully fooled an entire country into joining together for the sole cause of wiping out their phantom aggressors.
So, what does an organisation do when they want to attempt something bigger, something grander, say… to destroy an entire transcontinental region and seize its lands and assets?
What would you do /b/? Would you stage something exactly like what's going on right now, and continue to escalate it and escalate it, increase the attacks in frequency and barbarism until virtually every citizen of the West has been touched by it in some way and is reduced to foaming at the mouth and baying for blood?
What if 9/11 was just a test run for something of a larger scale?
Right now, everything that our leaders are doing in standing by and allowing this to happen makes absolutely no sense does it? Maybe it's because it was preordained decades ago and entirely by design.
I genuinely think WWIII is on the horizon my friends, but not for the reasons most believe.
No. 46607
>>46597I think both of those conspiracy theories are stupid.
There's no grand plan. Muslim extremists want vengeance for perceived sacrilege and corruption of culture. That's it.
They always will, unless extremists magically vanish one day. Maybe in like 300 years education will improve enough such that extremism and fundamentalism is barely even a thing anymore, but until then, this problem will remain.
The biggest threat is a group of extremists who are organized, educated, intelligent, and resourceful enough to start doing weapons research and development like Aum Shinrikyo. I empathize with the victims in Paris, but as heartless as this is, attacks like these are a drop in the bucket compared to 9/11-style attacks. And 9/11 nothing compared to hypothetical chemical, biological, or nuclear payloads released in populated areas.
I don't care that much if Iran gets nukes, because their president and ayatollah have too much to lose if they use it. Even North Korea, as crazy as they are, understand the consequences of launching a nuke aren't worth it.
But a small jihadist group has absolutely nothing to lose. Research methodologies for WMDs will continue to get better, and costs to produce weapons will continue to shrink. We're not quite at the stage where any group seems like they're coming close to this level of advancement, but in 30, 50, 100 years, it's going to be a huge risk.
No. 46619
>>46587You can thank Le Weed Man
Anyways, I hope the shootings in Paris at least put an end to this accommodating nonsense.
No. 46626
>>46597I like the way you think, and that's actually a great idea…But then if that's what's going on why is europe's standard of life, economy and birth rates falling?
On the one hand your theory makes sense, but on the other…Iono, things would be better if europe really was topdog
No. 46630
>>46626My boyfriend is a forester and conservationist and also pointed out that if global warming were to continue, which it inevitably will because humans are hell bent on their own destruction, that the Middle-East and Africa will eventually become the most habitable places on earth.
That one may be a bit if stretch but so many people really don't seem to want to believe that these kind of fucked up things are going on behind the general populace's back daily.
The truth is probably that whilst a scenario like this may seem unbelievable and horrific, worst had probably occurred and is occurring under the guidance of the people that currently hold power over this planet and its eventual course.
I'm not surprised given that we're effectively trained from birth to deride anything that isn't public knowledge and government sanctioned as "craziness" and "paranoia".
It really is the best control tool, getting the people to fight in amongst themselves about what is right and what is wrong.
No. 46631
>but then if that's what's going on why is europe's standard of life, economy and birth rates falling?Who're going to be easiest to manipulate towards change in the long run?
Well-fed, well-furnished, rich, happy Europeans with large families and greater qualities of life, or Europeans who have watched their country and themselves grow poorer within their lifetime, who own little and have fearful aspirations for the future of the children they do produce in a country in which they're increasingly threatened by things such as assault, rape and murder from invaders.
An animal always fights fiercest when backed into a corner.
No. 46688
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No. 46689
>immigrants cause less crime than the native population Literally jew propaganda.
Nice how didn't even bother touching the rape stats around these degenerates.
77% of reported rapes in Sweden last year alone ew committed by its 2% immigrant population.
In Norway 100% of the rapes reported we found to be committed by "non-natives".
Not even lying or exaggerating. Google it.
No. 46693
>>46689My favourte piece of doublethink in all of this is that such "facts" come from government departments or civic/legal authorities.
You know, those same bodies which clearly lie about police brutality, perversion, corruption etc. …
No. 46697
>>46666Everything in this video seems accurate, except that they kind of gloss over how or why immigrants are less likely to commit crime than native populations. I don't think the jury is out on the real statistics for that.
But of course, it will vary heavily based on what sort of migrant population you're dealing with. Which is why that part of the video is a bit disingenuous.
According to, immigrants in the US are less likely to commit crime, but immigrants in several European countries are more likely to commit crime. It generally comes to the conclusion that the immigrants' nation and region of origin is what matters most.
So, the real empirical challenge is determining the education and crime rates of the Syrian and Iraqi populations.
No. 47074
>>47073Those "refugees" sure have nice phones!
>life does not matter to these people, death doesAnd our governments are inviting them to our front doors and opening them for these animals.
No. 47085
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Is your state safe?
No. 47089
>>47086My bad, found it
>But "when push comes to shove, the federal government has both the plenary power and the power of the 1980 Refugee Act to place refugees anywhere in the country," Appleby said.I hope the closed and deciding state put up a serious fight.
No. 47090
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>>47089Forgot to add, the article states that 22 million Syrians have fled from their homes.
>The total population in Syria was last recorded at 23.3 million people in 2014And people actually believe all these "refugees" are Syrian?
No. 47095
>>47087There's nothing wrong with how you feel, anon. They're incredibly arrogant people who think that they're "chosen" and all are beneath them and going to hell. It's pretty fucking arrogant to just come to someone else's country, not learn their language, not respect their customs, and then demand them to change in order to accommodate you.
What's more, what they did to Sweden and those fucking rape gangs? They fucking raped a seven year old in Germany and got away with it. There's too many of these filthy fucking sandniggers all over and they're utterly barbaric. Immigration only works when the group coming in is fucking civilized.
No. 47102
>>47080Yet those homeless persons manage to take care of their hygiene, don't let their kids roam like roaches and keep the place clean.
On the other hand, that building will look and smell like a pig pen within the first week.
No. 47156
>>47115Good. The people of Germany are finally taking matters into their own hands after the government has repeatedly shat over them, esp. in the cities taking in the most refugees, with way not enough infrastructure and supplies to take care of them
also I wouldn't be surprised if the refugees burnt it down themselves, a bunch of illiterate syrians, an ethiopian with HIV and 5 criminally violent somalians do not go well with kitchen stoves.
No. 47226
>>47085Not the poster but if you scroll down in the link you'll see which governors/states won't take in migrants. for should be in Amerifag thread.
No. 48015
>>36206the reason to never allow any muslim in England EVER:-
“The vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values including democracy, that places every single Muslim in the category of extremist you know why? Because the statement “Lá iláha illallah” [there is no god but Allah] that statement that makes you Muslim, that is a rejection of democracy and the rule of law. Because that statement says la – you reject all other any ruling any legislation, you’re rejecting to obey anything other than Allah.” source No. 48355
I spent a few years working in a muslim country. Before I went I had no prejudice toward muslims or arabs in general, but after 6 months of being there, I would of pulled my cock off just to fuck these cunts over.
They were, across the board, rude to anyone who wasn't a muslim and the way they treated people they considered beneath them was rough (somalis, indians….bascially anyone darker than them).
I once asked my boss why he treated the tea boy so badly and he laughed for about 10 mins and said that because he gave his weekly charitable donation he could treat them however he wanted.
They would scold woman for not wearing head scarves, being alone around men or talking to anyone who wasn't muslim openly in public. Then the men would go on about how they treated women the best because they didn't sexualise them openly. That was the entire philosophy behind it. We don't sexulise them, the west does, we are better.
I was doing a school inspection and a boy had been rude to me, so I took him to the headmaster's office. I explained what had happened and the headmaster called the boy's father in. About 30 mins later a dishdasha wearing, 30 stone, stinking man entered. The headmaster spoke to him for a few minute in whatever language they used and then they both reverted to English, for my benefit. The man told the child off and everything was fine, but as we were leaving the man asked the child "who is your mother?". I had never heard anything like it. I even asked the headmaster and he said that it was common for the men to have several wives and many children.
The thing I de despised the most was how they were in shops. For some reason they would not wait in line. If they entered the shop and their was a foreigner being served they would literally push them out of the way and do their business. There was no way around this. The shopkeepers wouldn't serve you before them. To make matters worst they wouldn't usually get out of their cars, but stop outside the front door and honk their horns. The shopkeeper would drop what he was doing and run outside to serve them.
Fucking hated every minute I was there.
No. 48358
>>48350not really, no
I feel so tired. It's like europe is dying, our futures are dying, our children's futures are melting before our eyes, and all we can do is put blinkers on and nod readily that yes, islam is good, and islamophobia is baaad. I'm so tired of the rapes, the murders, the robberies, even those gypsy beggars. I'm sick of all this degeneration.
I'm sick of how pedophiles get sentenced to 1 year probation, I'm sick of how refugees get more money than most pensioners do, I'm sick of privatised healthcare and everyone fighting to be more progressive, more intelligent, more this that or the other rather than fighting to improve learn and grow
fuck haes, sharia, socialism and pedophile rings
No. 48366
>>48359Because they didn't want to wait in line. They felt they were too important. Honestly, anyone who stands up for muslims should go and live in a muslim country for a while. The fucking call to prayer at 5:00 every morning is a solid cunt. They make everything taste like pork, but you can't eat pork and in some small areas you could go to prison if found with alcohol, but they rarely mentioned this when entering these places. A college did a few days inside before they deported him for having a bottle of wine in his car boot.
I long for the day I can make one of the middle eastern muslims life more difficult.
No. 56585
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Happy New Year from your friendly Muslim neighbor!
>German police in the city of Cologne have finally admitted that the mass sex attack on German girls near the city’s famous cathedral on New Year’s Eve involved at least 1,000 nonwhite invaders, that at least one rape occurred, that the crowd hurled incendiary devices at the German public and the police—and that they were made up of recently arrived Arabic-speaking “refugees.”
No. 56606
>>56585Whats so horrible about this is that only a few people dare to write about this because everyone is scared to be called a nazi.
Especially feminist "activists" disappoint me. Remember how Brüderles (white, german politician) sexist comment caused the #Aufschrei (outcry)? Now none of their webites would even touch that topic.
No. 56651
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>>56606It's not rape if they are committed by non-white people.
Sexism only comes from white males. Being placed under a burka or becoming a war captive sex slave is the pinnacle of female empowerment
>pic: pro Muslim advocate who later died in Syria serving with ISIS No. 56657
>>48417Most of the Muslims I grew up with were black Muslims. While some were very devout most were really westernized and American because they were born here.
The few middle easterners I knew who were Muslim had westernized themselves and wore western clothes and went to clubs.
Because our cultures are so different they just don't blend well at all. They are completely incompatible. The Muslims that come to the west don't know who to act in our countries or how we treat women. I really think that they need to be educated on how to blend in properly. When you go to a new country you need to learn the culture enough so that you will act in a way that's acceptable to the local people.
But they will never learn if we keep letting them get away with everything and bending to their will every time they get offended. You came to us. We did not come to you.
No. 56752
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>>56723>go to Sweden in winter>complain about it being coldMaybe winter-chan will succeed in freezing them to death.
No. 56801
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>"They had encircled and began to grope us us. They were with their hands everywhere. I had fingers on all body openings. When I screamed for help, they laughed. Suddenly they had took off my coat. They tried to reach for my phone. Spasmodically I have my cell phone and wallet detained. Other, such as lipstick off my coat pockets, was away."
>"The women have just screamed. I tried to protect my girlfriend from the men. The other men around me were only busy to protect their women. Nevertheless, some women were attacked and grabbed between their legs. The women distributed slaps, and the men were trying to keep at bay."
No. 56809
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No. 56870
>>56723yeah this is written as a click bait, "wow look at these ungrateful muslims!!". The truth is that the houses were a couple of kilometers away from any busses or stores, and no doctor close by. They had to buy food so they had to be able to walk to the store. Most of the people who didnt want to live there were familys with young kids and pregnant women. Keep in mind that most of these people dont have any clothing warm enough for a cold klimate.
My family works at another living facility for refugees seeking asylum here in sweden. Some of refugees, mostly syrians, act a but ungrateful but after spending a lot of time with refugees i start to understand them. Many syrians had very good lives in syria so they are used to good living standards. We have a lot of refugees from eritrea and they are usually used to worse living conditions so they dont complain at all.
Most people just want what is best for their families and children. They have been trough so much so if they think that staying in that bus for 2 days might help them, its worth it. And if it doesnt work than its no harm done, so why not try.
Syrians are very posh people so they annoy me. But they really are in a crisis situation so i think we should help them. Most want to go back to syria but they cant. A lot of those who have the money to come here are well educated and we need doctors, teachers in sweden.
The real problem is people from albania and marocko. They are really shit people who does nothing but steal. And its not like there's a crazy war in those contries either. Sweden is just really bad at deciding who can stay and who can not because we are pussys. A family at our place from syria, with small kids who were sick, had to leave the contry. Meanwhile some albanian young man who kicked one of the workers in her crotch gets to stay.
No. 56921
>>56874It is not only the cold that was the problem. The problem was that the store was quite far away, and old people/kids/pregnant women may have trouble walking some kilometers. Im not trying to excuse their behavior im just trying to explain it from another point of view since the article shared doesnt tell the whole story.
>>56879No they did not. At the facility my family work on we cook the food for them, but at this particular place the refugees had to cook and buy the food themselves. They do recieve money to do this but they have to literally
buy the food themselves.>Det är självhushåll men…means they take care of the house themselves with cooking, cleaning and so on.>>56913In sweden the asylum service is very badly organized and they have not hired enough people. So if you come here and say you are a refugee you get to live at an asulym facility until your case is looked upon and it often takes a year. If they decide you can not stay, they buy you a plane ticket and says "Please leave :-)". A few people i know have been told that they have to leave but they didnt. After many tries the police might force you out but it rarely happens.
Sometimes they are in danger for other reasons. Some might be gay, and one said the mafia was after him. We had one family from Ukraine and it is a war there i think but they seemed pretty well off. I dont understand why people like them can not just move here some other way. But it seems like its not possible. Some syrians even have nice cars. I find it weird that those people cant just pay someone and get to stay here.
No. 56942
Don't worry, Norways got this under control with epic plan. Just teach the Browns to be civilised, it's so crazy it's genius, crisis averted, well done Norway.
>"To force someone into sex is not permitted in Norway, even when you are married to that person.”Common sense is not that common is it? You'd think these grown men would realize that sharia law is not global, and that cultural norms are different across the world. Do they really have to be taught like children that rape is not okay like it is in their shithole of a country? And these are the people who are gonna save our pensions and ensure our future prosperity? Give me a fucking break.
No. 56964
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>>56956My blood is fucking boiling. This is disgusting.
No. 57017
>>56924yeah but most swedes have cars. refugees from out of EU are not allowed to drive here
>>56942this sounds good. but classes like this should be offered for every man. i find it funny how right wing conservatives/racists who hates muslims usually are about as sexist as muslims.
>>56950you can stay in an EU country for 3 months then you have to move. unless you are studying or working
No. 57019
Moderators on the link-sharing and discussion site Reddit deleted dozens of links and comments about immigrant gang violence and sexual assault in Cologne, Germany in an apparent attempt to clamp down on “vileness.”
Moderators on /r/worldnews, a subreddit with over 9.5million subscribers, repeatedly deleted links to stories about the recent New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne, which saw over a thousand Arab and North African migrants engage in hundreds of acts of sexual assault and robbery.
Users made a dozen attempts to post links to the story on /r/worldnews, where they were promptly deleted by moderators. It was only when German Chancellor Angela Merkel commented on the attacks that one news link was allowed to be posted. Comment from the German head of state made it impossible for the moderators to deny the story’s relevance to world news.
Even then, user comments underneath the news link faced mass censorship as well as a temporary lockdown due to what one moderator called “vile rule violating.” Go1dfish, a site which tracks censorship on Reddit and maintains a permanent copy of deleted comments, reveals that users had their comments deleted simply for asking why others had been deleted.
In another case, a user was censored for saying “I hope this story blows up. People need to see this.”
There have also been reports of censorship on /r/news, a default subreddit with over 7 million subscribers. Over 500 comments were found to be delete underneath a story on the Cologne attacks on /r/news. No. 57096
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What an insane cunt
No. 57101
>>57064That's even more worrying tbh
It seems these people are impossible to integrate
No. 57111
>>57100 are more likely to oppose immigration than men.
Aside from that, I white men enabling shitskins all the fucking time. Even on supposed "right wing" sites like /pol/ I see white men saying that they're glad it happened because they hate white women. They want women from other countries to be imported because they're "tired of our shit" and they like shitskins here because they attack us the way white men would like to do. Also, LOL university. White men would be saying the same shit they were allowed. You can't just say "well I think it's great that this happened lol fuck those whores."
No. 57115
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>>57113>>57111>I see white men saying that they're glad it happened because they hate white women.That's not all white women that /pol/ holds that opinion for I don't believe
I think that only goes with the cruel irony such as with the incident with Swedish woman who was pro-open borders and made a music video fucking an African to the Swedish national anthem, and encouraging Swedes to blanda up. However, a few years later she herself was raped and murdered by an African immigrant.
I'll just assume your stats are correct and true for most women, but in my experience women are far more left-leaning. The Black Lives Matter protests in my city are entirely Black and brown men and women, and then a shit ton of white women. Same goes for the pro-refugee movement rallies I see on TV and in person. It's largely white women supporting these things. Maybe silent majority or whatever though. I haven't met many American women who want MENA refugees in the states outside of those rallies. I also have yet to talk to many European men online who support opening borders to refugees, but I have met many women who do support this.
No. 57121
>>47068>who wish that they were white because their habeebs have the boner for white girls.No they don't lol
They view white women as sluts for their taking and not as wives. It's kind of fucked
No. 57128
>>57111>Even on supposed "right wing" sites like /pol/ I see white men saying that they're glad it happened because they hate white womenWhere the hell have you been seeing this shit? If you're talking about 4chan's /pol/, that's because 4chan is literally Reddit now and they're all r9k-tier basement dwellers who try too hard to be badasses online. Therefore, they hate anyone who isn't a lonely, white male.
8chan's /pol/, fascist Tumblr blogs (yes they exist), and Iron March all put white women on a pedestal and always talk about saving the white race by procreating, the 14 words, and finding a traditional white woman to have a family with. If you say you hate white women or say you like women of colour, someone would call you a degenerate. Hell, on Facebook, there are right winged nerds who share stock photos of blonde women carrying babies in wheat fields with a sunwheel symbol over it. It depends on where you go. Either way, these board/forum hiveminds don't make up the opinion of every single user and if you go on both pols, there are people constantly arguing over many things but 8ch usually has decent discussion/debating unlike 4chan which is meme hell.
No. 57161
>>56921>means they take care of the house themselves with cooking, cleaning and so say that like it's a bad thing?
majority of them are grown up people, no need to spoonfed them.
No. 58057
>>58037The really interesting thing is that these type of stories have been rumoured (and "reported" by the right wing press) for 10-15 years. So if the dam is broken we will now presumably hear these stories all the time. Yes, the left wing press will say it's not "immigrant related" but how does that excuse the last 10-15 years of ignoring harassment from Muslims?
At this point I'm pretty convinced that the powers that be are devoted to making Europe go full fascist whether that's their intentions or not.
No. 58528 police face allegations of covering up mass sexual assaults.
>we didn't want to report it because then it would help sdHow the fuck is that legal?
No. 58594
A total of 71 000 children and young people came to Sweden last year, and in some municipalities are now up against every other student newly arrived. The large influx increasing shortage of teachers with an additional 17 000 full-time, the government estimates.
School Authority's recent analysis shows that last year the 31,000 children aged up to twelve years, and 40,000 young people aged 13-18 years.
The older cohorts newcomers is therefore significantly bigger and biggest is born in 1999, with almost 13 000 pupils. Overall, the boys are in the majority among the teenage newcomers, and precisely in this cohort is 89 per cent boys.
National Agency analysis also clearly shows that Borgholm, Ljusnarsberg, Åsele and a number of other small municipalities that received the most children and young people, in relation to its population. In Borgholm on Öland are now newly arrived 16-18 year olds 50 per cent of all young people in that age. Newly arrived six year olds represent over 40 percent of all six-year olds in the municipality. No. 58883
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Found this gem on a youtube video
No. 59076
>>58895It's really really worrying. I'm afraid what will happen in the US. I've heard like 12 of our state governors don't want to let any refugees in.
I already live in a high crime city and we don't need any more.
No. 59132
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Just to let you all know
No. 59140
>>59135Could you fucking imagine if this shit happened in America? We'd go fucking crazy.
Armed militants would be patrolling the streets.
No. 59148
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>>59143It's dangerous to go alone, take this.
No. 59149
>>59143Not from Sweden, but I live in Cologne so take it from me:
Everybody in this Thread is unbelievably exaggerating.
As long as you stay away from night clubs you should be fine, no one's going to rape you in bright day light while everyone just watches. Don't worry about it too much and make sure that you can call help in emergencys with f.e. pocket alarms and stuff.
>>59141Dude chill, not everything's a conspiracy theory conducted by ~the jews~ you know?
>>58895>1000 man gang rape653 sexual assaults are reported, most of the perpetrators are suspected to not be refugees but immigrants who have been living here for quiet some time now.
>>58886I'm not gonna judge you for not knowing this, but pegida are literally just as dangerous as refugees kek.
I can't find a english news report about it, so here's a shitty google translator version of a recent german articel about them: No. 59151
>>59149>Just as bad as refugees >Nothing to back it up except a riot Could you be any more brainwashed by the media? You're basically getting mad at people for reacting to the wrong doing of others. Of course this story was probably all the rage in your country, huh? Meanwhile, police and reporters are specifically told not to report crimes committed by sandniggers.
A summary of what has happened:
>alt right media "Nyheter Idag" reveal how established media and police have collaborated to not spread massive sexual assaults on Cologne levels taking place two summers in a row on a Stockholm festival as to not "benefit far-right groups like SD"
>lügenpresse panicking as they get attacked left and right and as a result throw the police under the bus to move focus
>turns out the police have been given explicit orders to cover up immigrant crimes and in some cases not even arrest immigrants if it could benefit the Sweden Democrats
>lügenpresse keep claiming it is the police's fault and not theirs and it seems to work, focus is shifted towards the police
>alt media don't let them get away as easily and reveal e-mails and text messages between established media and the police that they have now ousted as corrupt and anti-white
>they lose it completely and starts sperging about how you can't trust alt right media as it is owned by Russia
>completely fabricated bullshit and the stress is noticeable
>biggest bomb dropped today when yet another scandal is revealed, not only was the police aware of the massive sexual assaults, Stockholm CITY was aware of it yet covered it up®ion=FixedLeft&pgtype=article'm not supprised they would be pissed. I'd be fucking mad too if a bunch of filthy shitskins raped girls in my own fucking country.
>suspected to not be refugees but immigrants who have been living here for quiet some time now.
>no source, just claims Your whole post in a nutshell.
>Everybody in this Thread is unbelievably exaggerating.Yes, it's safe so long as you cover up from head to toe and make no eye contact, right? I've heard other people saying that they can't go outside without Muslims trying to pick them up, which makes me wonder if your full of shit.
No. 59157
>>59151What do you expect, they're a PC, brainwashed Sverige cuck who probably lives in the North and have no idea the true extent of what's going down.
I lived in Sheffield for a year just after the Rotherham Muslim rape gang shit went going down in the UK (Rotherham is just outside Sheffield), I had a lot of people ask me "is it really as bad as it sounds?" and my answer was and remains a firmly resounding YES.
I don't know what it was like for other women in the area but I'm Caucasian, blonde and blue-eyed, a prime whore in the eyes of these sandpigs, so virtually everyday I was harassed just walking the streets doing average, everyday things in average, everyday clothing. It became a normal thing for a white van to drive past filled with Asian guys screaming at me making kissy noises or following me up the street, and yelling things like "eyyyy' bby u r very beautiful u come back with me yes?".
Fortunately I only experienced one putting his hands physically on me, but once was enough.
Before I went to uni I was as liberal as it gets. It took me to move to a city and experience the "cultural integration" for me to become a racist.
I also have some Swedish friends that I play video games with online and they are all racist as hell which is pretty indicative of the current sociopolitical climate.
No. 59436
Cologne Sexual Assault Victim Called a Racist and Harassed After Identifying Her Attackers
Cologne Rapefugee Victim Doxed, Called Liar in 250,000 view Viral Video
Taken Down After She Threatens to Sue When It Appeared on Imam's Hate Site.
>She began getting threatening calls at work and people were attacking her on Facebook as a racist and a right-winger. No. 59501
>>59495>I call myself mulatto but I'm only 3% white/otherYou're not mixed you're a blacka blacky black black bedwench with probably an eye for skinny tall liberal white men. sandnigger men don't like black women though so your chances are 0. Even if they wanted a real mullatto looking girl, they have enough of them in their homeland but most of them are running away of that lel.
>>59496Samefag anon plz dont you have a white man to rape to make humanish babies?
No. 59581
>>57115>I give statistics >your only comeback is "muh experience"You're experience is shit because you see what you want to see you fucking faggot ass white bitch. You're a white faggot who can't get white women so you blame it on them being too liberal for your "redpilled" self. You see women being more liberal and I see men being more liberal, show me some evidence to support your views or stfu.
Men want freedoms and liberty, they would never be part of something that didn't revolve around them. This is why they're liberal, they want the freedoms to do whatever they want without law and order getting in the way.Men are a huge advocate for the degenerate culture due to their natural selfishness.
No. 59669
>Parents: 15-year-old was murdered because he protected a Swedish girl from sexual harassment from an Arab student
>The Lithuanian boy Arminas Pileckas, 15, was stabbed to death on Monday by a student from the Arab world after protecting a girl who the killer had harassed. Now the victim's parents speak out about the murder – and harshly criticize the Swedish media for portraying the murderer as a victim.>– In Lithuania, we are talking openly about the refugee problem. In Sweden, everyone is silent, he says.
>– The Swedish press writes that Arminas assaulted [the Arab student]. But that is not the case, according to an interview with father in the Lithuanian newspaper lrytas.
>According to the father, the real background to the assassination at Göinge School in Broby, Skåne, is that Arminas had been in a minor brawl with the Syrian student in December. The Syrian had sexually harassed a girl and Arminas came to her defense.
>– A week later, we went to the school for a meeting. The boy swore he would take revenge on him, and that is what he did, says the father. No. 59709
>>59580The woman in the music video is actually a (somewhat known) comedian, and the song is 'Blanda Upp', a satire poking fun of Sweden's immigration policy. It's only simulated sex
The leftist girl raped and dumped in the woods is in fact real. That image needs to be edited for accuracy
No. 59955
>>59501I'm at least 50 percent white. But whatever, I'm not bragging because I have white blood.
Also I don't like white or black men nice try m8
No. 60275
This is an interview an anonymous, probably young female social worker.
This interview was published in the magazine "WELT" today. A popular, mostly reliable, usually leftist online magazine.
So according to her and her colleagues, following memes are actually the cold, hard truth about refugees.
These are translations of her statements, nothing else.
>She has been eager and idealistic about her new job as a social worker at a refugee camp.
>Literal quote: "90% of the interactions with refugees were not of the pleasant kind. Not like i imagined it."
>Around 70% are young males, between 20 and 25.
>Female co-workers experience misogny and "light" sexual harassment on a daily basis.
>They are openly demanding "an apartment, a nice car and a good job". Little acceptance when those wishes are unfulfilled. Threaten to kill themselves - or a colleague.
>People lie about their background and citizenship. Bureaucracy performs laughable when dealing with those lies. People just get new papers - under the supervision of social workers - and avoid being sent back to their countries by passing as another person.
>Refugees show no responsibility when attending meetings.
>Misogny and "light" sexual harassment were common for months. But everything changed - to the worse - when Morrocans and other North Africans started appearing in the camp. They were more aggressive.
>The higher-ups couldn't or wouldn't help the woman, who so was harassed so often that she started hiding in her office room. Thr German Ministry for Migration would completely ignore her calls.
>She will quit her job, as will many female colleagues, despite her liking the refugee kids. "Can't stand it anymore."
No. 60286
>>60275Why are Moroccans/North Africans appearing in those camps?
And why are they more aggressive than Syrian/Levant men?
No. 60303
>>60286I have an asylum centre close to where I live, and they mostly look black to me. Iono why, they sure don't look syrian to me. I think the stats also back this up, but maybe it's just my area?
also I think in north africa they have lower literacy rates and more culturally ingrained misogyny etc. than in syria, but again, I'm not sure anon, maybe someone else can shed some light on this?
No. 60541
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No. 60543
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No. 60550
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>>60541>>60542Oh, another blond hair blue eyed girl! Well, they should start hiring women who look like this (pic related) to take care of the refugees since they only seem to rape/assault white girls.
The second alternative can be Asian women.
No. 60559
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>>60550Yup I agree. We should start hiring black/mulatto women instead because obviously Arabs can't control themselves over blonde women.
How sad
No. 60605
>>60596Bullshit. A lot of black/mulatto women are in caring services (like nurses in hospitals or caring for elderly people, ect)
affirmative action memes don't exist in Europe, faggot.
They're the most suited for situations such as these because Syrian refugees won't be tempted to rape them since they only desire white, blonde women. Now do you want to watch your sisters be raped or do you want to keep being a jaded cunt?
No. 60607
>>60597>take a lesson on reading comprehension.From how many people tell you to do this I'm surprised such lessons don't exist yet.
Come on, it's 2016 people!
No. 60608
>>60605Sry I meant stop being a jaded cunt since both of the options were the same.
Forgive me.
No. 61023
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No. 61031
In Sweden, crimes involving refugees are now classified.
"More crimes occurred in Sweden in the wake of refugee flows last year. But how many crimes involving refugees have police classified."
"There is more crime, there are new crimes and perpetrators. There are simply many more people, says Thomas Mellberg" No. 61033
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>>61023>White men vote to bring over a million rapefugees >White men take pleasure in watching the rapefugees they let in rape their girlfriends and wives Thoughts?
No. 61422
>>61033Except all the refugees welcome cucks I see are mostly women
You dig this hole yourself
No. 61464
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Just keeps getting better
No. 61623
Refugees bitching about having to work in the refugee center: Some prankster has shot one new year's leftover firework towards the center, it hit the window which did not break
- Refugees now want to return to Iraq
- Refugees disappointed in Finland, for instance they are asked to put together the new furniture (beds) for the center, participate in cooking and so on.
- "We are not used to be treated like this, we wash our own clothes, make our own food, suffer all kinds of things and people still don't like us"
- "We don't want to eat the free food. (The same food that is served in schools all over Finland). In addition we only get 92 euros (USD 100) so our families have to send us money to buy food from shops.
- There is no health care (Except that there is a nurse present full time and a weekly visit by a doctor. Free).
No. 61627
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>>61422Exterminate the white race and all of its faggotry
No. 61645
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I'm slowly starting to hate all white men with a passion, but for the opposite reasons of Tumblr. What can I do to stop it?
No. 61744
>>35957y do i see more arab immigrants harassing local woman than i do black ones?
even on websites more comments come from arab women on white girls pictures than from black men
i talked to both groups and arabs have a stronger and more unhealthy obsession with white girls and sex.. why are black men said to be more like this?
No. 61804
>>61775random train of thought
i dont want to discuss BM/WW. fuck that over-used, beaten-horse relationsip
No. 61810
>>61809They're normal men as with any other man but they develop in a nation of cultural and social repression where the only women they ever really see on a regular basis are their mothers. All their own women are always so convered and couple this with a culture that teaches them that women are naturally below animals and don't even understand the concept of respect and you have a recipe for disaster.
Online is really the only place they get to explore their sexuality which is why you see so many of them being rampantly filthy in their language, they go wild.
All the British born Muslims I know are normal, respectful young guys so it's definitely not innate, it's bad people teaching children to become bad people and so on.
No. 61922
>>61033>>61422They're just a lot more vocal because, believe it or not, they're voicing status quo opinion (or a polarized form of it) that says being as open and altruistic as possible is the best way of grandstanding your morality.
The vast majority of people in Europe, men and women, are against this inflow - But it's just something you don't really openly talk about. It marks you down as "one of those people".
At least if there's a silver lining to these events, it's that a) a lot of the cover-ups have been exposed (this has been going on for years, it's not just Cologne and Sweden) and b) people are coming over to the far right in record numbers.
No. 61924
>>61893They do have a modicum more respect for muslim women than they do western women, since muslim women are viewed as behaving in a way befitting their "proper" status.
>>61810>All the British born Muslims I know are normal, respectful young guys so it's definitely not innate, it's bad people teaching children to become bad people and so on.Statistically muslim men have been getting inter-generationally more radical here in the UK. It's not a case of "oh past the third generation they'll all be ok". Just look at Paris' Banlieues, and before you try and pass the buck on that and claim it's economic hardship and "racism" that causes them to behave that way, no it's not - it's that France liberalized its immigration and asylum laws in the 1970s to allow for things like family reunificaton. Before that point immigrants to France (largely Greeks, Italians and a few North Africans, not many) had the same rates of welfare dependency and employment as native French.
>>61744Both groups are bad and both view white women as a fetish at best or a piece of trash at worst.
People should stick with their own kind for marriage. Divorce rates, abuse rates etc all bear this out.
>>61645Most white men aren't like that.
>>59669Eastern/Southern Europeans are protective of their women. Some Russians killed a couple of Korean students years ago because the Koreans drunkenly started calling Russian women whores.
No. 61931
>>61924>Both groups are badThat's a rather general statement and just as bad as saying any black man that wants to be with a white woman is trash.
I thought the UK was more progressive than the US. I'd hate to see how you view mixed race kids.
For all you holier than thou attitude you guys seem to have towards race you're just as bad as we are in the States, but at least we're honest about it over here.
No. 61933
>>48384She likes the non-cuck variant: National Socialism, where you can protect your country's industries, wages, jobs and provide your people with decent standard of living WITHOUT letting in a sea of subhuman foreigners.
National Socialism is literally the real third way.
No. 61937
>>61931>That's a rather general statementBlack men are bad. In London they commit something like over 50% of all gang rape according to Operation Sapphire. They're disproportionately represented as criminals regardless of where they go in the world, whether it's West African chattel slave descendants in the United States, Nigerians in Japan, Africans in Guangzhou, Africans in Paris… The common thread here seems to be black people incapable of creating any sort of respectable standard of living for themselves wherever they go and instead becoming a bunch of net recipients (by far) from the system.
How you can surmize that white people, especially in European states which are historically ethnostates, would not have a problem with that is beyond me.
>I thought the UK was more progressive than the US. I'd hate to see how you view mixed race kids.Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I see them as just further watering down the English identity. They're also more likely to have physical and mental health issues. And the mulattoes are much more likely to identify with their black, usually absent fathers and promulgate black tribalist politics.
So yeah, you can kind of imagine why a significant portion of white people object to mulattoes when a good chunk of them grow up to have a strong racial animus against their mother's race and agitate against it politically. Can't imagine how crushing it must feel to push something so foreign out of your womb.
>For all you holier than thou attitude you guys seem to haveYou're not speaking to a liberal, I've never made any pretense at altruism towards non-white people. My priority are my own kind in these turbulent times. They are who I most care about.
No. 61957
>>61937For the record I'm black and come from a well off family. Both my parents have respectable careers and no criminal records. My brother is in law school and my sister is military. So please excuse me if I don't believe your shit.
By what you saying then some black people in America are just in their view of whites in America. No speaking about slavery we can keep it with just incidents in the last 100 years. I forget your keeping you facts based in Europe right? Then keep it there and stop talking about America as if your point of view is any better than any good ol' boy from Alabama.
No, most mixed people I've spoken with have identified as both races. There are 6 interracial couples in my neighborhood (BMWW/WWLM/LMWW/BWWM/BWWW/AMWW). The oldest have been together for about 15 years judging on their oldest kids age. They seem like any other couple. So please keep trying.
You entitled to your own opinion I'm not one a chan to argue moral and whatnot, but if you make blanket statements then I'm going to need proof. If you make statements like that with no proof, then it no different then the shit statements people on tumblr make.
No. 61974
>>61957>don't believe your shitBelieve what? Everything I said is 100% backed by fact.
>By what you saying then some black people in America are just in their view of whites in America.I don't give a fuck what you think of me or white people in general, I'm just doing what your people do and have been doing for centuries: Putting their own people first.
Why do you expect white people to play "race blind universalist" when every other race uniformly asks the question "is X good for blacks/asians/latinos?"
>No, most mixed people I've spoken with have identified as both races.Among mulattoes this simply isn't true. They not only identify as black, but identify as black in an often very militant way, despite the fact their black father was almost always the absent one. How fucked up is that?
>There are 6 interracial couples in my neighborhoodThe plural of anecdote is not statistics. marriages are more prone to divorce. Interracial marriages involving White Women are the most prone to divorce. This is fact.
>with no proofProof is above.
Want the data about how spousal homicide is most common in marriages between white women and black men too? And domestic violence?
Relationships built on race fetishes rarely last, let alone marriages, I'm surprised that you're surprised, to be honest.
No. 61977
>>61974What facts? What you posted would be considered you opinion without a source? Got any links to back your statements?
I have no issues with white people, they have done nothing to me personally. I don't have a chip on my shoulder and don't hold grudges. I don't expect white people to play anything. Never implied that.
>Among mulattoes this simply isn't true. They not only identify as black, but identify as black in an often very militant way, despite the fact their black father was almost always the absent one. How fucked up is that?Yet another general statement. There have been a few mixed people that have come on this board and point blank said they identify as both.
>The plural of anecdote is not statistics. How is me using the 6 interracial couples I know different than your general statement regarding how mulattoes identify as? At least I have a source where you going from your opinion.
You saying it's a fetish but if the couple isn't a fetish when what?
You think what you want. Like I said your entitled to your opinion. Doesn't effect me, so have at it.
No. 61979
>>61977>What facts? What you posted would be considered you opinion without a source? Got any links to back your statements?I just posted a source showing the three most divorce-prone racial pairings all involve WW with non-white men.
>I don't expect white people to play anything. Then don't act surprised when you meet a white person whose politics are merely what the average non-white persons are (wanting what is best for his or her group).
>You saying it's a fetish but if the couple isn't a fetish when what? On the rare occasion they aren't. I have no issue with it, but I'm against demographically significant immigration so if I were in charge of my country it wouldn't really be happening much in the first place.
No. 61987
>>61979>I just posted a source showing the three most divorce-prone racial pairings all involve WW with non-white men.One source. Wow so much effort to back what your saying.
>I don't expect white people to play anything. I don't expect anything. Their entitled to their opinion and I won't try to convince them of anything. As long as it doesn't effect me directly they can do and think however they like.
>but I'm against demographically significant immigration There's nothing wrong with believing that.
No. 61990
>>61987>One source.Gotta love the varying standards of proof people have. If someone had come along and posted a source saying that interracial married couples have divorce rates exactly the same as same race couples, would you really be engaging in this… selective empiricism?
>There's nothing wrong with believing that.We're agreed then.
No. 62011
>>61974The only people who say this shit about mixed people and interracial couples are the ones who have never experienced an interracial upbringing/have never intreacted with a mixed person before. I'm mixed black & white and identify as both. All of the mixed people I know (not just b&w) do the same too. For some reason this throws people through a loop and they assume that all mixed people are poor confused souls who never know who they are, when that has no basis in reality. The most annoying thing about being mixed, isn't being mixed—it's all the ignorant people that constantly try to tell you who you are and how confused you must be because they can't wrap their heads around the idea that someone can be two races and be perfectly okay with it.
Picking sides when you're mixed is impossible. Blacks give you shit because you're white and whites give you shit because you're black, you can never win. The ones who identify strongly as one or the other have been mislead into believing the nonsense of the racist retards on either side. Just because some mulattos are militant and over identify with being black, doesn't mean we all do.
My father is black and lives across the country and would statistically be considered an absent father, but statistics give you a number and nothing else. It's really easy to make assumptions based off of numbers, but what the numbers won't tell you is that my white mother kidnapped me as a toddler and ran all the way across the United States without telling my father where she went. He had to hire a P.I. just to track her down and eventually tried to take her to court over it. He ended up dropping the case because my mom turns everything into a dramatic shit fest and he knew that the court would take her side. She also leeched a ton of money off of him so she could buy stuff for herself and 2 college degrees, all on top of the child support and extra shit he was giving us.
Do statistics take any of that into account before writing my dad off as an absent black father? No.
So please stop generalizing because people's lives are way more complicated then some stupid numbers on a page.
No. 62021
>>62011>Do statistics take any of that into account before writing my dad off as an absent black father? No. And they don't take that into account when aggregating out absent white fathers either, so the putative margin of error is the same for both sides, which renders this point moot.
It's not just absenteeism though. It's everything. Divorce rates, spousal homicide, spousal abuse etc. They're all higher in BM/WW relationships.
Do you really think the fact BM/WW is the most divorce prone racial pairing of them all has nothing to do with the reality of black men not really loving white women beyond as a fetish or a way to get back at white men?
P.S: how many comments are "I'm biracial and was raised by my white mom".
It's just sad at this point. Black men are just complete fucking trash. Why do you think Asian girls, the most astute, future-orientated girls around, hardly ever hook up with them?
No. 62026
>>62011Also see: this is the natural state of people. You black people complain about Hollywood and the American Entertainment Industry, but without them, you are NOTHING. All the positive stereotypes associated with you come from entertainment and media, without it, there is nothing to make excuses for your failings.
No. 62027
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>>62026Holy shit you are a disgusting person.
No. 62028
>>62027lol, this coming from someone who most likely excuses actual violent criminals with bullshit about their upbringing and "socioeconomic background".
Saying mean things on the internet > Actually physically maiming/harming people, amirite?
No. 62030
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>>62026That's true, for example babies display racial preferences at their earliest ages. That's because while racism is natural and innate, "anti racism" is unnatural and artificial and must be indoctrinated into people from birth. Look at the attempts by the media in Europe to cover up the rape crimes occurring all over Europe for example.
Anti-racism is a charade maintained by a belief that is a "noble lie".
>>62029See: have never been more than 13% of the population btw.
No. 62032
>>62030Literally blown the fuck out.
Black men are much more likely to be serial killers than white men.
Hollywood bullshit strikes again eh? Just like all blacks are noble downtrodden men whose faults are purely the result of some nebulous "system" that "keeps them down".
No. 62033
>>62028Grow up. You don't know half as much about people as you think you do. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a stubborn racist idiot.
I hope one of your future precious pure white children marries a black person and you have a ton of violent, confused, mixed grandbabies.
Seig heil.
No. 62035
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No. 62037
>>62033>Wishing harm upon some random person because somebody said something mean and wayciss to youLike I said, you're mentally ill. You're exactly the same kind of person that writes off violent criminality with some bullshit rhetorical flourishes about "muh poor childhood", but starts ranting and raving about wanting to destroy someone's life when they say something off color about blacks.
>>62034>Let's randomly list people when we have a statistically verifiable datasetWhy can't you just accept you're wrong?
I mean, where did you even get the idea that white men disproportionately were serial killers from? Certainly not from exhaustive research but rather from the news, films and TV.
>>62035>rampage killersWhat's a "rampage killer"? It doesn't exist in any DoJ statistics.
>unironically using the term "privilege"Ah, ok then.
>>62036You do realize this dataset also shows blacks commit a disproportionate amount of serial killings, right, and that it just an aggregation of the one I provided above?
No. 62044
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>>62037So do white men just kill and keep killing. Is that why they have such high amount of victims. Dean Corll and John Wayne Gacy were killing up to 2 men a night. What's you response to that?
No. 62045
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>>62042>b.. better pretend I wonlol, what's next? "Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam"?
>>62044>four of the top five are spicsok then
No. 62046
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>>62040Check you facts fag, they make up 17.9%
No. 62047
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>>62044>Literally seven of the top ten aren't whiteAre you trying to prove my point for me?
No. 62048
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>>62046>By the year 2060Every time I try to give black people the benefit of the doubt, they end up proving every stereotype.
No. 62058
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No. 62062
>>62056>not knowing most terrorist groups are funded by the westMost of those are state actors, not terrorist groups. Regardless, that's not the point - Why would you expect any state to behave in a purely altruistic way? States support their clients, be they democracies, kingdoms, military dictatorships or whatever. The less scruples you have, the more room for manouevre you have (see China in East Africa). It's frankly ridiculous seeing all of these people who are actually surprised at the fact the US has supported "dictators".
Also, another protip: Just because they're a "dictator" and are "authoritarian", doesn't make the populist alternatives any better. Look at post-Saddam Iraq and Syria without Bashar Al-Assad filling the vacuum.
I'll take a Baathist, secular "dictator" over some Muslim Brotherhood retards that the average Muslim idiot on the street wants to vote into power (see Egypt) any day of the week.
No. 62130
>>62062>scarequotes around "dictator"Saddam was most definitely authoritarian and a dictator, as is al-Assad.
You're right that populist religious fanatics aren't any better, but neither is an authoritarian psychopath. One isn't better than the other. Religious governments are fueled by insane beliefs, and dictatorships are fueled by megalomania and desire for power and conquest. It's just flipping a coin between whether you want to be fucked over by malice or by stupidity.
It's true that a dictator is easier to contain on an international scale, because despite being psychopathic, they're rational and won't do anything that goes directly against their country's interests. If they were in a position of true power, they'd go full Hitler at a moment's notice, but they're smart enough to know they can't. Whereas with a more religious country, it's difficult to predict their true motives, and they may do things outside their own rational best interest out of service for what they perceive to be a much higher cause. And I suppose some people fall into both categories, like if they legitimately consider themselves a prophet or something.
But still, they're all terrible governments led by awful people who would kill us and invade our countries if they knew they had a chance at succeeding.
No. 62306
>>62130>psychopathPlease stop using this word. By these standards virtually every single ruler of note prior to the 20th century was also a "psychopath", from Augustus to the KangXi Emperor.
I'll agree that Iraqi is something of a pseudo-state, but that only plays into my hands, since it shows nations should be based around ethnic boundaries and that mass immigration and diversity are bad things.
>But still, they're all terrible governments led by awful people who would kill us and invade our countries if they knew they had a chance at succeeding.No they wouldn't Al-Assad and the Alawites are just markedly more secular and less fanatic than the average Sunnigger. Shia Twelvers have always been a bit bettter.
No. 62315
>>62127>Operation HydrantA general investigation operation concerning stuff that happened over decades. Not necessarily recent.
>Elm Guest HouseHappened in the 70's. Not recent.
>Jimmy SavileOne sick person whose actions have spread through decades, not a systematic CSA ring.
>Jersey child abuse investigationA handful of sick child abusing people.
>Plymouth caseFive people working a private paedophile ring.
>Kincora Boys Home Happened in the 70's or earlier. Not recent.
>North Wales caseSpanning from the 70's to the very early 90's. Not recent.
>Westminster caseAgain happened in the 70's to early 90's, not recent.
>YewtreeThis is just the Jimmy Savile investigation case, you included the same person twice you cucknut.
All the cases
>>62061 listed are from recent 2 to 7 years and there are hundreds if not thousands of victims, the functionality has been systematic and the purpose has been to groom young kids into sex workers and run a business. In most of them drug trafficking is also included which ups the level of severity of these crime rings.
No. 62318
>>62315>thousandsThe victims definitely number in the thousands.
What annoys me is the completely impotent reaction from white men. As far as I know, some white kids gathered and burned down a couple of kebab stores after the news about Rotherham came out, but nothing beyond that.
That's why they treat white women in the way they do, because every act of clemency, every act of kindness in the eyes of a Muslim, is a weakness to be exploited.
No. 62412
>>62297Not really
Quite a few women like being submissive to their husbands. Nothing wrong with that
No. 62413
>>62127>all white people>in a country upwards of 95% white at the time they happenedShocking
Same shit happens all over the world, but western countries take the biggest stance against it
No. 62512
>>62490It's a lot more common for a man to feel alone and as a complete outsider than a woman
That in conjunction with many other things
No. 62522
>>62465>Asian girls are best girls I didn't say that. I said they're the most future orientated, which is true of their race in general.
White girls are still the best looking, but I just wish they weren't so fucking gullible. It's in all walks of life too, every time you hear about some retard "backpacking across India" it's always a white chick.
Just try to be more careful. Not everything your men tell you is some sort of "patriarchal conspiracy".
No. 62524
>>62474Less than that. And the way the system works in Japan is like this.
>Get refugee status>No route to citizenship>Status is reviewed every 3 months>If locale you are from is safe to go back to, you are sent back thereThis is differen to the western system where just about anyone who rocks up on our shores can claim citizenship through some enterprising lawyer.
No. 62539
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No. 62540
>>62539Really scary how many feminists have been trying to downplay it by claiming "there were only X number of reports of sexual assault!"
Would they do the same if it were a 1000 white fratboys reported to have gathered and systematically started abusing?
No. 62543
>>62542They're brown and there's a narrative of them as contemporary victims.
Which, given their history is pretty ridiculous. Ask any Christian from the Balkans what they think of the concept of "Muslim victimhood", lol.
No. 62545
>>62539Youre a retard. I never victimblame. I blame the perpetrator, and they were ALL men. And before this incident white men have been raping too, yet /pol/ never gave a shit and now you suddenly pretend to care just because the rapists are dunecoons?! I'm not here for it.
>>62512Well, then the only thing we can do is kill all men who exhibit abnormalities as autistic girls rarely are crazy killers.
No. 62546
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>>62537I have nothing to contribute; I just love posting this.
No. 62547
>>62545>yet /pol/ never gave a shit and now you suddenly pretend to care just because the rapists are dunecoons?! I'm not here for it.Guess what, calling yourself a "feminist" doesn't give you ownership over the concept of caring about women's welfare, you useless, partisan piece of shit. Plenty of us have mothers, sisters, female cousins and we worry about what this mass influx is going to mean for them, especially those in Germany.
You attempting to silence the very obvious racial-cultural element of this problem is only going to make it worse.
Finally. I'm not going to sit down and take lectures on caring about women's wellbeing from some liberal fucktard who probably agrees with early release schemes for prisoners, making it impossible for employers to check someone's criminal background and so on.
For all my adult life I've supported the death sentence for particularly egregious cases of aggravated rape. Regardless of the perp's race.
So fuck you. And fuck liberalism. And fuck your xenophilia.
No. 62554
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>>62522Shut the fuck up you stupid white faggot ass bitch. Everyone knows that shitskinned subhumans target white women for their crimes, yet you stupid white cucks will always side with the shitskins over your own women. White men care more about being liked among the cool shitskin rappers than they care about their wives and daughters being raped. Why do you think MRA faggots are always white men? White MRA faggots made a rapist nigger into their poster boy with the claim that he didn't do nuffin and the girl he raped was lying. They even went on to compare it to KKK lynchings of black men for "fabricated" rape accusations. (Because lynchings were NEVER justified, right?)They're fucking cucks who defend stupid shitskin lives just because they're men. They don't give a fuck about rape, both on the left and the right. They only pretend to care when it fits their own interest. White men are cucks who defend rapist niggers with all their hearts so they can be "down with da gangstas dawg" or whatever. Why do you think it is that white men are least likely to take race into consideration when selecting a partner? The average white man would go out with any shitskin who showed some form of intrest and you can't deny that.
>most future oriented Fucking lol. They cling to some of the most buttfucking stupid traditions and close their ears to all logic and science so they can keep the delusion up. How is that "future oriented"? You're dumb filp whore is gonna grind your dog up to make a stupid bullshit traditional medicine drink that doesn't work. Oh, and they're also responsible for a good deal of species extinction and produce pollution like none other. Now that's planning ahead. Gooks are incapable of giving a single fuck about anything. You're a lame white boy who idolizes gooks because they smile at you without realizing you're being mocked. Gooks are shit at planning ahead. They put poison in baby formula to temporarily increase profits without considering the fact that they would go to fucking jail for it. You worship people who bath their own babies in shit because they can't think ahead to consider that maybe you shouldn't have kids if you're starving and eating dogs. Japan and Korea are the only decent Asian countries and that's due to heavy western involvement, the rest is a stinky overpopulated shithole that can't forge a decent society despite their fertile lands and rich shores. They're cunts who torture their own children.
No. 62578
>>62554holy autism
Would this yield me some sweet (You)s on /pol/?
No. 62579
>>62030For example babies often shit themselves at their earliest ages. That's because shitting yourself is natural and innate, "using a toilet" is unnatural and artificial and must be indoctrinated into people from birth.
This is exactly how retarded you sound with that point, to be honest.
No. 62581
Our biggest national paper (Helsingin Sanomat or just HS) in Finland is going on full speed with the "look at these poor refugees" stories. The funny thing is that every day they're releasing stories about healthy young Iraqi men in their 20's to 30's talking about wanting to get to Europe to look for a better life, but at the same time the press doesn't realize that this only pisses off people more because they're clearly not war refugees, they're just looking for an easier life. It's just ridiculous. People moving to the United States in the early 1900's to find a better life weren't called refugees, they were immigrants who came there out of their own free will and were responsible for their own well-being.
We have a huge issue with unemployed youth in our country because the older generation refuses to retire and at the same time their old posts won't be filled after they're gone. Even a proper degree won't guarantee you a good life because most recent graduates and young people have to work short-term jobs they're overqualified for. The average situation is that you work for 6 months for a company during a trial period, get laid off with a few day's warning, spend a few months seeking for a new job, start all over again. And this is only if you're lucky. Getting a steady job is an impossibility for everyone under 30. Now imagine if you're a Iraqi guy, coming here, don't speak the language, don't know the culture, don't have a local degree etc. Do you think you'll have things better than our native working generation? These people are so fucking dumb to believe everything the smugglers say and when they end up here having nothing else to do than hang around the refugee reception center and complaining about shit like this here
>>61623 . If you don't like it, get your own apartment on your own and find some work if you can, you fucking bums.
The worst thing is that our government actually claims the country's profiting from them because they employ so many accommodation and logistics companies and people selling real estate since the state needs more places to place the refugees in. You know where the money that pays for all that comes from? The country itself, its taxpayers, nowhere else. It's like pouring water from one barrel to another to get more of it.
This situation makes me so damn angry.
No. 62634
>>62547You can sputter as much bullshit if you want but ehm…
I'm still waiting for /pol/ to hate on men though, as the stats proof almost 100% of the serial killers and rapists are men. If /pol/tards wont hate their own small balls than its proof /pol/ is no better than ISIS or JIDF and that they are hypocritical rapists, pedophiles and warlords (you guys like to generalize too right?)
Also, I dont like feminism (its not very effective), but if there's truth to be told its that most men commit crimes, wars and other troublesome shit. I dont defend refugees when they are getting "lynched" because I know its bullshit. I correct shit when its necessary, they raped because they are men. If its because of their cultural aspects WHERE ARE THE WOMEN THAT RAPED THE MEN HOE? Suck my puffy hairy bloody ugly wrinkly lips bitch!
P.S The germans and dutch raped after WW2 so many innocent women….they didnt do it because they were white but simply because they were men and they just could.
P.S women arent exactly innocent either, but thats another story to tell.
P.S I have my doubts about this story, but that doesnt mean refugees arent annoying.
P.S I am against interracial marriage/relationships so dont call me liberal
No. 62660

>>62580Look at how fucking disgusting white men who travel abroad are. yet, these same white men flip their shit about white women who racemix. When white women racemix, it's because she's naive, but has good intentions. When white men racemix, it's because they're abusive assholes who want to exploit a young girl from a poor background. And yet, white men defend the later because they think it's "manly" to fuck the women of another race. (Yet they freak out over sandniggers doing the same thing to their women? Lol)
Check out this video. Look at all the white men defending this piece of shit and shitting on the Asian man for telling them what they already know. (5:31 is best part)He's getting his ass handed to him, so what does he do?
>I-I have a youtube channel >Honey, are you recording this >Whaa whaa bullying >Why u so racist :(You're in another persons country and you're fucking their women, if you can't stand up for your ass, you're going to have a bad time. I love how satisfied the other passengers look to see a white man getting what he deserves. I wonder what it felt like to be that girl and to record your ugly white faggot boyfriend getting owned while he tells you to keep recording. This wouldn't piss me off so bad if it weren't for the fact that white men are defending the white racemixer. Again, they don't care about respecting women, they're just jealous that they aren't in the shoes of the abuser. God, I fucking hate white men so much. The more they try to justify their behavior and the more they try to defend themselves the stronger my hate gets.
White men are naturally insecure and thirsty for power over something. They're filled with nothing but hate and resentment. The gook whores who date these white men deserve what's coming to them. Hope all the stupid gook whores who date these scumbags get raped and beaten by their husband every night and I hope their husband abuses their ugly mongrel kids.
No. 62664
>>62660White men's yellow fever has gone on long enough
Even people who aren't white or male are getting disgusted by it
No. 62666
>>62660>When white men racemix, it's because they're abusive assholes who want to exploit a young girl from a poor background. no its because they can't get laid back in their home countries
3rd world women will marry and ugly 1st world man because marriage will lead to citizenship
also this isn't only a gook problem sex tourism is also prevalent in eastern europe. white Ukrainian women will marry an ugly 1st world man.
No. 62678
>>62660>When white men racemix, it's because they're abusive assholes who want to exploit a young girl from a poor background>When white men racemix, it's because they're abusive assholes who want to exploit a young girl from a poor backgroundI cant handle all these implications lol
This is a quality shitpost
No. 62720
>>62718you're a retard for going there period, everyone, enjoy getting
triggered PTSD and shit
No. 62730
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>>62660white man here,
white guys racemix because we can't get white women. I could go on about >opinions but that's the short answer, we racemix because we can't get a white woman.
we go with asians because we want good genes for our kids, and asians are pretty much the only race other than white people who can manage to hold a civilization together. There's arabs yea but their religion is regressive and destructive ie bad stock. blacks are just lel.
No. 62732
>>62686Do you hate your father too?
Most white men love and care for the white women close to them.
No. 62769
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Can we all agree that most white men are ugly unless they are mixed with asian, black, arab or are a dark Russian/Spaniard/Italian/so mixed?
I mean if they procreate with the Asians the children might end up cute. I am so not attracted to pure white men. I am Eurasian :3
No. 62776
>>62764Most of /pol/ are not into shitskins. Sure there are a few beta weebs there, but that is the minority.
Dropping my anonymity, i am one of those pollocks. I have only been and will only be with a white woman, and id rather die alone than be a mud shark.
No. 62777
>>62774I'm a girl :D. I have a boyfriend who is mixed and I love him so much <3
White men are meh and boring.
No. 62779
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>>62769The darker the uglier imo, i like my men white as snow
No. 62781
>>62776You dont have to drop your anonymity idiot. We can spot the /r9k/tards and /pol/tards with our eyes closed.
If you can find a white woman (you cannot): you'll get an ugly poor child, she'll be jealous of the girls with the lips, bodies, tan, thick hair and eyebrows. Well, if you pimp her out she might have enough money to copy the women from more prettier races :)))
No. 62785
>>62780>>62779I thought /pol/ was against homosexuality?!
>>62783You're in the wrong place then…this is not 4chan. You are my bitch now. Show your white ugly small penis or gtfo.
No. 62790
>>62781Surprisingly enough, i have great genes, so i know my kids will be beautiful.
I also have no problem finding white women, its just that most of them do not have their head on straight and are not marraige material. I will never settle for a mediocre wife or life.
No. 62791
File: 1453680668761.png (536.98 KB, 904x403, 1453674970164.png)'s why white men hop on the Asian train
Tl;dr translation
Black swedish rapper gets his white gf knocked up and his next single os called "Black Baby" and the cover will be his gf's bulging stomach
White women pride themselves on racemixing and leaving white men. I'll pass and stick to asian qts please
No. 62797
To all the white men,
Please do not think that we Asians are interested in you. We prefer Asian men! White men are odd, stink and scary…. No. 62801
>>62800How so? Everyone gets matched up
Just how it is nowadays
No. 62804
>>62793Not great looking, but im fairly attractive.
I go on /pol/ to talk with like minded individuals, and get away from the liberal bullshit of where i live.
Also, from what ive seen here, i like the way you all think.
No. 62810
>>62796Lol! So I guess women look better with yakuza eyebrows
Why do white women tan so much then? Why do white women fill their eyebrows so badly in then?
And again…nope. Straight haired people might have more strands technically, but it still looks greasy and flat. If it isnt voluminous like a mermaid, no one gives a shit. Baldy.
>>62803He looks like he had a spray tan though lol!
And this is why they say that white people age like milk, the sun is killing their skin… Apply your sunscreen and stop tanning! If you aint got it dont fake it!
No. 62811
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>>62807>I'm whiteyou wish you were anon
No. 62812
>>62791Why do coalburners just parade themselves around like this? No other race of women does this. You have a preference and you date them, end of story
However, white girls go on social media and constantly blog about how white men suck, are boring, and have tiny dicks
No. 62813
File: 1453681250336.jpg (24.11 KB, 600x550, 1452783368740.jpg)

>>62781>Sheboons think they're prettyLight skin is universally considered beautiful and feminine, the whole tan shit is pushed by kikes and most men don't like it.
No. 62822
>>62813A good thing naturally sunkissed skin is rare in Europe while naturally pale skin is everywhere in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.
White women are boring fam
No. 62828
File: 1453681605651.jpg (72.64 KB, 490x333, 1446149356840.jpg)

>>62791>>62811>>62812Only insecure faggots with a low IQ care this much about race. Go back to /pol/
No. 62829
File: 1453681680296.png (107.53 KB, 602x372, Unlabeled_Renatto_Luschan_Skin…)

>>62822>nigger logic "Sun kissed" is another way of saying "damaged". Your skin doesn't tan unless it's damaged. Natural pale skin is beautiful, gooks bleach like it's no ones business while kikes try to push the whole "dark is beautiful" so ugly races don't get insecure.
No. 62833
>>62830Do you really think a woman runs that blog? Same as most cuck blogs are run by men pretending to be women
>>62829Skin bleaching is also sadly pretty common in Africa
No. 62834
File: 1453681800076.jpg (11.09 KB, 288x300, goshjolly.jpg)

My face when people say white women arent the most beautiful
No. 62835
File: 1453681864597.jpg (128.31 KB, 500x726, tumblr_ntfjnzvAHb1tb6vkvo1_500…)

>>62825Doesn't look like bronzer to me. Try again nigger, pale is pretty.
No. 62840
>>62829Again, I'm not black and I know a whole lot more about skin care than a fat guy from /pol/. I said NATURALLY sun kissed skin, as in slightly tan. Only reason why you hate tan skin is because the only sunkissed skin you have seen is that orange spraytan shit.
The gooks might bleach but the north east Asians, mongols and middle easterners have plenty of NATURALLY pale skin without the bleach, while europeans in general, unless they have admixture, are pale as shit.
>>62831I'm actually pale myself tbh so thats why I know it. It suits me because I have crazy big hair, eyebrows and full lips but if I'd look 100% european I'd look boring.
No. 62842
File: 1453682026364.jpg (22.82 KB, 500x334, 2d8cb93161577996d08fec1f4223d7…)

Dont like white men pocs? Good, stop ruining our genes
No. 62843
File: 1453682058586.jpg (37.71 KB, 422x600, 1453546709556.jpg)

>>62836>Just move to Europe You all are even worse off in this regard
No. 62848
File: 1453682094379.png (18.17 KB, 541x428, white.png)

>>62837White women leaving white men is the result of white men turning on us first.
No. 62851
There are very few white men who would actually choose an Asian over a white woman. They choose asian because they cant get with white women in the first place
No. 62853
>>62845What do you mean? How do you know this is mystery?
>>62847Yellow-golden toned skin is very attractive
No. 62859
File: 1453682265204.jpg (15.87 KB, 185x254, absolute-madman.jpg)

7 posts in one minute? Is this samefagging or are is lolcow being raided again?
No. 62862
File: 1453682342869.png (31.01 KB, 446x557, whitemen.png)

No. 62866
>>62852Pretty much this
Every white man I know prefers white women with the exception of a few who prefer latina (the type that's pretty much white but with a tan)
No. 62872
File: 1453682571785.jpg (105.77 KB, 500x622, tumblr_lecq0jodAG1qg0ufto1_500…)

My type of man, and no one can tell me this shit isnt the best
No. 62879
>>62872You're clearly man posing as a woman
Women hate blondes. I was actually on the train a few days ago listening to a group of women using tinder and they said "Ew he's blonde" when they came across a blonde guy and then started laughing
No. 62882
File: 1453682777433.png (923.01 KB, 1342x655, jellynigger.png)

No. 62884
File: 1453682839754.jpg (128.62 KB, 634x1025, 1410186813133_wps_23_Mandatory…)

>>62872He used to date a niggress tho
No. 62889
File: 1453682899472.jpg (117.41 KB, 1019x675, polfags2.jpg)

No. 62891
File: 1453682910643.png (149.18 KB, 300x250, superthumb.png)

>>62875I'm guessing you are one of those women these types of guys didnt give the time of the day in school, this might be more your type
No. 62893
File: 1453682964551.jpg (266.53 KB, 960x652, pol people.jpg)

No. 62896
File: 1453683003192.jpg (36.12 KB, 480x700, tumblr_lnlon352WB1qjm6tmo1_500…)

Wow this thread is moving pretty fast for lolcow
>>62890Luckily I dont think they have any
No. 62897
>>62881We are insecure and consider ourselves as white more forcefully than you. Greeks get angry about it.
Actually we fight against shitskin for Europe
No. 62899
File: 1453683032166.png (44.19 KB, 706x674, arguing with pol.png)

No. 62901
File: 1453683074145.jpg (33.4 KB, 554x554, likedis.jpg)

>>62890Something like dis
No. 62908
>>62891not that girl but my type personally is olive skin tall and muscular
>>62897Thats the con of dating a greek guy I guess, they are everything I want on the outside but they have the
personality of a white man…
>>62895Not in highschool for a couple years already but I still am not attracted to cavemen. Give me a sophisticated ceasar.
No. 62911
>>62896That's so gross
Not even because she's black, but she just isn't attractive at all
No. 62913
File: 1453683383777.jpg (135.96 KB, 694x529, dolph-lundgren-grace-jones.jpg)

No. 62915
File: 1453683450630.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.33 KB, 1280x871, grace-jones-11.jpg)

Looking on the bright side: If Dolph dated this thing for like over 4 years, it means we all have a chance.
No. 62922
File: 1453683611920.jpg (36.48 KB, 604x403, TCfwizIn0AI.jpg)

>>62879Fuck off nigger, I'm a white woman who loves blondes. Enjoy your ugly primitive shitskins and enjoy having butt fucking ugly gorilla babies. You're probably a Instagram matte lipstick whore TBH FAM
No. 62923
File: 1453683618976.jpg (241.78 KB, 1280x960, lfkL1zA.jpg)

>>62916Nah, suffer some more
>>62919No way, he dated (white) women as well and had kids. Maybe bi at most?
No. 62928
File: 1453683811719.gif (1.86 MB, 306x230, 1440672514850.gif)

>>62915>those nipples Fucking eww, they look like rubber
No. 62932
File: 1453683914523.jpg (335.65 KB, 1920x1080, Candice-Swanepoel-body.jpg)

>>62927Have fun with that
No. 62947
>>62854See? You are pointing out the whites things about you to claim femininity!
Pink nipples = White
Green eyes = White
Small nose = White
No. 62951
File: 1453684413829.jpg (18.8 KB, 133x135, Angery.jpg)

The amount of retarded newfags infesting lolcow, derailing and making pointless threads is ridiculous now. Can we just stop engaging them so they go back to wherever they came from?
No. 62957
>>62951We wont, we're a bunch of kissless virgin beta NEETs, you're now stuck with us forever.
-Sincerely /pol/
No. 62958
>>62948We could take down any opposition.
Join us, and together, we can rule the internet as equals!
No. 62976
We have found you and will never leave. Accept us
No. 62982
>>62976Yeah, we add you to the boy collection. If you behave you can stay.
It also helps if you're a cutie
No. 62984
File: 1453685257826.jpg (109.32 KB, 337x500, 1449622537073.jpg)

Will posting cute anime boys get /pol/ to go away?
No. 62985
This is also why I tell all my White girl friends that if they aren't running into a nice White man who treats them well, they should look into non-White men. I haven't been in a relationship with a White man in almost ten years. There is a sizeable minority of White men who are upset and confused right now and I have friends who fit in this category. I am happy to be their friend and help them out until they start taking it out on women and other people. Then my kindness ends. And I have noticed that liberal White men are the angriest and meanest behind closed doors. They're the most insecure in their masculinity. So I don't date them. And Los Angeles is full of these men so I basically just date non-White men for the most part. Why not? I am just going where the nice men are.
This idea of going after the poorer women, the women with less education and opportunity, and then elevating them and trying to make other women "compete" with them is a classic divide and conquer tactic. This is why eastern Europe, south America and less developed Asian countries have the "best" women, according to these men. This is why their American diaspora women also have to bear the weight of White men trying to classify them as a woman from their country of ancestry and then being so disappointed and furious to find out that a Thai American woman is not a Thai woman. Or being disappointed when a Thai woman is a human being with flaws.
They're going to need to sort themselves out. I'm willing to help, like I said, but it's not my fight in the end. This is their responsibility. Eventually, it will settle down. And a lot of White men seem to have figured it out already. I think if I lived in an area with more White people and more moderate people, I would run into more of them for dating purposes. But the White men who have their shit together have no problems dating and marrying White women, honestly.
And until this vocal minority gets it together, I will keep avoiding them and encouraging all women to avoid them.
No. 62986
>>62982>boy collectionwut
>cutieprobably not, i'm guessing i've got 10+ years on you (see
>>62811) and have psoriasis. only redeeming factor is that i'm 6'4" but that doesnt count on the internet.
No. 62988
File: 1453685310504.jpg (270.83 KB, 853x640, 1452344885282.jpg)

Maybe erotic cuties?
No. 62989
File: 1453685314494.jpg (166.19 KB, 600x800, 1446074194335.jpg)

No. 62990
File: 1453685344500.jpg (Spoiler Image,505.98 KB, 2787x2091, kARq6eQ.jpg)

>>62984Do you realize how much /lgbt/ spams pol with board tan porn? If that doesnt make us go away, anime wont
No. 62996
File: 1453685604682.jpg (319.71 KB, 1027x1500, tkjdf.jpg)

No. 62999
File: 1453685701038.jpg (798.08 KB, 5024x2480, uIiQBHz.jpg)

>>62994>implying women aren't the biggest lolcows of all>>62996again, pic related doesnt make us leave, your anime wont
No. 63001
File: 1453685753061.jpg (40.3 KB, 600x408,…)

No. 63003
File: 1453685821494.jpg (483.82 KB, 771x4585, XlV6nGn.jpg)

>>63001do you have any idea how much OC /lgbt/ created about pol-tan?
>>63002>White women non white men marriages are the most likely to end in divorce.and end up as single mothers assuming there was no marriage
No. 63004
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No. 63008
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>>63004I can continue as well
No. 63012
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No. 63013
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No. 63015
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No. 63016
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No. 63021
File: 1453686175621.gif (1.96 MB, 500x281, 1451423734207.gif)

Is tay tay here?
No. 63022
File: 1453686230040.jpg (254.55 KB, 600x776, Sinbad.full.1962552.jpg)

No. 63030
File: 1453686500821.jpg (85.1 KB, 500x535, 1404890278182.jpg)

>>63003If you're not fazed by it, why do you keep trying to get us to stop?
No. 63031
File: 1453686635016.jpg (106.91 KB, 445x550, 1405700939430.jpg)

No. 63032
File: 1453686678596.jpg (597.4 KB, 3248x1736, IST8qB1.jpg)

>>63030>implying i'm trying to get you to stop>implying i'm not dumping /polgbt/ porn to make you think /pol/ is full of fags who have given up on menAnyways I gota go take a shower, i'll be back to recommence the dump in 15 or 20 minutes femanon.
No. 63037
File: 1453686711836.jpg (105.02 KB, 610x545, zXuwRu9.jpg)

>>63032>given up on menmeant to say women
No. 63039
File: 1453686762884.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 4584x2344, hRwBvpx.png)

>>63036white knight plz stop humiliating yourself, if you want to get friendzoned there are easier and less embarrassing ways to do so
No. 63041
File: 1453686812320.jpg (478.87 KB, 2500x1552, Ts1mGPs.jpg)

>>63038fuck if I know, this isnt even our offical board-tan, its just something /lgbt/ came up with
No. 63063
File: 1453687952149.png (305.37 KB, 500x405, 1419122328373.png)

>Spamming a perfectly good thread to make /pol/ go away
Can you not? There wasn't a problem until you made it a problem.
No. 63068
File: 1453688419641.jpg (220.45 KB, 3439x2707, uXr48UC.jpg)

>>63046>asks a autistic grill on a chan to marry him>not a beta cuck>>63045I'm just dumping a imgur album. Why would I save this shit? I'm /pol/, /k/ and occassionally /g/.
>>63058>banSilly grill. Men understand IT, and i've worked in it for the past 18 years. I have a full Cisco network at home (ASA 5510, Catalyst 3560G, 2x Aironet 1141, 1x Aironet 1142). Bans are easy to evade, dont you know what DHCP is? Oh noes, I had to change the MAC address on int e0/0 on my ASA, it took all of 15 seconds.
No. 63078
>>63073>A rangeban likely won't inconvenience that many postersSo all of Comcast?
>i dont know what a proxy or vpn is
>Are these (You)s from girls making your unused dick hard?yes, like the diamond which will never be on your finger
No. 63081
File: 1453688778826.jpg (222.03 KB, 1300x1300, 13940089-pretty-girl-laughing-…)

>>63068>Men understand IT, and i've worked in it for the past 18 years. Let me guess, failure to compete with sandniggers driven you to /pol/?
No. 63083
File: 1453688849173.jpg (1.15 MB, 2448x2448, Workstation.jpg)

>>63081>sand niggers in IT>competelel
No. 63088
>>63069non-WASP white men are god-tier though
Southern French, Italian, Portuguese, Spaniard, ect don't have yellow fever like shitty WASP men
they are also way more masculine and qtier
No. 63095
File: 1453689219253.png (56.88 KB, 646x675, more coars than amd.PNG)

>>63090>>I was born in Japan, my mother is Chinese and my father is JapaneseSure sounds white to me.
>>63091>I wish I had networking infrastructure that didnt have to be power cycled once a week No. 63104
>>63095I copied three of the blog posts into a gender analyzer. All three came back as written by a male of possible european ancestry. If you need to prove it to yourself.
No. 63108
File: 1453689601987.png (153.42 KB, 1171x1165, RAID.PNG)

>>63104>blog owner openly admits to being azn>look some shitty php script says otherwise, it must be rightplease keep talking, you're the perfect argument against womens sufferage
No. 63111
File: 1453689711342.jpg (69.32 KB, 501x585, Happy Merchant.jpg)

>>63104toppest of keks, pic related. it thinks you're a man. also
>About Gender Guesser>In 2003, a team of researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology and Bar-Ilan University in Israel (Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Fine, and Anat Rachel Shimoni) developed a method to estimate gender from word usage.As usual, pol is always right.
No. 63122
This can't be a coincidence. Remember when the Twitter reactions to Daniel Holtzclaw being Hapa were posted here? Who were the 2 most frequent people who pointed out he was an Asian man? Asian "Feminists" saying that Asian men need to take responsibility for Daniel's crimes. And White men saying that whites are NOT responsible for his crimes, because hes Asian. Isn't that the ultimate irony? We've had multiple threads on the sick alliance between rightwing MRA white men and "Feminist" Asian women. I call them "Feminist" since their agenda is about promoting White Supremacist MRAs. But I find it unbelievably telling, that the exact same people promoting WMAF and being in WMAF, now decide that Half Asian men ARE ASian men. Remind them of Daniel Holtzclaw and the White Man, Asian Woman, reaction to him, the next time they try to tel you Hapas are anything but Asian. Unbelievable hypocrisy.
When Hapa sons go wrong, WMAFs will always without fail, declare him to be an Asian man. good let the whole world see that Conservative White men and Asian "Feminist" Women consider WMAF Hapa sons to be Asian men. Then they wont be so mystified why we're concerned about them declaring us the ugliest untouchable race of males.
No. 63133
File: 1453690156714.jpg (116.47 KB, 800x532, pattaya14.jpg)

This is what white men really want when they say they want a traditional wife and kids.
No. 63173
File: 1453691650800.png (25.38 KB, 885x287, whitemen.png)

No. 63484
>>63457Tbh, I think white guys are the best looking on average. But I think a lot of that is that you're generally drawn to people who are similar to you, in both looks and personality.
I used to have an asian guy thing when I was younger, but I'm past that. Besides, even among nominally westernized asians cultural differences are often big, in ways you wouldn't always expect.
>most white men cant get women of their own kindMost white guys are with white women anon.
No. 63540
>>63532nah I think most are into them, cos asians tend to not be overweight (due to culture) and can look really nice (straight hair, coffee to pale skin, gorgeous eyes)
Also they have whatchoo call it confucius influenced cultures esp. jap and han and the east bit in general, so a high emphasis on personal responsibility and education which is hot to many guys
p.s am not asian
No. 63551
File: 1453735887241.jpg (71.77 KB, 720x479, 1436245594883.jpg)

>>63274I prefer white women overall, but I'm not going to lie and say I don't find a few asian women attractive
I think most white guys are in the same boat for this. I'm not going to limit my options. If I like a girl who happens to be Asian then I'm going to hope for a relationship
Pic related I find pretty attractive, but obviously most asians dont look like her
No. 63593
File: 1453744767128.jpg (467.42 KB, 1354x2048, 1440496811917.jpg)

>>63584I love the "if you find any asian woman attractive them you're a pedo" meme
>>63588Most #refugeeswelcome people I know are women tbh
No. 63599
>>35957I live in Germany and can't wait to emigrate and leave this bullshit country. Millions of Refugees (mostly unidentified) are flooding the country. And Merkel has absolutely NO plan)
Soon there will be more unemployment, housing and increasing crime
No. 63616
File: 1453752863104.jpg (36.36 KB, 429x750, 44dd9cf61fffdfe915c8a3940ec27b…)

>>63593She does look 14-15 tho, atleast post hot asians, they exist, fuck that pedo bait shit
No. 63625
File: 1453754599790.jpg (54.82 KB, 360x480, zhang.jpg)

>>63593You can't deny that many Asian women look too childlike in Western people's eyes. Japan especially likes cute baby features.
No. 63642
>>63455What font were you?
There were a lot of blacks on there who noticed how shitty they were being and they all banned them or tried to get them to shut up
All races are literally no different
Stop being an idiot
No. 63644
File: 1453760757531.jpg (560.93 KB, 852x1280, 1439754540036.jpg)

I said I prefer white women, calm down
I also find it kind of strange how you make fun of white men getting butthurt when you go for black men, but then turn around and are absolutely vicious to the minority of white guys and asian girls who date each other
>>63625There's a middle ground there. I'm in uni and we have lots of asians here even considering that fact. There are some asian girls who literally look like they should be entering high school and that's not attractive. I think they're cute in the same way children are and I dont have any sort of lust for them.
Also is your image supposed to be an example of what you were referring to? She's at the perfect middle ground tbh
No. 63650
File: 1453761603107.jpeg (379.21 KB, 640x451, supreme.jpeg)

Asians are the little brothers and sisters of the white race. It's wrong to bully them.
However race mixing is wrong because it can produce eurasian boys who are the most brutal and dangerous mutants humanity has ever faced (unless they are feminized early). If white male asian female only produced female children then I wouldn't have a problem with it.
If you don't believe me just read /r/hapas (I advise you don't though!!).
No. 63653
>>63650Okay I really have never seen this meme come to fruition outside of that one shitty subreddit and elliot rogers
All the hapas I know are perfectly well adjusted and are pretty popular with white and asian women
I have hapa cousins and know quite a few in school
No. 63661
>>63644>image supposed to be an exampleNo, I tried to post a hot Asian like
No. 63821
File: 1453785700014.jpg (84.62 KB, 876x493, shaun_king1.jpg)

White men are cucks who love watching white women get raped by niggers, so I guess that's normal for them to swoop in and save stupid shitskins from their own stupidity. Need to keep those big strong bulls around, after all. White men have always been like this, it's their natural state. They make excuses for themselves and blame the environment they're raised in so they can shift the responsibility onto white women. White men blame white women for all their problems and it's pathetic.
No. 63822
File: 1453785858192.jpg (76.83 KB, 400x856, 58128_445733902181009_88283428…)

They go on and on about how much they want a "sweet loving wife" and a "traditional household" yet they fuck disgusting pancake faced ladyboy cunts any opportunity they get and go out of their fucking way to fuck them. They don't care about being husbands or fathers and they never did.
No. 63824
File: 1453786228284.jpg (296.27 KB, 576x731, Chang-wife-beater.jpg)

I used to be a white nationalist until white men decided to lump me in with the jews and the niggers and decided to fuck chinks for the sole purpose of spiting me. So yes, I guess Ive gotten angry and I guess I've lost my values, but that doesn't excuse the behavior of white men. I have every right to hate white men for the way they've treated me. How the fuck can you look some brown frying pan faced chink in the eyes and say to yourself "yep, this is perfection. I'm going to marry this thing so I can spite all white women". Race mixers are filled with hate, both for their own people and those they racemix with. All race mixing fucking whores and scumbags should have their skin ripped off and be left in the forest to be pecked at by birds. Fuck white men, if I could kill them all I would. I hate how they take pride in race mixing while blame white women for the decline of the white race. White men think they can do whatever they want, hope they all fucking die.
No. 63833
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No. 63841
File: 1453791824164.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.25 KB, 800x600, 1453791542115.jpg)

No. 63852
>>63848Don't even bother replying to her tbh
I've wasted too much time trying to talk sense into her. She thinks the sole reason she doesnt have a white bf is because clearly all white men are dating Asians. I mean just go outside, white couples literally nowhere to be seen
No. 63864
>>63822what if I told you.
That your image is bullshit because of course they're going to have pictures of people when you search a race.
The same flag shit comes up if you search "Japanese" or "Chinese" too.
No. 63874
Sorry you fat fucking cows for not returning more promptly, had IRL shit to do yesterday. And my first ban, I'm finally at home
>>>>63655I am an Ameri-slav (Ukrainian and Polish) so its fine. I'd just spend my days breeding her, and drowning any non-albino babies like puppies.
>>63830We can only hope.
>>63852We can rape some sense in to her when the happening happens.
>>63853The beginnings of WW3. The question you should be asking is what happens when they finally get around to deporting the shitskins, and their host countries refuse to take them back.
No. 63915
File: 1453819614500.png (454.62 KB, 799x500, 1453812779833.png)

Wow so tolerant
It's clearly only men enabling these refugees
No. 63923
>>63919>"Some black people have yellow tinted eyes because of the heavy concentration of melanin present in their sclera— the white part of the eye.Melanin is also responsible for the color of one's iris and one's skin tone. Palms and soles of feet lack great amounts of melanin so the color is more uniform in all people.
Additionally, many people in Africa that live in poverty tend to have higher than average issues with their livers, causing a build-up of old red blood cells. This is known as cirrhosis. This most commonly occurs with premature / malnutrition newborns as well as adults who have not been treated properly."
you learn something new everyday
No. 63945
File: 1453823951861.jpg (149.04 KB, 491x548, 1432472115353.jpg)

immigrants only rape because they are oppressed
No. 63947
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No. 63948
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No. 63949
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No. 63952
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No. 63953
File: 1453826049224.png (467.76 KB, 571x1050, lvCTGon.png)

No. 63963
>>63952Hirsi Ali has always been my feminist idol. She's been through some real shit and has to live under constant fear of being killed, receives actual death threats on a regular basis from islamists yet she still stands tall and speaks against the actual life-threatening oppression women in Islamist countries have to go through. She's a true feminist, unlike the greasy tumblrinas who get
triggered by video game characters.
No. 64336
>>63903Nope. Also looks like I fucked up the reply, it was meant to be to
No. 65096
>>65092White women are awful. Moreover they're delusional. They actually believe there's no difference between the two groups in their propensity to commit crime. They really don't realise how unique their experience and the liberality with which they've been treated is.
Well. You're in for a nasty surprise white woman. Enjoy your refugees, I'll enjoy Asian girls instead.
No. 65109
>>65093>>65097Nobody said they didn't suck too.
Everybody sucks. Even me, Even you.
No. 65186
>>65088It really comes down to most white men actually buying into the feminist equality bullshit white women pretend to push. Despite what they may post on tumblr, or even here, women just want a man to take complete control which is why they go for Africans and Arabs who are from cultures where this is the norm
t. Mestizo man
No. 65326
>>65196>refugee childrenkek
more like 20-30something grown up assholes
No. 65345
Even the "15-year old" somali bastard arrested for stabbing the aid worker to death looks like he's in his late 20's or early 30's.
No. 65708
>>64091how can someone be an ex-muslim and not being dead?
genuine question because they seem to randomly accuse people of apostasy and kill them, let alone someone actually leaving the mad cult.
No. 65734
Philippe Servaty is a Belgian[1] journalist who formerly worked for Brussels-based newspaper Le Soir.[2] While in Morocco from 2002–05, he engaged in sex with over 80 Moroccan women, promising to take them to Belgium.[3] Before leaving for Belgium, he asked them for sexual photos as souvenirs and photographed them in poses that could be seen as degrading. They included ejaculating on the face of a veiled woman and having another woman kneel, bound, and gagged while he urinated on her.[3][4] After returning to Belgium, he published the photos on the internet under the pseudonym, 'Belguel' and included captions such as, "There is no better drug than to ejaculate on the veiled face of a woman." "These sluts are so naive. If you promise to marry them and take them along with you to Brussels they do whatever you ask" and “I met her walking down the street in her djellaba. A few minutes later, the fucking bitch did everything I wanted. Miracles do happen, even in a Muslim country!”.[2][3][5][6]
No. 65758
>>65734Good to see some European men still have balls.
I have always said we should treat their women the way they treat ours. I myself have fucked a pakistani daughter of a single mother in the past, when I came on her face I used to imagine it as revenge for all the white girls who have been abused by Muslims.
Abuse their women, humiliate them, use them as sex toys but ultimately marry white girls.
No. 65759
>>65709> fate of white women is inexorably tied to white men whether these libtards like it or not.
Good to see some Swedes finally cracking skulls though.
No. 65760
>>65568Unfortunately Baathism was only a brief period of enlightenment for them.
They quickly returned to their old way of doing things. The maghrebi/arab way. It is in their blood.
No. 65796
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>>65760Well we took and are still taking down all the secular Baathist leaders
There's no way in hell ISIS would stand in chance in Iraq if Saddam was in power and the same for Libya if we hadnt helped the """"moderate"""" rebels.
No. 65803
>>65786They need to experience what we experience.
They need to have their women treated how they treat ours.
These are not people who reciprocate to kindness, no matter how much you wish it were so.
No. 65810
>>65803What women? They're all back home in Syria/North Africa.
You're free to go on a rape-cation across Africa and the Middle East. If you get caught, I suspect the authorities won't be so forgiving
No. 65911
>>65811So instead of fighting the invaders or protecting your sisters and daughters, you subscribe to some medieval collective punishment ideology where the best course of action is rape Muslim women, as if they aren't raped enough by their very own fathers and brothers.
What would that accomplish? They'll probably cheer you on and take turns with you. And you reveal yourself to be no better than the 'animals' you decry.
>>65901>>65902Come to me my adorable weebs, handsome asian oppa here to cherish you and protect you!
>only half joking No. 66018
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No. 66021
>>65911>cheer you onThey think tribally primarily. Tribalism trumps their disregard for women as they believe their own women to be more pure.
>Come to me my adorable weebs, handsome asian oppa here to cherish you and protect you!>handsome>highest per capita rate of plastic surgery in the world>handsome >literally look like mongolians without itStick to your own women m8.
Also, you're just as much of an "invader" as the Muslims are if you're living in Europe.
No. 66298
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I wonder what he thinks about all this
No. 66403
>>66298Has he gotten his ps3 yet?
>>66326He is pretty handsome to be fair
No. 66730
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As a feminist, I just want to say that letting in everyone, regardless of whether they have documentation, and then seeing that 1. over 80% of the refugees are young men who aren't even all Syrian, and 2. They throw away their IDs and pretend to be 14 when they're more likely 24, and then get put in schools with locals as young as 11 or 12, is the most incompetent, irresponsible, and stupid thing I've ever heard of.
If I had a kid in a European school flooded with refugees pretending to be underage right now, I'd pull them out immediately.
No. 66732
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>>66730Feminism needs to take a back seat to multiculturalism, especially Muslim cultural enrichment
>This is the offical policy of the EU No. 66993
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>>66730>>66732Islam IS feminism, silly kuffar
No. 66995
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No. 68640
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Whitey btfo yet again
No. 68645
>>68640>Claiming he had been imprisoned by Bashar Al Assad's regimeCan they really just get in by making these sorts of absurd, non-falsifiable claims? Even if he was imprisoned, so what? It's not like everyone in Syria's jails is some sort of outspoken lover of Benjamin Franklin and the American Declaration of Independence. I'm sure most of them are just violent criminals.
Also, putting female guards in male jails is stupid.
No. 68668
>>68665I'm not sure. It doesn't really seem like a good idea to put women in such testosterone packed environments though. That maternal, coddling instinct towards people she believes are in need of help compounds with the tendency to be sexually aroused by dangerous, sexually abusive men. Obviously not all women are like this, but there's an increased risk.
It's one of those things that would have been obvious to anyone 100 years ago, but since we were enlightened by liberalism telling us that biological differences are nothing more than skin deep, we ignore in the name of egalitarianism.
No. 69659
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Polan stronk
No. 69891
>>68684nah she just looks very swiss to me
I live in switzerland and that's what a lot of swiss people (without french/italian roots) look like
No. 69968
>>69944Your father is white too.
Maghrebis and gulf Arabs are manlets. Smaller even than southern European
No. 70389
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How is Eastern Europe doing with the refugees? I know most go to Central and Western Europe, but I'm just curious
My family is Balkan diaspora and maybe the ones actually from there are just old and cranky, but I can't imagine those countries taking in tens of thousands of Muslims very well
No. 70392
>>70389>How is Eastern Europe doing with the refugees?They're largely kept out, and it isn't purely because "nobody wants to go there". To a lot of the new arrivals, even Greece is a paradise compared to their own shitholes.
Are you a Serb?
No. 70393
>>70392Well ethnically yes, but I've never been there and don't speak the language. Most of my relatives do and I feel a bit left out tbh
I'm just another white american all memes aside
No. 70402
>>70395It's definitely pretty high on my list. I'm too autism to leave the house, so I doubt I'd fare well in another country though
Do you live in Serbia?
No. 71454
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Based Poland telling like it is
No. 71493
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>>71454>poradnik: jak otrzymc 500zl na dzieckohmm
No. 71823
Frankly, I don't care what they believe in, where they're from or what drove them out but imo this country can't cope spreading its resources so thinly. I'd rather see what resources we have left go to British citizens, people born and raised here, people who migrated with something to contribute back. Accepting immigrants might make us look like the hero but that does nothing to help our citizens who who should be prioritised. We're the ones who pay the taxes, after all.
I don't give a shit over any sob story about whatever refugee's child who died either, tonnes of children die everywhere, every day. Don't know how a forgettable drowning of two boys could turn the general public around like that when boatloads of Korean students drown and nobody gives a fuck.
I only have so much compassion and I'd rather share it with the community I live in. Sure, the only hardship my friends go through is a bad hangover but I want that council flat they've been waiting six years for to go to them, not to refugees who might not even stay here.
Now I know why lower class people seem so bitterly angry in their racism and prone to far-right thinking, I'd be fucking fuming living in a shithole council block while a random Syrian immigrant with his several kids gets a multiple bedroom house in months.
No. 72095
>>71543That's not a bad policy at all
I wish more countries with low birthrates would do this
No. 74865
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No. 74912
>>74911People are too comfortable for that to happen, and there are severe economic implications to voicing and acting upon anti-immigrant sentiment here as Europeans don't really live in free societies anymore.
Someone pointed out something quite amusing about the liberal system the other day, he said on the one hand there are all these moves to ban employers from finding out about the criminal past of ex-convicts and forcing them to hire them in an order to help "rehabilitate", while on the other hand, liberals, even elite liberals like the media establishment, actively promote the naming, shaming and dismissal of those who voice anti status-quo opinions about immigration.
No. 74921
>>74912there's certainly a fuckton of spin going on (e.g. there seems to be an active media blackout about immigrant crime that only broke recently after the Cologne attack, the rape of a 10 year old boy in Vienna etc. and they couldn't contain it anymore)
But yeah, I agree. I can't believe this kind of SJW thinking is actually dripping into the real world.
No. 74932
>>74931Are you sure about that? I'd say the bulk of the mainstream left, by a good margin, supports restrictions on free speech and especially holocaust skepticism in Europe. The radical left likewise, look at antifa tards.
Chomsky's a notable exception, but he is an exception all the same.
No. 74995
>>74911That'd be racyst
>>74865Most women outside of university tumblr tards are only leftist in terms of birth control rights and (used to be) gay marriage
I don't know many women who are for open borders and huge government
No. 76225
>>74995>Most women outside of university tumblr tards are only leftist in terms of birth control rights and (used to be) gay marriageYeah, the right really shoot themselves in the foot on that one.
For what it's worth it's pretty evident Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about abortion or birth control as major issues.
No. 77285
>>77186Quite the opposite. Between the white people hate threads and people freaking out over an anon liking a book for being about europe, I would say we've been infested by dumblr again.
We actually need a pol thread to scare them off.
No. 77287
>>77285why just so you can have the threads worships whites only? Get over it, not everyone likes white people. ITs annoying going into every thread being crapped on for not being white, now your so
triggered you have to find an army to scare off none white because you can't deal with real life.
No. 77311
What kind of idiots actually thought the best solution for this was just opening their borders to everyone who crosses?
No. 77379
>>77286>Why is it so fucking difficult for european countries to adopt a vetting process? The ECHR and Acquis Communitaire is incredibly restrictive as to what you can do as an individual nation state.
You've also got the issue here of Merkel literally threatening countries with economic sanctions if they don't abide by her bizarre schemes. I used to think it was part of a wider plan, but now I realize she's just an idiot who has bought into the kool-aid notion of "inflate population -> inflate GDP -> become strong".
No. 77405
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>>77165>I don't get how the vast majority of Chinese, Japanese and Korean women can resist the "allure" of smelly, greasy, arab subhumans and STD ridden blacks but white women find them irresistible.Its a mystery
No. 77592
>>63653Did you say memes coming to fruition?
Alex Buckner announced his goal of exterminating all mixers. Why would a Hapa son hate his family so much like Alex buckner?
This Hapa acted on his murderous rage against White-Asian families, slaughtering his own family.
A Eurasian male was sick of having his White Dad and Asian Mom laugh at how small his Asian dick was, and how his sister was getting the Big White Dick. He acted out on his Oedipal rage to kill the Father and rape the Mother.
Alex Buckner began his revolutionary third world uprising against the White Patriarch who had ruled over him. He also slaughtered his Eurasian sister, reminded her of how she had fucked white guys without ever letting him join in.
White Dad.
Asian Mom.
Eurasian sisters.
He killed them all. No. 77853
>>77287>ITs annoying going into every thread being crapped on for not being whiteThis doesn't happen. The very fact you're non-white, in a white country and naturalized as a fellow citizen - something you'd struggle to do as a foreigner in just about every single non-western country, is cast-iron objective PROOF of how much more permissive and tolerant whites are.
Know what would have happened if an affair like the Rotherham rapes would occurred in China? Mass pogroms against Uighurs.
No. 77983
>>77867Yes I went to the site. It's pretty obviously aimed at migrants given it has to tell them not to rape and that honor killings and female circumcision aren't welcome in Europe
Add to that every couple on there is interracial and it at least makes you think
No. 78018
>>65096At least Middle Eastern men are Caucasian. Asian girls are literally a very different race.
White men are gross.
No. 78030
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>>78018>>65096Pic related is a Syrian guy, he sucks at drawing and he is so fucking ugly!
I gotta admit some of these Syrian refugee men are so kind and attractive. Like supermodel attractive.
No. 78034
>>78030By some I hope you mean like .1%
Of course with importing millions of men into your country there are going to be a few handsome ones
No. 78042
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>>78039Dont be that guy, shit aint cute.
No. 79950
>>79947Who cares? Non-White people with an animus against White people don't give a fuck whether you're Russian, Italian or some American white mutt. They hate you all the same and they don't draw a distinction.
As a result, white people everywhere need to learn to treat each other as kin more often.
No. 79955
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>>79947I think its because the type of Muslim person that immigrates to the US is different from the type that goes to Europe. Muslim-American immigrants and generally better educated and liberal so Americans extrapolate this towards the refugees in Europe, assuming they would be the same as the Muslims in America.
The Muslims I know here are moderate people and I'd think Europeans would be fine with refugees if they were like these families but evidently there are not. Among some of the other Middle-Eastern people I know they express sadness over the situation in Syria but also express skepticism towards the concept of integration and even if they were all wonderful people, "How could Germany/etc afford it?"
>>77162Lmao. Many Middle Eastern men are total babes but not when paired with repulsive attitudes. I'd be fine with an influx of hotties with good personalities but we don't live in that type of world.
No. 79960
>>79955>I'd be fine with an influx of hotties with good personalities but we don't live in that type of world.See:
>>78108The average Gulf Arab looks absolutely nothing like that kind of man. Actually, you're more likely to find the whole "olive skinned attractive man" look in Southern Europe.
No. 79962
>>79955Also I don't believe it's purely because your Muslims are better educated, although I think that plays a part.
They simply don't have the demographic power to throw around in America that they do in say, France, where large parts of the suburbs of a city like Paris are full of some of the worst people from the Maghreb you'll ever encounter.
I'll never forgive Arabs and Blacks for ruining France. Fuck, they even ruined North Africa if you look at it with a broad view. There's a lot of evidence to suggest their shitty farming techniques turned most of Egypt into an arid wasteland for example (contrary to popular belief, the Egypt of antiquity was a lot more lush and green).