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No. 49846
He can barely articulate any policies besides "be strong" and "make America great again". He legitimately doesn't seem very intelligent. His policy of banning Muslim immigration to the U.S. is a violation of the principles of freedom that the U.S. was founded on, and it would mostly only harm innocent people.
No. 49851
>>49846He obviously exaggerates some of his points in order for people to talk about them. He even said it himself in one of his books.
For example, when he posted that pic saying that 97% of people who kill blacks are black, the left was quick to correct him and say "no, it's only 90%", thus fucking themselves in the process (destroying their "black people dindu nuffin" theology).
It's a pretty smart strategy and too many liberals are too stupid to see that Trump is playing them.
No. 49887
>>49846Aren't all candidates vague and relying on slogans? Does apparent intelligence even matter? What good did it do Obama as opposed to Bush? In the end their decisions come done to advisers, what congress allows, and other outside factors. I mean if we really cared about having truly intelligent leaders we would abolish democracy and establish a technocratic system where leaders get ahead based on meritocracy.
Plus America has always been extremely racist and xenophobic, to say otherwise is historically revisionism. America banned all Asians from immigrating to the US and created quotas after too many Southern and Eastern Europeans started coming to America. Banning Muslims would just be a return to the principles that America had throughout most its history.
No. 49888
>>49887>Aren't all candidates vague and relying on slogans?Yes. They're all terrible. It makes me sad that we, as a developed nation, have to pick our next President from this group of clowns.
>Does apparent intelligence even matter?When you come off as stupid as Trump does, yeah, I think so.
>In the end their decisions come done to advisersYes, but I don't even trust Trump to pick good advisers.
>I mean if we really cared about having truly intelligent leaders we would abolish democracy and establish a technocratic system where leaders get ahead based on meritocracy.I think that's a pretty good idea in theory. For better or worse though, those systems always wind up corrupt, and the US has done extremely well for itself by being a democracy. But in my perfect universe, yeah, all politicians would be selected based on merit - tests on foreign policy and economics, promotions based on how well they govern smaller areas as measured by objective statistics, etc. I would be able to find a lot to agree on with the fascists if they weren't all xenophobic war-mongers.
>Plus America has always been extremely racist and xenophobic, to say otherwise is historically revisionism.Of course it has. But we're trying to get better, not worse. If we've failed to live up to our principles before, all the more reason to try even harder now.
No. 49889
>>49888>If we've failed to live up to our principles before, all the more reason to try even harder now.But what are our principles? The Constitution? It never had anything about rights for non-citizens. The "give me your tired and poor" was just a poem some guy wrote over 100 years after America was created.
Our "principles" that get talked about most are by in large revisionist lies. Other than a Muslim registry nothing Trump says goes against anything that could genuinely be called American "principles", which would if anything be the core ideas of the Enlightenment I suppose. I mean we already have lots of "principles" that go against he ideas of the Enlightenment and limit people's ability to live freely too though.
No. 50413
>>49866Well, duh; despite her past with you know, bullying young women into retracting their claims of rape.
Female who supports Trump here.
No. 50529
>>50523That quote is sort of out of context. Don't fathers often call their daughters pretty? Ever have an older family member tell you that 'you'll need a stick to beat off the boys looking to court you' or rather something to that effect?
He may be a twat, but I'd rather have a twat for president than a cunt (Hillary) or a pussy(Bernie)