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No. 5918
Instagram : Gamer gurrll photoshoper high school attention whore. posts the lulzyest and cringies shit ever. claims to be really smart and getting her edumahcation when she is just a cum slut
No. 5920
File: 1431919768897.jpg (110.45 KB, 640x640, slut.jpg)

>>5918wears 2 bras or stuffs hardcore.
No. 5921
File: 1431919796201.jpg (49.88 KB, 640x640, tinytits.jpg)

>>5920real tits size. notice how small they actually are
No. 6046
>>6042You'd think that the opposite would be true then. I remember teen love being credibly full of jealousy lol
I just had to laugh at her one pic where she's playing Animal Crossing and it's just a top shot of her boobs and she's like 'look at my cute new shirt' lol what? You are literally just showing your BOOBS not the shirt. Cringe.
No. 66139
>>66134no1curr about this bitch. and we are mostly women here, newfag.
don't bump shitty old threads just to whiteknight.