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No. 39060
>>39058>For example, we would need to pitch a tent for Sukkot and he would no longer observe/celebrate
I'm going to put money on both you and your parents being hardcore liberals when it comes to immigration and things like that.
No. 39813
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My religion is science
No. 412470
>>38642I observe my cultural traditions which are largely based around religion, but most people where I'm from (Balkans) aren't very religious outside of those celebrations and customs, myself included. I don't believe in much of anything.
I think religion is an important way of preserving history and culture, because my culture survived precisely thanks to monks in monasteries, priests in churches and villagers in small communes who followed traditions even when they were under Ottoman oppression. It also has a strong political element, which is why so many of them resisted conversion to Islam despite severe intimidation, torture and pressure.
I think the main reason why most people from here tend to marry each other or other Orthodox people like Greeks/Bulgarians is because there's a tendency for Western Protestants, Muslims etc. to be disrespectful of our religion which is intertwined with culture and local customs. They don't understand it and will sometimes make fun of it or write it off as silly and dumb. We don't have missionaries and don't push our worldviews on anybody, and we've always lived peacefully with Jews and most other local religions (Islam is tolerated but not very accepted though) so it's not fair.
No. 412482
>>39058lmao Jews always do this shit. Respect my religion aka convert to my religion basically. You're not the most important thing in the world, bucko.
Religion is big cope. It's stories people tell themselves bc they can't deal with mortality.
No. 412676
>>38642I was always atheist, my parents were also.
During my teen years i though about spirituality and such but i the end, for me, there is no point.
Spirituality, gods and stuff don't give answers (not the ones that i seek) but create more headaches.
On the other hand I fucking hate when evagelists come to my door or stop me in the street so I keep my fedora talk to myself.
No. 415046
>>412700The other way to look at it is that for a lot of theists, God created good in the first place, so in a sense, yes, they do need him.
Although anyways, that line of thought seems to miss the point of a lot of theist religions espouse, which is that doing/being good just to avoid damnation and/or earn God's favor isn't really practicing the religion.
But to the thread's point, yes, I do believe in God. And quite frankly, I find "non-theist morality" to be some of the most absurd bullshit floating around.
No. 415047
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>>415046>I find "non-theist morality" to be some of the most absurd bullshit floating around.More absurd than morality dictated by an old book written by a bunch of men making shit up? Including plenty of straight up evil shit? Makes sense.
No. 415963
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Ever since I've started having seizures, I've started feeling the divine and the transcendent.
I consider myself now a stoic, I read and study Epictetus like most people do the bible. It calms me and makes me feel like a better person.
No. 416527
>>415963had a friend with severe epilepsy whose prodromal state involved what she described as a feeling of perfect religious bliss, and it was such a good feel that she would, sometimes, neglect to take her meds. she was spiritual but not tied to any one religion.
i def believe in god and am a member of the orthodox church. i was raised by atheists and they're always so aggressive and angry about other people, whether religion comes into it or not. being an atheist comes with its own set of commandments and sins that are frankly, just as restrictive as any religion out there, i'm happy where i'm at.