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No. 61541
>>61536Legbeards, anon. It's totally possible and totally cringe.
>>61526I wasn't a complete legbeard, but I was sloppy, obese, and socially awkward.
Going on a diet and starting to exercise three years ago was the best thing I ever could've done for myself. As I lost weight, I gained more confidence in myself and began presenting myself better. Once I began taking better care of myself in one way,that bled over into other parts of my life. As I started feeling more comfortable in my own skin, I became more comfortable around other people and more social as a result.
It wasn't a glamourous transformation and it took time and work, but it was an extreme transformation.
If you're trying to change yourself, focus on one thing at a time and the rest will follow. To encourage yourself, track your progress and remind yourself how far you've come even if you're not yet where you want to be. Having measurable, realistic goals helps.
No. 62362
>socially retarded through all school life>THE one person nobody liked or talked to>no friends whatsoever>not even online because retardation lvl was that high>finish school>isolation leads to depression>don't get into college >spend three years as NEET>barely leave the house>still no friendsThen I got into college and somehow became popular. I think it's because people were really nice and treated me well even though I was shy and quiet. They made damn sure everyone felt welcome and liked, so I eventually learned how to not be retarded.
Still don't have close friends because I'm autistic and my social skills are all learned by watching others interact, and I can't well watch others when they're one on one. So I don't know how to be close to people.
Never been fat or disgusting, though. The internet (especially 4chan neckbeards) and its myths made me wonder how the hell a pretty-ish girl could be so unliked. But, well, I was. Nowadays my weirdness is seen as quirky and people admire me, for which I'm glad.
>>61536And then you say females are the ones with no empathy
Go away
No. 62421
grew up fat, with glasses, and bad acne in middle school. I was completely socially retarded and had maybe one or two friends at any given point because I would alienate myself constantly.
reached high school. got bullied for my weight and general style. dropped out, lost a fuck ton of weight, grew my hair and dyed it and improved my skin and style. stopped talking as much, started listening more. learned to kinda.. fit in a little, but still be on the outside enough that I'm friends with people from all walks of life from those years.
got a boyfriend. switched schools, had some bad drama, but now everyone is friends. these days, feeling pretty qt. my skin is clear now without much effort and my hair is long and healthy again as opposed to frizzy and short. my body has really evened out nicely too thanks to the efforts I've made, a little something each day. I still need to work on my mental state and I still have some acne scars and other marks I'd like t get rid of, but time will help.
No. 63053
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>>62362must be nice for people to want to be friends with you and invite you into their social circles.
No. 63125
>>63053It is, anon. It is. It's been over two years and I still can hardly believe it.
If you don't have such a thing, don't lose hope. It happens in the real world, it's a possibility.
No. 63602
I'll write an essay, why not.
I kind of did.
Never been fat, but terrible social anxiety. I couldn't even go on omegle, and never got close to anyone, primary, secondary and up to college.
Since I remember I've been pushed away by others. Like in nursery I got the "you can't sit here" treatment, and I was a weird mix of compliant but not needy. So I'd go away because they told me to, but not try and win their approval. Resulted in me sitting away from others and never approached because why would they? I didn't have anything interesting to say.
At the time the look of popular girls was so unattainable to me I literally thought it was genetics. I was woefully uneducated on that kind of thing. Took me until I was about 15 before I realised that nobody else smelled like BO because they used deoderant, and not just the body spray I was using that whole time. I'd buy shit cheap beige foundation and wonder why it was clumpy. Never mind the fact that they had more expensive foundation, eyeliner, mascara, a suiting eyeshadow, blush and well fitting clothes. Obviously not talking to anyone I never learned this until way later. Gave up on looking the part, gave up on interacting with others. Have you guys seen the cringe video with the 2 girls and the anime club thing? I would've been the red faced fatso with long, greasy brown hair.
Uni was the turning point for me. Third year, specifically. Done fine on my own, or for group projects waited for someone else to instruct me. Always struggled to find a lab partner. But I realised I won't get anywhere without connections. I read how to win friends and influence people. Bought 3 cotton skater dresses, same cut, different pattern and wore them daily. Went to a place doing haircuts for £15 and got it cut to something acceptable. So I talked to a girl in my class I knew through someone in secondary school, listened to her and her fucked up psyche, without giving anything (turns out she was a cuckquean and also cheating on her boyfriend of 2 years, anyway). I'd ask if she wanted to go get lunch, and we'd bond outside the classroom. Eventually she introduced me to her friends, one which was in a club at university, and I asked to join. Whenever I was asked if I was coming to the meet, I'd say yes. No matter what, I'd pick going out over staying in. Drinking helped, they'd ask if I want to come for a few and I always accepted. I'd gather more friends through these people, and I couldn't walk across campus without being stopped for a conversation at least 3-4 times.
I fucking hated it to be honest. Dropped them all as soon as I graduated.
I'm lonely, but at least I can make friends. I even bought a blouse last week, the kind that has a black thing you tie into a bow.
No. 68388
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I was once a socially retarded slob who showered probably once a week, had no sense of style, stuffed my face with carbs/sweets all day, and had zero luck getting anyone to date me.
I am now slightly less socially retarded, I shower every day, I have AM and PM skincare routines, won't leave the house without makeup on, am fond of wearing clothes that show off my t&a, eat ridiculously healthy and am on the slim side. I still can't get anyone to seriously date me, but I've managed to fuck some hotties who were out of my league. So I've made progress.
No. 68415
>>68402Sounds good anon. Glad things worked out well for you.
>I still think wearing makeup to go grocery shopping or to class or whatever is for tragically boring women or young teens, but I learnt how to do it well for occasions. Agreed.
No. 68418
>>68415Meh. I have bad acne scarring and wear bb cream + setting powder while I try to treat it.
"I wear makeup" =/= "I spend three hours putting on a drag queen face." Is everyone here a dude who thinks the pretty girl at the supermarket just woke up that way?
No. 68422
>>68418Eh, I'm not assuming everyone slathers on makeup like a drag queen or spends hours doing it every day but it just seems silly to put it on for the sake of buying some toilet paper and cheese, or anything where it doesn't matter how you look.
Imo it all boils down to insecurity, and there's nothing more boring or dreary than that.
No. 68425
>>68423Lmao, no.
I'm assuming that they are bothered enough by their appearance that they apply makeup to do mundane, everyday tasks.
how they look buying groceries or taking notes for class or cashing a cheque matters to them. If someone literally cannot handle buying a magazine whilst not looking a certain way then yeah, I assume there's not much but desperate insecurity going on behind the face.
Who said anything about them sitting home alone all day made up like a drag queen? I think you're projecting anon.
No. 68429
>>68425Um. You're the one acting like wearing makeup to do daily tasks means that someone is omginsecure.
Fact of the matter is, people treat women better when they're wearing makeup. People perceive you better when you're dressed neatly instead of wearing sweatpants and a stained tshirt.
Unless you have perfect skin and perfect eyebrows, people are going to treat you differently when you aren't wearing makeup.
For some people putting on makeup just makes them feel a different way, like getting dressed up, or eating healthy food. You feel fresh and ready for the day. Of course some people are insecure if they aren't wearing makeup, the makeup industry wouldn't be a billion dollar business if everyone loved themselves.
The real question is why do you care about the makeup on the faces of random people at the grocery store or class?
No. 68431
>>68429 feeling a certain way about wearing makeup is feeling more attractive, which honestly just feeds back into the insecurity thing.
'I feel good because I think I look better'
'People will treat me well, because I look like this'
Not wearing makeup is hardly the same as being dirty, poorly dressed and ungroomed. If you're clean, appropriately dressed and groomed, you're not gonna have gross skin and bad brows.
Do you think I religiously scan every face I see at Coles for foundation or something? Its not some huge issue for me, I gave an opinion on a casual topic.
No. 68435
>>68425This is like asking why people shower and put on pants before they go outside and stand in line at the bank.
I have scarred skin and uncooperative hair. I do not want to leave the house looking like shit. Other people do not want to look at a scary bag lady. So putting on basic makeup, making sure my hair doesn't look wayward, and coordinating my outfit is just part of my daily routine.
No. 68443
>>68435So you feel you look like shit without it.
So its about insecurity.
How is it in anyway like basic hygiene or not committing public indecency?
No. 68447
>>68443You're taking "basic hygiene" and "indecency" for granted and treating makeup like it's some weird foreign ritual. My point is that it's all in the name of conforming to a societal standard.
I'm done sperging about makeup…
No. 68449
Being showered, brushing your teeth and hair and wearing clean clothes are basic hygiene standards. They're not random standards society made up.
Going to the bank without pants is public indecency in most countries. Mr.Sanders from two houses down's balls being on show while he's next in line to see the teller is not the same thing as a woman doing the exact same thing, but without makeup.
What do you think arbitrary means anon?
No. 68452
>>68442Haha, do you even understand what the fuck you're saying? Showering and basic hygiene should be primary. Makeup is not a primary thing for lots of people. It's a social standard, but you can live your life without ever wearing makeup and be fine. Try not showering or brushing your teeth for a while and see how well that works for you.
>>68447Yeah, I think you are done.
No. 68456
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What else did you expect?
No. 68458
>>68438"in a real world" all of this happened in an alternate universe or something? The makeup industry wouldn't be as successful as it is if people did not wear makeup every day. Good for you that you work in a magical place where no one else wears makeup, but many workplaces do require it, or perceive a woman that doesn't wear it as unfeminine and unhygienic.
Those women could also just be wearing natural makeup and you just don't notice.
No. 68462
>>68458Name a single workplace that isn't a strip club/hooters/hostess cafe/modeling gig that REQUIRES makeup.
"I'm sorry doctor, you cant give my son this surgery. You're not wearing your mandatory lipstick"
On what grounds?
Ur brows are whack'
'Mrs welsh? Yeah I'm sorry but you're not qualified to teach highschool English. You don't have blush OR a bronzer.'
No. 68463
>>68458>Those women could also just be wearing natural makeup and you just don't noticethis is very true
>>68461nobody said that women HAD to or should wear makeup all the time. the reason for all this autism is that someone implied that women who put on makeup to go anywhere outside of the house are insecure and overly high maintenance
No. 68467
>>68463I'm the anon who said they're insecure.
Idk why the hell its turned into a vaguely feminist raving or why someone thinks women are legally mandated to wear makeup at work, but its all hilarious.
Sorry I wrecked your thread, but this is great imo. Everyone's getting so upset over nothing.
No. 68468
>>68461I'm not saying that all women have to wear makeup all the time. I don't wear makeup all the time. Anon upthread was speging out because women DARED to wear MAKEUP while GROCERY SHOPPING.
Who the fuck cares?
>>68462Oh my god, you're dense. It isn't outright said that way, but chances are a woman who wears subtle makeup, covers up her acne and eyebags and imperfections, is more likely to be treated differently and be hired over someone who doesn't wear makeup and has visible flaws. It isn't rocket science. It isn't that outrageous of a claim.
It might not always be written in ink, but its subtle and its there.
No. 68469
>>68468Treated better by who?
I got my job and advanced it by being good at it and a professional, same as most women do. Do you really think that looking slightly nicer is gonna get you anything or anywhere at life?
Cause if so please remember to bag my stuff with paper not plastic.
No. 68470
>>68468Ignore the samefag but to elaborate further
Anon upthread was talking about girls they see at the grocery store wearing makeup. Maybe those women have more than one thing to do besides buying fucking broccoli or whatever. Maybe they have a date later on, maybe they just got out of work, maybe they're hanging out with friends later, maybe its 100 more rational reasons besides "SHE PUT ON A POUND OF MAKEUP BECAUSE SHE'S BORING, INSECURE AND HIGH MAINTENANCE!! I'M NOT LIKE THOSE GIRLS! I only wear makeup for ~special reasons~"
>>68469I'm not even talking about myself! I'm not saying that this is a good thing either, jobs shouldn't judge women for not wearing makeup, and women shouldn't feel pressured to wear it.
But you're an idiot if you really think people don't treat other people better if they look nicer/dress nicer/seem more "attractive". It's just a truth of life. If makeup really make no difference to how someone is perceived, then no one would ever wear it.
No. 68471
>>68470Lol what the fuck. When did I say I'm ~soooo different~ or even that its bad?
I said i think anyone who wears makeup just to do a mundane task like groceries is insecure. The rest you've just pulled out of nowhere.
You're getting super worked up about this.
No. 68473
>>68471So…if I comb my hair before going out because it'll look weird otherwise, I'm insecure.
Or if I work out every day despite not being overweight or otherwise unhealthy, I'm insecure.
Or if I avoid certain foods for health reasons despite not being overweight, I'm insecure.
I disagree that putting on makeup for 'mundane' tasks is necessarily insecure. For some it is, but for others it's just another part of their daily self-maintenance routine.
No. 68476
>>68473You're really struggling to separate makeup from things that are necessary.
Brushing your hair helps prevent parasites. Its hygiene, not looks.
Good diet and exercise helps you not die of a heart attack or diabetes at 30. Again, not looks.
Are you the same anon who says bathing and brushing your teeth is an arbitrary social construct?
No. 68480
>>68479Heaps. Up until a hundred odd years ago nobody had been thin for vanity.
Most people eat right and work out because its normal for them to not constantly binge on every single snack they come across.
You know that there are people who actually give a shit about health right?
No. 68481
>>68480most people work out for health AND to look hotter. it can be both.
centuries ago it was considered hot to be fat because that meant you were rich enough to eat. now its hot to be thin because it means you have the time to work out.
No. 68485
>>68481Not being a land whale doesn't mean anything other than you have a regular amount of sense and self control.
You can easily not be fat without working out for hours. Its all to do with calorie control.
No. 68486
>>68481The idea of fat women being hot is historically inaccurate btw.
A little bit of a belly and a rounder figure were idealized, as it indicated access to food and a position above manual labour but disfiguring obesity(fupa, arm rolls, leg rolls etc) has always been considered ugly.
Tumblr prefers not to mention that Rubens figures were considered ye olde fatty chans.
No. 68488
>>68487An extra 20lbs does put most people over their healthy weight so what's your point?
Overweight is fat.
No. 68572
>>68479Umm, lots. It actually has more to do with health and not feeling like shit. I used to be 30 pounds overweight (borderline obese) years ago and let me tell you, losing my breath and having bad knees is not cute. I dont care about my face, I wanted to not feel like I was dying.
I felt full of shit, literal shit and lead and other garbage when I was overweight. it has more to do with being overweight and obese is unnatural and feels awful.
No. 68607
>>68480except for empress elisabeth of austria amirite kek
where my 17-inch-waist-chans veal-mask marathon walkers at holllaaaaaa
No. 68679
>>68574Anyone with a bmi above like 21 cannot afford to pack on 20 pounds. It would put most of them into the overweight category.
Five pounds over or 150 pounds over, it doesn't matter. If you have excess weight you're fat.
No. 68769
>>68768Five pounds of fat*
No. 69012
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What advice would you give to someone who wears t-shirts and jeans every day? I want to expand my wardrobe and wear different things, but it's hard breaking this habit when you have no idea what direction to go in.
No. 69056
>>69012Different cuts and colors of jeans.
Play with high waists, light, dark, or printed denim, boyfriend jeans, skinny jeans etc. find a few pairs that fit like a glove and make you feel totally sweet.
Fuck around with styles of jackets and shoes. Mix casual denim with a fancy top and shoes or really excellent jeans with a casual sweater. Its all good fam, its hard to fuck up jeans.
Eg, chuck on a pair of lighter blue boyfriend fit jeans, maybe the kind with holes if you're into that. Roll the cuff a little, pair with pumps and a black blazer or a nice sparkly tanktop.
A pair of black skinny jeans, a crisp white cotton shirt, colored plimsolls and maybe nice bangle/bracelet or two.
No. 69070
>>61526I've kind of done this. I went from being like a lot of girls that was tomboyish, not caring about fashion, and actively disliking stuff for no reason like the color pink, to just enjoying femininity and being content with it.
It kind of helps a really feminine or really masculine image when everyone around you is suddenly a transgender "androgynous" tumblrite mess. None of my friends can compete with that sort of hyper girly stuff. They're so obsessed with what I was ironically trying to do as a teen - be some androgynous ~cool kid~ and somehow think that makes you better than everyone else.
No. 69071
>>69056Thanks for the advice, anon. I'll try playing around with stuff next time I'm trying things on.
>>69058I don't really know what specific style I want to go for, but I would like to incorporate more skirts into what I wear. Something that could be casual and suitable for someone in their mid to upper twenties. Thanks for the help.
No. 69075
>>69071Tulip or skater style skirts for casual. Try not to go higher than three or so finger widths above the knee if you wanna "keep it classy"
If you prefer a bit more leg for a casual look opt for a mid thigh length. Casual wear is the best place to save a bit of money, bargain hunting is part of the fun.
A skater skirt and tshirt is super casual, a nice tulip skirt and say, a silk tank top could go from a coffee with friends to a dinner date depending on shoes, makeup, bag and jewellery.
For work, pencil skirts are never a bad choice. Keep it knee length or longer for professionalism. Try to opt for nicer fabrics if you can for work. Pair with a blouse tucked in, and low pumps or nice flats.
Pantyhose is always good if you're going for a professional look.
No open toe shoes here plz.
Long flowy hippy skirts can look cute with sandals, singlet and long layered necklaces. You could also chuck on a draped cardigan, or a gilet.
No. 69184
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>>69075Thanks, anon. This helps more than you know, I even copy and pasted this somewhere so I can reference it. I hope you find a $20 somewhere in the near future.