File: 1451653312736.jpg (46.88 KB, 507x338, Resolving-Frustration-in-Your-…)

No. 55450
I feel like a man made this thread.
>>55441>>55442>>55443>>55444>>55445>>55446These are all most definitely samefag.
No. 56089
>>56088"I actually am a female"
Sounds legit
No. 56114
>>56113OP's sad attempted at trolling reveal him to be a deeply insecure man, with obvious issues with his height. I'm sure he thought that all the anons here would either agree with him, and that he would run back to r9k so they could all talk about how shallow women are.
I bet OP is looking to blame something for his lack of success with women, and he focuses on his height. Or he's just a troll looking to troll.
No. 56117
>>56114Sorry, I was confused and I thought that you were
>>56105, or maybe you are, idk
I honestly believed OP, but now thinking the way you're thinking, I think you're right
No. 56139
>>56132And we weren't even talking about women's heights!
Doesn't he have some wood to chop or a car to repair? Back to the garage.
No. 56142
>>56131OMG A BOI
No. 103089
File: 1468590682469.jpg (43.79 KB, 620x537, body_forms2-620x537.jpg)

If its about really short men and not tall giraffe girls being butthurt then I want to tell that I'm about 5"3/163cm and guys who are shorter than me or same height are usually more aggressive than tall guys. They hate themselves for their height and lie being taller online, trying to be more "manly" by acting like assholes. Thats why east asian girls usually are dieting 24/7 to stay as small as possible.. because their men are short faggots.