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No. 60953
Unless you go and get medical help you can't really force yourself to sleep. I understand that you want to do other things, I feel the same way but you need to relax. It is very beneficial if you find a way to focus your mind. Some people like to read and immerse themselves in the stories, listen to calm music that is complex enough to keep your attention or try watching something you can enjoy. If you need to make check list to do tomorrow and tell yourself there will be time. Your body needs rest and if you are better rested you will be able to do those things in a more focused and healthy way. If that is not enough try creating a routine and set a time each to start unwinding. Someone suggested diphenhydramine but you can also try melatonin, valerian root,chamomile, st johns wort, gamma-aminobutryic acid, l5 hydroxytryptophan or kava kava. You need to remember this stuff should not be taken every day, diphenhydramine builds up in the system if taken too often and others can create dependency. You can also try aroma therapy. Light scents can put some people into a more relaxed state. If you have allergies though you might want to avoid that. Make your bedroom as inviting and relaxing as possible, limit distractions, set your phone to vibrate or a non disruptive ringtone, use light bulbs that simulate natural light, install a dimmer switch. Remember light, especially blue light stimulates the waking cycle. That is all I can think of for now. You might want to see your doctor if none of this works for you because it sounds like you have mild insomnia related to possible anxiety. Your brain just doesn't seem to want to shut up and keeps giving you ideas of things to do. I have a similar issue. Good luck.
No. 60976
>>60944Damn, I wish I could compare my situation with yours op, but seriously right now I'm laying awake listening to my neighbor's dog giving a motherfucking concerto and I think I'm losing it, I wish my problem was as simple as not wanting to sleep…
It's been like this for months now, every night I have a freak out, like right now I feel like I'm going to die if I dont sleep, I have earplugs but still, I've tried to talk to the assholes who live behind my house, but motherfuckers dont give a shit because they don't really live there, I've tried to call the cops to no avail, no one takes it seriously I'm starting to think that the only solution there is, is to fucking kill the damn animal…
Damn, I want to sleep.
No. 60992
>>60976Call animal protection about the dog. They might get rid of it, or at least make the neighbour reconsider.
Also get an app on your phone for getting rid of dogs (it's a super high pitched sound, dogs hate it) you can even buy devices with it. Humans won't hear it but it drives dogs wild.
No. 61003
>>60992I forgot to mention, I was freaking out really badly, they're 4 wolf like dogs. My country doesn't have any law about animal control and stuff so, is a little bit complicated to be taken seriously and very unlikely that they will remove the animals, also, I live in the ghetto (in American terms) my neighbours scare me shitless, last time I tried to talk with them fucking psychos got all defensive on me. Like really, it sounds like the simplest of all problems but it isn't. I've tried everything but beasts almost knocked down the fence when I tried the dog whistle.
I feel overpowered by a fucking animal, I feel pathetic and im drained af.
No. 61105
>>609761. Look up your laws. Try looking up noise violations, public disturbance, animal cruelty. Around where I live any noise excessive beyond a certain amount of decibels beyond 11 pm is a both a violation of public disturbance and a noise violation.
2. use the ordinances when you call. let them know you are calling because your neighbor is violating those laws. be prepaird to file a statement.
3. try to gather audio and visual proof of these crimes.
4. if the dog is being left outside for excessive amounts of time document it. The dog could be barking to alert them that it wants to come inside. Find out of they have a dog house, food, water and a clean back yard.
5. If the dog is being left to its own devices call animal control or your animal safety commission.
6. see a doctor. You seem to be having anxiety or panic attacks. You should probably not take a chance with your health by not doing anything about it. The dog isn't helping but it probably isn't the sole cause of your issue.
No. 61150
>>61003noise cancelling earphones, earplugs etc.
there are ways to block noise anon you'll get through this
No. 63909
>>61427I got some sleeping pills and it kinda helped a bit, but I still find it difficult to sleep. Doesn't help that I have horrible nightmares several times a week, so I don't WANT to sleep even if I'm super tired.
There's no solution.
No. 63927
>>63920There doesn't seem to be any great treatments for vivid dreams, but you should make sure that you're breathing as well as possible while you sleep. Try something like Breathe-Right strips and see what happens.
Also, avoid having too much melatonin and calcium (which helps create melatonin) before bed. And obviously avoid caffeine as well.
No. 63929
>>63927Not anon, but I have the same problem. I've tried every meme to get rid of my vivid dreams and nothing works. Only thing that kinda works is exercising so hard I feel like I'm going to die and I fall into bed exhausted, and even that doesn't guarantee no nightmares.
I'm 24 and still suffering from night terrors. I just want it to end. I hate sleeping. I hate being tired all the time.
No. 63933
>>63927why do you recommend avoiding melatonin? I thought it helps with sleeping problems.
>>63929I feel you.
No. 63934
>>63929Same anon as
>>63927Are you able to have a sleep study done? If not, there are apps that monitor your sleep. It could be that you're having problems breathing or move around a lot at night. I know first-hand that these can both cause vivid dreams.
No. 64017
>>63935I thought everybody dreams but those people who remember their dreams have fucked up sleep cycles. I rarely remember my dreams but I know I dreamed
something. sometimes I remember but I still don't feel exhausted. my friend on the other hand remembers everything and is always tired.