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No. 6009
What were you guys doing during 2006-2009 myspace days? Remember anything worth telling?
Here's everything I remember:
Got a myspace at age 10, recommended by my 9 year old friend. Used "pimpmyprofile" for layouts. Up until 6th grade (2 years later) I only had school friends added.
in 2008 I found scene kids, emos, and site models. Most notably Katie Babyfayce, Audrey Kitching, Abby Tulo, Lauren Cyrus, Brookelle Bones… probably forgetting some. Site models were random pretty girls who graphic editors used to model their edits. If they were pretty enough, and the site graphic people who used their pics were popular enough, they would become myspace famous in an instant.
I tried to be a site model. I remember finding bulletins/blog posts with tips on how to become one. I sucked at makeup, had a shit camera, etc etc, so I failed miserably and didn't know what the hell I was doing. I also didn't have the faintest idea what photoshop was. Briefly tried to be scene, failed even harder (I was 12.)
Started following some site models and scene girls, like Lauren Cyrus and Katie Babyfayce. Only to find out that I've been following a catfish (some of them were psychotically invested in their fake profiles). Till this day, I still think myspace was the biggest cesspool for catfishing there ever was.
By the end of the myspace days I was following one of the later site models, "Jenna Marie", who is now a nobody that no one knows. But back in 2010 she was still kinda relevant.
No. 6010
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>>6009here's an example of a site model, Abby Tulo. Back then, as massively naive as I was about editing, this girl's eyes were the most unrealistic thing ever. Now I noticed she also blurred the center of her face.
No. 6032
>>6009Nah, mine went way before then. I'm almost twenty three. I started high school when the net was still into shitty dress up games, habbo hotel and Disney. Since I was still a kid but then a year later, I remember everyone was getting excited over Piczo. Here in the UK it was MASSIVE…
Piczo was making your own website, about you basically. Everyone in school had their own, pretty shit though because it was just guestbook/about you/ about your friends but at the time it was good!
Myspace came in like a year later, so I was around 14 at this point. Everyone was using it just to stay in touch, no one was after popularity or anything. It was never as popular as facebook though. Bebo was quite popular too in my school but I think Facebook/Myspace won over it.
Here in the UK I remember this girl called "Beepiratehooker" was quite well known, scene queen wise because she'd been in some magazines modelling for some clothing lines.
Also, I remember BBYCAKES clothing was pretty hot here in the UK and USA. Don't even know what the fuck happened to that clothing line, all the scene kids were wearing it. Guy who designed it took the money and fled apparently.
No. 6036
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during that time I was on myspace roleplaying as various anime characters and OCs
the rp scene was such a great time. everyone was p much a mini lolcow. so much relationship drama ahahaha
No. 6066
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I'm not from the UK, but in like 2005 all of my internet friends were, and I was down on piczo. I remember a girl called "phatgraphics"(?) who was like the ultimate of that website. I used piczo icons/graphics to decorate my myspace.
No. 6073
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these dolls tho
No. 6084
Only difference is they've become advance and there is more of them than ever…
No. 6116
>>6078Yup! I see the similarities as well.
I used MySpace very briefly in my senior year of high school and didn't get what the big deal was. All my friends wanted me to make a profile and I felt it sucked, jumped ship and went to Livejournal. I really hated MySpace… It was always in the news for catfish (before it was even called cat fishing), pedophiles and people getting murdered over meeting up on MySpace.
I'm glad I could never get into the stupidity of it all.
No. 6322
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>>6275Oh snap, I think I remember her.
Think she gave Dot Dot Curve the instrumental for "Stoner.Boy.Swag.", that's the only way I know her.
No. 6335
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>>6036I made a myspace in 6th grade because it was cool, posted unbelievably cringeworthy shit on it. From then on until about 8th grade I just was on role playing forums (Harry Potter cough) and made various cringeworthy banners on my moms computer in Photoshop. Got reasonably okay with at years later because I'm stupid.
I had a lot of real life friends on there.. I'm only still friends with like, 2 of them today though.
Oh god, does anyone remember the whole 2 virgin girls role playing two gay guys tidbit? Or just 14 year olds role playing in general? God dude, I'm sure that was the silliest shit. I remember it go really serious sometimes, like 1000+ words per post or smth.
After that, I made the switch to facebooks. Discovered Lolita. Did various cringeworthy shit and went through a really bullshit depressed period.
MySpace is so laughably bad now, but I remember bulletins were especially cringe as well. Omg. I remember when my mom found out my myspace account.
Facebook is just mildly infuriating and addicting but I can't tear myself away because I like keeping up with my comm. social media is kind of self masturbatory in a way, idk. Just weird. Idk why I am sucked in.
Life story complete no1curr
No. 29825
I was deeeeep into the RP scene. My first account was an Inuyasha OC self insert, and later on I got into One Piece RP. That was the most fun, met lots of cool people. One in particular I think about a lot, he was really cool and a great writer, no idea where he is now (maybe reading this?)
>>6324YES. YES I DO.
No. 29834
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I joined Myspace in 6th grade. Went through the scene phase and even tried to be a site model at one point too. This chick was like my idol. I remember being really mad when a few other girls at middle school got into the scene thing as well and were essentially way better at it than me. Pretty sure I bought one of those plastic diamond shaped necklaces like Kiki sold at one point.
No. 32918
>>29851Honestly I really have no idea about the name (can't remember for the life of me) but it could be her cause. Though nothing came up when I looked up that name ;_;
>>31504Oh yeah, the one I'm talking about could've been Vietnamese I think. Not sure about videos though. Now that I think about it, I do think she was older (like over 18 at the time, guess pretty old for a scene queen back in those days lmao)
No. 49280
Oh man, I used to used to use it to stalk the "scene queens" like Audrey Kitching, Hannah Beth, Kiki etc, as well as all the other "MySpace famous" girls. I wanted to be scene so badly, but I was too bad at hair and makeup at the time to pull it off, and didn't have the confidence to go all out in the wardrobe department. So I probably didn't even look scene at all lol.
I did get some really high layers cut into my long hair, in an attempt to get a "scene mullet", but I can see now that the look was probably achieved by having short-ish hair and sticking a load of clip in extensions. I have fine hair so it just looked scraggly, haha.
I also remember this one bitch who was using about six different girls' pictures (generic, over contrasted "scene girl" pics she probably got off google) and added my boyfriend and started posting on his wall. I was like "oh HELL no" and ripped the shit out of her for it. It was super satisfying.