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No. 59741
Let's discuss our thoughts on the Harry Potter books, movies, spinoffs, fandom, etc.
Inspired by discussion in the RIP Alan Rickman thread
>>59378 No. 59742
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Harry Potter was my first real fandom, I read the books as a kid, and grew up with the movies. I used to be a diehard snape/slytherin fan.
Now though, the current fandom is obnoxious and tainted by tumblr. I hate how Remus/Sirius is considered canon, even though it doesn't make sense as a pairing. If anything, Sirius would have loved James.
But ~omg yAOI XD~ fans don't care about logic.
No. 59745
>>59742You make me glad I'm not on tumblr. The branch of fandom you describe sounds bizarre.
That said, people have been shipping Sirius/Remus for years–practically since the third book was released. It's never been a ship that I'm particularly interested in, but it predates tumblr. (As an aside, I read a fanfic once where James and Sirius were together behind Lily's back. I could see it being plausible, but I could see Sirius and Remus as being just as plausible, though never canon.)
No. 59765
>>59741I grew up with Harry Potter, and always loved Remus and Narcissa. I used to ship Remus/Sirius but the tumblr fandom made me regret that. Christ, the tumblr fandom… It's been hell on earth since HP became "mainstream" again.
Also, Rowling is really overrated. Her writing skills are regular, and Hermione is a Mary Sue (and white). Another thing: Rowling is trying so hard to stay relevant she'll sell her own characters and their characteristics just to win some progressive brownie points.
No. 59777
>>59765As a writer, JK is overrated as fuck, but she had a really good idea and created a cool world. I'm a bit disappointed since it's so difficult to get through the first couple of books, the writing is so subpar. You could really see her growth as an author over the course of the series. It was painfully obvious how much better she'd gotten in the last book when her more mature style was juxtaposed with the shoddily written epilogue.
I was a bit shocked when I read that apparently Hermione is black in Rowling's headcanon. Makes me glad I decided years ago that I would not seek out additional info she divulged in interviews and whatnot and that whatever isn't in the books is not canon.
I would be interested in purchasing and reading her series over again if she overhauled the entire thing, smoothed out the inconsistent writing style, foreshadowed the hallows earlier, and added in whatever headcanon stuff she wanted to add. Filling plot holes would be cool, too. I want to know what became of Sally-Anne.
No. 59795
>>59777I reread the entire HP series very recently and actually I'm not at all that surprised she had such difficulties in getting it published in the first place. She didn't really understand how to utilise adjectives and adverbs properly, every chapter was loaded with shit like:
>Harry said >Ron replied >Hermione said >Snape said >Harry said>Dumbledore repliedI want…. "Ron bristled", or "she stormed", or stuff like "the stranger finished, the beginnings of a wry smile slowly working creases into his otherwise taut face, giving the impression of a blank sheet of paper that had been folded many times over".
ffs FEED my imagination.
No. 59798
>>59777Hermione isn't black in her headcanon, she even draw her being pretty white before books got published.
She is just trying to appeal to sjw( 90% of the fandom now) and make publicity about a new shitty play about Harry Potter with a black actress playing hermione
No. 59801
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>>59798This. She is 100% bandwagoning as usual to market her sales and reputation. Just like when she decided to make Dumbledore gay as if it's really relevant. Pic related, why is she not shaded in like the dark clothing. She is le so progressive and hip!! XDDD
No. 59802
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>>59801Heres rowling getting btfo on twitter. The characters are living in the UK in the 90s so it'd be safe to assume that they're white regardless except for characters that are given obvious ethnic names like cho chang
No. 59803
>>59795Kudos to you for getting through it. While awaiting the sixth or seventh book to be publisbed I tried to go back and reread the series and I just could not get through the first book again. Could. Not.
On another note, since you've read them again recently, did you get a Roald Dahl-ish vibe from the over the top family shananigans in book 1? That's the one thing that struck me while I was trying to get through it again: I felt like I saw the direction she was meaning to go in and then she did an aboutface and the rest of her books calmed the fuck down on the family front.
No. 59804
>>59802Eh, if she's trying to drum up money for a new product it makes more sense.
I don't live in the UK, but are you suggesting that no black people were living there at all in the '90s? This seems a bit extreme… or do you mean that a white author would just default to writing about white kids in that time and place?
No. 59808
>>59804I dont mean that there were none just that they're the minority in a european country so most people would assume that they're white characters. If you were reading a story taking place in china, you'd assume the characters were chinese instead of mexican, white, black, etc. right?
I also want to clarify that I don't want to start a race war in this thread. I just wish rowling would stick to her story instead of being hypocritical and hopping on whatever is trendy at the moment.
No. 59810
>>59800This, and pretty solid evidence for Hermione not being black is that in every HP book if a character isn't white it's usually specified. If not they're white by default.
A lot of people on Tumblr also don't seem to realise that the Harry Potter universe in the first book begins in 1991 with Lily and James' death taking place in 1981, and the UK was nowhere near as ethnically diverse in the 80's-90's as it is today.
No. 59813
>>59804"Ethnic minority and cultural groups account for 8% of the UK population:- Asian or Asian British = 50%, Black or Black British = 25%, Mixed Race = 15%, Chinese = 5%, Other = 5%"
2% of UK population in 2015, It was probably much lower in the 90's
No. 59817
>>59813As an American when I think about the UK I literally think white. It's weird as I know an Indian Brit, a black Brit and a white Brit but I still default back to white.
There's Angelina Johnson. Her appearance was left pretty vague until the movies I think. In the movies she was portrayed by a black actress and her daughter was described as having dark skin like her mom. There tumblr you have you WOC. Can we leave the main caste alone?
No. 59838
>>59759Sirius/James is my OTP period.
And honestly, JK needs to just quit while she's ahead. She's caving into SJW bullshit as stated in the Alan Rickman thread and I fear for her attempting to backpeddle and changing canon storylines to suit the agenda and get the jewcash.
No. 59842
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>>59802Oh, this back peddling cunt.
No. 59854
>>59840Most of the stilted writing wouldn't even be an issue with a movie adaptation. They could just show the action instead of telling about it.
I think a large chunk of the fandom came into existence purely because of the movieverse. A lot of people were introduced to the books through the movies. Thank god for the movies–they helped attract fans and so contributed to the most diverse and beautiful fandom I've ever had the pleasure being a part of.
>>59759>>59838I think it's interesting we have two James/Sirius fans in this thread already. I was always under the impression it wasn't a popular pairing. I never saw much media for it, but then I never went looking for it, either.
No. 59855
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>>59854It's definitely not a popular pairing sadly. I'm a big fan of the marauders era parts of the books and the biggest pairing seems to be Remus and Sirius and James with Lily (obviously. haha. Lily is a qt, so I don't mind) but I love all the stories about Sirius running away from home and sleeping on James' couch, even after he and Lily were married. It's a cute bff pairing for me really. I only ever found fanart on Japanese websites oddly enough.
I agree with being part of the fandom. I got into it back in 2003 and will never regret it. Good times man. it was a fun ride.
No. 59869
>>59802She's just saying shes okay with the idea, not that she originally meant for Hermoine to be white. She's pointing out that nothing in canon really disproves that theory.
The "white face" quote I always thought meant to show that she was scared, not that she was literally white.
No. 59870
>>59795No. This is bad writing. When you constantly replace "said" with words like "bristled" or "stormed", you start making dialogue clunky. You should normally use said, except in special occasions.
You actually should eliminate dialogue tags all together.
links about this, JK is no genius writer, but she did vastly improve between the first book and the last.
No. 59873
>>59870Thank you.
I read that post and was wondering wtf they expected her to use in place of "said".
I read the HP books long before I got a feeling for writing techniques so I can't really judge (it's as if I hadn't read them at all) but this particular thing is not something to complain about in a book.
No. 59908
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>>59903She's just like I pictured Hermione in my head
No. 59913
>>59802>rowling opening her mouth and contradicting her own booksain't nothing new
she's truly a lolcow between writers
No. 59914
Ugly af
No. 59924
>>59870I'm not saying she should have replaced ALL of the "he saids/she saids", but she absolutely needed to cut down on them in the first and second book because that's literally all there was.
I think PoA was where she really began improving.
No. 59931
>>59925Oh anon. Brace yourself:
I remember back in the days when she just had finished HP she was that kind of author who just couldn't shut up about her work to the point you couldn't take anything she said seriously anymore. She was almost like if she wanted to correct everything she didn't like about her books through interviews, and she was constantly giving "extra details" that no one needed to know in a very similar fashion she's doing now but more annoyingly. She fucked over many ships, Neville and Luna are an example (why? I don't understand why couldn't let people shit them in peace if she didn't specify it in the books). She also constantly attacked the fangirls of Draco and Tom Riddle too I think for liking them, saying stuff like Draco was never been a good person and he will never be, you probably heard about that tho. Oh! She also called the HarryxHermione shippers "naive" or some shit like that (i don't remember exactly what she said) for honestly thinking/wanting them to be together, all for years later saying that maybe Harry and Hermione didn't make such a bad couple as she used to think. That was the last year or maybe in 2014 I think.
What else…. Ah, there were also rumors about she took "inspiration" on various fanfiction for the last book, there was also the criticism about how the last book was the worst one and the disappoinment from fans but that's another story. Not to talk about how she "borrowed" various concepts from other books and movies to build Harry Potter. The Worst Witch, fantasy books about a magic school were the main character, a young witch who just has started school and finds an arrogant blonde classmate who becomes her rival and is hated by her tall, thin, and imposing potions professor, who is by the way the most feared teacher of all the school. She's backed up by the headmaster who's benevolent towards her and gets her out of trouble. Oh, and there is also that Troll film form the 80s where there is a young boy called Harry Potter who is brought to a hidden magical world by a witch and learns magic and stuff. There are more plagiarism claims against the series I think.
There was even the time she said that harry potter wasn't a fantasy series (top fucking kek) and Terry Pratchett, may he rest in peace, mocked her and her shitty attitude.
Does pottermore suddenly turned into some kind of buzzfeed count to?
Too much to count anon. Too much to count. I'm sure the more you look for, the more you'll find. The only thing I now for sure, is that my respect for her as a writer and an author is 0, and I wish she understood that fanfiction is what makes half of the fandom to give a shit about her series. And as such she that she would stop changing and distorting canon through pottermore and tweets.
No. 59989
>>59984What does tumblr do to Luna?
I could see Draco/Luna. Sounds like a sweet pairing.
No. 59994
>>59991She did. He was badly in love with Grindelwald, and it was pivotal in him becoming more sympathetic towards muggles.
>>59992Hogwarts takes students from the entire UK.
No. 60025
>>60020PoA was the book where JKR's writing made drastically noticeable improvements and took on a darker tone, and it only gets better from there.
The first two books are effectively children's books in both writing and tone, but the story alone makes up for it so I wouldn't give them a miss.
No. 60028
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Man I remember thinking that Ginny's actress was so fucking dowdy and plain (and she was), but I just Googled her now and she's grown into quite the qt, although I'm positive she's had fillers in her lips.
Anybody looking forward to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?
No. 60030
>>60026How is it realistic?
>>60028You're being blinded by her makeup.
She's still average.
No. 60034
>>60028That jaw…
I think she peaked a few years ago
No. 60045
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>>60010ngl, I was rooting for this pairing. JK is a fucking idiot. Ginny is boring and has zero chemistry with Harry. Also, you dont date your best friend's little sister- that's REALLY weird. Besides, their relationship came out of nowhere.
Luna is best girl.
No. 60046
>>60030I'm trying to give JKR the benefit of a dount, though Lord knows why since I'm so willing to call her out on other bullshit.
I can see a teenager falling into love/lust with his best friend's little sister. This seems realistic and not incredibly farfetched by itself. Hell, my own father has been in love with his BFF's little sister for years.
No. 60052
>>60048But I even mentioned my n=1 pathetic father carrying a torch for his friend's little sister for over 40 years. It can happen.
That said, I agree that this kind of attraction developing into an actual relationship isn't the expected course of events. I am not shocked by all the evil!Dumbledore stories where it turns out Harry's been fed love potions–I take solace in the fact that others are befuddled by this out of left field canon pairing, too.
No. 60055
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>>60046>Hell, my own father has been in love with his BFF's little sister for years.I second that it doesn't feel realistic. Being interested in anyone in a lower grade than yours in school is weird as hell.
No. 60078
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>>59989> the cringe
Ah, so happy you think the ship sounds sweet. I owe the pairing many happy memories
No. 60099
>>60063I agree honestly. Both relationships felt REALLY forced and to me, it felt shitty since I had two male friends growing up and it's seriously possible to just have guy friends and not want to fuck them and have them not want to fuck you- etc etc.
That being said, I could stomach Ron and Hermione more than I could Harry and Ginny. Harry and Ginny felt more like Harry x female self insert. Ugh
No. 60131
>>59846I don't think she's a shitty writer. maybe it's because I'm not a native speaker but I read the books in my native language and in english twice, as a teenager and an adult. Rowling made me learn english because I couldn't wait for the translation of the fifth book to be published so I had to read it in english. I went from Ds to straight As and Bs - my english teacher couldn't believe what happened to me over the summer holidays. it really helped me except for the weird vocabulary that stuck with me like broom stock, cauldron, wand… not necessarily words you need in an english class.
anyway, I'm a student now and I've read more
sophisticated classic writers but I still don't think she's bad. sure, her language is easy but it's a children's book, not James Joyce, so what do you expect. she's witty and able to make her readers cry and laugh and has an unique style. I really enjoy it.
No. 60134
Would anyone here actually recommend me to pick up the HP books/watch the movies nowadays? I've got a lot of friends who are deeply into HP and really wanna get me to watch/read it but from what I heard about the movies/books it sounds kinda meh. It feels like most of them hype it up from nostalgia alone and to be honest, I don't wanna waste my time with mediocre written books and movies
>>59931OT but Terry Pratchett was the man, I loved him.
No. 60136
>>60134Watching a single movie is not a huge investment. Watch the first movie and see how you like it. The series does get more complex as it goes on, but if you hate the first movie there's no point in continuing.
I was one of the anons saying the first book was difficult to read again. I would not recommend the first book over the first movie to someone on the fence about giving it a shot, though if you enjoy the movies I do generally recommend you read the books.
It is difficult for me to judge HP strictly on its own merits. I grew up reading and watching HP; we have a long and involved history.
No. 60149
>>60136>>60132Uh, please don't tell her to watch the movies, they're dreadful (aside from PoA that one was good).
The books are magnificent and I would personally highly recommend them to anybody who's yet to become involved in the HP world.
I first read them when I was a kid but I reread them all again recently after not having read them for… well since the last one was released in 2007, so 9 years ago now, and I had MARVELLOUS time going through them again so I can promise you it's not nostalgia.
The thing is, the first one is so short you could slam your face into in and be done with it, but with each book they get progressively more engrossing and well-written. 1 and 2 are still very good, but they are more children's books still. Number 3,The Prisoner of Azkaban, is where it becomes a real page turner.
The HP series really is something special, hence why it captivated the world, and it would be a damn shame for you to miss out on something like that.
My boyfriend has never read them either and I actually pity him for what he's missed/missing out on.
No. 60156
>>59840You're delusional. The obsessed lunatics in fandom didn't make her a great success, casual readers made her a great success.
So she's not a hugely skilled writer, so what? That doesn't mean she can't be hugely successful. All the conceited fucktards who were like MUH FANFIC IS DEEPER THAN JKR'S SHITTY WRITING!! were still in her sandbox playing with her toys, and probably are still living in their parents' basement. Pawn to Queen comes to mind.
No. 60161
>>60136>but if you hate the first movie there's no point in the first two films bored me to death but I enjoyed the third one.
>>60149You sound like a retarded "source material is always superior"fag.
>>60156>All the conceited fucktards who were like MUH FANFIC IS DEEPER THAN JKR'S SHITTY WRITING!! were still in her sandbox playing with her toys, and probably are still living in their parents' basement. Pawn to Queen comes to mind.Not the guy you're replying to but how is this relevant? The thing being argued here is the writer's techniques, not the lore itself. It's not like those fanfic writers would instantly become shit at writing if they stopped writing for HP and switched to something else.
No. 60164
>>60156Please be trolling. Also, I suspect you are
>>60149 You really seem to be firmly deluded into thinking the massive criticism Rowling gets lacks of fundament and/or is based on some kind of grudge against her. And before you come to me with "the series are something special", I recognize Rowling's ability on worldbuilding and that she created a pretty consistent universe. However, she lacks the ability to build a consistent story around it and to translate it properly on paper, something that several fans did a lot better than her, and if you thing that's not true, you'll excuse me but you have been reading really shitty fics.
A great success? 50 shades of grey is also a great success. Twilight saga is also a great success. Both target pretty similar audience that has no deep knowledge on literature and not enough criteria to tell off a good story from a bad one. They are throwaway literature. I'm seriously surprised you are appealing on such a wasted, poor argument to back her up, sweetie.
In top of all of that you are using an ad hominem to attack fanfic writers and people who supports them. What if I tell you many fanfickers are aspiring writers and many of them I met (directly and indirectly) happened to be regular people with jobs and family? My literature teacher, someone with a career and that was hired by a serious school to teach us, read fanfiction. Many fanfic writers are not "teens who live in their parent basements" but adults who already made up their lives and fanfiction constitutes a hobby for them.
I'm curious, how many books have you read, dear? That are not nowadays best selling literature or fantasy series. And please, be honest.
No. 60178
>>60164Uh, what, I'm
>>60149 and I haven't even mentioned fanfic anywhere in my post. I've never read a Harry Potter fanfic in my life what are you taking about.
I don't know who you think you're arguing with bit it isn't me.
No. 60185
>>60178Then I apologize. Both posts were together and both were strongly defending the series so I thought of samefagging.
By the way, I can tell you like the series and must they must be really important for you. I apologize also if I exceeded a little on my post, I'm just a little tired of seeing hardcore Rowling fantards defending the series everywhere and I just wanted to have a good discussion using actual points instead of feels as argument. I don't share your opinion the books are well writen but I have to admit they are entertaining at least and as a kid you do enjoy them. Also, I have to admit Rowling has a great imagination.
>>60168Oh man, can you read in Spanish? I have few in mind but I'm not entirely sure that it's been translated into English. Btw, have to warn you I'm no hardcore bookworm nor a literature expert, but when I get a book I like to enjoy it.
No. 60187
JKR should have just shut her mouth the minute the last book closed. Nearly everything shes been saying since then has just been ruining the magic.
Oh well. Can't wait for potter more to reveal that teddy lupin is autistic trans plantkin or something
>>59747Does the person who wrote this list realize they're siblings? Because ew
No. 60342
>>60177>you have shit taste>says the person who enjoyed all of the HP books, including the first couple jej
>>60185>can you read in SpanishNot at all.
No. 60344
>>60342Of course I enjoyed them, I was like 7 when The Philosopher's Stone was first released, I fucking devoured that shit.
It doesn't mean that I can't look back and objectively declare the writing to be dreadful, but yes, as a 7 year old I heavily enjoyed the first book and its subsequent followup.
As some fag who probably only discovered the series once the films became popular I'm not surprised you consider them good as they were likely your gateway.
No. 60355
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just going to leave this here.
No. 60371
>the first two are bad>but I like the series as a whole and enjoyed reading it as a singular compendiumSounds like somebody got dropped on their head a child :^)
Sage for shit taste.
No. 60392
>>60389>there's absolutely zero backpedaling oh my gawd I can't breathe
Want me to quote more?
>1 and 2 are still very good, but they are more children's books still.I look forward to your next damage controlling shitpost.
No. 60410
>>603921 and 2 are good, but only as children books.
Compared to the rest of the series, which are adult in their themes, I consider them to be shit.
As a child I enjoyed.
Today they are difficult to get through.
Exactly what part of this are you not getting and why oh why are you being so absurdly aggressive about somebody not liking the first two books post formative years?
No. 60415
>>60142I haven't read any of his works he was just the first famous British author who came into my mind.
And I just realized he's irish…
No. 60431
>>60168 I'm not the other anon but if you want a single well-written book that's kind of YA level try Watership Down. I originally read it as a teenager but I feel like it's one of those novels that has withstood time really well.
For books that focus on a conflict/bantz between a couple characters Herman Hesse has some good ones, like Narcissus & Goldmund or Demian.
No. 60952
>>60168 >>60164
Dark Spring by Unica Zern, The Old Child by Jenny Erpenbeck, Threats by Amelia Gray. I picked all female writers just to challenge myself. Last one is weakest.
No. 60990
I don't really care if the books were badly written or the ending wonky and a bit boring. JK created a universe that was mesmerizing, made me write, draw and meet so many friends. I was also in the perfect age demographic so that helped immensely (teen during the last books so I had a ton of free time to roleplay)
It might be lame but no other book achieved that for me.
Fun fact, JK was pissed they translated the first book to "HP at the wizarding school" instead of the philosopher stone, but honestly the school was so much more fascinating to me than the stone. It could have been 7 books of Harry Potter and his gang doing jack shit and chilling in this awesome school and I would have gobbled it up.
>>60355Sad but true. We kinda forced her hand with so many details too, the fans are a bit at faults for pushing for more after the end of the serie.
Except for gay Dumbledore, I'm not accepting anything she says now as canon.
No. 61016
>>60078Oh my god what did I just read
This isn't just bad because SJW crazy shit in my HP but also because her narrative is utter shit what do you fucking mean the door only appearead in gryffindor after they knew about it?, the gryff "cool kid" clearly was there already so if the new dormitory appeared for Luna it should have appeared for them as well.
Not to mention that this person missed the great chance to link the magic of the castle with the room of requirement, could have said dormitories appeared according to the "gender" the students thought they were.
And Ginny was the one Luna chose? That's fucking absurd, why not Neville or someone who'd actually be likely to hit up fellow gryffindors with such an 'ayyyyyyy lmao' sort of subject?
They also forgot how unlikely it'd be that after the loony luna thing anyone would listen to her and become interested in her shit. They didn't when it was about the stuff in her dad's magazine, why would they want to know now?
Fuck this bitch ass person, they're a shit storyteller.
No. 61069
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>>61012Yeah I didn't mention but it's the french ver.
Let's keep it light, I'm now more interested in how the books looked in other languages.
Just remembered now that on top of that Hermione is clearly white on all the covers so if JK wanted to keep it canon she could have said something then! I'm ok with a revisited black Hermione, I don't think it change anything in the storyline and on top of that it kinda fits (the fact that she's a mudblood, defends house elfs). But it's silly to pretend it's now canon just bc blacklivesmatter is trending. JK needs to lay off the social medias.
No. 61079
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>>61069French version looks cool. Here's the cover from the USA.
No. 61082
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>>61081In the US they changed it to Sorcerer's Stone because they didn't think the average American child would know what a Philosopher was kek
This is the one we got on the UK first edition.
No. 61083
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>>61082And on the back we had some generic, unidentified wizard.
No. 61084
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>>61083Which was later changed to an illustration of Dumbledore that I loved.
No. 61086
>>61082I was joshin anon, but still, if they keep using sorcerer instead of philosopher how will they ever learn?
>>61083I thought that was supposed to be Quirrell?
No. 61088
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>>61084And this is the cover we got in the UK for The Chamber of Secrets.
I never liked it as a kid, it's very Enid Blyton.
>>61086No idea m8, but that's not really a turban and I don't remember Quirrell having facial hair in the books.
No. 61090
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>>61088Fucking loved the cover for the UK Prisoner of Azkaban though omg.
No. 61092
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>>61090On the back we had this lovely illustration of doggy Sirius too.
No. 61096
>>61079Idk, I don't think we were blessed with the best ones sadly. They mostly look like nothing much exciting is happening. Not much dynamics in the covers :(
The handpainted style fits the atmosphere though I guess. probably has the ugliest of them all. No. 61100
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>>61094You know, I think you might be right.
No. 61103
>>61090>>61092That's really badass. Love this cover!
>>61096It seems odd that there were adult versions of the covers in some countries. Even if it has a different picture, surely an adult would get just as much ribbing for reading a children's book no matter what it looks like. If the different covers aren't about lessening public humiliation I don't see a point to them.
It's interesting to see the new American covers; I hadn't seen those before. I need to go get my original hardbacks from my parents'; these pictures are making me nostalgic.
No. 61117
>>60415He's irish. That's pretty important, I don'y know how you could possibly know about him but not know he's from Ireland.
>>60142Back to /lit/ with you, fart sniffer
No. 61169
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>>61088Art is not always accurate to character designs. Some of the American chapter illustrations gave Snape a pointy goatee, which I always hated.
No. 61172
>>60940The entire Hunger Games film series is better than the book, Jurassic Park was way better as a movie than a book.
Silence of the Lambs, The Godfather, A Clockwork Orange, and The Shining are all considered to be better than their book counterparts. And most Stephen King adaptations as well.
But you also think Katniss was a "whiny shit" so your comprehension of fiction is basic at best.
No. 61222
>>61186>>61185She hardly ever whined in the movie, and in the books, we have to deal with her internal monologue, where she complains about how terrible her life is because it genuinely is.
Bella Swan is whiny. Ana Steele is whiny, but Katniss isn't whiny.
No. 61353
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>>61222I can't remember the first two movies but from the first 20 minutes of mockingjay I've seen Katniss is definitely still a annoying whiny shit outside of her internal dialogue.
>where she complains about how terrible her life is because it genuinely isA decent writer should be able to highlight the terribleness of a character's situation without making her complain all the damn time. No excuses here.
Overall the whole hunger games franchise is shit and the setting is pretty thoughtless. I cannot fathom why it's praised by adults. Watching JLaw's terribly acted, hysteric screams in the movies just makes me hate everything about it even more.
No. 61423
>>61353Katniss barely speaks in the first 20 minutes of mockingjay part 1.
The books are badly written, no doubt about that, but the books are from a first person perspective, there is going to be a lot more tell and less show with that POV.
No. 93327
>>93317I always side-eyed Cho Chang as well. Of
course she had to be in Ravenclaw.
No. 93329
>>93314>Hufflepuff takes in the wizards who don't belong in the other housesI do think this is an admirable trait even though it gets translated as "lawl worst haus xD" in fandom.
It kind of reminds me of how shit plays out in the real world.
Fact is some people simply aren't stubbornly bold, witty, or ambitious. A balanced persona doesn't indicate a lack of wizardly talent or the ability to be likable (Cedric).
But let's face it: the "leaders," the "intellects," and the "antagonists" are far easier to write into compelling stories as opposed to painstakingly writing creative plots about otherwise agreeable wizards. I'm not huge into lore, but I don't recall Hufflepuffs ever starting shit with anybody?
No. 93333
>>93329Agree. From the song, I always thought Hufflepuff is filled with kind, non-judgemental people, since they welcome anyone to their house.
Off topic, for some reason, I thought Dumbledore was a Hufflepuff, but then I found out he was sorted to Gryffindor. Like
>>93305 said, kinda sad for Hufflepuff since they didn't have any prominent character to put their good traits in spotlight other than Cedric.
No. 93357
>>93295I'm a bit mad at JK for how she represented Hufflepuff. There's not a lot of positive so obviously nobody wants to be in that house (Anybody remembers old role-playing boards where it was so hard to get people into hufflepuff ?)
For once Helga wasn't strict with whom she'd teach, which is a good thing but I guess it paints the students in a bad light, sorta. Like nobody will really stand out from that house cause they're pretty average.
The mascot is kinda lame compared to a damn eagle, lion and snake. Plus Helga is sorta fat and known for food related charms, the house is next to the kitchens and the name sounds like a fat kid trying to climb the magical stairs. So yeah Hufflepuff kids are average and associated with fatties.
I mean Ravenclaws look stuck-up and boring but at least they're nerdy kids and there's some potential.
No. 93384
>>61569I think she is just backtracking in order to make her sound more tolerant. She had an opportunity at the time to write that prominent characters were black/gay/religious etc in order to make Hogwarts seem more diverse and realistic but she choose not to. She could have made students and Dumbledore gay in the text but she didn't, only after the last book was published she made such claims. She also said Remus Lupin was an Aids patient years after the book had been published too.
I wish she could just admit that her books aren't oh so progressive and representational, instead of lying years down the line.
No. 93401
>>93384I'm a lesbo and I agree with the poorly done people in color in the books but I don't mind the lack of LGBT people. Around 3% of the population is gay and I rarely met people who are so open about it. Even people I just meet, or classmates don't know about me being gay because it doesn't pop up in the conversation.
I think that the way she did it with Dumbledore was good because nobody judged him by his sexual orientation, if she did write that he had a romance with Grindelwald, people would have explained his quirks as a gay man quirks.
But she's so riding SJW dicks about all the other stuff. That's ok Jo, you weren't so inclusive years ago. Don't pretend you always imagined Hermione could be black when you drew her white.
SJW should be more tolerant of people who fucked up a bit years ago and changed.
No. 93468
>I agree with the poorly done people in color in the books Oh for fucks sake you guys don't fucking get it. The UK isn't America.
The first book was released in 1997 and the first year that Harry Potter attends Hogwarts is 1991. I was born in 1991 myself and the non-white ethnic populations in the UK was so fucking small that by the time I was talking the first time I saw a black man in a supermarket I turned to my mother and asked if he was a monster, and that was when I lived in a major city.
I'm getting sick and fucking tired of people holding every other country that isn't the US to their shitty melting-pot standards. Even today in some parts of the UK, towns and villages, especially in the North, seeing a black person walk down the street is a notable thing.
No. 93478
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>>61169Alan Rickman is the only way I can view Snape now, anyways.
No. 93484
>>93384>muh diversityfucking yanks.
First of all, the books were published way way before the films were even made. Second, they were written way before they were published. 'Diversity' was not as forced in the UK as it is today, and there weren't many non-white people living there.
The only exception were small pockets of Caribbeans and a large Indian and Irish minority. It baffles me that everyone bawws about racism with the name Cho Chang but nobody mentions Seamus fucking Finnegan who was as big a caricature as any.
For reasons mentioned above Parvathi and Padma Patil were major characters in the books. Afaik, they weren't white and had normal names. At this point you're just looking for excuses to be offended which is annoying as fuck and you need to fuck off.
No. 93535
>>93468I don't know where you even live, I'm not american, I had way more than 3 token PoC friends growing up and I'm older than you. And by poorly done I mean Cho Chang. How hard is it to research some proper asian name and backstory ? As a writer that's the least she could have done for god sake. Heck she put some efforts into finding french names that made sense but she can't do that outside of Europe.
>>93487Exactly, when it came out I asked my bf for a quick translation and he was just like "Yeah that's kinda "The magic place"" and thought it was fan-made at first. He was baffled it was canon as he likes HP too and told me even he had more imagination than that.
No. 93545
>>93540Maybe because Greco-Roman civilization is the root of a huge part of western culture?
I don't expect you, assuming you're Asian, to know who Scipio Africanus was, or where Roman and Common Law came from and their importance to the western world, or who Augustus Caesar was, or how important the Battle of Tours was. So why do you expect a westerner to be so well versed on non-western cultures?
Be reasonable. Plenty of Japanese authors write about the west with absolutely zero knowledge of western culture, historically speaking, that's fine to me.
>>93535>I had way more than 3 token PoC friends growing up and I'm older than you.Are you white? You seem sort of self-hating sis. All this stuff about your Japanese boyfriend and how awful white people are for not knowing about Japanese culture…
Also, the Latin in JKR's books is pig latin at best, coming from someone who understand the language. Likewise with the Greek.
No. 93565
>>93562>white>brags about how many non-white friends she has and berates others for not having enough>has a non-white boyfriend>uses terms like "PoC" unironicallyI want tumblr to go.
lolcow was never meant to be a safe haven for you people.
>but if I were writing a story about them I'd research them.JKR never wrote a story about anything other than a wizarding school in the UK with a side order of token non-whites. They were never the main focus.
Go fuck your tiny dicked boyfriend and leave the rest of us in peace, thx.
No. 93566
>>93562It's a story written by an English woman, set in an England, and is about English characters. If that's so horrible and racist you shouldn't be "culturally appropriating" the language made by, for, and named after those evil white Englishmen in the first place.
This isn't a "safe space" for tumblrinas. If anything it's a "safe place" for evil racist bullies and those other people tumblr hates.
No. 93576
>>93566Didn't say anything about cultural appropriation and I'm pretty well aware this isn't a safe space lol. I never even called her racist. I don't think she was rubbing her hands together with glee going "I'LL SHOW THOSE PRAIRIE NIGGERS" lol I just think she's lazy.
>>93565>JKR never wrote a story about anything other than a wizarding school in the UK with a side order of token non-whites. They were never the main focus.I was talking about the whole "History of Magic in North America" thing that she did for Pottermore. So yeah, she did write about things other than British wizards, in which Americans and Native Americans were the focus. I wasn't talking about the main 7 novels.
No. 93596
>>93484I'm not America, and I completely agree that a school set in 1990s Scotland would not be racially diverse. The largest group on non whites would be Pakistani in origin, and white non British would be of Italian and Irish origin mostly.
The issue is now she claimed Hogwarts was this very diverse and representative haven in the Scottish highlands, yet failed to actually write any of that in her original books. To have a huge Jewish or Muslim community or African and non whites just doesn't match up with the demographics of that time here.
No. 93605
>>93565I'm not even
>>93562 but ok.
I never meant to say Jo should have done this or that, I've seen worse writing but also, their author are not THIS famous and rich. I tried to be understanding of Rowling because she started writing this when she was struggling financially so really I'm ok with the amount of PoC (what do you expect me to call them ? foreigners ?) at the beginning but Cho Chang appeared later when the books started gaining traction.
I'm pretty sure that by that time, she could have done some proper research.
I wouldn't even be as irked by that if she didn't try to make it so inclusive when it wasn't, just to pander to her fanbase years later. And despite all of this she still spites out "Place of Magic" as a school name ? Couldn't she take a week or two to research or call a japanese editor and ask for a list of cool names that made sense ?
No. 93650
>>93628This is the most fundamental point mentioned thus far.
Translators almost always localize properly, even if the author did do her research, they'll change it to something "more suitable" or whatever that the translator or editing team feels is more appropriate.
No. 93652
>>93650Wonder why they felt the need to change the title of The Philosopher's Stone to the "Sorcerer" for the American market?
The myth of the Philosopher's stone goes back to anciemt European history, and I think the name change is then surely just as worthy of criticism than Rowling mistranslating Japanese.
No. 93717
>>93693I can sort of understand why though. She came out saying that Dumbledore was gay, but only after the book had been written so by confirming all of these other theories online would at least satisfy her fanbase and make up for her earlier mistakes.
All the supposed gay characters in Harry Potter end up being violently killed, are rejected by their families and in Lupin's case is portrayed as a scrawny AID's victim. It's lazy, obvious writing .
No. 93758
>>93717Do you support Lupin/Sirius?
>All the supposed gay characters in Harry Potter end up being violently killed, are rejected by their families and in Lupin's case is portrayed as a scrawny AID's victimSupposed is subjective though. My Sirius/James shipping gay ass supposes a lot of things and this always felt like fake outrage to me. People are allowed to feel let down about their ships and their faves, but it is what it is.
No. 93875
>>93638Imo it's a bit disappointing because she tried to give more personalised names to Hogwarts and Beauxbatons and then calls another school "Magic place". Especially considering that Japan is rich in myths, she could have tried to use one of the many folklore stories.
Japan already has a ton of school ghosts roaming around, if done right a HPxJapan combo would be spectacular.
>>93680Totally agree for Harry/Luna. Luna has the creativity and positivity that Harry is sometimes lacking, and she also lost a parent. I feel that she was a good complement to his personnality while sharing the same struggles.
>>93758Lol I knew Rowling would never pair them together so I wasn't really disappointed. I never really like the Hermione/Draco ships but I started to like Ginny/Draco. It would have been so fun to have a Malfoy in the Weasley family but again, Draco ended in a predictable and boring couple. I'm not even mad cause that fit his book personnality.
No. 93881
>>93877> Durrhurr how can you be slightly disappointed by a poorly researched name> Totally dated your bf based on his ethnicityYah it sure makes sense ! Thanks anon I never knew I watched drama or even anime for the matter, it's nice to learn more about myself. I guess I can't enjoy my own bf sharing his school legends with me, like the anatomical mannequin doing laps in the school at night.
It doesn't sound awesome at all and wouldn't be cool in a Harry Potter setting.
You're blowing this way out of proportion. The entire conversation I had with my boyfriend was lighthearted and funny given the shitty name. I found it was rather laughable how he complimented the nice artwork for a fanmade school.
No. 93914
>>61082don't think the average British child did either, but I soon found it. It wasn't exactly needed to understand and enjoy the book.
>>61083yeah I figured it was flamel too. I love this cover
No. 93940
>>93925I completely forgot that, yeah 长 can also be "Chang".
I don't think actual Chinese people give a fuck. Most of the fob girls who liked Harry Potter were just quite happy Harry got paired up with a Chinese girl more than anything.
No. 93945
>>93889Oh my gosh can we stop talking about this ? You want a japanese bf then fucking work in an embassy and get lucky, geez salty bitch. If I was a weeb I think I could have translated fucking magic place already.
>>93926Also she's filthy rich. I'd be way more tolerant of this coming from people scraping by. Heck I'm ok with her plot holes and poor writing during the first few books because she didn't have half the time and ressources she got later.
>>93920I don't even follow her twitter and disregard whatever crap she didn't include in the books. I'll still appreciate Harry Potter for the fun I had in my childhood but my appreciation for Rowling went downhill quite fast.
No. 96194
>>93945>I don't even follow her twitter and disregard whatever crap she didn't include in the books. That's the way to go. I think it was super rude she started to add ~canon~ literally years later to the next gen taking into account all the fanon it's got and how fans love imagining the possible scenarios of the next gen.
>>96185Nah. I'm still suspecting she did kill sirius to get rid of the ship because back in the days it had quite a fanbase. That's just fan speculation tho.
Maybe I'm speaking too soon and she does make it ~post canon~ to pander sjws and fujoshits.
No. 96258
>>96228>Marxist horseshitMind the buzzwords
>disproven by history over and over again.I'm genuinely interested, have you got a few good examples of it being disproven?
No. 96296
>>96258>I'm genuinely interested, have you got a few good examples of it being disproven?The story of history is the story of ethnic conflict, not class conflict. Did Roman yeomen join together with Gallic farmers in order to fight their respective patricians? Likewise for Byzantine cataphractoi/peasant soldiers?
Just look at history objectively. Ethnicity trumps everything else 99% of the time.
>>96248Within a homogeneous nation state, then yeah, there's localism/regionalism. I'm not denying there's class conflict and has been - what I'm denying is that this is more pronounced than ethnic conflict - which is patent bullshit. Muslims and Whites in Bradford and other Northern towns often have similarly deprived backgrounds, but they still live what the investigation after the riots some years back called "parallel lives", because they're just fundamentally different people culturally.
No. 96383
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>>96312God how much I miss the old good marauders fandom. Fucking tumblrinas took over it and turned it into their deluded ass wankfest.
And don't get me started on goddamn James. I swear to fucking god, it amazes and frightens me equally the mental gymnastics they use to twist the character into their ideal. Their James and canon James aren't even the same character anymore.
No. 96398
>>96312>ONTDOh man, that place used to be great. The dramu was delicious. I can't stand it now.
Sage for OT.
No. 99884
>>96394>>96312>who on earth would classify James as good lookingJames being very handsome is actually canonically described in the books, same goes for Sirius.
Furthermore he was indeed supposed to be kind of a prick and a popular kid who would bully Snape, but it's implied that he gets a lot milder as an adult.
Anyway, he's definetily not supposed to be this amazing, wise, altruistic guy, Harry just views him that was, partially because he never knew him and partially because Dumbledore told him about his father in a very positive light.
No. 99912
>>99885Hoho there is a fan theory that says James and Lily had to get married this young because Harry was an accident. Not that I think it's actually canon at all kek, I remember they even explained in the books people married young those days because of the war, but I like having it as a possibility because it amuses a lot.
And agreed about wolfstar, I heard rumors that Rowling disliked slash ships back in the days and if that's true then making dumbledore gay was a pretty dirty move in order not to be called a homophobe imo.
No. 99915
>>99885Yes, from the books (and my memory of reading them) it was heavily implied that James and Lily had Harry right after Hogwarts. It might even be that Lily got knocked up during their final year and left early.
>>99885I'm a big fan of Sirius and James as a couple, even though I have no issue with the canon of Lily and James. imo, Harry's parents and their story is 100x more interesting than Harry himself. I always found him dull.
No. 99941
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>>99885>>99915Harry's parents always seemed to be the dullest characters tbh. Which is a shame, because I really wanted to know more about them!
Forgive me if I am wrong, I haven't read the books in ages. But how the hell did Lily and James even end up together? Wasn't James a total douchebag that Lily disliked? I always feel like we were somehow supposed to… Like Harry's parents? Yet I never got a single reason on why to like or even care much for them. Do we ever even get to know them besides vague information by mostly unliable characters?
Also how can people still like Snape and make excuses for him. RIP Alan Rickman but his character in the HP-universe was just a huge asshole to me, yet somehow everyone tries to convince me to like him for the same mysterious reasons as I am supposed to like Harry's parents.
No. 99942
>>99941Thanks for posting that comic, anon, I had a sensible chuckle.
Come to think of it, the majority HP universe is really just Rowling flying by her coattails . Continuity can barely withstand a scrape.
No. 100020
>>100017It doesn't matter, I can easily picture Hermione as being black. She isn't in canon though.
>>100011Snape was a shit person overall actually but I'm still a fan of his.
No. 101937
>>100024I'm 27. It was exciting to me that I was about the same age as the actors and actresses portraying Harry and his cohorts as the films were being released.
I began reading the books when I was eleven (my grandfather gave me the first three books for my birthday) and the series ended the year I graduated from high school.
It sounds silly, but my friends and I literally grew up with these characters. My best friend and I would go to the midnight book release parties, the midnight movie premieres, and spend countless hours discussing the series and what we thought would happen next. I can't ever read the first book again, but I'll always have a nostalgic fondness for HP.
No. 101952
>>101937Yep. Same here.
I still watch a couple of them at Christmas.
I really, really hope it isn't all remade with a "diverse cast" 20-30 years from now…
No. 105726
>>105712She has blue silver hair, can fly and has a tattoo of the wings of an old bird of folklore on her back.
It's some hot topic teenage girls wet dream
No. 105781
>>105679Could be worse. I'd pay to see it if it were performed within a few hours drive from where I live.
The story reminds me of some of my favorite fics. I can't accept this as canon but it makes a nice what-if scenario.
No. 105816
>>105814- Lupin
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Harry Potter!
- Moaning Myrtle
- Lupin & Sirius
- Harry & Ginny
- Can't remember what the result of the old pre-film HP website Sorting Hat game was
- Too many years back to recall
No. 105884
>>105803Ghost writing is pretty common, and though this isn't the case I imagine it's the same principle. JK is an OK writer but Harry Potter is way too big now to risk her screwing up (but seems like they managed to screw it up without her anyway).
I just don't get why they'd focus on Harry's children and bring Voldemort back when the books ended in such a nice, forever-and-ever-peaceful-amen way. A prequel focused on Snape, Lily and Petunia would be really nice, Rowling could expand on already loved characters and develop Snape's reasons to join the death eaters.
Hell, even showing Voldemort's life would be great. It's extremely unrealistic that after he was defeated for good nobody wrote his biography.
There are so many good ways to keep the series going, and they picked the worst of all.
No. 105886
>>105884People have been begging for a Maraudeurs serie and she shits out Voldemort's daughter. I'm done.
We didn't even get to like the protagonists kids because they were introduced so late. I have no desire to get to know Scorpius or Rose and the whole play seems ridiculous.
No. 105891
>>105814>Favourite maleSnape
>Favourite femaleMcGonagal
>Worst malePercy
>Worst femaleGinny
>Favourite pairing (doesn't have to be canon)Draco Hermione or Luna Harry
>Worst pairingGinny Harry
>Your houseHufflepuff
>Any memories from fandom if activeSleeping in front of stores a bunch of times
No. 105904
>>105886What would be compelling about a mauraders series? It would just be James, Sirius and Remus being dicks, playing quiddich and almost killing snape. We know how they die, there isn't any suspense or story worth telling.
>>105803Because it's not a book, it is a script, and just because someone is an author doesn't mean they can be a playwright.
No. 106415
>>105814>Favourite maleSnape
>Favourite femaleLuna
>Worst maleFilch, Fletcher, or Percy, though they're all supposed to be unlikable characters at some point so…
>Worst femaleMyrtle or Winky
>Favourite pairing (doesn't have to be canon)Snape/Harry
Harry/Tom Riddle
Harry/Voldemort/Tom Riddle
I like many more, but these are the ones I seek out regularly
>Worst pairingHagrid/Madame Maxime
>Your houseHufflepuff
>Any memories from fandom if activeFavorite memories are the midnight book and movie premieres–so much fun.
>>105904Re: Marauders: I used to think the same thing, but I recently read a great Sirius-adopts-Harry fic that shows snippets of an interesting backstory. I think it could be done well. I'd certainly love to see more of the young marauders from A Marauder's Plan by CatsAreCool.
No. 106447
>>105814>Favourite maleHagrid, Slughorn, Mr. Weasley
>Favourite femaleLuna, Mrs. Weasley
>Worst malePercy, Gilderoy Lockhart
>Worst femaleUmbridge
>Favourite pairing (doesn't have to be canon)Hagrid and Maxime. they were so cute together.
>Worst pairingGinny and Harry. it just didn't feel anything but forced.
>Your houseHufflepuff
>Any memories from fandom if activeI'm not really in the fandom, but I liked the books, and whenever there's a Harry Potter programme at the library I volunteer at, I make sure my name is on the list to help out. We had a quidditch match at the library this past weekend and the kids loved it.
No. 106462
I wish JKR would make a similar kind of announcement to the 2007 Dumbledore is gay one but for a trans character tbh. Wank would be great
>>106459I'm a Slytherin
No. 106467
>>106462I don't think a trans character would work. In 90s-early 00s Scotland where Hogwarts was set awareness of transgender issues would be non existent at a high school. Sex ed wouldn't have mentioned it either, therefore the only awareness of transgenderism would be to mock it and I doubt a child would be confident enough to be out or even be fully aware of their gender misidentity.
However having Lupin and Sirius as being gay would make more sense than the afterthought of having Dumbledore come out in my opinion.
No. 106477
>>106467I'm not really saying it would work anon, I'm saying the wank would be funny and probably reminiscent of peak HP.
Also I'm more Sirius/James. Sirius was all over that guy for some reason.
No. 106481
>>105888>a more mature representation…Something Rowling would never do, because she's a dumb fuck and so is everyone who work with her. Teenagers are always the target audience for producers because they're impulsive and have no taste, besides being simpler to appeal to (teen problems are universal but adult ones not so much).
If that were so, she shouldn't stray too far from that.
But that's not the case here. With HP she should, because the older fans far outnumber the newer ones. It would be better to aim for this audience than to try and win the tumblr crowd's approval. That's an oversaturated market already.
And even being a stubborn fuck and pandering to tumblr, she could still do a better job at that. A secret cult that still stands by Voldemort's ideals à la post hitler nazis would be such a simple solution, and she could maintain the "teenagers fighting evil!" theme, PLUS the "Harry becomes an asshole" by creating a "harry doesn't want his children endangered like he was" and his kids mad over the hypocrisy.
I'm not even used to writing YA and I can still think of a thousand better ways to add stuff to HP.
>>105904Shifting the focus from the Marauders to Snape, Lily and Petunia. Snape is a solid character already, we don't get to see how he became like that. She could show how Lily and James fell in love, their work as order of phoenix members, the order of phoenix in general, Neville's parents being tortured by Belatrix. Lighter bits showing the magical world pre-apocalypse (Triwizard tournaments, quidditch cups).
Gosh, she even has the perfect ending in the Potters death and Snape's attempt to save Lily, followed by his breakdown once she's dead.
Now I feel like worrying fanfics in all this.
No. 107097
>>105814Talking about HP again is weird, I used to be super into the fandom before the 5th book was released, but now I'm kinda eh…
>Favourite maleProbably Hagrid, what a good person.
>Favourite femaleMcGonagall.
>Worst maleSirius, never understood how people could like him.
>Worst femaleCho Chang was really unbearable as a character.
>Favourite pairing (doesn't have to be canon)fuck man I shipped a lot back then but now it's just… lost to me.
>Worst pairingLupin/Sirius.
>Your houseHufflepuff.
>Any memories from fandom if activeRaging wars on people who shipped Draco/Harry and when Tonks was introduced.
No. 107185
>Favourite maleProbably either Hagrid, or Snape tbh
>Favourite femaleProfessor McGonagall
>Worst maleI always thought Crabe and Goyle were garbage
>Worst femaleHermione, but honestly it's only because they always made her seem perfect and like she never had a single flaw
>Favourite pairing (doesn't have to be canon)Luna and Ron
>Worst pairingtbh Harry and Ginny always seemed a bit shit to me
>Your houseSlytherin when I did that weird HP website junk, but I would have picked it anyway tbh
>Any memories from fandom if activeNever really got into the fandom because it seemed a bit crazy.
I honestly recommend that people watch 'Wizard People, Dear Reader'. Probably one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen in relation to Harry Potter.,_Dear_Reader No. 107683
>Favourite maleSirius Black
>Favourite femaleLuna lovegood
>Worst maleHarry potter
>Worst femaleGinny and Cho Chang
>Favourite pairing (doesn't have to be canon)James x Lily and James x Sirius Black
>Worst pairingHarry x Ginny
>Your houseRavenclaw
>Any memories from fandom if activeI went to the midnight show for the last movie with my gf. We dressed up and on the metro ride, our entire train car was FILLED with HP fans, wearing bright colored house scarves. It was a lot of fun.
No. 108742
>>105814>favorite maleDumbledore because even though he is kind of a kooky old man he is also rather shady with how he handles Harry's whole chosen one thing. Draco because he deals with massive conflict especially around the last coupel books. He is a character that rose from the flatverse into pretty good tier.
>favorite femaleLuna because she is quirky in a non-forced way and had good chemistry with Harry in particular which is hard as Harry has the personality of an angsty spoon. Hermione definitely grew on me as she aged, since she loses her annoying personality traits over time.
>worst maleRon. I fucking despise this character. He is whiny, stupid, useless, and keeps distrusting his own two best friends. Harry was also kind of an insufferable protagonist to be inside the head of a lot of the time.
>worst female(s)Ginny and Cho.
>favorite pairingLunaXDraco HarryXHermione HarryXLuna HermioneXDraco
All these pairings have characters that could counterbalance each other. If successful, very different personalities can create a profound balance.
>your houseRavenclaw (with Slytherin undertones)
>memoriesNah. I usually don't interact with Potter fans, I really don't enjoy fandoms in general.
No. 108743
>>108742>coupelI want to kill myself.
Sorry. I- I didn't proofread my post properly.