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No. 58505
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No. 58512
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>>58499one less male pretty face in the world :'( :'(
No. 58515
>>58499>>58499Genuinely upsetting. My husband and I woke up to the terrible news. We've always wanted to go to one of his concerts at least but we couldn't find any listing since last year. Now we understand why.
My husband is playing his songs on shuffle and endless loops now.
Good night sweet prince.
No. 58516
>>58515Same. First thing I did was put on a best of David Bowie video on YouTube.
>ch-ch-ch-changes ;__;
No. 58531
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>wake up
>david bowie died
No. 58536
>>58534This. Reminds me of when Micheal Jackson died and everyone was scrambling to call themselves his biggest fan (even though some of these people are the ones who made shitty jokes about him), or when some kid in a class kills himself and classmates who never talked to him once all bawl their eyes out when they hear the news.
People are desperate to be the "saddest" in any given event that warrants it, it's pathetic.
No. 58537
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>>58536You are truly enlightened.
No. 58539
>>58536>>58534Are you guys kidding?
David Bowie singlehandedly rewrote the entire pop scene. He was a genius innovator and extremely talented lyricist and artist.
As a Brit I feel especially saddened. He was one of our true treasures.
No. 58545
>>58536This isn't really happening, though.
Everyone's cheering and saying "woody Allen you're next"
No. 58547
>>58543lol but you are.
Everybody who isn't underageb& is a Bowie fan.
No. 58551
>>58544Most groupies in the 60s and 70s were 13-15. It was incredibly normal for celebrities to fuck young teenagers at the time. That doesn't make it OK. But no one seemed to give a fuck at the time. None of these girls turned around and said "oh, he raped me." I'm sure their parents weren't cool with it and it certainly wouldn't fly now but it was just not unusual and he was hardly the only one to do it. I believe Steven Tyler from Aerosmith took guardianship of a 14 or 15 year old girl so that she could tour/live with him.
I mean this is off topic but ehhh.
No. 58552
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Oh shit. Fuck me. At least he managed to release a great album before he died. And, to be honest, some of the ones before it weren't even that good. I don't think he could have made a great album after this one, either.
No. 58553
>>58551Gosh, it's so creepy to see people rationalizing this kind of shit.
famous people can really get away with anything, can't they?
No. 58559
>>58558It WAS common. It was.
Go back on tumblr for arguments sake cuz you aren't going to get what you want here.
No. 58560
>>58557Nah, what he did was wrong and disgusting and he should have been charged, but his music is still fucking awesome, there's no way around it.
And to say he was a pedophile is probably false (i believe he didn't fancy under 10 year old kids), he raped a teenager. That's not pedophilia, but still gross and wrong of him to do.
No. 58561
>>58559Well it's still shitty even if it was common, I don't get what you are trying to say.
I'm not trying to argue, i just think this post
>>58551 is fucked up.
And I'm not gonna mourn for sick fuck like him.
No. 58562
>>58560Hebephilia, ephebophilia, whatever you want to call it, it still involves fucking children and it's fucked up.
His music has nothing to do with it, he did a disgusting thing to someone and, in relation to that, was something of a disgusting person.
No. 58563
>>58557I included that to implicate other musicians. It was wrong, we realize that now, but it was not unusual at the time. Slavery was wrong, we realize that now, but it was not unusual at the time. Honestly it wasn't even unusual for NON-celebrities to be fucking at age 14. People got married by like 18 at the oldest at the time
Don't wanna derail this anymore than it already has been. It's not OK now. As you will notice, celebrities who fuck 14 year olds now get hung out to dry.
I believe it was Lori Maddox/Lori Lurex who was the 14 year old in question. She still to this day kind of rides on her fame of fucking various rockstars.
But yeah,
>His music has nothing to do with it,So fuck off.
No. 58578
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>>58572>implying he wasn't popular up until his deathk.
please purge these tumblr teens who scream rape when it never happened. why must they try to ruin everything with their misinformation and alarmism?
No. 58584
>>58579So you're just so retarded you still stand by
>This guy didn't do a bad thing, because this other guy did worse things!And you don't even have fan goggles on? Okay.
No. 58587
The lyrics to his new album make a lot more sense in light of his death.
"I've got scars that can't be seen"
"Something happened on the day he died"
"Look up here I'm in heaven"
"I'll be free. Just like that Bluebird
"Where the fuck did monday go?
"The clinic called. The x-ray's fine"
"It’s all gone wrong but on and on. The bitter nerve ends never end. I'm falling down"
"I know something is very wrong
The pulse returns the prodigal sons
The blackout hearts, the flowered news
With skull designs upon my shoes"
Fuck, man.
>>58584>>58585>>58586Both of you need to stfu.
No. 58588
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>>58584you're adorable, anon
No. 58621
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I really hate stupid tumblr-esque posts like this, but it's true:
"If you're feeling sad today, just remember the world is over 4billion years old and you managed to be alive at the same time as David bowie"
RIP, my childhood crush
No. 58634
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Yes, I do want it.
No. 58650
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>>58634I had this gif saved and it was originally what I was going to post but they don't work on mobile. My god. My sweet anon.
No. 58657
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b-but it's CHILD RAPE yoU're ADVOCATING RAPE!! People under the age of 18 haVE NO CONTROL OVER THEIR ACTIONS! VICTIM BLAMING!!!! He miGHT as we ll have PINNED DOWN and SODOMIZED a 6 year old! How can you DEFEND HIM GGAJJxjxkWfkc
scuse me while I search for postss about him and tell the bloggers that THEY'RE TRIGGERING ME!! muh suffering!
No. 58662
>>58522yeah i think it's insane how much he contributed artistically to challenge gender, and that it's stood the test of time. They couldn't begin to lift his balls and they want to talk shit - if any of them were worth something they would contribute more art to outshine him. We all know that will never happen.
And the culture then was entirely different, and 14-15 year olds were expected to do a lot more adult things and had much different expectations back then. Did she ever disclose her age, was he too messed up on drugs to consent himself (probably)? I'm not saying it's ok, but Lori was a groupie and knew what she was doing, I'm sure she lied about her age. Think of her as a really, really old lolcow who never made it.
No. 58697
>>58695The fact that I could guess the ages without knowing who either of those people are is enough.
Try and justify fucking 13 year olds all you want just because your favorite singers did/do it, but you're not going to convince anyone.
No. 58716
>>58711No one was saying that it was okay that Bowie had sex with young teens though? Anons upthread said that it wasn't uncommon back then, not that it wasn't wrong.
>>58657I'd have thought those girls to be in their late teens tbh… The way they dressed/styled themselves made them look a bit older.
No. 58750
>>58741That's funny since I thought the opposite–the one on the left looks more haggard to me (too many years partying hard) while the one on the right still looks a bit fresh faced.
Either way, these girls look like adults to me; I wouldn't have known they were jailbait if others hadn't pointed it out. I don't think anyone sleeping with these two should be called a pedophile; they look plenty old enough to be having sex if they want to. Now, if they were five instead of fifteen? Yes, crucify their older sex partners and call them pedophiles.
No. 58752
>>58750 I forgot to add that body size has nothing to do with age. My older sister (almost 30) amd my aunt (almost 60) both have similar bodies to the girl on the left and always have–they're very petite women. There are many with this body type; I'm sure you know a few, too, if you think about it.
No. 58813
>>58750>fifteenThey were thirteen in those photos, but okay.
"B-But they looked older!" is a pretty well-known rapist's excuse, honestly.
No. 58820
>>58813Gotcha. I have no clue how old they are; I just saw some mention upthread of 13-15–maybe I was imagining it.
On a separate note, are you talking about non consensual sex rape or statutory rape with your last sentence? If they weren't consenting, I don't think age would play a factor at all. As for statutory rape, it is possible that I'm in the minority, but idgaf about a teenager fucking anyone as long as they want to. I had friends who were having sex with older boyfriends when we were twelve–as long as everyone's having a good time, no harm, no foul in my book.
No. 58824
how can anyone accuse him of being a pedo? what do you want him to have done? back then there was not the kind of security they have now, women practically tore the clothes off and hair out of the stars they were obsessed with the moment they got within reach. was he supposed to stop and go "hey young woman who is dressed sluttily, wearing makeup and clawing her way onto my lap, who looks of age and if asked would definitely lie and say she's 18, please stop and prove your age to me before we continue!" he had no way to know the age of anyone he slept with, and fuck man, i would assume anyone going to a concert by themselves and is backstage would be a fucking adult, if they weren't, then their parents are pretty shitty.
and again, groupies back then would go to concerts with the specific intent to have sex with the band. it was like pokemon "gotta catch em all!" they'd fuck as many stars as they could, all for bragging rights. and heeey wouldnt you know, that supposed 14 year old is STILL BRAGGING to this day.
No. 58860
It's not like anybody plied with them with drinks and pinned them down.
Usually I'm massively against this sort of thing but even I admit, it was a different period, people acted differently, especially the girls, and a lot of them were a hell of a lot maturer at 14-15 than I am at 24.
If a girl is attending a concert and being deceptive about her age specifically to have sex with their idol it's not rape you tumblerina grasping SJW fucks.
No. 58868
>>58860When I was that age we would constantly talk about how we wanted to fuck guys. It was mostly either gerard way or zac effron, but I can remember at least of two girls being hot for bowie.
I think its because guys hit puberty later so they don't start looking masculine until 19 at the earliest. I would have picked bowie over any of the slimy tween grommets in school.
No. 58873
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>won't somebody please think of the children!
Get a grip. These girls grew up in Hollywood and would literally stalk up and coming musicians from venue to venue.
They all knew exactly what they were doing and they wanted it, and if the tales are to be believed it sounds like they had an absolute fucking blast.
Imagine an era where you could hit up the town, walk into a club and see your idol casually reclining on a sofa with a few drinks, and it's the most normal thing in the world to just walk up to them, start a conversation, get absolutely blasted together and spend the night in a hotel in a furor of cocaine fuelled lust.
That being said, I have my doubts about Lori's account.
According to her she lost her virginity to David and was back and forth with him for over 10 years, and not a single photograph of them together exists,Lori Maddox being the girl that was photographed virtually every night at some club or other hanging off the arm of some misc. artist.
If Lori did lose her virginity to David when she was 15, well she was one year away from the legal age of consent and Bowie would have been only 24 himself. I'm not splitting hairs over that. I became sexually active when I was 15 myself.
No. 58878
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Let the vile SJW's beat their fists and throw their tantrum over their agenda. The love of Bowie is universal and everybody including the media have already closed ranks. They will not win.
No. 58902
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RIP space daddy
No. 58906
>>58900The most amusing part of this whole debacle is that physically every single on of these girls presented themselves as adult women, so if any of those musicians were attracted to them, it sure as shit wasn't because they were kids.
Not a single one of them acted nor dressed as a child and they were very mature for their age. I sure as shit couldn't stay up all night railing blow, I'd have a drug-induced mental breakdown.
No. 58916
>>58858there is no evidence and she's changed her story a few times. she claims she lost her virginity to him in 1973, yet there are pictures of her hanging out with jimmy page a year before that, and she had a sexual relationship with page that lasted years, yet in her bowie story she claims she met page AFTER being with bowie, yet bowie didn't do an american tour until after she was already photographed partying with page.
she did have sex with rock stars, but there is a decent chance she actually never had sex with bowie at all. her story sounds more like a fucking fanfiction self insert fantasy than anything that could have actually happened. i honestly don't believe it.
No. 58918
another thing i want to say on the subject, just because it just pisses me off so much to see bowie dragged through the mud by sjw scum is:
why is it that tumblr goes on and on about not slut shaming and defending promiscuous women, but the second they find out the girl is under 18 she suddenly goes from a brave, empowered woman, a free spirit in charge of her sexuality and defying society's rules, to a poor, innocent CHILD, coerced, blinded by the patriarchy, and if she has the nerve to be ANYTHING but an emotional wreck with her self worth entirely shattered for the rest of her life then she's in denial and brain washed because no matter how SHE feels about it, she's a VICTIM!! she's been ABUSED!!!
No. 58927
>>58918Because to Tumblrites everybody is either an abuser or a victim; there is no inbetween.
The only other person in the world that could have verified this was Sable Starr, but she's dead now… how convenient for Lori to come out with this after her death.
No. 58928
>>58918It's because Tumblrites are a bunch of stay at home internet addicts who are naive about the real world. I was one too when I was 14-16 but back then most people didn't have laptops and smartphones so my friends would drag me outside.
People in this thread have said that it was "different times" in the 70s, but even when I was a partying teen in the 00s there was no shortage of underage girls at clubs (there's no ID system in the UK) and I think half the girls in my class were dating 20 year olds when they were 16 (pretty common at UK colleges where anyone from 16 to 60 can be in the same class).
No. 58975
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>>58946Not even 20 years ago Anon, Ziggy Stardust US tour was 1972 so it was 44 years ago - 6 years off being half a century.
I saw a beautiful quote the other day though that said to try and remember that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and we have all been lucky enough to have been around in the short bracket whilst David Bowie still lived and walked. I think that's really something special.
Also just try to remember the Labyrinth bulge. It helps me too.
No. 58980
>>58504>shit musicanother contrarian
go back to posting "wow ummm beatles werent even that good" on tumblr you fraud
No. 58996
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>>58656I agree with you. We see no proof AT ALL. I personally think she made the story up for fame (as you said), sounds like another Bill Cosby (don't kill me) to me, but the difference with her is, she's saying she enjoyed it. Tbh I think she's saying that because she knows people would hop up and call him a pedo and feel bad for her, and it worked. I already see Tumblr posts of people saying she doesn't want to see it as rape. Also, she looks older too, I thought she was 18 or 21 in those pictures lol. Found this
No. 58997
>>58990I work retail and one of the songs playing in our current rotation is "Let's Dance"–it's going to hurt for awhile.
I hadn't had a chance to listen to Blackstar yet, but I'm a little apprehensive since then I'll have to face the reality that this is it, this is all that there will ever be, this is the end of his work.
I'm just so goddamn sad, y'all. I always thought it was weird for average people to mourn celebrities when they died, but I am mourning a man I never met. I know he was old, but I always kinda hoped in the back of my heart that he'd go one tour again at some point and I could actually see him live.
No. 59002
>>58990I'm so upset that I didn't get around to listening to Blackstar before his death because now I'm going to immediately recognise each reference within each song as a deathbed epitaph.
I'm honestly not even sure I want to listen to it right now.
I an lying here listening to Pretty Things and Life on Mars on my phone though.
You know, a lot of artists just pump out album after album as a means of financing their lifestyles, but the fact that Bowie left us one last one on his deathbed when he knew that money was worthless to him at this point, it just goes to show how dedicated he was to his art.
What a gift to his fans this is, he must have really struggled to get it out their in time. Thank you David.
No. 59003
>>58997I'm terms of Bowie-years 69 isn't old considering a lot of us in some way believed he was going to live forever.
Maybe he just underwent another transformation and rejoined his race amongst the stars….
No. 59008
>>59002I'm upset about not listening to it earlier for that very reason. I'm really in no hurry to hear it right now.
>>59003I know it sounds ridiculous, but I couldn't imagine him dying–he seemed so much larger than life and so beyond death. I realize that I saw him more as an idol than as a human. I hope he wasn't in a lot of pain.
No. 59011
>>59003 69 isn't horribly short for a musician since so many burn out from drugs and whatnot but it feels like it wasn't enough for a guy like him. As much as this sucks I'm kind of glad he knew about the cancer for a bit and had over a year to figure out what to do with his last work and (probably) the end of his life.
I kind of wish he left something for everyone to read because I'd like to know if he was at least satisfied or had anything important to say. But I guess this is what his last album is for, right?
No. 59018
>>59011Yeah, I mean, considering his enormous coke addiction and the fact that he had like, what, 6 heart attacks in his earlier days? It really is a miracle he made it this far.
I know that apparently he penned done personal letters to close friends that didn't know about his condition in his final days.
Maybe in a few days a final farewell to his fans will be released? I'm gonna keep an eye out on his website.
No. 59020
>>59018He had a heart attack on tour in 2004 which is what lead to him becoming a recluse. The other 5 are rumours of more he had over the last ten years.
I bet he was a lot sicker than he let on. His wife has her own businesses and does red carpets and social media but David stopped appearing with her years ago. He only ever appeared when he had to like his son's premier or the premier of a musical about him.
I think if he had died in 2012 people wouldn't have been surprised but since he had a comeback people forgot about all the health rumours.
No. 59021
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I still suspect that he may have gone out via means of assisted suicide.
I mean he died exactly 2 days after his birthday and 3 days after his final album was released, and that lyric in Girl Loves Me, "Where the fuck did Monday go?", when he died on a Sunday has me scratching my head.
Maybe he eventually succumbed to cancer or maybe he decided to go out when it was becoming to painful and exhaustive to bear. idk. I kind of hope he did because at least then it was on his own terms.
No. 59022
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I'm still fucking raging over what that cunt-faced cum-guzzling whore Charms tweeted.
No. 59029
>>59027I'm honestly kind of surprised she's hopping on that bandwagon.
I mean, it doesn't surprise me that she's a SJW cunt, I've always known that, but don't most goths admire David Bowie?
I mean, Bauhaus were
very heavily influenced by him.
No. 59034
>>59033Bowie was massive in Japan and the designer of a lot of his clothes was a Japanese guy. The suit in
>>58878 is meant to be a take on samurai clothes.
tl;dr Bowie was most likely a huge influence on Visual Kei.
No. 59039
>Emilie AutumnAh, say no more, anon. Jesus fucking christ, I didn't know any fans of Emilie Autumn were actually grown fucking adults.
So she's a grown mallgoth, a la Suzy.
>>59034I'm sure there are plenty of things Charms likes that he had an influence on, but as the other anon mentioned, given the fact she's all about instant gratification, I doubt she's ever bothered to look into anything she's interested in enough to realize that.
No. 59043
Apparently it was incurable liver cancer that got him. I can't imagine how his wife and 15 y/o must be feeling rn ;_;
No. 59077
>>59072China Girl isn't even racist. The language is un-PC (just like "Jap" in Ziggy Stardust and Ashes to Ashes) but that's not the same as actually being racist. Plus it was apparently written by Iggy anyway and Bowie dated the Asian women in the music video for a while as well.
You would think that Tumblr would love Bowie. He was gender bending since it was literally dangerous. He was married to a black woman. He campaigned for black artists on 80s MTV. He campaigned for Aboriginals when he lived in Australia.
But no, they'd rather hate him because of old fashioned language and rumours from a groupie. I think it shows that Tumblr doesn't give a shit about actual change and just wants to be edgy teenage contrarians.
No. 59081
>>59077ikr? You'd think they'd be sucking his cock. It all goes back to tumblrinas taking everything out of context and not recognizing how progressive and revolutionary some stuff was decades ago–they can only see imperfections viewed from a modern lens. I would feel bad for them except then they proceed to drag decent persons' names through the mud without much independent thought or research.
>>59072lol, okay why do they think he's a secret Nazi worshipper?
>>59073He really did. It was masterfully and artfully planned–style to the very end. RIP Bowie.
No. 59092
>>59087Nazis were aesthetic as fuck tbh
Isn't nazi stuff cool in Japan in some subcultures?
No. 59095
>>59092The aesthetic is popular (or once was popular) among at least some Chinese and Japanese people.
While I think the Nazi party committed great crimes against humanity, I gotta admit that their uniforms were sexy as fuck. It makes me legit sad that anything similar looking gets one labelled as a sympathizer. I love military/naval/sailor inspired wear and the SS uniforms are beautiful, taboo inspirations.
No. 59104
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i can't even post about bowie's death on tumblr or twitter without getting called a dirty rape apologist :^)
i honestly had an anxiety attack yesterday from how people were comparing the man who got me through an abusive childhood and some fucked up health problems to a pedophile. do these pieces of shit not realise… how heavy the connotation of pedophile and rapist is?
No. 59108
>>59106i basically deleted a bunch of retweets and posts i made so they wouldn't lynch me at the tree. and they're cool people i considered my friends. but because he's some pasty lizard king white guy, it's ok to be acting like this.
tfw people you know whom you thought were chill turn into social justice keyboard warriors who circle jerk
No. 59113
>>59111No need to apologize. I was pretty sure you were just repeating something, but wanted to make sure you knew they were two separate individuals if you'd been misinformed.
I'm not shocked to hear that tumblrites haven't got their facts straight before they vilify someone.
No. 59136
>>59097Not according to Tumblr you can't.
Anyway, weren't the Nazi uniforms actually personally designed by Hugo Boss?
No. 59146
>>59136Yeah, exactly.
Hitler was one of the worst human beings to ever walk this Earth, but if you forget about the Nazi aspect for a minute, on its own, aesthetically, the uniform was pretty great. It's a shame they were donned by such fucking lunatics.
No. 59150
>>59146As bad as the Nazi's were, I have heard that equally horrific acts were committed by the Russian Red Army that "liberated" the surrounding peoples.
Mass rape of German women and children and even victims of the Nazi's suffered the same fate, a lot of which was conducted in front of male families as a form of humiliation.
That and I have my doubts about the full scale of the holocaust as it's been proven now that the 9 gorillion is a massively inflated lie.
I guess the victors really do decide history.
No. 59163
>>59150Both sides commit horrific acts during war. Luckily the internet is making objective information easier to find.
My grandmother was a young girl on a Belarus farm during WWII. Funnily enough, she always tells us how handsome, polite and clean the German soldiers who occupied her family's farmhouse were, even though my grandmother's family was forced to continue working the land and provide supplies. When the land was reconquered by Russians, Rus soldiers practically turned her house house into a garbage dump and treated her family like little more than slaves. It's never black and white~
No. 59167
>>59150I heard about the Red Army Rapes too. There were also hundreds of rapes in France committed by American soldiers during their liberation. I expect there other incidences of rapes during liberations too.
Obviously nobody wants to mention stuff like that in history because they like the winners to look like the good guys so it seems like everything worked out perfectly.
No. 59180
Below is an account from the Luftwaffe pilot Erich Hartmann. It's a pretty difficult read:
>half-drunk Red Army soldiers, armed with rifles and machine guns, made unarmed Germans stand in rows. Other Russians forced women and girls to lie on the ground, tore off their clothes and began raping them. The male Germans could only silently clench their fists. U.S. soldiers from their truck looked on at all this with eyes wide open. It seemed that they were simply paralyzed by the spectacle.
>when two young German girls, stripped naked, shouting all the time rushed to the truck and in desperation began to climb on it the American guards pulled them up. The Russians did not like this. Firing wildly into the air and shouting, they rushed to the American truck.
>The U.S. soldiers quickly readied their guns, and the truck raced away across the road. When it had disappeared, the Russian soldiers attacked the German women again. A young German woman, a little over thirty, mother of a 12-year-old girl, knelt at the feet of a Russian corporal and prayed to God that the Soviet soldiers take her, and not the girl. But her prayers went unanswered. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she kept praying. The Russian corporal walked away from the woman, his face contorted into a mocking grin. One of the soldiers hit the woman on the face with his boot. "Damned fascist pig!", he yelled. The young mother fell on her back. The soldier who had hit her, shot her in the head and killed her.
>the Russians seized all the German women who were visible. The little daughter of the murdered woman was dragged behind a tank by the killer of her mother. He was joined by other Russians. For half an hour rang out wild screams and moans. Then, completely naked, the girl, unable to stand on his feet, crept back. However, in the overall picture of the atrocities, the suffering of the girl was not anything special. The helpless German men tried to persuade the Russian guards to allow them to help the girl. Rifle at the ready, the Russian allowed a German medic to attend to the girl. An hour later she died, and her last sobs burned the hearts of Hartmann and his soldiers.
>8 and 9-year-old girls were being repeatedly raped mercilessly by a brutalized Russian military. They showed no other feelings other than hatred and lust. Until all the monsters had satisfied themselves amongst the wild screams and wailing of women, Erich and his soldiers were under the muzzles of guns. >spattered with blood, the Russian, lust satisfied, took over the covering of German soldiers.
>mothers tried to protect their daughters, but they were beaten unconscious and dragged to the side, and then raped in that state. Even though Eric was a battle-hardened pilot, who had fought in hundreds of missions and who had received many wounds was struck in the heart by what he saw. By a superhuman effort of will he fought down an attack of vomiting. Such an orgy just could not go on for long. Lust was sated, and began to appear the first signs of pity. Sometimes smiling, sometimes indifferent, sometimes a little depressed, Russian soldiers returned the women and girls. Those who were dragged away from the truck, nobody saw them again. Others fell unconscious in the arms of shaken fathers and husbands.
>the Germans were herded into a makeshift camp in a meadow. They were allowed to go to the lake to wash and wash clothes. Then around the meadow was built a ring of 30 tanks to organize security for the night.
>Russian soldiers came again and again to the German women. The violence continued throughout the night, and stopped just before dawn. Women stumbled back, like broken dolls, after the Russian had satisfied themselves.
>sodiers of JG-52 Squadron, which served E. Hartmann, had to make hard choices, and many of them made it. >when the first rays of the sun fell on the meadow surrounded by tanks, many Germans did not rise. Those who woke up, found themselves in a terrible realm of death, which was etched in red-hot iron in their memories forever. When Eric woke up, he saw a German sergeant with his wife and daughter lying beside him. >the sergeant's wife quietly cut the veins of her hands with a homemade knife. Then he just killed his 11-year-old daughter, and then cut his own vein . Life slowly went away from them, while Eric lay nearby watching. Other men strangled their wives and daughters and then hanged themselves on the sides of trucks. They preferred to die slowly and painfully. Erich began quietly talking to himself, to overcome the terrible effects of the bloody scenes in the mind. "You must live, Erich. You must survive to tell others about what happened. You can never forget what happens when man falls below any animal".
No. 59249
>>59239ilu, anon. Back to Bowie!
Heroes is one of my favorite songs, too. Here's my favorite live recording of it. David Bowie was so goddamn likeable.
No. 59258
Here's the song that started my obsession. I love how he is so clearly enjoying himself during this performance. Thank god for youtube–without it I wouldn't've ever seen so many of my favorite artists performing.
>>59254Love it!
>>59256So true. I'm about to look for a good vid for Ashes to Ashes. Looking forward to listening to all of Blackstar, but I'm one of the anons upthread for whom it's too soon.
No. 59259
>>59257Fucking love you, anon. Seriously.
For people unfamiliar with Bowie's works, listen to these three songs opposite the order we posted them in, haha:
>>59258>>59257>>59256 No. 59261
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Gods he was beautiful wasn't he?
No. 59264
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No. 59265
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No. 59266
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No. 59267
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No. 59268
1980 Floor Show of my favorite performances
No. 59270
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>tfw you will never be an underageb& baby groupie getting ploughed by David Bowie in the Roaring 70's before AIDS and CCTV and TTIP
No. 59271
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No. 59277
Obligatory Labyrinth song.
>>59261I've always found him outrageously attractive.
>>59268Based anon. I'll have to watch that tomorrow when I can watch it straight through.
Just so you know, you can put the youtube link into a box under the "File" box of the comment section and the youtube vid will poulate within the comment itself instead of just as a link.
>>59270On one hand, you are bringing up things best left alone considering the shit this thread's already been through. On the other, I actually completely agree with this sentiment–I would've been all over Bowie back when I was in high school nevermind the age difference; if I'd been a teen back in the '70s and had a chance to have sex with him I would've jumped at it.
No. 59278
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>>59277Oh absolutely.
I want born until 1991 but even so, I still remember growing up before the corruption of the internet and the ever watchful gaze of CCTV.
These days it's like you can't do anything without being watched, recorded or uploaded to done site, but back then it seemed like everybody got away with fucking murder.
Like Lori Maddox said that she got started after meeting Sable Starr and then waiting for her mother to start her night shift at work, getting all done up in their glam-rock threads, makeup, gallons of hairspray, and then sneaking off to the Sunset Strip to see which rockstars they could find.
It sounds magnificent. Can you even imagine? CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE.
I don't even usually like men but Bowie had that kind of androgynous sensuality that really drew me in and apparently he was quite the sensitive soul.
Typing in past tense like this is breaking my heart…
No. 59279
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Moar Ziggy.
No. 59280
Sharing this vid not so much for the music, but for the showmanship and wtfuckery.
>>59278Yeah, I was born in '88 and seriously the world has changed SO MUCH since we were kids, nevermind how the world was a couple decades before.
Very few guys do anything for me, either, but Bowie was so goddamn hot. He had such a prescence.
(I'm a little in denial that he's gone. Intellectually I know he's no longer here, but emotionally I still can't conceive of a world without him in it. I wish we could've been sharing happy Bowie vids/pics under kinder circumstances.)
No. 59287
If you've never seen it then Soulwax's "Dave" is worth a watch.
Basically it's an hour long Bowie mix (no remixes or anything, just normal songs mixed together) accompanied by an original hour long music video. The video stars model Hannelore Knuts as a time travelling Bowie meeting his past personas and recreating album covers. If you know Bowie's covers then it's a lot of fun guessing what's coming up next.
Them embedded video is the one minute trailer from YouTube, the full video is on Vimeo: video's aspect ratio is 1:1 on purpose. It's part of Soulwax's second Radio Soulwax (Under the Covers) series and is meant to be album covers (which are square) brought to life.
No. 59478
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I fucking hate Tumblr.
Why can't people drag celebrities while their still alive instead of the day of their death?
No. 59481
>>59478Cos if it's a guy who was loved and celebrated then he must be thrown down with offences and other negative bs. But if it's a woman… NOPE
No. 59608
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No. 60913
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>>60902Oh that's definitely Klaus Nomi inspired though.
No. 61393
LOL his voice sucks so hard! Bowiefantards think he was the star of the song under pressure but David Bowie was in this song the unnecessary rapper they add in songs. I guess queen in order to stay popular needed some features with other artists & I dont blame them tbh as David Bowie was indeed the best candidate seeing Bowie was whoring/lady gagaing around with this space shit (the song was in the album hot space)
Also, I admit he has one good song (space oddity). I just had to get this out of my chest but keep in mind that the moment Madonna dies we will remember her as an icon. And she btw also has a beautiful song (this used to be my playground).
Suck my vagina you ugly lolita whores
No. 61498
>>60921I just finished watching the documentary–thank you so much for suggesting it! Not ashamed to say I teared up a bit; I just wish things had been better for Nomi; I can't imagine how frightened and alone he must've felt at the end.
(Here's a link if anyone else wants to see it. Apparently Bowie's SNL costume was based off a 1930s vaudeville costume.)
>>61393You have an interesting way of looking at the world. I'm sure the fans who think Bowie's the "star" of Under Pressure are in the minority and Madonna is certainly a living icon.
No. 61535
>>61519Honestly I don't care for much of her music from this millennium. At least the song you linked has a good dance beat going for it, but I'd be good if I never heard it again for the rest of my life.
Out of curiosity, which music artists do you like?
Tangentially related, here's a tribute performance by Madonna for Bowie. She seems drunk and I'm glad I didn't pay to see that show, but at least she seems sincere.
No. 61596
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>>61498Glad you enjoyed my recommendation! I teared up a little too, what a unique personality and it's so sad how he went.
No. 61601
>>58512The Thin White Duke was his best era. The slicked back hair and suits.
Although, he was attractive up until the end.
No. 62557
>>60902The Man Who Sold The World was the best performance from that SNL appearance but it was far from the weirdest.
1) The Man Who Sold the World in that plastic tuxedo
2) TVC15 in a woman's suit
3) Boys Keep Swinging with bizarre special effects
Here's #2 and #3: