No. 49623
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Hey anon. I'm in fukuoka about 4 times a year to renew my Korea visa, so I guess I'm the best person to ask.
Honestly, it's pretty cool for a day or two. Anything more than that you are going to be bored out of your mind. Even the more exciting areas (Tenjin/Hakata station area) are kind of 'meh'. There isn't really anything worth seeing there. It's not like a hick town or anything. If you are thinking about visiting, it's best to spend those days having more fun in Tokyo or Osaka. Hell, Kyoto is more fun than Fukuoka.
Even your OP pic is a pretty 'meh' place, aside from a few shops.
No. 49637
>>49623Thanks Man. I appreciate your answer!
I was thinking about doing language school in either Osaka or Fukuoka. Fukuoka seems to be less crowded with foreigners and also seems to a bit cheaper so that's pretty much why I was considering that option. But it seems to a bit unexciting
No. 49675
File: 1449632948693.png (3.34 KB, 763x113, wow.png)

Is this you, OP? Found your bread elsewhere. :^)
No. 49699
>>49623>I'm in fukuoka about 4 times a year to renew my Korea visa,You mean you fly out of the country so you can reset your 3 months of visa-free stay right
why don't you just get an actual fucking visa? Must be cheaper than the flightickets