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No. 44649

You need to all grow up
Bunch of bullying,selfish evil cunts.(underage)

No. 44650

You can't keep blaming other people for your own problems, Emily.

Please get help for your mental illness. It can get better. You don't have to keep hurting yourself like this. I would absolutely suggest not surrounding yourself with negative spaces, especially on the internet. It seems like instagram is particularly damaging for you, and I don't think the 'support' you receive there is beneficial.

You can feel better. You deserve to feel better, and to be healthy. But you have to be brave enough to save yourself.

No. 44651

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No. 44652

lol ok.
or you could get off the internet and stop whining when your attempts at validation backfire. do something with yourself instead of trying to look tragic online.

No. 44654

For goodness sake, what benefit does hurting yourself bring? One day you will be able to move on from mental illness but YOU and only YOU need to make the choice to be responsable for your own health and actions. Posting self harm only serves to harm you and fellow vulnerable people.

You dont need to be whatever your diagnosis is, discovering who YOU are. It's not some girl who posts photos of herself whingeing and bruised online.

No. 44668


No. 44673

Most people here are really worried about you Emily, there's really no bullying??

No. 44677

Did you know that in real life people are going to have a beef with you no matter what? That's a piece of advice for you, underage-chan, for when you actually get a job

No. 54469

come on love, we've all been there.

be a fucking wild and ferocious lady beast that just smashes life and doesnt give a shit about what anyone thinks.

No. 54474>>54478

I'm sorry but, who was this cow again?

No. 54478

young teen girl who posts self harm/thinspo pics on instagram

No. 54606

File (hide): 1451284171877.jpg (48.19 KB, 576x864, 468325_SPINE_CURVES_OF[1].jpg)

Pictured: what you need to grow

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