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No. 64777
>>64743Honestly the amazing disappearing penis trick would make me laugh irl EXCEPT if I were an inexperienced teen. I would've been weirded out with that kind of leadup to sex back when I was a virgin. What shitty advice.
>>64745Seems like most of the redpilkers are critiquing this one, too. The best ones are where they go full circlejerk.
No. 64783
>>64760>but they fail to realize they can also be applied to most of the human population, male or female, including themselves.Yeah, that's the one I find weird.
>women only like men for their looks>if ur ugly they won't like u>women will always seek to trade upblah blah and so on…
while they are literally doing the same shit, but acting holier-than-thou
No. 64788
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>>64783>while they are literally doing the same shit, but acting holier-than-thouthiss. In the other redpill thread there was discussion about that PUA who was doxxed. In his interview he said that his plan was to fuck girls until he turns 38 then find a 24 year old to wife up.
…which is literally the same behavior redpill criticizes in women. "Oh she's going to ride the cock carousel until she hits the wall, then she's going to marry for stability".
No. 64789
>>64788Exactly. It's people with shitty personalities (or those with normal-ish personalities sucked in by propaganda or loneliness and then become shitty) trying to find ways to seduce and manipulate other people with shitty personalities, who happen to be attractive.
Honestly, I don't have respect for anyone who falls for TRP tactics or who would date someone that awful, so I can't really complain about them pairing up. It's only natural.
No. 64790
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>>64765Pics pls
>>64770Yeah lol
>>64783Yeah, they're basically trying to emulate how they think women act, lol.
>>64788It's okay if men do it 'cause biotruths and sheeeeeeeeeit
No. 64791
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No. 64792
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No. 64795
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No. 64796
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No. 64800
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>>64797While I was bullying him recently, he posted a vid of himself with a girl that was definitely white. Weird.
No. 64815
>>64809Most redpillers are most likely
Doesn't mean we can't harass them until they get their shit together though
>>64812Nah, he just thanked the guy who was talking to him, said he'd take his advice, said that he could see that TRP is stupid now, and deleted his account.
No. 64816
>>64800>5 yr old daughter>5 yr old daughter>5 yr old daughter>5 yr old daughter>5 yr old daughter>relating BDSM redpill dynamics to your own 5 yr old child>thinking about your own 5 yr old child in sexual terms >considering your own 5 yr old child "submissive" versus your "dominant">considering 5 yr old child looking at the dog = getting a thrill out of dominationW T F ? ? ?
No. 64835
>>64790>>64815I can't remember when I last heard the word "weregeld" used seriously in conversation. It's good he stopped. At least some of these people can be talked down from the ledge. It's sad that TRP is something guys will turn to when they're hurt though.
>>64800Force multiplier? Is he an apache attack helicopter or something?
No. 64860
>>64844It is how they measure their value. These guys think that women only have sex with high value men. So if their wives aren't in the mood, they think they are failing in their quest for being a better man.
They also see relationships as a power struggle so I am sure that factors in somehow.
No. 64866
>>64862I find their delusion very interesting. Often, when someone replies to a red pill post with "well i'm happily married, and my wife is my partner." They're always like "she just settled for you for the beta bux. Women are incapable to true love, so she is just tolerating you until she finds someone better."
A lot of posts on trp scream "I tell myself these things to make me feel better for my perceived failures"
No. 64873
>>64869Soul-crushing insecurity
A lot of them talk about high school and college like it is the holy grail of their life. I think that they believe that they missed out in their "prime years" (some of them think that college is full of gangbangs and three ways, and that they are the only ones not invited).
Now they're stuck in a negative feedback loop that has an explanation for every injustice they've ever faced.
No. 64977
>>64928>biology!! >female species!!These men ignore all the species where men assume the care taker role and women are the most dominant. They see that female lions are usually in a pride with one male, but then forget that female lions typically call the shots and do all of the hunting, while male lions are lazy fucks.
Or how male penguins protect the egg while the female goes out to get food.
Most male animals are colorful and smaller than females, in order to attract females. The animal kingdom is the exact opposite of how these MRA think the world works (females must be adorned to attract men, all females are week and only care about their young)
I read the OP of that post, and I refuse to believe that every single one of these redpillers are all managing to somehow get fit, get washboard abs and become 10/10's. That doesn't happen while you're trolling reddit all day and night to seek validation about your lack of sex life.
Also, yes, there are some desperate men into fat women, but I doubt that his supposedly 300 pound, super obese wife is getting hit up on the regular (why would he even know about her results anyway?)