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No. 41806
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That OP image… shudders
Anyway, I don't have a large amount of disposable income this year so I thought I'd go for something simple but striking.
I'm just using my own hair since it's pretty long and more easily manageable than a wig, painting my face like picture related, either getting some very large black circle lenses or full of scleral ones, some large prosthetic horns, prosthetic long pointy ears and wearing a tight little black dress to go as a succubus or some shit.
idk, I the the spoopy face paint will offset the slut factor.
No. 41890
>>41861whats it like living in NYC? ive been there a few times and its got to be one of the most amazing cities ever.
any insider tourist tips?
No. 41910
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This is the first Halloween with my SO, and he's from Japan and has never had a proper Halloween growing up, so I'm going to get him one of those dinky little plastic pumpkins and fill it with an assortment of different candies that we can eat while watching scary movies.
No. 41913
>>41890it's expensive. Not same anon, but I have lived in nyc all my life. Been living on my own for 10 years now and the only reason I am able to afford my rent is because I have a room mate who's mom died and so the rent is cheaper here than most areas.
NYC is nice. Not sure what touristy tips to give you aside from don't stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk to check your phone, map or take photos. It's annoying.
No. 41915
>>41819Do you play Aion, anon?
This Halloween I'm going to make something simple, like I did last year. I want to do make fx makeup and look creepy. I hate people who dress all cutesy for Halloween. Where are the creepy and scary aspects of it? I usually carve a pumpkin with my niece and buy lots of candy to eat with my gf and play zombie themed board games.
No. 41932
>>41915I did for like a month until I realised it was shit.
It's f2p now right? At the moment I'm playing FFXIV, have been for two years now and it's amazing.
No. 41938
>>41932Yeah, Aion has been f2p for a while, but overcharge their wearable items that sometimes are 30 day items, which is insane to me.
I need to start playing FFXIV. I hear nothing but good things about it.
No. 41952
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>>41938Yeah, FFXIV, like, it's a legit WoWkiller if I ever saw one (implying WoW didn't kill itself kek).
It's incredible just how well they managed to spin the game round after it's tremendously shitty, catastrophic original launch.
It's very stroy driven so if you're into dat dank lore it'll suit you, and whilst the combat took a while for me to get used to and felt a little clunky compared to fluid combat systems like what was implemented in WoW, the stunning spell animations and effects more than make up for it.
A problem I experienced with WoW is when they first brought in all the "YOU ARE THE ONE CHOSEN HERO" bullshit, because of how linear the game had become it never felt convincing, especially when you were stood at a quest giver or in a city surrounded by hundreds of other players wearing the exact same gear.
In FFXIV the way it utilises the cutscenes and stuff, you really do feel like "YOU" are the hero, "YOU" are the chosen one and only "YOU" can save the world, everybody else around you are just vagabond adventures and mercenaries.
Another thing I enjoy about it is that the game doesn't just toss gear at you like it's nothing, you really do have to put time and effort into acquiring a good set. When you first start off the game and you're a low level there's no big pauldrons or flowing capes; you legitimately look like some dweeby little noob twat adventurer off on babby's first quest, and your gear reflects that (picture related, I simultaneously lathe and love that fucking hat). It's brilliant.
FFXIV is also the first game to ever make me cry.
>a smile suits better a heroIt still hurts ;__:
No. 42045
>>41952>FFXIV a WoW killerOkay, this phrase has been used time and time again and no MMO ever killed Warcraft. It's still stronger than any MMO out there and I know weebs flock to FFXIV, but it's not honestly that good if you're seasoned in MMOs. It's aesthetically pleasing (if you like FF games) and has a great soundtrack, but the way I'd explain the gameplay is super safe, watered down World of Warcraft. Have you never played WoW? It's practically copy-pasted in areas.
Also, the lore is goddamn terrible. If you think a main storyline = lore then go play a single player game. Lore and world building is important to an MMORPG and FFXIV has next to none.
If you want a game with good lore, western MMORPGs tend to be much better. I recommend Guild Wars 2, a favorite of mine for lore or WoW has tons of lore.
No. 42053
>>42045Of sweety… when was the last time you looked at the subscription data for Wow? It's absolutely tanking.
In 2012 WoW had 9.6 million subscribers, now it has 5.6 million and it is falling everyday.
FFXIV currently has 5 million and climbing.
WoW has killed itself kek
Also I have played size vanilla and was ranked top 5 arena on my server years ago so don't try that "ur just new" shit with me you little scrub. WoW is dying; accept it.
No. 43397
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I've already tried Photoshopping together my outfit because I'm a weenie and I get way too excited for this stuff.
Still, it feels like something is missing…
A tale?
No. 43410
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>>43408Ye, idk.
I thought if I bought this pair, inserted some wire and had them curving around me it would look pretty succubus-y.
Fuck I love Halloween.
No. 43420
>>43414Oh yeah I'm not wearing those shoes, those were just shoes that were on the model.
Thanks though!
No. 43430
>>43411I hope so.
Do you think Admin would host a halloween chat and maybe have a themed movie playing as well?
No. 44867
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Here's my costume
No. 44869
>>44867something tells me this isn't you
anyway,these lips are ugly