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No. 37801
File: 1442671754684.jpg (97.79 KB, 900x675, 0001.jpg) summary:
For anyone who is into Free!/ Junjou Romantica / Sekaiichi Hatsukoi / AoT then you'll prbably know about Fencer-x or came across her at some point.
She's a 30 something woman who is otaku at heart. Used to do the JET program and basically slanders pairings/characters she doesn't like and forces her own opinions and what SHE likes on others in that fandom. People in these fandoms lick her ass because she's living in Japan and she can easily get magazines/manga and scan them. Plus she translates too.
However, Fencer-x has been done in the past for scanning and translating without even leaving copyright. Septemember scanslations was ran by her and others, it was taken down apparently because of that.
She's getting away with it still too this day apparently. I heard she has another group.
She's just a cunt to people in fandoms if they don't agree with her. A lot of people don't like her and yet people are so blind they stick up for her.
I cannot stand this bitch.
No. 37901
>>37801What is it with people not understanding perspectives/opinions, especially in the fandom world?
Personally I don't like Levi and Eren together because him beating Eren up didn't scream romance to me, nor did their age difference make their interactions full of sexual frusturation or whatever the fuck people who like this paring think. Idk that they do though, so I can't understand when people become legitimately upset over someone not liking every single thing they do.
No. 40478
But Fencer-x is a right cunt and people are so blind to her cuntness
No. 40479
>>37933Me too, I'm fed up to fuck of kota. She's cute and stuff but it's getting annoying how everyone is asslicking her cos "she changed" and nearly shed a few tears when getting a birthday cake.
No. 40480
>>37934Jean and x armin… I'm fed up to hell with AOT too
overrated garbage
No. 93715
>>93694Nope. Several people have been blocked by them, even by association.
Then they both made it into locked accounts because they couldn't own up to their actions and don't want to be judged by people on a public twitter.
No. 93750
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>>37903>sonicrocksmysocksoh my gooood I remember her
I remember first joining deviant art when I was 13 and seeing her page. Even then I always thought it was weird how she only really seemed to draw herself.
whew the nostalgia
On another note, I think let's play fandoms definitely contain the worst and most obnoxious people out of any other fandom out there
No. 93789
>>93750Jesus christ I used to follow her work in.. 2005-2006ish (?) when she was one of the first lolcows I came across. I had completely forgotten about her and apparently she's still a bandwagon hopper who draws cheap 30% fanart and 70% herself. It's been what, 10 years and she's still stuck in that self-insert phase with mediocre art and basically no improvement?
She peaked too early in popularity I guess.
No. 93818
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>>93750Does she still say something along the lines of having the lighter blonde streaks from some birth mark? No. 93819
>>37801Late reply but oh well.
Anywho I also hate that she shits on other ships and try to force hers onto others with "logical explinations"
BUT the one thing I like about her is her anti-rape. Ofc you can just avoid it…but sometimes it can be hard and you accidently run into it. Its one this if your lover is blushing and squirming side to side telling you "n-no! Mmm but it feels good ahhh!!! <3" then just plain rape. Imo
No. 93821
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>>93818lol yes. she could have her own thread probably.
No. 93822
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>>93821>>93818Not defending this girl but poliosis is actually a known condition.
The hair follicles that exist below a birthmark situated on the scalp are devoid of melanin, so any hair that grows from that spot is similarly devoid of colour.
It can also occur on the eyelashes, the eyebrows, even pubic hair.
No. 93827
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>>93822It just looks so…off here though like she took extensions and clipped them in wrong
No. 93835
>>93818ah ha
after all these years I always wondered what those white things on her hair were. I thought they were just giant hair shine blobs or something
No. 93851
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LOL one last thing, she thinks she is the character from Love live No. 93858
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>>93814I remember vaguely, teruchan was an adult japanese man with a wife and a dead daughter then suddenly became a lesbian woman and I stopped paying attention after that
Ah and the amuria too @w@ that shit was my favorite
No. 93863
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>>93858fucking Teruchan dude
I remember Teruko was everywhere, she got so much fan art
No. 93864
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>>93858>amuriaGod, when I was a deviantart weeb I remember seeing her shit on the front page and thinking it was the greatest thing ever
Along with Ramy and their same face shit
No. 93917
>>93817Eeugh, the self shipping is such a cringy shit and she does that with every character she "identifies" with, I think she used to have a nsfw blog with porn of her self insert but after public backlash she deleted everything. People just forgive her autism because her art is decent and because she jumps on every fucking bandwagon there is, but mark my words if she was Chris Chan levels of talent nobody would like her deluded self obsessed fat ass.
Also, she's got the homestucks on her side thanks to providing some " voice acting" and covers in the past, she's untouchable.
No. 93934
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Any Narutofags remember this chick from 10 years ago? I don't remember many details about her but I remember how hilarious it was that everyone jumped on her for tracing her art while everyone else was doing it too.
No. 94299
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>>93981Her art isn't very consistent. Still tracing? Also, a lot of it is tumblrcore now. Pic related.
No. 94431
>>93827I can believe that she has Poliosis for real but she's probably highlighting it with bleaching/extensions. In this picture, it's definitely clip-on extensions. Look at her part, it's a dead giveaway.
>Sketch comissions $25Damn what the fuck. Most people give away artist alley sketch comissions at like. $10 unless they're crazy talented. Also did she take her mom with her to an artist alley booth?
I just find her really cringeworthy. Literally every single piece of popular series "literally saved her life!!!!!!" because you know she's been in such a dark place and drawing herself replacing Frisk in the Undertale story is so therapeutic. At one point years ago she even claimed that she has asperger's syndrome for pity points when it was still cool to self-diagnose yourself with it and got backlash for faking it.
She's so ridiculously self-indulged. Her style is colourful and nice and her art is "ok", not terrible, but nothing special either. But she hasn't had any improvement in almost 10 years and a 26-year old doing that self-insert mary sue thing is awkward as hell. It's tacky because it screams emotional issues when an adult person has to shoehorn herself into the story and use the popular characters as just backdrops to get an excuse to draw her own mary sue while still getting tons of faves and reblogs. At least the prints she sells are pure fanart and not fanart of her OC with sanec/kamina as her extras.
Oh and her trying to imitate those CRAZY TUMBLR FACESXDDD in her drawings and calling herself THE MEME QUEEEEEEN just makes her look like that mom who desperately tries to stay hip with the kids.
No. 94454
>>93800Oh don't get me started on Channel Awesome drama. They definitely should have their own thread here, I'm tired of lurking /tv/ for the latest turns. To give people a taste of their stuff:
>Doug and Rob ended the Nostalgia Critic to begin their show "Demo Reel">Demo Reel flopped badly and viewer numbers dropped because they were only there for the Nostalgia Critic and didn't give two fucks about the other shows>CA lost a lot of money due to this bomb>Doug was forced to start NC again to make more money>Apparently the side characters (Rachel and Malcolm, now Tamara and Malcolm due to Rachel quitting) were put in the NC because they were under some contract leftover from the Demo Reel so Doug couldn't fire them. I don't know if it's true or not but it would make a lot of sense>Doug is pretty much a pawn under the Channel Awesome CEO Mike Michaud who treats the staff really poorly and kicked Obscurus Lupa out due to her displaying ads in her videos despite everyone else doing it too>Spoony had a bipolar meltdown, attacked CA and was kicked out >Lindsay (the Nostalgia Chick) is a huge fucking SJW and an affiliate of Anita Sarkeesian. She quit too, thankfully. I like Nostalgia Critic and think Doug's editorials are fun to watch but jesus CA has so much drama it's insane. To my understanding Doug is kind of a dud and lets Mike and Rob walk all over him so he's not as responsible for the shitty management as those two are.
No. 94458
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>>94454 The entire "/tv/ discovers Linkara's dirty internet laundry" incident had me in tears from laughter, this is the kind of internet drama I love to read about.
I'm kind of waiting for more shit to happen with jesuotaku too.
>did anime reviews for CA and dated another member to move out of her ultra-religious parent's basement>also known for being a massive prude and denying any homosexual undertones/interactions in anime like Utena>cheated on the CA guy with the editor of Anime News Network, started dating him after getting couch casted>became a tumblerina and came out as transgender while using ANN to shill her shitty kickstarter visual novel project (even though she hates anything based off of japanese media that's not japanese?) I feel like the only reason this giant ball of autism gets ignored on lolcow is because they're all a bunch of really unattractive nerds.
No. 94469
>>94458The drama surrounding CA isn't well known in general, it's mostly /tv/ who watches over it. They're masters at hiding all the conflicts from their fans, even I wasn't aware of it at all until just recently despite being a big fan of (the pre-demo reel) NC. That Linkara drama was hilarious though, he always had this autistic gay fetishist vibe to him.
Kind of surprised they still have such a huge fanbase pouring their money at them because other than Doug the shows are subpar at best and even Doug pretty much just bitches at his fans during every review now and makes fun of them constantly in a not-so-subtle way. The Christmas with Kranks review was a great example of this, it ended up in a meta rant about the viewers complaining about the cringy ass skits that had nothing to do with the review. Even me myself thought I was just looking at the show with nostalgia goggles but comparing the editorials and Doug's recent solo reviews without Malcolm or Tamara to his old reviews, it's just the show that's taken a dive. His recent solo reviews are still good and entertaining like the old ones. The ones with skits and Malcolm&Tamara aren't. The other actors just aren't that charismatic and they don't have a working chemistry or a similar acting style to Doug's and I'm guessing Doug isn't much of a director anyway. Rachel especially was really out of place in his reviews, she was a good actor but she just didn't work with Doug.
I always wonder what happened to Ma-Ti (Bhargav). He was one of the few characters that worked with Doug and had a hilarious delivery, but he suddenly disappeared and the CA team has never officially admitted what happened. He was the one who initially introduced Doug to Mike and had him sign up for Channel Awesome. I'm suspecting it had to do something with him breaking up with Lindsay.
No. 94482
>>93817Wtf is the context of this drawing?
…..did she ever do porn of her self-insert?
No. 94494
>>94454>Lindsay (the Nostalgia Chick) is a huge fucking SJW and an affiliate of Anita Sarkeesian. She quit too, thankfully. Source on the Sarkeesian stuff? Just because she has some light feminism stuff in some if her revies doesn't make her a SJW or affiliate with trash like Anita.
Personally - and I know this might be unpopular on lolcow - I agree with a lot that Lindsay has to say and I don't think she's SJW, she has quite a few good points and insights. And for someone who has spent quite a while in Academia fields like these, she's still very light on the Social Justice stuff. I didn't study film, but I went into the language/linguistic fields and you wouldn't believe the much worse Social Justice crap that Acedmia has spit out
for decades by now.
I admit I quite like Lindsay and I still watch all of her Nchick as well as her newer stuff. She's so much better without the CA regulations that Doug wanted to place on her, they never went well together so I'm glad she quit.
With Lindsay, at least I feel like she actually puts more thought, research and knowledge into her videos, and her show didn't rely on so much gimmicks and screaming as Doug's.
>>94469Maybe we should have a CA thread, I'd love to hear all the drama and I'd feel a bit autistic spamming up this thread…
No. 94550
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>>94482Not publicly anymore, but some years ago she loooved to draw her oc undressed.
I don't mind porn, but when it's self-insert stuff like this even the most vanilla of situations make feel terribly uncomfortable to look at.
And I can't help but pity her a little… if she clings so much to video games and anime characters then she must be so alone irl?? I don't know.
No. 94734
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No. 94738
>>94734I fucking hate hardcore descriptivists and linguistics savvy SJWs. They learn that language is not static and that it`s shaped by the speaking community and become immediately enraged at the fact that it`s not their precious
oppressed* sociolect that`s considered correct.
Of course, everything that comes from the evil educated white people is oppressive so expecting proper grammar is in itself evil and oppressive.
These people have a serious hard-on for ignoring real life and the particularities that call for the shit they want to destroy. I`m sure they`d be perfectly fine with grammar policing if AAVE became the norm.
No. 94739
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>>94738Adding to this – bitch, you complain about english being compulsory in other countries and how that`s !imperialism! and !colonislism! and then openly admits you have no idea what the dynamics in these other places are like?
Do you even fucking realize WHY english is often compulsory in non-english speaking countries and why it`s not possible to keep it from being so? Or why prescriptivism is not only indispensable in order to slow down changes and keep the language from falling apart (thus ensuring effective communication) but also inevitable because the break from the familiar (= correct) syntax/spelling/etc distracts the interlocutor from the message content and deflects their attention towards the form, turning the focus towards how the message is constructed, shattering the listener`s concentration and hindering comprehension?
SJWs are incapable of complex thought. They`re certain they`ll fix the world if they can yell their ignorant platitudes loud enough.
(Sage for long ass rant. I just really want to get my masters degree and rub their faces hard against my dissertation until they bleed)
No. 94742
>>94680But women saying it's trash are being ignored because the sexism card can't really be played against us. James made a really good point about this movie being nothing more than a "namemake" i.e a remake that simply exists to cash in on the name without doing the franchise any justice.
Anyway, I'm glad that most of the games I like aren't popular enough to be ruined by awful fandoms. Some of the fandoms are just nonexistant so I can enjoy what little that's there without running into nutjobs and SJWs insisting that character x is transsexual spacekin or something crazy like that.
No. 94755
>>94734As someone from a family with non-native English speakers, this makes me lel.
Do they understand the point of language is mutual intelligibility? That's the reason it exists. That's the reason STANDARDS governing the language exists.
If everyone in America was speaking some sort of patois of nigspeak, we'd have no mutual intelligibility and learning standard english would be pointless, you'd have to learn all of these primitive dialects.
No. 94801
>>94734Is anyone else starting to get serious Khmer Rouge vibes from the radical SJW side? They killed people who had eyeglasses because that meant they could read = they were educated = they were PRIVILEGED CAPITALISTS and thus the enemy.
>>94742This. The remake is going to be a shit on top of a turd. For godssakes I'm a female and when I heard that the cast is going to be all-female (literally the first thing that was announced about the movie instead of you know, talking about the plot or shit) my reaction was basically "oh no they're doing this shit again". They're cashing in on my gender and marketing it as a FEMUNUST MOOVEE just because they got cheap B-list actors from SNL who happened to be female and an awful chick-flick director writing and directing the movie. If you've seen the original movie, know of all the complex drama surrounding the potential Ghostbusters 3 and then watch the trailers for the new reboot you'll realize just why it pisses long-time fans like James off. By all means I'm sure there are people who don't want to watch the movie just because they consider it "pushing the evil feminist agenda" but for the most part people don't want to see it because it looks like a shitty remake of the original one which is one of the best comedies of all time with talented, charismatic actors.
The "I won't like it, so I won't pay money to see it" reasoning is the right one and that's what everyone should do. Don't like the idea, then don't give them more money. I'm so glad James is popular and old enough not to give a fuck about all this backlash and even released the follow-up video like he planned instead of caving in or even reacting to all the SJW screeching.
No. 95140
>>94663I think it was more criticism towards people in general bitching about a movie they haven't even seen. She didn't argue that "OMG NOT SEEING GB?!?!? U MISOGYNISTIC PIG let me educate u on feminism".
Though I do think James has a fair point in
why he's not going to see the new movie.
No. 97066
>>97063Nvm it's actually a good reason and just tumblr trying to accuse another person of being a pedo.
Sorry no screenshots I can't get it to work on mobile