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No. 5872
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As of 2012, pic related is what he looks like. He is a professional photographer now. No. 5891
>>5870I agree, even though I was one of those bitches, haha.
I think many girls just see the hair and automatically assume the guy is hot. I've seen some ugly as fuck guys with that hairstyle get girls. Hell, I've seen some ugly as fuck guys with bad hair trying to do that style get girls fawning over them. There's one yter who has naturally super curly light blond hair, he dyes it black and badly straightens it(it's a huge mess omfg), and he gets girls obsessing over him. It's fucking weird.
No. 5972
>>5960me too.
>>5966I think for a lot of people it was since my friends and I knew nothing at all about him in the scene days, all we knew was his name and face, but still worshiped him. Though it could just be because my friends and I were like 11-13 in the scene days.
No. 5975
totally remember this guy. i'm glad he gave up the whole aesthetic.
was anyone else a huge scene kid in middle school?
i was obsessed with my chemical romance and wrote fanfiction about gerard way and frank iero.. i wore shitty coontail extensions and trashed my hair teasing it and knew EVERY SINGLE scene queen and king.. I used their pictures for my roleplaying characters on various (harry potter lololol) forums. . .
Thank god the internet records of my various cringeworthy shenanigans are buried so deeply in the time capsule of the web that I can't even find them anymore. I'm still embarrassed of myself.
blast from the past for my fellow scene rats: No. 5978
>>5975Yeah, I was. Something I'd never want to look back on now.
All those dudes look the same
No. 5979
>>5975I wasn't exactly a scene kid, I was more a scene wannabe kid because my parents wouldn't buy me all the clothes, let me have the hairstyle, and let me wear makeup. I dressed like a "prep"(aka hollister/american eagle/etc) in middle school but I felt so emo/hardcore bc I wore skinny jeans, had an mcr shirt, and a studded belt.
But omfg, I was obsessed with mcr too. I also really loved Hawthorne Heights. I recently rewatched the video for Ohio is for Lovers and cringed so fucking hard.
I also used to have tons of those cringeworthy special snowflake icons on my myspace page. And I remember my old aim username was something like RaWrImAlIoN, lmao.
I never really wrote fanfic but I did once write one, it was a Twilight one and it was about Edward having sex with Bella and getting her pregnant after a concert even though I was only 14 and knew nothing about either. I think my mom found it when she was cleaning my room once since I wrote it in a notebook, lmao.
No. 5993
I remember Alex Evans, I used to think he was kinda cute and I knew people reposted his pics a lot, but I never knew he had such a following worshipping him. I just remember seeing a lot of people using his pics in their ~dark and edgy~ HP fanfiction lol.
>>5979I was also a bit of a scene/emo wannabe. I bought my clothes at Hot Topic and Zumiez, and took sceney selfies with my dad's webcam in his basement office kek. I never really tried too hard, parents wouldn't let my dye my hair or get piercings or anything, plus I'm not white so I felt I didn't fit the aesthetic, and I was kinda chubby so I couldn't be the token skinny brown scene girl. Plus seeing all the people do scene badly made it feel like it wasn't worth it.
So I turned to the world of fujoshism and wrote shitty emo Naruto one-shot fanfiction, what were they called? the ones with song lyrics pasted in them, songfics? I used shitty tweencore bands like Hellogoodbye and Cute is what we aim for. I think.
Also, I was surprised to learn recently that scene is still around. Last time I saw my boyfriend's 14 year old little sister a few months ago, she had bright blue hair, racoon eye make up, those candy-bead/raver bead bracelets up to her elbows, etc. I guess the following isn't as big anymore? I saw her again this weekend and she seems to have become a born again christian, going to church with her mum and wearing jean skirts and shopping at Garbage.
No. 5998
>>5993At least we both dodged bullets since we didn't go full scene. I feel like I would look even worse scene if I went full scene/emo.
Yeah, they're called songfics. I used to love Hellogoodbye as well. Did you ever listen to The Academy Is… and Cobra Starship? I used to think I was going to marry William and Gabe from those bands.
Me too, I went to my cousins house 3 years ago and all of her friends were scene/emo. Literally, the first day, a girl who knows my cousin came up to us and was showing off cuts she made on her stomach. And I know a girl that I went to school with who still is scene/emo. One time she was talking shit about me and my 14 year old little sister messaged her on fb saying that she had no room to talk bc she's still scene in 2014. After that she went on the typical scene/emo rant on how everyone needs to stop labeling people and labels r 4 soup cans!!!1!!! lol
No. 6004
>>5998Haha, yeah. I think back on this time now and am so glad I never went all in. It would have been horrible.
I LOVED The Academy Is… ahaha. I got into Cobra Starship a bit after that phase, but I still thought Gabe was hot and ttly wanted to bang him. Jeez, all of this cringey nostalgia.
>showing off cuts she made on her stomachEw. I started getting out of the totally depressed emo phase when I was talking about how sad I was to my middle school BFF and she ended up starting to cut herself (lightly) with steak knives… That's still something I feel really bad about, I think if I was a normal kid she wouldn't have done that.
>labels r 4 soup cansoh my god. I hated that line. And scenesters were the first to label people like preps and jocks too, fuck those guys.
No. 6006
>>6004Part of me wants to listen to those bands now, but I feel like so many cringey memories will come back to me. I decided to look at pictures of Gabe again, and I don't really know what I saw of him, he's pretty average and a little douchey looking.
It was really disturbing because she sounded excited to share having cuts on her stomach. Awww, anon, I'm sorry. I'm sure it's all fine with your middle school friend. If you're worried about her having a cutting habit, I used to lightly scratch my skin, but it never turned into a habit bc I was too pussy to actually cut. I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm not very good with comforting people.
Me too. That same girl was literally talking shit about how weird I was, and I think she even said "I guess I'm just weird," after that rant.
No. 6008
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>>5979same. I was 12 during the scene golden age, and remember trying to put together as much makeup and hellokitty shit as I owned, and I ended up looking exactly like Jessi Slaughter.
No. 6012
>>6006When you mentioned it, I watched the video for The City is at War by Cobra Starship… ugh. I can see why I liked it, it's catchy as hell but, ugh. Also seconding Gabe he looks so average to me now, but back then he was "so hot I could die" lmao.
Nah, you're not rude. I fell out of touch with her after middle school, but she seems to be doing better now. I don't think it would really be considered "cutting" since they were never very deep since she was using dullish steak knives. How old is your cousin's friend? Since cutting yourself and being excited to show it off sounds like something a lame 12 year old trying to be cool would do.
No. 6018
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>>6017I associate scene with pic related.
No. 6022
>>6018Yeah me too. Massive hair was definitely a sign of scene.
But of the bands mentioned so far:
MCR = the definition of emo in the second half of the 2000s (first half emo was basically identical to indie)
The Academy Is = never heard of them but they look like typical scruffy haired indie kids. Sound like pop rock though.
Cobra Starship = also never heard of them but they also look indie. However they are that kind of dance pop rock that scene kids liked.
The thing about scene is that it didn't actually exist musically other than a few super shit MySpace bands. Bands considered "scene" were just bands from other subcultures that scene kids happened to like. It was basically just a fashion trend by little kids which was why you never actually saw it out in the wild.
No. 6024
>>6023because they sold out, bro.
(saying this as a die hard fan, btw.)
have you checked out death spells tho? pretty down with it myself actually.
Scene was a mistake.. sometimes I will be at the mall and see little scene kids with their band shirts and carefully coiffed neon hair and just chuckle to myself, remembering when I looked exactly the same.
I guess I was just looking for a way to express myself. Even though I grew up in a middle class family, I was reeling with internalized self-hate from childhood abuse and thought that bands, comics and edgy clothing spoke to me in a way that ~no one else could.~
Tbh though, looking back, I really wish I would have just dressed like a normal person and focused more on my studies. Ah, but the things we would do if we could go back and re live our life, knowing the things we know now. . .
I'm sorry guys, I'm being a nostalgia fag. I'm disappointed by my 'scene' years but they did help me branch out into the (admittedly shitty) person I am today. I think discovering Lolita and becoming a weeaboo was another downfall of myself that helped me become a more well-rounded person. I guess we all need to get into some dumb shit and grow out of it to figure ourselves out. The only problem is when you don't grow out of it.
No. 6031
I only ever regret cutting off all my long, long brown curly hair and getting it straightened/layered to fit in with the crowd. Seriously, I'm regrowing my hair, two years now and it's only at collar bone length.. Totally wish I never got into that shitty trend.
No. 6037
>>6012I agree, they are really catchy, they aren't that bad imo, but nothing I would really want to listen to now. And same here with thinking Gabe was incredibly hot.
She was 16 or 17, she seemed to have a ton of issues though. She was annoying, RaNdUmB, white trash, and a huge cunt to everyone so I didn't really care. She looked exactly like this
>>6018 but with thinner, shorter hair and her hair was completely black.
>>6014It's really disturbing, I think a lot of these kids just see it as a joke or something that's funny. That's how I saw it when I found Hollywood Undead at 11.
>>6023Same here and ehh, the new shit is okay, but it's nothing I'd really listen to often. I'd say the same with the other bands here that I used to obsess over
>>6022>>6031That sounds a little odd that it's been 2 years and at collar bone length. My hair doesn't grow that fast, I shaved one side of my head like 2 years ago and it's already at boob length. Although, it would've been longer if I hadn't cut off like 4 inches of damage off of it. I think Kota even said her hair took 2 years to grow after the scene days. Do you take any sort of vitamins for hair growth like biotin? I'd recommend that, if you don't have the money for it/don't want to get it, Ovaltine has biotin in it.
Sorry for being really ot.
No. 6048
>>6037Hey, hair girl here.
Sorry! My hair was still straight! I'm 21 now! I first had my hair scene at 14 and it was layered until I was 17 but when I was 18 I cut it off! I sported this pixie cut for a few months then cut off straight old ends and now just re-growing my hair. I'm mixed, hair is a bit different compared to caucasian and asian but its getting longer now! In my second year and its at my collar bone! :) so it is growing!!!
No. 6253
>>6251Sometimes, I used to think they said they were gay just for attention tbh. I mean it was the emo kid trend to state you were 'bisexual' on your myspace.
"im bi <3333"
Girls who liked guys and would be like "i like girls but only kissing no smexxx"
and guys who would be like "im bi but i like guys more"
No. 6281
>>6251>>6279I'm a gay guy who adores that style and I feel ashamed of myself for liking it. But oh man, it's adorable. Then again I was always into the bishounen types.
>There are zero cute guys where a live, all the guys dress like fucking faggots. That or they're fat. I seem to remember there being a lot of cute guys in HS, then when college started, they all got ugly as fuck. What happened?I have a half-assed theory that probably doesn't belong on this site, but the tl;dr is "everything goes in circles." The 00s were corny but they had some distinguishing characteristics. But I'm glad other people notice these things.
>>6264As far as I know he was always straight.
No. 6286
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>remembers his myspace days
No. 6294
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>>6284>emo is coolPlease stop now.
No. 6295
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Hey here's some nogstalgia for any former mcr fanweebs
They are so little and cute. This brings back so many fan fiction memories. cringe
No. 6297
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another massive ex scenefag reporting. I got pretty "famous" on bebo with my terrible photoshop, "vanity" groups and by making skins for peoples profiles. I was such a horrible self entitled little brat back then. The main reason I don't judge dakota for her past actions tbh.
No. 6305
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>>6297Bruh, everything about this was the ultimate recipe for being internet famous back in the day. Teenage white girl with chopped up blonde scene hair and raccoon makeup.
I remember a girl that people called Billy Babydoll, who I'm pretty sure
nobody knew who she really was. Her pictures were just paraded around like crazy, but the real girl never popped up. I think her real name was Jasmine. That's how easy people could have gotten popular with nothing but hair and makeup, you didn't have to do anything else.
No. 6308
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>>6297Is that other girl in the picture your sister? I remember seeing those pictures.
It's funny how far a good camera and horrible hair and makeup could take you back in those days.
No. 6328
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>>6308Oh fuck, that lamp. I remember posing next to random shit too as long as it was colourful and xD SO rAnDuM xD. At one point I even went to the dollar store and bought a shitload of rainbow hair clips and colourful kids toys because I thought they'd make *~EPIC~* props for my "photoshoots", top kek.
I also remember believing that Alex Evans was the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life and the shooped eyes completely flew past my 12-13 year old mind. Yikes.
No. 6333
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>>6328The girl in your pic, Izzy Murder is/was so pretty.
Can't believe she's married and has a kid now.