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No. 62638
>>62603Yes I would. Tbh I am not a farmer in the sense that I am a bully since I simply use /b/ and /g/ because there are no other good image boards for girls so I wouldnt feel guilty at all. If I'd end up here I'd probably post in that thread and ask nicely for constructive criticism. Deep inside I would be thrilled with joy to realize many weebs are wasting their time to talk about me. They are in denial but I know they realize that. So yeah I dont care if I'd end up here. Unless they would sink so low to talk about my family then I'd probably be furious lel. I'd just ask kindly to please delete the posts and just talk about me in any way you like.
TL;DR I dont care and I'd join the discussion
No. 62760
>>62653Well, not everyone on chanboards is edgy, despite the overwhelming underaged brethren. But thinking about it again, I think it's just better to ignore my thread then. I mean tbh, the most active threads on /pt/ I can think of are pics provided on their own instagram and when I scroll their threads it's actually more a thread dedicated to their photos because normal people dont have the time to read all the posts. And even if I'd read it, it just reminds me of those typical youtube comments. All they do now is post their already public pics and laugh at them without posting actual milk. maybe it's because I'm older but its been a half year since I checked /pt/ and it isnt so scary to be posted there at all lel. I admit, if I wasnt famous and someone would post me now I'd be butthurt. But if I was I'd be flattered tbh.
I noticed "E-bullying" changed, is introduced to normies and "cows" get quickly old now especially if they arent "cows"with millions of subscribers. Websites like encyclopedia dramatica are irrelevant and no one gets mad if they get a page anymore.
S-sorry for my blogpost.
No. 63575
>>63507Don't forget self-awareness to match that common sense! A lot of cows preach about certain things, but then do exactly what they're supposedly against. Some of them do it specially for the attention - others are just lacking in self-awareness.
To answer OPs question, no I would not like to be internet famous especially being internet famous just for the sake of it. I like my privacy too much to chase after it and its meagre rewards. Even considering the fame of those who aren't cows and get mostly positive attention, it still doesn't seem worth it to me. I spent enough time online as it is: I don't think spending more of my time constantly updating my social media accounts with decent content so my followers won't get bored of me is how I'd like to spend a few years of my life. Constantly being bombarded with comments across all platforms would be overwhelming - especially as I'd want to reply to those who took the time out to ask me questions. I think it'd be too physically and mentally exhausting. But, you know, to each their own.