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No. 3999
>>3936Wow I didn't realize Totemokawaii styled her hair in the same direction Venus's hair was facing. Didn't realize she posed almost exactly the same too.
I find it funny how PULL users were in such huge denial of their jealousy and do anything they can to distract others from it
No. 4026
know there are ones uglier than OP. The SweetnSour girl from PULL who was obsessed with Kiki would regularly leave her links and selfies all over the place, and fucking damn. She was a standard below-average plain Jane.
I badly want to see Kontrakoti.
No. 4030
>>4026Kontrakoti is so extremely dedicated to her blogs and she's not even earning money on them. Why is she even doing this…?
And she keeps using the least flattering pics of Kotakoti in her profile pics. Ok her username has the word kontra (contra) in it. Why is she against Kota? Because she photoshops and did mean things almost a decade ago?
Why do people keep saying Kota's photoshopping will ruin the self esteems of little girls? What if she looked just like her photoshopped pics in real life? What would PULL members say then? This is a big world and some people might actually look like that. I've seen models with eyes larger than her photoshopped eyes for example and people with naturally large irises.
No. 4034
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>>4030Jfc. Do you know how severely low the self-esteem of these people must be to say shit like this?
This chick in particular went psycho when someone suggested that Dakota doesn't use AE. You can tell straight away that she was emotionally invested in wanting Kotex to be fake.
No. 4053
>>4034Yeah. How about teach little girls not to put so much value on appearance? I wish people knew how backwards it is to want pretty girls to hide themselves so less attractive girls will feel better.
OK Kota lied her way to fame but they kept her instead of dropping her like they did with Magibon when she was seen without the angles. Kota does look good in certain lighting and angles and I've seen her moving in videos shot by someone else. She looks pretty good to me even without AE. In fact she looks better. But even in the videos, I remember one PULL membere said "she looks so creepy here because her eyes aren't directly pointing at the camera!" What.
But for like 2 years, PULL members said "They're gonna drop her any time… aaaannyyyytime now." or "The companies keep making contracts with her based on her living Barbie fame! They are so dumb for doing that without at least seeing the model irl lololol"
No. 4056
>>4055I bet they're going to keep saying it until she stops modeling in like 5-10 years and shout "HA! I TOLD YA! It only took a few years!" as if they won or something. Obvious jelly is obvious. I heard PULL members ban/report people for pointing out they're jelly lol.
Fitting username. "psychohater." They need to look at the facts: if they did hate her, why has she stayed there so long and why does she keep getting deals next to big celebrities?
Dakota is on some purikura machines "Oh yeah well they're not that special and well known!
Dakota is on a runway "Oh yeah well it's not like it's a supermodel runway!"
No. 4064
>>4056yeah, when Bravo put a little airplane icon next to her picture, psychohater said that she was already home, and that the icon meant that from now on companies had to pay full for her plane trip and everything because Bravo didn't think she was worth it anymore.
She acted high and mighty to everyone, but was caught once when someone put an i.p tracker on their blog and tricked her into going, they found she was in Germany, not in Japan. Her excuse was that she was currently in a modeling gig in Germany.
I also remember another obviously jelly truthblog fan saying "I would pay a million dollars just to wipe off her makeup".
No. 4072
>>4064Seems legit. Lol fail
Ok do people forget the point of modeling? Sure what you look like in the beginning matters a lot but the end result matters the most. Models without angles, lighting and makeup look normal.
Why does it matter so much whether Dakota wears makeup or not? She's a model, it's pretty much expected in most parts of the industry. It's not Dakota's responsibility that people cannot spot photoshop, have a low self-esteem and/or put way too much value on appearance.
No. 6233
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>>6225Felice and Charlotte were just these people's prime targets at the time.
No. 7618
>>3936I am so tired of hearing people saying "hurr XXX is sooo chubby/flabby durr disgusting" (principally kota) or "hurr so ugly!!" C'mon seriously, go outside and stop looking at perfect kawaii shwooped moderrus on tumblr and on the internet in general, it looks like a lot of people here and on cgl are insecure about themselves (weight and face wise) and project their own insecurities on other people. Not calling anyone here ugly or even fat but that's not gonna make you "prettier" to do so.
you can think I'm some insecure girl at Quirky's size with the face of Raven if you wish to but that was my two cents
No. 7620
>>4030Same anon from post
>>7618I think that the problem isn't "oh booh her photoshop will ruin the little girls' self esteem", no, it's not photoshop that ruins the self esteem, nor the "big mean photoshopped moderrus!!", it's a society problem. What ou have to know is no matter what or how hard you try someone is ALWAYS gonna be prettier/better/… than you somehow or from someone's point of view, and women just HAVE to impress each other and be the prettiestskinniestkawaiiest of them all but it's impossible,even Miss Universe is not the prettiest, beauty is a very complex thing, like someone will find you hideous or meh but another person will find you gorgeous or adorable.