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No. 39004
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I like that in her journal she said she had never heard the term "blackfacing." I have a hard time believing a Steven Universe SJW would have never heard the term.
So her alibi is that she was trying to paint herself red-brown to be more accurate to the character, but was in a hurry or something so she couldn't add more red. lol. Right. Garnet is pretty much just reddish pink so I'm not sure she was going on about.
The character is coded black so I think it's pretty obvious she was cosplaying her as a black woman to be more "true to life" and she's just making excuses now. I don't think she meant any harm. I don't consider darkening (or lightening) your skin for cosplay to be offensive personally but she had to know what would happen if she's in such a SJW fandom. So she was stupid too.
No. 39041
>>39033I think a lot of people conveniently forget that most anime characters are supposed to be Japanese.
It's fine for white and black people to cosplay as Japanese people but for a white person to cosplay as a black one is wrong.
I don't get it either.
No. 39048
>>39003blackface isn't just using makeup to darken your skin. Blackface is darking your skin, exaggerating "nigger" features (big pink lips, big nose ex)
and mocking blacks. She just used makeup to look black because garnet is interpreted to be a black woman.
No. 39054
>>39004liking the cartoon doesn't mean she's a SJW, it appeals to regular people as well.
In Europe certain things aren't a big deal, and terms like blackfacing aren't well known. I've lived all my life in different European countries (including Germany) and didn't hear about blackfacing until I was exposed to American media.
It's ok to paint your skin dark to be accurate to your interpretation of a character. If people find it offensive they should just turn their heads away to avoid
triggering themselves. I hope she keeps doing it.
No. 39056
>>39054True. I do feel like everyone involved with that fandom would be aware of its SJW fandom and could have expected this reaction. But I also don't have a problem with the cosplay and think it's stupid for people to get
triggered by it.
No. 39770
>>38945She…isn't blackfacing though. Do you even know what that means?
>>39004Blackfacing is literally painting your face (only) black or dark brown with big comedic lips. It isn't the same as tanning/using makeup to darken for cosplay. Seriously, i tanned for Aoimine and Fenris who are dark skinned characters and got no shit. it's only tumblr sjws and ignorant bitches who make a big deal. It is not blackfacing when you are darkening your entire skin for accuracy. I see poor Korra cosplayers get this bullshit too.
No. 39796
That makeup is freaking amazing btw, even though Garnet is pinkish-red, not brown.
But yeah, being a non-English speaking eurofag I can second that in most parts of Europe, the concept of blackface is pretty unknown. I had never even heard about the practice before Tumblr went all up in arms about it a few years ago. I cosplayed a tanned character a little before Tumblr became popular and didn't ever think someone would think it's disrespectful.
And it's not. Seriously, these people know that it's not blackfacing to color your skin for a cosplay. They know it full well, but they bitch and moan about it to feel superior to others, which is the main motivation behind SJWs' actions anyway, not actual concern for other people. So responding with reasonal thoughts like "I have never even heard of blackface" or "I wasn't being disrespectful, I just really like this character and wanted to be accurate" doesn't matter. They'll call you a racist cracker and stalk the fuck out of you trying to egg other people to flood your message box with death threats. This happened to a girl I know who's also from a non-English speaking country with no black people, she tanned her skin for a cosplay and some crazy american white SJW bitch started reblogging her photos and adding UGH THIS RACIST WHITE GIRL IS WHITE SMH SHE'S BLACKFACING STOP LIKING HER PHOTOS commentaries and telling people to attack her.
I swear these people are worse than neo-nazis.
No. 39827
>>39796If she paint her skin for a cosplay: OMG BLACKFACE, RACIST-CHAN, WE ARE NOT A HOBBY WE ARE A CULTURRRRRRRE
To be honest, I don't give a damn fuck if someone blackfaces or whtewashes someone. They're not going to pay my bills nor my university, and they're not hurting me. Let them do the fuck they want, Tumblr is getting boring. And I don't see anything wrong when a cosplayer does their job as it has to be.
No. 40110
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>>38944I like how one of the commenters is comparing what she did to picture related.
Like comparing trying to accurately and respectfully represent a black character to literal blackface.
Context? What context?
Basically what to take away from all of this is next time you cosplay a black character, and you yourself aren't black, just go nuts with big red lips, nappy hair, white serving gloves and wattymelons, because these retards can't tell the difference anyway.
No. 40466
>>39049I never thought of Skeeter as black. But apparently that's the common thing and is backed up by a quote from Jim Jinkins. I wonder if Patti is black too or some other non-white race? Biracial maybe because she has blonde hair? If someone's a non-human color then I just consider those colors normal in that series. But it's interesting to know about this stuff.
>>40455I've seen people go nuts over cosplayers who tanned for Korra and Kitara. Apparently tanning is blackface if it's done to cosplay a darker skinned character. It's insane. You get accused or "taking one of the few characters of color for your white self". Then comes the nonsense about exoticism and fetishes.
The fact that the cosplayer isn't American is important here. Because all cultures are not the same. It's pretty ethnocentric of this basedqueer person to assume that only her culture's views matter when it comes to painting your skin a different color for a cosplay. Garnet isn't even human. It's too bad that the makeup didn't come out a little more red. Maybe there'd be less issue with that.