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No. 41187
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I'm readng articles and why is everyone there such a fat cunt? Is this normal for murrica?
No. 41188
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Got him. Before CNN did I'm sure, here's his myspace No. 41189
>>41188Hispanic, so I guess the media will be spinning this as white again, like they did with zimmerman. Obviously something to do with misogyny too.
I hate this world. Fuck this gay earth and the gay media. What's even the point of doing all this shit? Who are they pandering to? Nobody wants to read screeds on why white people suck 24/7. I guess the new majority does to fuel their victim blaming.
No. 41192
>>41191white people are the most diverse. so ya he could be white.
not all white people are pasty pale inbreds.
he looks white to me. looks greek or Italian.
No. 41194
>>41192He doesn't look white at all. He looks part black, part asian, part white. Quite ugly really.
It's sad what passes for white in america. No standards.
No. 41196
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No. 41197
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His friend's pictures, from myspace
No. 41199
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in fact it was the only friend he had added on myspace
No. 41206
Let's get snooping!This is like coffin and rosee all over again, but more fun
Here's another dude connected to him, let's see if we can find anything dodgy No. 41210
Ok found the facebook of a guy that knew him via reverso anyone has a burner facebook they should ask him questions about the shooter for keks
No. 41212
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The shooters friends are cringe ew
No. 41213
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Ok this will sound weird but I'm still on board with the muslim terrorist theory. I think this guy did it with him but hasn't been caught yet.
No. 41215
>>41191Hispanic also includes Spain which has a predominantly white population, meaning that hispanic doesn't refer to
race/ It's an ethnicity. So he could have been raised around all white people but speaks spanish.
>>41196Anyway he looks white to me, Greek specifically.
No. 41217
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No. 41222
>>41216Yes, he does look white to me. Idk maybe all white people look similar where you live but I've met white people I didn't even know where white until they mentioned their background.
>>41219Also, genetically speaking africans are the most diverse being that it is where the human species originated from and only a small population went on to populate other areas
though white people are more likely than any other group to have neanderthal dna since neanderthals were found in other continents except for africa
No. 41223
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He looks Greekish to me
No. 41224
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>>41223You'd assume he's Arab or Something but nope he's greek
No. 41229
>>41226According to you. You also think Zimmerman is white probably.
Doesn't make it so just because you say it shaniqua.
No. 41232
>>41230They mostly have darker skin hair and eyes. Not white.
Stop polluting the definition of white. We don't want this human waste, blacks can have them if they like, just like they claim halfbreeds.
No. 41234
>>41232the shooter looks pretty pale to me. He just doesn't have pink under tones.
He could be Italian. Looks white to me.
No. 41243
>>41240Anyone can get a bf, the fact that you think it's unlikely I have one means that you're so hideous you can't get one.
And that's a feat because guys will fall head over heels for the most basic bitches.
No. 41244
>>41242OK I will. I'm going to shoot up my town hall in the name of PT and Hitler.
Watch out for the news in California tomorrow.
No. 41258
>>41245Not that is backwards. East Asians have more neanderthal DNA than Europeans (and other Eurasians).
It WAS believed for a little while that Europeans had the most neanderthal admixture but that was shown to be wrong.
This is from wikipedia but it is well sourced and I will find you something better if you cite something recent that proves me wrong.
>Recent studies have shown a higher Neanderthal admixture in East Asians when compared to Europeans.[4][7][8][9] It indicated that most-likely at least two independent events of gene flow must have taken place into early modern humans and that the early ancestors of East Asians experienced more admixture than those of Europeans after the divergence of the two groups.[4][7][8] This is estimated to have been an additional 20.2% (95%CI of 13.4–27.1%) of Neanderthal admixture in a second gene flow to East Asians.[4] It is also possible, but less likely, that the difference was caused by dilution in Europeans by later migrations out of Africa.[7] It may also be due to a lower negative selection in East Asians compared to Europeans.[9] It has also been observed that there's a small but significant variation of Neanderthal admixture rates within European populations, but no significant variation within East Asian populations.[4] No. 41263
>>41258My professor provided us with some articles last yr, I'll see if I can find them. For now this is what I found: latter supports your statement. Honestly idk, new info is found everyday. What is most supported though is that non-Africans have the most neanderthal dna.
No. 41267
>>41263>The latter supports your statement.And the first one does not contradict it, it only mentions one neanderthal gene found in Europeans but not Asians.
>What is most supported though is that non-Africans have the most neanderthal dna.You're right, I was just nitpicking.
No. 41283
>>41196looks like a hafa
who cares what he is?
he's a dumbfuck who got rejected by some staceywhore and then killed a bunch of innocent people. weak
No. 41287
>>41222All but two African groups have neanderthal DNA.
You're retarded for thinking you know shit just because you read some shitty, grainy /pol/ infograph.
No. 41288
>>41250But incest is a southern white tradition.
Don't project your culture on others.
No. 41296
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I'm sorry Shanice but your racist black ass just got BTFO
No. 41299
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>mfw I singlehandedly engineered instigating that eggman was the shooter last night before I went to bed
>mfw /r9k/ started to run with it
>mfw /pol/ started to run with it
>news sites start reporting it
>his fucking face is all over Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook etc.
>fucking CNN are discussing his Youtube videos
And nobody will ever believe me kek
I messaged Eggy on Snapchat though, advised him to sue, he said he doesn't have a case since they didn't mention him specifically, but I think CNN directly referencing the content in his video and other sites directly publishing his photos will be enough.
>he still doesn't know it was me
No. 41308

>>41299He absolutely does have a case.
CNN may not have released the (fake) name Toby Reynolds, but their initial reports were directly referencing his Youtube videos, stating that the shooter was a 20 year old male who was known to be travelling through Seattle days previous in order to meet somebody before going on a rampage in Oregon.
You go to Eggman's Youtube channel and his videos and discussion page is absolutely LOADED with hateful comments telling him to rot in hell, calling him an evil cunt etc.
CNN may not have mentioned his name directly but they gave the people the leads to hunt him down and harass him anyway.
It was probably some moron news lackey lurking 4chan who went running after his editor as fast as his legs could carry him about the "big lead" he'd found on the identity of the shooter, hoping for a big promotion.
Fucking look at this shit, he's all over Liveleak getting the hammering of a lifetime.
>No wonder he looked up to Elliot Rodger.>so this loser is mad because he's chasing girls that are out of his league like an idiot?>He's certainly a sad sack of a fucker isn't he? No. 41332
>>41300Nope, nope and nope.
Officially the countries with the highest rate of incest are:
Republic of Croatia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow and St. Petersburg)
Czech Republic
The Slavic and Balkan Regions particularly
No. 41335
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>>41332Bullshit until you post a source.
This map is legitimate by the way, source is in the bottom left corner.
No. 41339
>>41335That is not a source that is a name and the timestamp of the year give me a damn link.
I hope you didn't try to reference all your college assignments like this.
No. 41343
>>41339>>41335>>41332I'm not the anon who posted the map, but apparently the source of the map is here: all I had to do was google 'alan bittles consanguinity 2015' and I got it.
No. 41346
>>41344There is no article. It says on the site the graph was made using tables here: which they got the data from a shit ton of other studies that they reference here: No. 41352
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This is the shooter
No. 41360
>>41352whaaaaAaaaaatTTtt????!!!!??? then this anon was wrong
No. 41496
File: 1443918774226.jpg (34.22 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg) His old blogs. It seems like before the media released his name, they scrubbed his online footprint like Facebook, Twitter, etc. It seems like they want to eliminate people possibly knowing his motivations and identity.
My theory is that they did this to prevent him from having the fame and recognition he desired and to prevent other fame whores from following in his footprints.
(His blog is boring as fuck anyhow.)
No. 42098
So his mother just came out and said he had autism. Same as Columbine shooters, James Holmes, Virginia Tech shooter, and Sandy Hook shooter. Are aspies natural born killers? If there was a test to detect autism at birth, should it be required by law that they be put down? Look how autists lash out in conversations online. People are having a calm discussion, an aspie enters and immediately escalates it to level 10 calling everyone around them idiots, morons, retards, etc. Aspies are unable to feel love or compassion for other human beings, they have a total lack of empathy just like psychopaths. 9 out of 10 aspies are not killers, but 9 out of 10 mass killers are aspies. The numbers don't lie. These people should not be allowed anywhere near guns, or even around other people. Of course killing them at birth isn't realistic, but they should probably be committed to some form of high security residential care facility. They have no business walking around unmonitored.
No. 42112
>>42098i think there is a difference b/w full blown autism and apsergers
autists are natural born killers, yes
i have asperger's and i've never felt like killing anyone… not even animals.. im a vegan
No. 42118
>>41496he spends 99% of his time talking about school shootings
what is the point of the NSA if not to catch retards like this
No. 42175
>>42119Those shooters didn't go on rampages because of autism, but could it still be a factor in why they did it? Maybe it becomes dangerous when combined with other disorders/negative personality traits like extreme narcissism, anger issues or fixation with violence?
This is a genuine question since I don't understand autism very well.
No. 42176
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Also, interesting article about the shooter's mom:
>His mom would sometimes get involved with the community, such as circulating a petition about eradicating a cockroach infestation because it was keeping her son up at night. One neighbor said that she called him “baby” all the time, even though he was an adult. No. 42975
>>42175It's much more likely they were bullied because of their autism, rather than autism causing this, you fool.
Autistic people are in no way statistically more violent than normal people.>>42175