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No. 40490
>>40487It does get quite annoying, I will agree.
Everything looks better on asian girls but nothing can look good on non-asian girls. Yeah… gets irritating and if you mention anything you're automatically deemed as "jelleh".
No. 40504
>>40500I thought liking asian women was because of their looks. I didnt think there were men who seriously think theyre nicer and more submissive.
"I love Asian women because for the most part, they are the most feminen of all the cultures. They enjoy being women, like to be put on a pedestal and want their man to be the man in the relationship. They don't want to compete,, they want to complete. this of course is the ones who haven't become westernized"
No. 40506
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i dont think its the same as homosexual oppression
No. 40725
>>40595Also did you really just resort to shitty ad hom attacks? Listen retard, you don't have to be
any of those things to realize heavily edited scenes of a bunch of people talking straight to the camera can hardly be called a documentary. Anyone sensible would.
I share the same sentiments with a lot of the women who were interviewed. But just because I heard something that affirms my opinion doesn't compel me to automatically think the "documentary" is of good quality.