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No. 5911
>>5907>In Japan, once you hit mid-twenties you're pretty much too old to find a boyfriend. They say you're like a Christmas cake: no one wants you after the twenty-fifth. That's really not true anymore. But it also wasn't really the point of this thread so whatever.
I see a lot of people on these boards giving girls (pretty much everyone over 21/22) shit for "still" being interested in lolita/anime/aidoru shit and I don't get it. Are the people who think that younger than 20? Have they never had something they were "supposed" to grow out of by a certain age but didn't? Not to mention the interests you find in your 20s tend to stick a bit longer than before then.
I dunno, I want to see what some of the people who feel like there really is an age limit think and why.
No. 5942
Personally, I think Taylor can pull cutesy looks off but without the PS and silly poses, it looks better. But I think she should lean more towards a mature version of cute? So, peter pan collars, knee length or above knee skirts and cute ankle boots… Headbands and boyfriends coats with a cute handbag! That to me sounds is better.
But the school girl outfits, tiny tartan skirts and animal stockings is a bit much. I think its adorable! She has good legs and should show them off but there will be a day where I think she'll say… Nah.
If this is just a fad or something, it'll die eventually. If she doesn't that popular. Hopefully she'll just revert to a refined style. It's all a bit pointless in my eyes really…
I mean look at Tsubasa Masuwaka, she's older than Taylor by a couple of years, a mother and pulls the cute look off well! But I think even she'll narrow it down eventually.
I don't think there is anything wrong with being cutesy in your twenties, if you nail it right and don't run around pretending to be animu then it's fine.
But once you hit your thirties.. I'd be a bit concerned about a thirty year old woman talking, dressing and acting like she was a ten year old little girl.
No. 5953
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>>5942>Personally, I think Taylor can pull cutesy looks off but without the PS and silly poses, it looks better. But I think she should lean more towards a mature version of cute? So, peter pan collars, knee length or above knee skirts and cute ankle boots… Headbands and boyfriends coats with a cute handbag! That to me sounds is better.I think she should do that as well. I think she can pull off cutesy, like the look in this pic, but not really kawaii. She doesn't look old at all, but she looks too much like an adult, especially with her body, and I think kawaii looks better on shorter, younger looking people. With the kawaii look she's going for, she just looks like a grown woman trying hard to be a toddler, while with the look in this picture she looks like she could be 20, maybe even younger than that.
No. 5962
>>5959I love Taylor Swift's style as well! I think TSwift's style would work perfectly on Taylor since they both have the same body type. I'm surprised Taylor doesn't use her as inspo because she seems to be a huge fan of hers since she used a lot of her music in older videos.
She can do what she wants, but I do hope she does get bored of this style, she's wasting so much potential trying to be a kawaii baby.
No. 5963
>>5962Exactly! Dammit they have the same name! I don't get it either, they're both tall and slender with pretty faces! I'm just.. surprised.
I just hope something good comes out of this ;/
No. 5964
>>5962Thinking about it, maybe she will get bored of it. I don't think Taylor is really into the style itself, since she seems to switch styles quite often, one day she's all hipster/edgier style, the next she's dressed feminine, and then she goes back to trying to be a toddler. I think she's just having a quarter-life crisis much like pt is, both of them went ott with being kawaii the second they hit their late 20's. Taylor's is completely ashamed of age, I think she even went as far to block people who wished her a happy birthday.
>>5963Me too anon, I really hope she doesn't fuck with her face anymore, what she did get done wears off/is reversible, and she snaps out of this soon. She could just be trying to be young while she can before she turns 30.
No. 5968
>>5964I know this is a really weird thought… But do you think anyone will actually try and be "kawaii" when they're an old lady?
No. 5971
>>5968I could honestly see pt doing that. I believe she did say something about staying kawaii even after 30 in one of the chats? She's just beginning to shine~
No. 5996
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>>5968I'd love to see kawaii outfits adapted for someone in their 80's to wear. Or at least just cute outfits.
No. 6001
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No. 6057
Um, I just found this woman posting on kota's tag on tumblr and tweeting Kiki.>mergirl1973>1973Does this mean she's a 42 year old weeb/Kota clone?
No. 6062
>>6057She makes videos as well: honestly doesn't look bad at all for her age, I was expecting her to look awful without the filters/lighting/blur. But the kawaii makeup/fashion is super unflattering (granted that makeup looks awful on everyone) and ages her a lot.
No. 6082
>>6057>i love japanese animation one day ill go to Japan \(^o^)/I expect this from a 14 year old weeb. A 42 year old woman should have a stable job by now where she can come up with the money for this without making it sound like a kiddie dream on twitter.
I guess this is the equivalent of those people in their 40's who are just becoming punk rock, because they never got a chance to do it in their teens. I'm fucking terrified of this, so I'm making sure to experiment the fuck out of my style and look while I'm still in my early 20's, so when I'm a 40 businesswoman/mom I'm not gonna get the urge to become a kawaii lolita.
No. 6091
Her instagram says
>Hi I'm 20 years old I love Japan it's my dream one day I will go there older videos from 10 months ago definitely show a woman in her 40's. Not that I believed she was 20 for a second.. but damn, way to shave off two decades.
No. 6092
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No. 6097
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Her old username + shoop comparison.
No. 6100
>>6092>>6095oh my god so sad.
she couldn't pick a more believable age? but she really looks in her late 30s at the youngest without shoop.
No. 6102
She's not very good at hiding her tracks. I've found about 4 accounts of hers already with either the birth year, or her real age on it, and I've probably spent 7 minutes digging.'s making a web of small petty lies. Like on twitter she said a new ash blonde dye is close to her natural color, when she's obviously the dark hair+dark eyes+olive skin type. Internet fantasty-life fabrications are fascinating, but this one's a pretty sad case.
No. 6112
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No. 6114
>>6112I don't get this….
she was so weirdly open about her age and birth year just a few months ago, literally putting it everywhere. and then one day she just wakes up and decides to turn into a kawaii doll half her real age.
No. 6120
>>6095I fucked up, she said
the brothers who love to annoy
each other. Sorry about that.
>>6107I think they may be her kids, in one picture she refers to one kid as her own by saying "My (insert name here)." Plus, judging by her body, she definitely looks like she's had kids.
No. 6142
>>6141I agree, I also think when you're out of middle/high school it's much easier to be creative with your look because kids will make fun of you for dressing in anything that's even a tiny bit out of the norm. Like once in middle school, kids ridiculed me just for wearing purple pants.
Don't get me wrong, people will still be assholes to you about your fashion, but in my experience, you get much less of it when you're out of middle/high school.
No. 6143
>>6141This is pretty much how I feel. My attempts at being kawaii as a middle/highschooler were laughable but I really tried. I wasn't allowed to order things online, and lived in a remote area, so I kind of had to make do with what I could find/thrift. My style got a little better when I went to college but it really didn't start to look truly "decent" til I had stable income and the means to buy things online. My style has grown with me – I wouldn't wear a seifuku out as a 22 year old but I might occasionally wear a "schoolgirl-inspired" outfit with long socks etc.
I'm about to be 26 now and I'm not so much into kawaii fashion just because it no longer really works with my lifestyle or appearance imo but I do incorporate elements from over the year as my personal style has evolved and more power to people who do full-on lolita/kawaii/whatever into adulthood.
No. 6149
>>6141This is pretty true. You get shit more when you're a teenager than when you've finished up high school. But I never really see anyone wear it here in England, I think girls DO try but it's always like dyed hair, those bear/cat/totoro high knee tights and vintage thrift shop clothing. Everyone here in England, in their twenties just seems to wear fucking black most of the time. Leggings, vans and hoodies seem to be the dress code or Michael Korrs.
( ; 3 ; )
No. 6153
>>6151Yeah, everyone here shops at either Next, Primark (cheap) and Topshop (but its always full of student snobs).
I think it's just the fashion? Girls here want to look tanned, sexy and older. Most strive to look like Kim K on a night out. Then you've got people who don't make an effort and let themselves go. Then you've got the 'indie/hipsters' who just try hard with their vintage and dr martens. It's all the same here. I rarely ever seen anyone into kawaii fashion, not that popular where I live and it's a big city.
I mean I like trying to dress girly! But shops don't carter, it's all the same shit but with a different label and price. I'll try going on Aliexpress or Taoboa but then it's shipping and sizes… Or you get something cute but it's shit quality in person (happened so many times) and christ… I don't even care about my wardrobe anymore. I just look at what Taylor Swift wears and buy things similar, idk she's got a cute style so meh, I copy. I give up trying to follow trends, it's just stress and hassle.
No. 6154
>>6142>>6143>>6149I'm glad there's others that agree w/me on this. I was afraid of backlash, but hey, I'm glad we're in this together. My parents weren't fans of me trying to emulate jp street fashion when I was in hs, but just like some of the fashions have matured, I have too and they find it harder and harder to criticize bc I'm pulling more from onee gyaru and the like bc it fits with the sort of persona I'd like and it still provides you with pieces that can be worked into a professional look when needed, but can also be sexy when I want it to be.
(I know gyaru isn't the most kawaii, but it's the main style I draw inspiration from)
No. 6157
>>6154Hmm… Have you ever tried meshing jp fashion with just like casual? I try doing that I love her styles! Maybe she'll give you some inspo :)
No. 6159
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I really love Milkcocoa's clothing and the models, one of them looks like an actual doll! She's cute af
It's a Korean like though but they have some cute things! No. 6161
>>6160No, I mean I added it because we were talking about like more adult refined kawaii? This is it. It's just feminine/girly, most of that clothing is. I don't even see that kind of thing in the UK. In the UK all I ever see in bodycon dresses, jeans, kimono drape thingies, heels, ugly ballerina shoes and sheer ugly ass tops with tacky buttons, while before you buy it you then see foundation marks on it.
Jp street fashion CAN be more casual, like tights, thick black ankle boots and cute cat face tote bag… I'll admit, I've worn this look and it's pretty good ;) ehe
No. 6171
>>6163You can find it on Taobao just search "Milkcocoa" and you'll find it on there :)
Use taobaoring as your agent, they're good.
No. 6182
>>6181well, actually.. all of us here + people on her instagram were happy that she was 40 and wearing kawaii dolly clothes. everyone said she looks really good and was rocking it.
the thing is she's insisting she's 20 years old and is idolizing girls that could be her daughters. she is harmless, but that's pretty lulzy.
No. 6185
>>6182I don't think anyone here said she looked good? The nicest thing I saw on here was my comment saying that she looks good for her age. I don't have an issue with being her age and wanting to look cute, but the makeup/clothes are super unflattering on her and age her a lot.
I do agree though, even though she is completely harmless and seems nice, but she is very lulzy.
>>6184Maybe she's like those living doll girls who'd try to leach of of Kota's/Venus's fans by tagging their pics as "kotakoti/venusangelic" on tumblr.
No. 6186
off of Kota's/Venus's
fame sorry for my typing errors
No. 6188
>>6187it's 100% envy of them being younger and prettier. not everyone is a pedo.
idk where she ever said she was into loli images either. you're crazy.
No. 6189
But I do understand feeling creeped out by her, even if she was actually 20, her obsession with Dakota and Venus would still be creepy as fuck.
No. 6192
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A year ago she had a pretty intense obsession with Audrey Kitching. Even dying her hair pink
>my gorgeous Audrey I just have no words love her to bits
>my gorgeous she make me speechless
>OMG my lovely Audrey
>gorgeous omg love her to death amazing Audrey
No. 6293
>>6192omfg, did she really say this stuff?
>>6193That's good then, I was thinking she was disowning them to seem more young. Though, I still do think she's had kids before.
>>6285idk, I tracked back on her ig even before she got into kawaii and he's still considered her bf then. But one weird thing is she referred to his brother as her brother in law.
No. 6304
>>6293yeah. if you go back further into her instagram you'll find at least 70-something pictures of Audrey with ridiculous captions like that, as well as several different attempts at pink hair.
Like idk, but maybe when she was really 20 she didn't have the resources or inspiration to be young/pretty/popular so she missed out, and is now trying to see what it feels like.
No. 6313
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I was trying to find women that I thought were older and still into kawaii dolly to prove a point, like Tsubasa Masuwaka and Valeria Lukyanova who are both 29, and Taylor R who is.. 27? And I actually came to the realization that at that age, late 20's to early 30's, it's still not so weird to dress like that and look cute with circle lenses and everything. There actually quite a number of women of this age range that still do this and it's somewhat normalized. Like people still think it's weird, but they don't think it's outrageous.
But when you get into women who are in their late 30's and early 40's, like this woman and like Margo, then the reaction is entirely negative.
No. 6317
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I hope Aubrey de Grey succeeds in discovering how to get physical immortality and defeating aging because at this rate it will give a massive infusion of dignity and mental health to a lot of people.
No. 8465
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This bitch really needs to stop posting in Kota's tag
No. 8478
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>>6313Wrong you can be kawaii at any age.
I posted this lovely granny in the lolita thread months ago, and have to say this is how you do it. When you get "older" you really shouldn't wear ott candy/pastel colors/prints (or if you do wear the darker print in navy ect). I think thats why margo always looked weird in that dress, on top of hair and shoes.
No. 8512
>>8479I think it depends. Margo is very much trying to look younger then she is in order to be kawaii while the the lady in this
>>8478 doesn't seem concerned with looking any particular age, just about looking put together and ends up pretty kawaii anyway. Wearing pastels at any age (besides baby/toddler) has a lot to do with skin tone and coloration and temperature.
No. 8527
>>5907>>5911i … disagree?
sure if you are trying to live up the party lifestyle, you're gonna be called out. i think this statement only hods true for fun/sexy tiemz, not like people that want a serious relationship.
since japanese are having fewer kids and marrying much later, if they are even considering marriage, i really dont think what you are saying is true.
No. 12176
>>12110why those stockings w everything
also that pulling on the shorts to adjust for the chub lol
No. 12179
>>6317Bless this man and his work!
But with that all-knowing smile of his, being 52 and not having a grey hair on that chocolate brown beard, do you not wonder if he's already found the answer?…
In the mean time, drink up all that "resveratrol" girls
No. 12187
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>>12125I agree.
>>12176I guess because kawaii. On her ig, she's got ton of pictures of her wearing neko ears with a bunch of outfits and usually they don't really match the outfit like in this pic.
Tbh, I feel like she just does the whole kawaii thing to feel young again. She puts so many things in outfits which obviously don't match because the individual piece is kawaii. Idk if that makes sense, because some people just can't coord at all, but looking at her older/pre-kawaii pictures she doesn't seem that bad at coording.
No. 12193
>>12187yeah guys
shes just having a mid life crisis
No. 12198
>>6099is anyone else reminded of that story that Dakota put forth to explain her 'pedophile lesbian' comment that so outraged everyone on /cgl/?
Looking at this woman, observing her obsessive personality, I'm inclined to wonder if we found the individual who was supposed harassing Dakota way back then.
Also curious if this video she just uploaded last week is in response to this thread–referencing the comments about too-small shorts, cat ears, inappropriate clothing, etc.
Her voice is so different from what I expected. She sounds like a smoker.
No. 12199
>>12198Yeah, because there would be only one individual lesbian in the whole world who would be harassing Dakota. Dakota, who is a print model and has some level of internet fame. She probably has more than one harasser or stalkery fan. Just look at some of the people in the Kota threads.
You guys are ridiculous when you suggest shit like this. Do you even think about what you're saying?
I don't know if this video is in response to this thread but she has been talked about in other threads about Venus and Dakota, and I'm sure she reads those threads (maybe on PULL or something at least).
No. 12200
>>12199Are you new or what?
The comment in question was made before Dakota had ever become a model, just when she was beginning to acquire e-fame. It was one of the reasons /cgl/ acquired such a hateboner for her so quickly (before she ever was signed to Bravo models) and her behavior became such a controversial subject.
Think about it:
This woman is way older than Dakota, in her 40's (so was Dakota's 'stalker')
She posted lolicon material on her instagram at certain points (which explains why Dakota called her a 'pedophile')
and she has a history of unhealthy obsessions with different 'internet idol' girls, including Dakota/her sister as well as Audrey Kitching and probably others.
No. 12201
>>12198>Looking at this woman, observing her obsessive personality, I'm inclined to wonder if we found the individual who was supposed harassing Dakota way back thenShe definitely fits Kota's description, but she didn't become obsessed with Kota, Japan, or anime, until like this year. And even though she was obsessed with scene/Audrey, I never saw any of Kaka's pics on her ig(although Kaka could've had them taken down).
>Also curious if this video she just uploaded last week is in response to this thread–referencing the comments about too-small shorts, cat ears, inappropriate clothing, etc.Either that or she's just copying her idol Kaka since Kaka has a video of her laying in bed talking about bulling as well and I think she talks about bullying in her "get to know me" videos where she's wearing similar cat ears and laying down.
>Her voice is so different from what I expected. She sounds like a smoker.I didn't expect it either. She could very well be one. She also seems to have a lot of tattoos(which is probably why she's always wearing tights/socks).
No. 12216
>>12210All we have as evidence that she didn't know about Dakota prior is that she didn't start dressing like this until this year. That doesn't mean she didn't know about Kaka/Kooters before now.
Also, I'd say her level of obsession/copycatting quite clearly exceeds that of 'fan' level and passes into that of 'deranged psycho who wants to wear Dakota/Kirsten's skin'…
No. 12383
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Is she still lying about her age? If so, she's doing a really shitty job at it. I just googled the anime she mentioned and it aired from 1976-1979.
She's giving me serious bowbeauty24 vibes. (bowbeauty24 is a 30 year old woman pretending to be a preteen/teenager on yt)
No. 12393
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>>12383I actually like her a lot, she's really nice and not hurting anyone
I used to follow her before she changed her username on insta and it was something197…6?
Anyway it indicated that she's in her mid forties.
She looks great for mid forties, but yeah she abuses filters and probably shoops on top of that. Nothing wrong with that as long as she isnt hurting anyone
No. 12396
>>12393I do agree with you, she's harmless and she does look good for her age.
But she was lying for a while about being 20 as seen here
And you have to admit, her behavior is super creepy.
No. 12399
>>12393she puts her name as "Dakota Venus" everywhere and idolizes girls who are young enough to all be her daughters.. that's kinda stepping out of your lane.
If she had a teenage daughter she would probably be a good/harmless version of Margo.
No. 12401
It's perfectly fine for her to be into kawaii things/fashion, but she's going about really creepily. Like it's perfectly fine for her to get inspiration from these girls' fashion or to find them cute/pretty. But it's creepy as fuck to obsess over them, desperately try to get attention from them/try to be their friends, and try to dress exactly like them. That behavior would be still be creepy even if she was their age.
No. 54691
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Found some 35 year old weeb on Worldfriends "galina1510"
Swear she looks 45
Must be having a mid life crisis
No. 54692
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>>54691About Me
Hi)) My name is Galina. I live in Russia. Fond of Asian countries (Japan, South Korea). I love music and dancing. I love meeting new people. I study Japanese. Speak a little English. I'd be happy friendship ^^
If You interest Russia do not scruple to address to me ^^
I bad dialect in english, but try that You have understood me ^^
PS. Sorry if I do not answer you right away.
I am very shy to write to you first *^_^*
No. 54695
File: 1451355948101.jpg (22.98 KB, 240x320, 10960171_10204001920114382_533…)

>>54693exochika is 32 years old
Hi! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Nice to meet you. I'm German, you can call me Tira. I lived in Australia for 1 year and I love Asia. I'm still learning japanese and korean. I'm looking for Asian friends all over the world! (⌒▽⌒)☆
No. 54696
File: 1451356142708.jpg (20.44 KB, 189x320, 10960171_10204001920114382_533…)

>>54695 heatherinjapan is 33 years old
she wants a good looking gook to take care of her <3
No. 54697
File: 1451356316241.jpg (14 KB, 240x320, 10960171_10204001920114382_533…)

>>5469633 year old Malaki
I like to eat a lot. ^-^ I live in Sendai. Sendai is great! I like music, books, manga, and food. I like to read about science, philosophy, and history. If I have time, I like to watch anime. I studied art and art history in school.
I am NOT looking for a boyfriend. I have one. One is enough. Boy friends are great though. I am also not looking for "friends" with whom I have nothing in common. I am happy to receive messages, but PLEASE at least have something in common with me or give a reason why we would make good friends.
No. 57254
>>57232Agree, she's very pretty. I can see why you'd get the trap vibe from her, but she's still qt.
>>54695She qt too, too bad about the shit angle and ita-ish clothing. I'll probably look kinda like that at that age, she seems to have the same perma-babyface "problem" I do.
It's not exactly bad because it's always flattering to be turning 24 and having people think the undergrads I tutor are older than me, but at the same time it sucks because I look youthful but not kawaii plus I'm tall… so nearly all j-fash looks ridiculous. In mature clothing I look like I went through mommy's wardrobe but in cuter stuff I look like an ugly tryhard.
No. 59954
>>54698has the body of a man
face too actually
No. 60215
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I personally think it's fine to dress in kawaii clothing when you're in your 20s and even early 30s as long as its flattering. Although once you get in your mid 30s i feel like you should tone things down a bit because at that point being uguu kawaii just makes you look even older.
Taylor looks strang in it not because of her age but because of her tall, thin body type. I think she would look good in larme kei or otona kawaii (adult cute) styles. Pic related is otona kawaii