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No. 5682
>>56751. no
2. some probably are, others are in it for the ~*aesthetic*~, others probably just wish they were attractive but young enough to still contain "innocence"
3. it can be
No. 5683
>>5675-Pedophiles are attracted to children.
-Ageplayers are just roleplaying as an age that is either younger or older than their biological age and are ATTRACTED TO ADULTS.
-Most ageplayers are actually attracted to OLDER men or women.
Why is this so hard to grasp? It's black and white.
No. 7248
My opinions (just my opinions IMO)
I think a lot of pedos are repressed. Statistics say that 1% of people have pedophilia, at minimum. That means there are a lot of people going around repressing it.
so therefore:
>Are ageplayers pedos?Yes I think that's how they relieve themselves. If I was a pedo that's how I would do it. There is nothing healthy about dressing your partner up in diapers and making them shit themselves and it doesnt appeal to non-pedos
>Are nymphet bloggers pedos?No its just a stupid trend.
>Is shota and loli cp?Yes, I think its child pornography because according to the government in my country it is and I trust a bunch of legislators more than a bunch of pedophiles on 4chan. If I was a pedophile I'd only fap to loli too because I wouldn't want to get caught and most real cp is a honey trap now a days
No. 7251
>>7248I was looking for a doujinshi on tumblr of this anime I had been watching at the time. I came across one that wasn't the one I was specifically looking for, and because the art was really well done I began to read it. About 2 chapters into it, the main character, a 24 yr old, is introduced to a 4 yr old boy who will be his future lover, though he doesn't want the boy for that. I don't normally read yaoi or anything that involves grooming people to be your significant other, so I was about to drop it right away. However, I saw a comment that said "this didn't turn out how I thought" and figured they either meant what I was thinking or that it wasn't creepy how I had thought.
So I continue reading and it's really innocent and I'm relieved. I don't find it interesting though so again, I was about to drop it. Right before I do, I read one more page and out of the fucking blue the 24 yr old has the kid giving him a bj. The caption I remember reading was something along the lines of, "I couldn't help it," and the way they drew his face for this scene was drastically different from the others, like the hentai, eyes rolling to the back of your head while you're drooling faces.
It was really disgusting and it upset me because I was not expecting that, nor did I want to see it. The fact that he was depicted so differently insinuated that this was not normal.
I do think that when it's situations like
these, it's definitely like cp. I didn't continue reading, so idk what went on after that.
Another thing, remember when boku no pico was going around? I remember unfollowing 2 people back when I was on tumblr because they stressed the fact that they loved it so much and that kids could be seen as sexual. I remember asking them anonymously if they wished it was like that in real life and one said, "I understand why it can't be, so at least there is this," while the other said it was sweet and nothing to be offended over.
tl;dr, I think it depends on the persons intent behind depicting a character as a loli or shota, and the persons intent behind reading about/viewing them.
No. 7380
>>7251well most loli and shota is just traced CP… so therefore it's technically CP.
like technically i could take a cp image and put like 500 filters over it and retrace it… guess what its still CP?
like don't be gullible. the guys that draw this stuff are doing it because they like getting off to little kids. the legality of it isn't whats up for debate, personally idgf, but let's call a spade a spade. why are people so afraid to admit it's CP?
No. 7423
>>7380I don't know a lot about loli or shota, but is it true that
most of it is really traced CP? The few I've seen looked like original 2D art…
No. 7459
>>7402Because people dont like to be labelled as pedophiles
In a way I think its better to have these shotas fandoms or whatever than to integrate these people with actual cp pedos.
How many shota loving dumblerinas would really molest a child? None. They just want to look at kawaii skinny anime boys.
No. 7465
>>7423Little to none is traced CP. It exists because CP is hard to get, illegal, and honestly I'm sure most people who create/view it get off to the concept but dislike the abuse aspect. I dont see WHY someone would create shota and loli that way if they had access to CP.
I don't really take issue with 2D or otherwise simulated child porn though, it's weird like ageplay is weird, but in the end, harmless. A lot of that fantasy comes from a place of wanting to dominate and control someone, and a child is the epitome of submissive and moldable. But i wouldn't say it necessarily means you want to fuck a child. Somewhat like petplay…wanting to train and "own" a sex partner but doesn't mean you want to fuck your cat. Most characters seem to be a bit more mature anyway just in a childlike form.
Junior idols disgust me though. I think that's what they're called. I dont even want to google it to be sure. That stuff is far more of a problem imo bc it uses actual kids.
No. 7521
>>7465Almost all of it is traced CP. You would know if you actually knew what CP is.
> It exists because CP is hard to get, illegal,No, it's really not. It's easy to get for anyone with an internet connection and the chances of you getting v& for it are low now a days. Hell, its even all over 4chan if you find the time is right, let alone obscure smaller imageboards. If someone is really desperate they can use tor but its unnecessary. CP is REALLY easy to get.
People create shota and loli for the same reason they create real hentai. It's much more better looking. Real people are ugly and show emotions. 2D drawing and virtually always perfect.
No. 7529
>>7521Please provide me with a source that says "almost all shota and loli is traced CP."
You can't because it's not.
>You would know if you actually knew what CP isWhat does this even mean? It's child porn. It's porn of children. You don't have to be all that smart to connect the dots there.
It IS illegal, you WILL get vanned if you are looking at child porn and not covering your tracks, and by "hard to get" I mean you can't just google it without a high amount of risk.
You can stumble upon it but it's not "really easy to get." And it is certainly not "all over 4chan." Not for at least the last 5 years or so.
But keep trying anon.
No. 7621
>>7521I am sure you're trolling but hentai doesn't exist because it "looks better," it exists because Japan has weird laws that somehow require genitals be censored but tentacles, bestiality, and children are fine as long as it's censored, as well as other unusual regulations. You will notice that other countries such as America simply didn't have a similar boom in animated pornography because it's pretty much legal to show anything as long as they're adult humans. There are definitely western cartoon porn videos and photos(the infamous Family Guy and Simpsons porn) but they mainly arose after hentai was popularized.
It would not even make technical sense to trace CP when you can just draw it from your imagination anyway. I won't say "none of the lolicon artists look at and reference actual CP" but I don't think it's as common as one would think.
No. 7624
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>loli and shota are traced CP.Drawfag here.
It's traced midget porn.
But in all seriousness , learn to draw and you'll see how simple it is to just copy a sexual pose and draw a character doing said pose.
I've done guro/ryona and loli commissions in the past and no retard, would keep real CP as reference images.
No. 95710
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>>7248>Yes, I think loli is child pornography because according to the government in my country it is and I trust a bunch of legislatorsIt might be child pornography in the sense that it's cartoons of children characters, but I don't think loli deserves to be legally considered child pornography any more than guro deserves to be legally considered snuff. It's not real. Who gives a shit about what happens to people who don't exist? Also, which is worse beating off to naked drawings of kids or someone being mutilated and killed? I'm sure sadism is just as common pedophilia, if not more so.
No. 95712
>>95710Why would you bump a YEAR old thread for this? (Sexual) sadism is definitely more common and dare I say, more accepted than pedophilia. But they're really not comparable.
Obviously, no one cares what happens to fictional characters. They care about the effect shota/loli has on real kids. There's been studies done that show "CP replacements" like shota/loli and creepy kid-sized sex dolls encourage pedophiles to actually hurt kids.
No. 95721
>>95712>sadism is definitely more common and dare I say, more accepted than pedophilia. But they're really not comparable.How so? One hurts someone and the other hurts someone and they both derive pleasure from hurting someone. I'm not talking S&M/consensual rough sex, I'm talking about people who get off on raping and torturing people. Rape and pedophilia are pretty comparable, imo.
>There's been studies done that show "CP replacements" like shota/loli and creepy kid-sized sex dolls encourage pedophiles to actually hurt kids. Source? There have been plenty of other studies that have suggested that masturbating to pornography makes people less interested in real sex. Easy access to pornography is something new, sex and pedophilia isn't.
No. 95742
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I think this artist has been accused of tracing CP before.
No. 95772
>>5675Most often yes but there are also people who want their childhood back or they simply want attention (pixyteri is not a pedophile)
Yes and no see above
Everyone who is middle aged is a closet ephebophile kind of pedo if they had the chance tbh (we're mostly young atm so we're not yet sickfucks), pedophiles just take it too far. They are like gay people I guess. They happen to like something. We could blame porn but in a time with no porn available there were still childlovers. So it's safe to assume they are exactly like gay people. They should just get themselves a young looking adult. Perhaps age play would prevent children in getting molested/consensually molested (some kids truly love older men kek). I personally love the nymphet clothing and blog layouts unfortunately. I wish nymphet just meant fairy instead of a loli.
No. 95821
>>95803Give it up Anon. I understand your stand in this whole thing, because I also hate kids with my guts but I read too much porn but really it's a waste of time, people will think you're a degenerate anyway and with good reason. From any normie's point of view, this shit is shady and fucked up in itself.
Just read the trash silently and hope for nothing drastic fall on you because you read some animu porn. Don't brag about it or try to say "pretty sure there are perverts out there but I'm not one of those tho!!" Because it will never bring any good.
No. 95986
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>They are like gay people I guess. They happen to like something. We could blame porn but in a time with no porn available there were still childlovers. So it's safe to assume they are exactly like gay people. Did you literally just compare people who diddle children to gay people (consenting adults of the same-sex?) ??? Really nigga?
No. 96094
>>95772The fuck…
>>96078Fetishes are almost always asquired.
No. 96265
>>95986What is wrong what I'm saying? I'm not saying gay people are bad… everyone agrees with me but some sources do. Why did people in medieval times have sex with kids? Because they watched porn?
>>96078Why is it retarded? Are you saying someone like Leonardo diCaprio is not an ephebophile? Or Demi Moore? Old people dont want something young and fresh? What about young girls dating older guys? Or the other way round? And shouldn't pedophiles just feed their desire in a healthy way so children wont get molested even if it was a fetish? I have the feeling all of you just want me to say
>no kill all pedophiles>pedophiles weren't born that way blame porn!!!11Porn didn't always exist though, I think they just were born this way. And if we don't understand them more kids will just be molested.
No. 96267
>>96266There was a show on 4od about this. Pedophilia was seen as sexual orientation in that the men shown had no choice, they were unfortunately born that way. However it showed that they had a choice not to act on it, and therefore become criminals.
It was called "The paedophile next door" the blurb "This brave and thought-provoking documentary sets out to discover why legislation to protect children from sexual abuse has failed, and explores radical and controversial alternatives"