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No. 57304
In the early 2000s my family and I were living in a semi shady part of town. It used to be a lower middle class area but was going downhill. Anyway, we lived in a terrace house block, with a postage stamp size front yard (no fences). Our first neighbors were a nice family, but they left. They were replaced by a white trash couple who sat outside and smoked all day, fought and yelled a lot, let their dog (a Rottweiler?) poop in our front yard, and blasted eminem's "cleaning out my closet" constantly. All that was tolerable, but what wasn't was that after they moved in, we began to get insect infestations - ants, cockroaches, crickets (??). The worst was the rats. The infestations always began in the basement, which made me wonder if there was a connection between our basements somehow. Anyway it made life difficult, as we had a bedroom and a study in the basement, so we were constantly swatting at things.
They left after two years, and so did the bugs.
No. 57321
The place where we lived when this occurred was a very small village in Scotland and my family suffered a lot of isolation and abuse on account of us being English and not having a father around (it was filled with a lot of well-to-do curtain twitchers).
I even remember one Halloween knocking on the local doctor's door with my mask on, him opening the door and saying "Well! Who have we got under there then!". I replied, "it's me, Anon!" and his face immediately dropped, he turned to the porch and retrieved a squishy, rotting satsuma and handed it to me. I was confused but I said thank you anyway and he slammed the door in my face.
When I look back on it, he must have been saving that mouldy satsuma for I or one of my other sisters.
What a cruel man he was.
He also deliberately misdiagnosed me when I developed severe tonsillitis and couldn't eat and had dropped over a stone in weight because I could only drink soup without choking. He told my mother I was faking it and that if she gave me chocolate he'd bet I'd eat that quick enough.
Mum drove me to the hospital in a city nearby and the swelling was that bad and my weight so low they admitted me then and there and I had a tonsillectomy within the hour.
I remember my mum giving me some of the best advice when I was a kid:
>"anon, if people ever look down on you or mistreat you in life, don't get mad, don't make a scene and don't lose your cool.>smile, be polite and keep a straight face, and once they've relaxed and let their guard down then you hit them where it hurts.>they'll never know whether it was really you or not and they'll spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder". No. 57329
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>>57324Hmm okay but I even Googled it and found an article from 2002 back when they rescheduled the visit.
Doesn't mention anything about the original cancellation but then it was never officially reported lest it "tarnish the name of the community".
Feeling embarrassed yet Anon?
No. 57330
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>>57305This is… Wtf. Europeanfag here, I will never understand why American laws allow this. Hundreds of mass shootings and crazy people playing with guns and still no restrictive laws about weapons.
Btw yeah my neighborhood too is shit, I live in a flat and we're surrounded by these folks:
-On the left: a 35 years old-ish white trashy couple. He smokes on the landing, so the smell makes its way through our door too, and when finished he threws the cigarette butt on the common floor and never cleans. He works for the most of the day, but when he comes back he yells and swears a lot. They always, always, always fight. The woman is crazy, she's an obsessive catholic who has dozens of rosaries, christian statuettes with saints, religious themed paintings and everything. She even has a baby Jesus doll which is of the size of a real human baby and she lulls it sometimes, I can hear her humming/singing from my bedroom. It's pretty creepy. Oh, and the both of them don't use electricity: no tv, no lights on, they just light the apartment using those Christmas lights you usually put on the Christmas tree. And they rarely cook. And they're not even poor or what.
-On the right: Weird ass lady who beats dirty bathroom carpets and table cloths right next to her (and our) hanged, clean laundry on the balcony.
-Upper right: La crème de la crème. Weird ass couple of 50-55 y.o., he never leaves home, she leaves in the morning to go to work and locks him up inside, then he just pretends he's not there being super silent but lol fucker we know you're there. They used to wake us up because the pair of weirdos fucked quite loudly every night (or maybe should we say morning?) around 4 am and 6 am. We told 'em to fucking stop, they stopped after a week. And now, the most annoying, disgusting thing. My mother told her to stop politely, but she's still doing it.
She beats their dirty carpets, bathroom carpets and table cloths right on our hanged laundry.
We find their fucking PUBIC HAIR on our clean laundry and balcony almost every day. It's like, how can someone even have so many pubic hair. They never end. It's disgusting. And it's annoying to have to clean their disgusting mess. My mother called her out many times, but the lady always pretends she's deaf. And last week, when mom was beating a carpet on the balcony, the weirdo called her name. "Hey, please don't beat the carpet here, I've just hanged sheets and the dust may come up on it!" Wat. She's on the second floor and dirts our laundry almost every day and runs back in when I or my mother call her out, and when we, from first floor, do our stuff we're tainting her laundry? Oh am I going to beat up that ugly mug someday.
No. 57337
>>57335Italy-chan please help me with a 3000 word essay I have to write on Pier Paolo Pasolini ;__;
Do you guys have to learn about him in school at all?
How well known is he within Italy?
What's the general consensus regarding the suspicious circumstances of his death?
If you know anything about this dude I'd be delighted to hear an opinion from a native.
No. 57346
My parents divorced when I was young, so I've had my fair share of weird neighbors from both living spaces (a higher amount from my mom's living spaces for sure). But my dad's long term neighbor enrages me the most.
Our neighbors were some elitist bitchy lesbian couple. Wife #1 is a police officer, super sharp and not really approachable. Wife #2 was a stay at home and do… whatever. I was pretty excited when I was a young wee lesbian, but these women always came off as so harsh and rude and "everyone hates us cuz were OPPRESSED!!" (not even remotely true, we live in SF) so I ended up avoiding them.
As people they were annoying, and they had adopted like 5 misbehaving kids in all colors of the rainbow, but they're holier than thou attitudes only became a problem with me because of what happened to their pets.
Before they had kids, they had a Dalmatian. For anyone not familiar with the temperament of the breed, these dogs need a lot of attention, training, and socialization. They can be mean as hell and jittery/anxious like none other if improperly kept. So guess who was the "outside pet"?
Aside from the years and years of hearing this poor thing in the back crying and crying, we couldn't go into our own backyard without it slamming itself into our fence and snarling. (Eventually it actually broke down the entire fence, but they paid for it and our dogs were fine, whatever)
Well one day their dog "escaped", they realized the dog food hadn't been getting eaten one morning. The backyard was only about 50ftx75ft, so not unimaginably big, two trees, concrete ground, and a camper. Despite its size, I guess they never ACTUALLY LOOKED. One of the kids found the dog 3 days later, dead in the yard. It had crawled under the camper one night, presumably from the cold, and gotten stuck. It had fucking starved to death. By the way, they also had an "indoor dog" which I guess actually got taken care of.
The backwards logic of people who do all this "progressive" shit and think they're so great, but then do something completely neglectful and horrible by anyone else's standards confuse the hell out of me. Who are they trying to impress?
No. 57347
>"weeeh you totally made that entire story up!"
>actually here's a 14 year old article verifying the veracity of the bulk of my statements
>"DUN' PROVE ANYTHING LMAO WOT A LIAR"lol why would I even lie about a story like that? Somebody made a thread about terrible neighbours, so I came in and told a story about my terrible neighbors.
You were wrong; deal with it.
>INB4 she's a salty German bitch No. 57397
>>57322She is, I still know her and she works in a Wiccan shop. They sell crystals, candles, etc.
Funny story about her:
>Be 5 and don't understand that eggs have to be fertilized to hatch>There's a bird cage hanging in the backyard>Every day take an egg out of the carton and put it in the cage>Did this for weeks and the eggs would always "disappear">Figured the sun warmed them and the chickens hatched then ran away
>One day put egg in cage>Witch neighbor says "Go look in the cage!!!">There's a baby chick in the cage>Kid brain couldn't comprehend that witch neighbor bought a chick to put in the cageMy child brain was so happy that I thought I 'hatched' a chicken. The witch neighbor was cool.
No. 57439
>>57337>Do you guys have to learn about him in school at all?It depends on the teacher's plan for the year. I personally have never encountered him in my school books, not when I was in middle school, not in high school and neither now in university lol
>How well known is he within Italy?He's a well known author and director, tho still considered a contemporary one which is why he's been left out of school books since a 5-6 years ago when they started putting him in more.
>What's the general consensus regarding the suspicious circumstances of his death?The majority thinks that his death was way too suspicious and there are many theories: the failed robbery one, the secret service conspiracy one (this is the most believed one) etc.
>>57341I once suggested to pick up the hair (with gloves of course) and put it in a plastic sachet like the one in the picture, and then put the sachet in their mailbox. But the thought of seriously having to keep around their disgusting pubic hair in a sachet for a while sickens me to oblivion. It would be really funny tho
No. 57440
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>>57439Whoops, I forgot the pic, sorry for doublepost
No. 57486
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Oh man this is MY THREAD
I'm someone that lived in a lot of places due to being a poorfag, moving countries, having family all over the place…Etc. but enough about me, let's talk about crazy neighbours
Back when I was at uni (in the uk) we lived in a house which we shared amongst the four of us. All girls, we all got along and studied similar things. The first signs of malcontent appeared as soon as we moved in, during our housewarming party. Some guys from our course came and said that they saw our neighbour on his doorstep, flashing them with his bathrobe. He had only his white undies on.
From that moment on, whenever we saw him (and that was thankfully rare) we saw him in his underwear. Nevermind that this was getting to be a quite cold winter, he would dilligently stand on the doorstep, staring blankly, only dressed in his underwear.
He also liked to stare at us over the fence (into our garden)and his clothes line only had white underwear and towels (I wish I were making this up)
He seemed to live alone, but we would hear him singing really loudly (and really well!) sporadically (once every few days?)
He wasn't really a neighbour from hell until that one time one of my housemates got up in the morning and looked out into the window (which looked out into our garden) to see underpants man, right outside her window staring blankly
she never left the curtains open at night after that
No. 57487
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>>57486METH MAN
My mum lives in a poor run down estate in the UK. It's not so bad, but it does mean you get a lot of…interesting…people around. One of them being her upstairs neighbour. It all started with the old upstairs neighbour moving out. The previous upstairs neighbour was pretty quiet, he would party sure, but nothing crazy and my mum is pretty chill about noise.
The new guy, as soon as he moved in, began his live of what I can only describe as meth, beating women, screaming obscenities out the window at the top of his lungs at 4 am and playing horrible african rap/disco/god knows what at all hours and all volumes.
Obviously, my mum wasn't the only neighbour concerned. You can only take so many "NO DON'T! LET ME GO!" screamed by a woman at 3 am as he yells about being 'the man'. From what I understand people from all around his flat were calling the cops and noise control. As you can imagine this only enraged him and he stepped things up.
He was now spending most of the day playing very loud music (I'm talking vibration inducing), I can't imagine he had a job with all this time he was spending home, being an obvious drugged up schizophrenic.
The months dragged on, cops kept coming, the council kept saying they're dealing with him, that he's going to court, that he has a mental illness and issues…But the months turned into years, and he remains to this day. He has simmered down a lot lately, because I think the council FINALLY gave him a threatening ultimatum…But he continues to have women (?) over whom he shoves around and beats, he continues to play loud music at 3 am on a workday, and generally being a scary crazy fucker.
I visited my mum recently, and one night (my room was directly below him, it's the guest room) he was doing what I can only describe as posessed chanting (exorcist style) at something ridiculous like 3 am (what is it with him and 3 am?) and repeating over and over again phrases like 'fuck you fuck you' 'god help me' and this went on for a good HOUR.
No. 57490
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So this one's pretty fresh off the press. Let's say I live in france (dun wanna blow my cover hurr) He's technically not my neighbour, but lives opposite of me, in our appartment complex building. I'm still kicking myself that I missed the day it happened because I was out at a friend's place that weekend.
So my old lady neighbour had to tell me what happened…The depressed dude is a neihbour we NEVER see. I'm not very chatty, but I always say hello to people, since it's a small complex, and I politely talk to the old lady that lives next to me (she seems lonely). I take out her rubbish, I try not to be too loud and warn people when I'm having a birthday bash etc etc.
Well, I've NEVER seen this guy, that's how much of a recluse he is. Apparently he used to work in the media (like tv? or photography?) and now he just lives by himself and always stays inside.
Well, this one day, this dude decided to STRIP NAKED AND CUT HIMSLEF ALL OVER HIS BODY WITH A KNIFE. We wouldn't know anything was up had he not then decided he would go to the beach (the beach is like 5 minutes away by foot) So apparently he left a TRAIL OF BLOOD from his door outside. The old lady saw this and flipped out, not knowing if it was really blood, but as old ladies are very nosey, she of course knocked on doors and got everyone curious.
Eventually the concierge was called. She has access to everyone's flats, she knocked on his door and he didn't open or respond (he had come back at this point, when asked wtf he was doing as he was going back into his appartment by one of my neighbours he responded he went to the beach). Keep in mind this dude went to the beach in his underwear, all cut up, although to be fair it was a heatwave day.
She opened the door and he was inside, sitting in a chair at the table, he looked at her and said "Je ne peux plus tenir" (I can't hold on anymore, I can't take this anymore)
The concierge called the ambulance, he got taken away, went to a mental asylum probably, it's been around half a year since the incident, and his name plaque is still on the letterbox. I STILL HAVENT SEEN HIM and nobody knows if he still lives there
I've started to move the mat in front of his door to see if he'd move it back into place, and it keeps getting moved back, so perhaps someone still lives there?
No. 57491
>>57490-some stories of crazy neighbours from my family in eastern europe
I remember this lady from when I was a kid and lived there, she was our neighbour and even though she wasn't that old back then (in her 40s) she was as nosy as the most bitter old hag you can imagine. The whole village was her business, she spent her days sticking her nose in everyone's business and going as far as the next village to gossip (nobody liked her much in our village). She would steal herbs and vegetables from our garden (even though she had a huge field) also our fruits, nuts and even a turkey.
The most messed up thing she ever did was when she was convinced our cock (male chicken hurrrr) was eating all of her potatoes or something ridiculous and untrue like that. She captured it, kept it tied to a pole in her yard by its feet and starved it. Once it was near to dying she brought it to us and showed us why we "should be careful". 8 year old me was freaking out (I mean come on, poor chicken) and my sister's boyfriend at the time (big beefy dude) went fus ro dah on her. He went over to her place and argued (not difficult since she's borderline retarded) and shouted his face off. Threatened to kill her if she touched us. She got so scared she never really bothered us again.
She's the village shithead to this day. Now thanks to modern technology she can take pictures of the village alcoholics and send them to the police. I'm pretty sure the police has all her complaints sent automatically to the shredder by now
No. 57492
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My parents in law have a neighbour that used to be a chemist or something. Has a wife and family…but suffers from some sort of autism. Now that he's retired, all he does is obsess over how his little sleepy town looks. He goes to every meeting, about every building development, and sticks his nose in ridiculous crap like someone on the OTHER SIDE of the town wanting to build a swimming pool in their yard.
He literally made my fiance's parents take down their shed and rebuild it about 50 cm further from the fence, becuse he found some tiny obscure law that it has to be a minimum distance if it's a certain size blah blah
he's also obsessed with the height of their hedge, their trees, that kind of thing
it's weird. I wonder if it's a disorder.
I feel so normal sometimes
No. 57494
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So this one's not so much weird as sad. I lived net to a minicab office in london with my mum looong ago, They were loud sure (it's a freaking office) but nice enough, and they would sell my mum ciggaretes at reduced prices.
Well, one thing that was off was the fact that the man who owned this office was VERY violent with his wife. He would shove her beat her, and make us want to call the cops on them. But it happened pretty rarely, at least at their office (his wife worked for him, not as a driver tho).
They always seemed seedy, it was obvious they were selling cigarretes illegally (hiding them in their desk and not selling them when someone not in on it was in the office). They also got 'robbed' once and all the thieves took kwere their documents but none of their computers(oh how unfortunate! oy vey!) and they seemed very happy after being robbed.
Well, yeaaaars later, I was reading a newspaper for my local area when visiting my mum, and it turns out they BOTH went to prison for tax evasion of something ridiculous like half a million pounds, they had houses in israel etc. that had been seized, they also got fucked for selling cigarettes illegally.
All I'm wondering is if their kids are ok. They were pretty young back then, so they're probably in their early to late teens by now. Must be tough to have both of your parents in prison
No. 57496
>>57494oh yeah and he PUSHED her down the stairs once. She didn't break anything, which is incredible considering that those stairs were long as shit (think victorian factory houses with their long 5 mtres up stairs)
that lady is better off in prison than walking around with black eyes
Domestic violence sucks, and I feel bad we couldn't have done something for her…But beyond calling the cops there's really nothing.
No. 57506
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>>57490This is some horror movie shit wtf
Either you have bad luck or there's something about your presence that makes the crazy come out in people.
No. 57511
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>>57496Holy shit, I read all your stories and they are just full of crazy. Are you sure you don't live in Kurôzu-cho?
No. 57552
I've lived in the same apartment since I was born, in the south of South America. My parents moved here when they married, and I still living with them. It has six floors, I live in the second. Everyone here is really friendly, the neighbourhood is calm too. So, we never had big problems, but well…
>Year 2005, I was 10-11 years old.
>Some guy from Uruguay or Paraguay (I don't remember) moved at the fifth floor
>He was really introverted, never greeted anyone or never tried to make a small chat or even introduced himself
>When someone else did, he answered really quick and leave
>He never left his apartment neither, just for work (and I don't remember how did he make for living either), always at the same hours
>Everyone assumed he was just shy or something, so everyone stopped caring about him
>One day, no one saw him anymore
>Days later, some neighbours (specially from the fourth, fifth and sixth floor) complained about the smell
>It just got worse with the days and no one know what it was
>The landlord didn't even care
>But he cared when this guy didn't pay the rent and didn't respond when he called
>The landlord decided to open the door to confront him
>The guy had killed himself with rat poison
He didn't lived here for more than a year I think. I found it sad because no one cared for his death, he hadn't voicemails (that weren't from work or the landlord), and they didn't even found any familiar or friend to arrange a funeral or something. Old neighbours still talk about this sometimes, it was the only big fuss here.
Also, some almost deaf old woman from the same floor of me from 8 am to 11 pm always had the TV really loud in the same channel. The building had to hear the same programs all the days everyday, and even if we complained, no one could do something about her. We had to bear her until she died two years ago.
No. 57589
I've had a few crazy neighbors over the years, probably won't even remember all of them but here are some of the more memorable ones.
As a kid, we had some new neighbors move in next door. It was just a single mom and her kid - who had the same first name as me. At first we were like "coooollll" and got along well, but as time went on, it turned sour and they started being a total asshole to me. Some interesting info on this kid: they had a speech impediment, like Elmer Fudd, so they'd say their name "Wobin" instead of "Robin". They also had webbd toes… thinking back on it, it's probably because their mother was a total alcoholic and druggie, who overdosed several times and had to have an ambulance come by, once because she was passed out on her porch. We'd hear her yelling and screaming and throwing shit all the time, even though it was just her and her kid. It was pretty bad, considering it was the next house over and we could still hear all this. One day, thankfully, they just moved away.
Another shit neighbor, this one across the street. It was an Albanian woman, her older son from Albania, her husband (a local) and her newer son, had with the local. They were worth years of entertainment. The older son had a huge temper, and was very ALBANIA ALBANIA ALBANIA. Albanian flag painted on the hood of his red sports car and everything, pretty sure he was involved in crime as well, because we'd see shady shit going on all the time, random vehicles at their house all times of day and night, etc.
I was friends with their young son. He was fat - in fact they owned a pizza restaurant so it was no surprse - anyway though, he had a name in the area among the kids. "Ten ton Tony". I had a weird dual relationship, where I'd be friends/friendly with him, but among the other neighborhood kids I'd still call him ten ton Tony and such things behind his back. He was very spoiled and kind of a dick, but still we were able to have some fun. I bumped into him a couple years ago after playing music at a bar - he had lost all his weight, actually wound up being pretty cute. 8/10 in looks I'd say. He recognized me, which was pretty interesting because I look way different compared to back then - he was even being pretty flirtatious and hitting on me - but I digress.
He and I turned to full enemies because of his mother. Total crazy bitch. Once I tossed a large snow boulder on his head (large for a kid, that is). His mom saw it, and freaked out. She ran up, slapped me hard across the face, dragged me home by my ear, and called the cops on me. The cops were pretty annoyed at her, because of how stupid of a call it was. I wish I had known to tell them she slapped me and dragged me by the ear, since that could have gotten her in big trouble. Oh well. After that, we were enemies, and they blamed me for everything that went wrong with them, their son, their house, etc. They started trying to kill my cats while they were out, I think they even succeeded on killing one of them, but they could have just disappeared. Later in the time I lived there, the police would regularly come by their house, taking the older son's girlfriend off in their car. This happened at least 5 times, and after the last one we never saw her again.
There's an interesting neighbor from my current area, now. He's not really "neighbor" in the conventional sense, because the houses are pretty spread out here, but he is right down the road and I see his house on my drive home. All the time, I'll be looking in his window as I drive by, and see him completely naked. Just standing there, right by his window, a man in his 50's, completely naked. Always at night, too. I wonder if he realizes that people can see inside more easily than he can see outside. It happens so much though, that I have to wonder if it's on purpose.
No. 58632
This may be ridiculously unbelievable, but here goes. My neighbors are actually squatting on the property of my previous neighbors, who are recently deceased. The deceased neighbors did not have any family, and I'm not sure what was supposed to happen to their property.
These people just set up this camper almost overnight on their property, took the mans truck, and are now filling the property with stolen junk.
It looks kind of like a shantytown. Just like something you would see in Fallout 4. The weirdest part is that I really don't think that they sleep. At all. At ALL hours of the day and night, you will hear them using circular saws, hammering things, drilling things, partying, and etcetera.
They have actually stolen around half a mile of chain link fence that used to be inbetween our properties, and from the front of my mothers property.
One day when we left to see my brothers military graduation ceremony they stole several things from my moms house. 2 laptops, a tv, and my very expensive sharkfin shears. Unfortunately the police won't do anything because we don't have 'proof' even though we SAW the stolen tv in question on their front porch the day we came home. They basically told us tough titties.
Every day there are around 12 different cars that come in and out of the driveway. All of these are usually in some state of disrepair.
No. 58709
My first apartment was awful. My boyfriend and I moved into a nice area close to a large park and near downtown. The house that we lived in was a early 1900's home that had been separated into apartments, we were the youngest out of four other people. The lady that lived right next to us was beyond nice, she was a mom with two young kids. The people that lived below us were awful, their kids were always crying and the couple constantly fought. Now I'd say they were early twenties with three kids all under 10, a cat, and a dog. Between everyone living there we had three large garbage cans, and one washer/dryer set. This fucking couple would leave their wet clothes in the washer for days the entire washroom smelt of mildew. They would also throw away large items, printers, clothing racks, misc household items. They locked their cat in the washroom one time and the cat peed everywhere, so along with the mildew smell it also smelt like cat pee. One night they got in a very bad fight at around one am or so, the guy slammed their door repeatedly and then sped off only to come back an hour later to yell at his girl more. I now know that you should never rent a place that a multi-family home.
No. 58759
>>58632I'd install a couple of highdef security cameras in case they come back. Calling the nonemergency police number when they're causing a racket at night wouldn't be out of bounds, either.
>>58709Some multifamily homes can be alright. I'm living in a duplex and love my neighbor. I only know she exists since I hear her car door close and her house door close occassionally. I only know she's a she since my landlord said as much when I was looking at the place. We're both such quiet people–I'm sure she doesn't know I exist most of the time, either. Neighbors are just luck of the draw, I'm afraid.