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No. 44626
>>44622Seriously, all those 'hella's sounded so forced and unnatural and just stupid really.
I also feel like Max's twee hipster style was outdated despite the game being set in 2013. All the deer, the polaroids, the sketch art style in her diary, drawing hipster glasses, monocles and moustaches on animals. I dunno, just felt a bit lame to me.
I like how real the game was though. They didn't hold back on shit that might often be seen as too far or offensive/shocking.
No. 44669
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I played it. It was okay. It really was "Shitty High School Teen Drama: The Game", but I enjoy things like that. I didn't care for Chloe, though. She seemed like a total jackass and I just wanted her to stay dead. It frustrated me that the whole story revolved around her.
The only character I gave a shit about was Mr. Jefferson because I'm a deranged pervert. The endings sucked balls, but episode 5 turned me on.
No. 44681
>>44664>>44669I don't understand why they made Chloe so fucking unlikeable. She was seriously such a brat for a majority of the game and acted like a cunt to Max/her mom/step-dad/etc. when it was totally unnecessary.
Like how she got pissed and didn't want you to answer the phonecall from Kate. Why? Just because she'd have to wait for less than a minute? I mean, fuck. No actual friend would get pissy about that.
It's stupid because they want you to be torn when making the ultimate decision in the end but it's dulled down since she acted like an asshole throughout most of the game.
No. 44709
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I'm just sad I don't have my own Warren bf in real life. He was a total cutie.
No. 44713
>>44709Really? I thought he was beta as fuck and refused all his advances, lol.
Even though Chloe was an ass, she was hot and I was hoping I could end up dating her. Dammit Dontnod, I'm a pervert and two stingy kisses aren't enough. I need a full on lesbo scene.
No. 44731
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>>44696Alyssa was such a useless a terrible character. What was even the point of her?
I let her ass die in the final chapter and gave zero fucks. Her cotton filled mouth and tumblr looking ass annoyed me. No. 44739

>>44681I agree. I can understand her having a bit of a bratty personality, but especially the phone call with Kate seemed like a bit of a stretch. I feel like they probably created her that way to put more pressure on the player when making decisions, but it's a bit of a double-edged sword because on the one hand you know your supposed bff is going to be pissy if you don't cater to her, but on the other it doesn't really paint her in the best light as a friend.
imho it was a little touching to hear her admit she'd been acting like a whiny bitch and recognize that Max had been trying to help her at the end.
No. 44808
>>44613I enjoyed the first 4 episodes. I'm not a native speaker so the "cool slang" in the dialog didn't seem as cringy to me as to a native speaker. I didn't have much trouble with the wording in the dialog.
Honestly, I loved the game right until the very last episode and the last choice. It was so fucking lame. Why did I spend all this damn time playing the game and thinking about decisions if it all went to shit in EP 5 anyway?! Seriously, have the game developers not paused for a minute and thoght to themselves "Hm, maybe we should make all the decisions of the first four episodes
matter in the end??" Nah, it's more conevnient to have a safe, uncomplicated ending where either everyone dies or you let Chloe die and undo all your previous choices.
Honestly I just cancelled out the ending of EP. 5 and continue to think about other more darker endings where
my choices actually matter. To speak in tumblrspeak, I like my headcanon hella lot better than the lazy crap the developers came up with.
No. 44881
>>44808Really? Your English is amazing for someone who isn't a native speaker.
>>44878I agree. At first it was like "whoa, this is weird" and then it was like "okay, when exactly is this going to end?" I think they took advantage of it and tried to use it as a filler as much as they could. It did just lose it's edge though, at first it was interesting and then it got boring.
No. 45072
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>>44711There's more where that came from…