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File: 1431919674637.jpg (66.33 KB, 640x640, slut2.jpg)

No. 5918

Instagram : http://ink361.com/app/users/ig-1108227701/reaquaza/photos

Gamer gurrll photoshoper high school attention whore. posts the lulzyest and cringies shit ever. claims to be really smart and getting her edumahcation when she is just a cum slut

No. 5919

File: 1431919705237.jpg (62.68 KB, 640x640, whore.jpg)

100% no shop

No. 5920

File: 1431919768897.jpg (110.45 KB, 640x640, slut.jpg)

wears 2 bras or stuffs hardcore.

No. 5921

File: 1431919796201.jpg (49.88 KB, 640x640, tinytits.jpg)

real tits size. notice how small they actually are

No. 5922

i love how this slut constantly posts about college like shes going to be accepted with her drug pictures and ass shots

No. 5923

Thread belongs in /b/, unless explicit lolcow evidence is produced.

No. 5925

ok sorry! thank you

No. 5939

This is such an obvious vendetta lmfao

No. 5941

There have been a lot of vendettas lately.

No. 6041

She's incredibly try hard. 'Look at me playing smite' just a pic of her sitting down. So incredibly cringe worthy.

She's cute, but man. IDK, I'm not sure how her supposed boyfriend is okay with her taking half nudes all the time and having a bunch of dudes talk about how much they want to rail her?

No. 6042

so cringe worthy man, also i've wondering about that boyfriend thing. He seems like the kind who wants to 'show off' his gfs body (they are both in hs and immature af)

No. 6046


You'd think that the opposite would be true then. I remember teen love being credibly full of jealousy lol

I just had to laugh at her one pic where she's playing Animal Crossing and it's just a top shot of her boobs and she's like 'look at my cute new shirt' lol what? You are literally just showing your BOOBS not the shirt. Cringe.

No. 66134

I don't know what you guys are complaining about. I'd bet you all nut to her so stop complaining that another guy is boning her and enjoy the pics she posts.

No. 66139

no1curr about this bitch. and we are mostly women here, newfag.

don't bump shitty old threads just to whiteknight.

No. 66141

It's amazing we live in a world where women just sail past their most fertile age, like her, and we tell her not to get pregnant, when actually pregnancy would cure her of this sort of shit and give her something important to do.

No. 66186

/r9k/ pls go

No. 66228

it's your fault for not jizzing in her fuckboi

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