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No. 62590
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Just to throw something in this thread and since I'm already down the #larryisreal rabbit hole…
Context: Everybody decided two of the one direction guys were gay, one of them got a girl pregnant and now they're all "proving" that the baby is fake and the gay relationship is real.
No. 62596
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No. 62648
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>>62643larry is the name of the ship between one direction members louis tomlinson and harry styles
im pretty sure it emerged as mostly a joke thing because the two would play it up (but only when they were very young, like 16/17) doing the typical jokingly gay shit teenage boys like to do, but then a huge segment of the fandom latched onto it and started
actually shipping it, with fanfiction and fanart and shit, and an even huger segment believes its real and has conspiracy theories about it/is convinced that their management is covering it up, and if you make fun of larry fans or larry or deny it exists you are homophobic, etc.
all of them are batshit insane and absolutely fucking delusional, none of them have any idea how the music industry works or how relationships work or how two boys who are best friends (or were best friends because they allegedly have drifted apart because people started all their actions) even GOMI has a larry conspiracy thread. most "larries" are young women but when I say that I include 20something year old. but there are a fuckton of 30-40 year old women who believe it and are huge in he fandom as a result, because the young ones think that any person older than them giving into delusion makes that delusion real. there are several "big" larries and huge masterposts about it; hours and hours of vidoe dedicated to "proving" larry is real (most of the clips are of harry looking at louis in interview etc), people claiming to be lawyers/people in the industry who can "prove" it. it's a level of delusion that is honestly wild to me
this person is a mother: No. 62650
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Larry-anon here. I use to not believe it in for a long time, but there is a lot of proof about it.
Main thing being RBB, this teddy bear got thrown on stage about 2? years ago and the band kept it and would dress it up as gay icons and drags queens. Recently it got a Twitter account, and it's always posting stuff right when there's drama in that circle of fans. Also it tweets right after or before (I'm talking seconds, here) Harry or Louis do. It's weird. It could not even mean anything, but it's kind of cryptic in a way. No. 62724
>>62719Bandom is creepy as hell. Imagine googling your name and coming across people writing sex scenes involving you and your best friend or a family member.
I understand fanservice, but some fans take it way too far.
No. 62737
>>62708If somebody if forcing their fantasies/delusions on somebody, then it's creepy. e.g deciding that two people are together and hating on their actual partners/harassing them over social media/getting agressive about it/etc.
I think sexual fanfics about real life people are creepy as fuck too. Just because they're celebrities or whatever doesn't make it less weird.
Really, if somebody is so obsessed with a person that it heavily impacts their life or makes them act negatively in an extreme way, they're weird, creepy and possible insane.
No. 62748
>>62719The ones who ship real life people are usually the worst ones because they think they have to fight harder for it because it's real.
From the top of my head, I can recall larries threatening to kick the guy's girlfriend in the stomach to prove her pregnancy is fake, robsten fans blogging about the three (non-existent) children that Robert pattinson and kristen stewart have together, Robsten fans putting racial slurs on his ACTUAL fiance's instagram and obviously all the awkward people who turn up to see the supernatural cast and ask them gross and invasive questions about the gay sex they think they're having.
No. 62765
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>>62748the robsten fans are the worst, they're absolutely vile towards fka twigs too, constantly calling her an "it" and being ridiculously racist to her, which she's spoken about before.
this wordpress blog (formerly harbors the most delusional of them all though. so many stolen photos of other couples' babies, so much faulty Larry-style logic… also the woman who runs it is probably 40-50 years old. No. 63198
What the fuck is 'dipshidiots'? she keeps saying it. Dip shit idiots? Classy lady
No. 63244
>>63242Real people shippers are all insane, but the sasaeng fans in k-pop take it to the next level.
-One fan sent a k-pop idol a letter written in period blood with her pubic hairs included.
-Some sasaeng fans will chase after idols at high speed while ignoring traffic rules, leading to roadway accidents.
-There's stalker fans that will break and enter their idol's homes and hotel rooms, steal their belongings, and leave piss and shit to mark their territory.
-Another fan tried to poison an idol, he had to get his stomach pumped afterwards.
I'm sure there's more crazies but these are the ones I can remember at the moment.
No. 63330
>>63244I'll never understand how anyone can find Korean men attractive. I get Japanese men, some of them, like Hiroshi Abe, are attractive. But something like 80% of Korean men have had plastic surgery.
The natural look of Koreans isn't like other East Asians, it's actually closer to Mongolians and other Central Asians: Small, slitty eyes, very large face etc.
No. 63578
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>>63330Meh attraction is subjective. Siwon is one of the rare guys who hasn't had surgery and I find him pretty damn attractive. But looking up Hiroshi Abe I think we have different tastes anyway.
But back on topic the fan fiction for some of these celebrities is hilarious. They either go disturbingly perverse or prudishly innocent. Here's one of the latter. No. 63637
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>>63330TOP is surgery free and flawless, sorry for your bad taste
No. 63647
>>63637TOP, Siwon and other celebrities are just the creme de la creme among Korean men. It's not exactly wrong when anon from
>>63330 said that most Korean men don't actually look like this.
No. 63652
>>63647Just like how most white dudes don't look like Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans and most black dudes don't look like Idris Elba. Your average person doesn't look like a celebrity.
>>63244Sasaeng fans are encouraged by the record labels sometimes, since they spend every penny they have on band merch and concert tickets. Being an idol seems terrible.
No. 63868
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>>63648Just to back up this claim, Ben Jorgensen from Armor For Sleep is part Japanese and pretty hot IMO.
No. 63869
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>>63648Also George Miller (filthyfrank) is part Japanese as well and pretty damn hot.
No. 64127
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>>63868>>63869These guys are plain-cute. Nothing special about them.
How can we talk about hot Asian men without mentioning Godfrey Gao?
No. 64144
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>Thread has turned into hot Asian men thread.
Why not?
No. 64153
>>63652The average white guy is better looking than the average Korean sans surgery. The average Korean sans surgery really does look like a central Asian Mongolian of some description. The guy in Lost is a good example. Huge face, tiny eyes. Koreans aren't a particularly attractive people. That's fine. What annoys people I think is the arrogance of Koreans in general when their culture is just a carbon copy of Chinese on the traditional front and Japanese/western on the contemporary front.
People in general, men or women, who don't find their own race attractive are just weird. K-poopers are the equivalent of white guys who think Asian girls are anime girls.
No. 64155
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>>64144Dat smile.
My friends tell me I'm weird for this but Sudo Genki is some good stuff.
No. 64168
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>>64154 he has gotten any work done, its subtle, but he looks the same as he did when he was young. He just lost a ton of weight.
No. 64172
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>>64153What is the "average white guy" to you? Because most white dudes look like neckbeards or fratbros.
lolcow does have shit tier taste in men, judging by some of the threads in /g/.
No one here is saying that all white guys are ugly or that they only find asians attractive. You're the one sperging out saying most asian dudes are ugly.
>The guy in lostDaniel Dae Kim is hot in a dad kind of way, he doesn't have the standard Korean idol look.
>>64155Damn, he's hot.
No. 64181
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I thinks its more of a type thing, personally i prefer white guys, but asian guys can be pretty cute too.
I took two very average of both as comparison
No. 64182
>>64168That's not a reliable source. The default assumption for a major "idol" in a country where parents buy plastic surgery as a graduation gift is that he's had it.
Koreans just feel jealous of Japanese for not looking like Mongolians.
No. 64188
>>64182There are idols without plastic surgery though? A lot of them have it, and a some of them don't.
To me, his major features most idols fuck with (eyes, nose) look the same as when he was a kid. He might have had surgery, but its very, very subtle if he did.
No. 64192
>>64190it's just a prank, bro.
also fyi, he's a satire channel.
No. 64193
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>>64192More plastic faced koreans for me, then.
No. 64196
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>>64194>"high status"excuse me, what?
And who said I have a race fetish? Hot men are hot no matter what their race is.
No. 64199
>>64196Nobody outside of the kpop fandom cares about Korean men.
You've just fallen for the Korean media's bullshit. They actively work to push Korean media abroad relentlessly in a way to fool impressionable people and you've fallen for it.
Japanese don't need that sort of cheap trick. Google "hating the Korean wave".
No. 64201
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>>64197Looking at this photo closer, it looks like he may have gotten a nose job, at the bare minimum.
So disregard my previous comments about TOP, I suck cocks.
>>64199Most people don't care about Asian men in general, even your oh so attractive Japanese men.
No. 64213
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I have an unhealthy obsession with a dead guy
No. 64243
>>64204Can't stand him. He has a really weird stare and smile.
I find very few Japanese celebs attractive but I've seen a decent amount of 10/10s out and about.
No. 64252
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>>64238His stage name is peter steele, but you'd have to share with me
No. 64265
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>>64252>>64238He was did a Playgirl centerfold once.
No. 64281
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No. 64373
>>63242Dog-fucking is pretty mild in western media fandoms. There's the alpha/omega stuff, and in SPN you have your yak fucking.
>>63330There are good-looking Korean men, but the younger generation all have this smoothed over photo-shopped look, it is kind of creepy. Valley of the dolls.
>>63648Meh, some look mixed without being mixed. There's a whole lot of diversity.
>>63869He looks like Ezra whatshisface, which means he looks as if he never washes by association, sadly.
>>64153What if I told you there are good-looking Mongolian men?
But I don't like the way Hiroshi Abe looks. To each their own.
No. 64388
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The other night, I read some extremely cringe-y comic on /co/ that was OCxJohn Silver. You know, that fat cyborg guy from Treasure Planet. It was by DisneyFan01 and it was just.. indescribable.
No. 64913
>>64235Cool Japan and that shit is a load of bullshit that the government is promoting solely because they know otakus are typically wealthy and want their money (who else would make the prilgrimmage out to a small town in bumfuck, nowhere just to see scenes from their favorite show and blow money on exclusive merch there? they just want to try reviving local economies). They had the right idea in mind but really fucked up. How can you expect some pop culture that your mainstream rejects to be successful?
Its just a failed venture because otakus have traditionally always been "niche" and a subculture in Japanese society (and still is). Korea did a good job forcing their shit abroad.
No. 65073
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>>64908what is it about treasure planet and these obsessive girls? does anyone remember dolphy and her self insert?