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No. 6532
>>6530I know how you feel somewhat. I'm 21, though lucky enough to have amazing bf, he's all I have. I have no real life friends, just people who sometimes comment on Facebook posts but that's it. I haven't spent time with another female in about 2 years (outside my partners mother) and the last time I tired to make friends with one, she moved within weeks. I guess I'm scared to become close with another girl because my childhood best friend really fucked me over and I've found it hard to open up to people since. Which completely fucks my chances of making friends.
I'm ashamed to say it's been that long, I don't really know how to go about making friends now. I get so nervous that they are not going to like me or think I'm ugly ect… I'm so lucky to have my partner but it's lonely sometimes because we can only about so much. I can't talk about internet drama or just 'girl' shit in general. So I spend my time here, somewhat pretending I'm actually having a convo with someone who I may become friends with and that's just fucking pathetic.
No. 6533
>>6532I can relate. I'm 24, and the only friend I have is someone that I haven't seen in 4 yrs and who I speak to infrequently online due to me trying to distance myself from everyone when I was at the lowest of my depression. The only other friend I had I got to hang out with about once or twice a yr, but she changed her number a month ago and I have no other way to contact her (the sad thing is we go to the same uni) and I never see her.
People like starting convos with me, and we get along well about the first 2 or 3 times, then I start pulling away because I'm afraid of disappointing them at some point.
No. 6534
>>6533The depression part of what you said really hit home for me. It's a lot of the reason I find it hard to open up. I feel like shit putting that on someone so I push away. I did it when I was 17, over time just slowly lost all my friends and in all honestly I'm the only one to blame. But now I want to try to make friends, even just one, but I have no idea how to go about it.
So I'm going to do something I normally wouldn't and say if anyone of you need someone to talk to, even if you're just bored or lonely. I would seriously be more than happy to talk to you, I'm in the same boat. So yeah, I'll make a throw-away email so I don't have to put information on here if anyone is down.
No. 6535
>>6534are you neet, anon?
i really could use a NEET/severe depression/no friends- friend
No. 6539
>>6535I am anon, shamefully. But would love to be your NEET/severe depression/no friends- friend.
>>6536 has a good idea, at least we would be able to talk about it and have an understanding because we know how it feels. And
>>6537 If you want to on this train, you're more than welcome.
I'm making an email, would gmail be fine or?
No. 6543
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I can't remember why, but during my weeb phase I was completely convinced that "black girls couldn't be kawaii"
Even now, I often find myself wishing I wasn't black (well, mixed but still)
No. 6554
>>6539 Here
This is going to sound so newfag but I've never need to post an email. How do I do it lol? I'm honestly laughing at how stupid I sound right now.
No. 6556
>>6550It's kinda surreal how many of us are in the same boat but part of each of us prevents us from building a connection with anyone
I wonder if its the fact that we feel we can't let ourselves be completely open in fear that we'll scare someone away with our issues. My biggest fear is that people will find me boring because I don't have anything exciting to talk about like what I did last night since it's the same thing everyday: I stayed home and read some shoujo manga lol.
No. 6574
>>6563ah yes, thank you anon.
will be contacting you tomorrow. i'd love to speak to you rn, but i'm too exhausted to hold up a convo. i look forward to speaking to you very soon!
No. 6583
Damn it, sorry.
No. 6591
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i don't understand how to talk to boys without them thinking i am flirting with them or that i am extremely annoying.
i don't really know how to talk to anyone, actually. why am i so ugly. i feel like a cold-hearted gargoyle trying to speak to regular humans. stupid me.
No. 6593
>>6591It's pretty difficult in general to talk to boys without them thinking you're flirting because that's kind of how they are wired to process a girl talking to them. I always have had a similar problem and thought I was weird but apparently it's pretty common amongst most women. Of course not all guys are like that. I think there's also an element of 'wishful thinking' on their part, like they want you to be hitting on them so they take you talking to them as hitting on them.
It's always vaguely comforting to come into threads like this because I feel less like I'm an emotionless shell who lacks empathy. Or at least like I'm not alone in that.
No. 6598
>>6593It's kind of cool to find these threads to because I relate to many of the problems posted here (and I'm also paranoid there is always some old friend who posted about me. somehow..) It's almost comforting to see other anons with BPD and bipolar disorder ect. Helps me feel a tiny bit less crazy.
Nice to know it's not just a me thing ;_; I try not to talk to boys too much since I have a bf, so anytime I do talk to one it either feels like they think I'm trying to flirt or they think I'm annoying. No middle ground.
I am really awkward in general though so my spergyness probably makes things weirder.
No. 6599
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Lost my friends. Disappointment to my family. I don't have a job. I'm not good enough for my boyfriend.
Every day I just feel more and more deep, crushing emptiness inside of me. I hate myself.
No. 6600
>>6532Yeah. I'd say you're lucky enough to have a relationship going. I have literally no confidence with guys, none. I'm not ugly or fat either, I've been told I am fairly pretty but pretty is just pretty. Pretty doesn't pay bills, get you a degree or make you feel 'whole'. Yeah, pretty can be useful but there is loads of pretty faces out there.
That happened to me. Growing up, I'd love to go places and have 'friends' but as a child, I befriended a girl who molested me at a sleepover. I told my mother and my mother was disgusted, at me. I got the blame.
Second girl I ever got close to in school was some hoodrat, didn't care about me and she made it very clear when we left high school. I don't need her anyway.
Facebook is the way I can see what other people are getting up to nowadays. I don't make plans or anything, I don't see the point. People seem to be doing fine without me, so meh.
I'm starting university this year, I'm not looking to make friends either. I just want a stable career instead of doing all these shit jobs with cunt managers and have a degree so I can travel around, work from place to place. I don't plan living in the UK forever, so I hope. It's depressing as fuck.
No. 6601
>>6537You know, as sad and sorry as this sounds. I'm kind of GLAD I'm not the only one feeling like this. People make it seem so easy not to feel left out or look it.
The last thing I ever did with anyone was meet up at christmas for a meal. That was months ago..
No. 6602
>>6543Don't be daft.
I'm mixed myself, but like someone said it all depends on your features and what looks good. But if you're able not to give a flying fuck what people say, then just wear cutesy things.
You see, I love the 'kawaii' look too. But it doesn't do me wonders. My legs are thicker, body shape won't work for short dolly skirts or knee high socks. But forget all that, you don't need any of it to accomplish that look.
You could head for the more mature and refined version of 'kawaii' style. As for me, I'll never straighten my hair again. So with my natural hair, I do halo crown braids, pretty clips with butterflies and stars to slide in, cat eyed make up, filled brows and natural looking lipstick.
As for clothing just dress your bodytype. Go for cigarette pants and a cute boxy top in baby pink with a statement necklace with pretty flowers, cute silver chain with a heart on it, ballet flats/brogues, aline skirts with floral patterns, colourful tights, cute bags, painted nails. The 'kawaii' look is what you make it. You don't have to wear branded clothes, Lizlisa and taobao knock offs. Half the time I think those are the tackiest.
Just swap and shop around, I'll get the hang of it eventually. Don't kill yourself over this look. It's just another fad at the end of the day.
Don't ever wish you weren't you. I hate this style in a way because you rarely see mixed/black girls wear it. Unless you snoop around on tumblr… I mean I hardly even see people in person wear the 'kawaii' style as it is, ones that do are usually white and look rough as a bear's ass. But everyone online who wears it is mostly white. Nothing wrong with that, maybe it just appeals more. But if black/mixed girls or middle eastern or anyone wants to wear it, then wear it.
I think it's because we just don't see it that often it looks… Well I don't like saying strange or weird. You think of anime girls when kawaii style comes in mind, they're always fair skinned and some people mistake them as 'white' when they're not. They're just characters which speak Japanese. That's that.
People just aren't used to seeing this style on darker shades of skin. If more wore it, it wouldn't be as alien.
I just think, honestly, the amount of mixed/black girls who have ventured into the kawaii fad are lazy. Wigs, heavy make up and clothes that just don't go. Some are good, I've seen some cute black/mixed lolita girls! But the actual 'uguuu kawaii baby doll' types, it's as if no effort has been made. Screw the wigs and the contacts, I really do not think they do any favours at all. I mean it can work for some black/mixed girls, again, depending on the features and Barbara kim for e.g is a good example. Remember, she is very dark without the lightening and angles she uses. Not that there is anything wrong with that because her skin is clear as hell and lovely. But her features work? I don't know if that made any sense at all…
Just dress cute and don't over do it. Be confident and ENJOY the style. Honestly, there is so much competition nowadays… Be happy k
No. 6603
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damn this thread is depressive as fuck.
I was never interested in Inuyasha during 2005 when everyone else was obsessed about it, and now 10 years later I decided to watch it, and I love it! but have no one to share these feels with because everyone is long past this phase already. Even the psycho fangirls moved on.
No. 6606
>>6603I know what you mean.
Better than listening to the same old shit about SNK or KNB jfc… I'm tired to the fucking gods hearing about attack on titan and how amazing death note is because why ugh
No. 6609
>>6606i think it's partially because anime has become really mainstream. like people will say it was mainstream even in 2005, but that's not true. it was still a specific group of people who were anime fans. now it seems like regular people watch anime. free! and knb are not groundbreaking but they have a lot of bishounen to write fanfics and make dumb headcanons on tumblr. death note isn't bad imo, and i don't even think aot is that bad either. the fans are just the absolute worst and dragged down the quality of the show. which is really kind of how i felt about inuyasha in the past.
that's really the problem. fans kind of ruin everything for me. with older series people tend to be more lowkey. maybe mostly because we're old af now, and the squeeing teen girls inside us have all died down.
wish i weren't such a dick. afraid this will get off topic quickly as it's not really a confession but yeah.
>>6608i'm kind of in a similar boat as far as friends go. it's actually gotten to the point where i'd rather stay in by myself and talk to what few internet friends i have and anons than go out with people. i have a job but it's not fulfilling. so i am thinking about moving and just clean slating this shit.
but yeah…i too suck as positivity and optimism and i'm not even a good friend really. getting a new job will be hard. what's the point of even making the effort some days? heh.
No. 6615
>>6609Yeah. Anything with a fandom, a large and popular one usually goes to shit. I am a fan of Free! I just like it, but some people really need knocking off their pedestal when it comes to otps and all that stupid shit. They're characters and they don't exist.
I really did prefer it back in 2004, I remember that was when I was probably first getting into anime. Aside from Pokemon during 1998 but that's why I first managed to get the net. I used to lurk on Fanart-central before DA was AS popular. Found all interesting animes and no one was a complete retard. There was no living dolls, no stupid trends and everyone got along.
Never will be like that again
No. 6631
holy fuuuuck. i'm so sorry, anon. i totally feel you on being the "looney" that's constantly gaslit and the constant questioning it leaves you with, like every step you make you question, and absolutely nothing feels real, and all your distress seems like it has no validity, as a result. you're not at fault, here. some families just don't want to deal with the truth. if you rock the boat for them, or uncover deep issues, they point fingers, but you're absolutely in the right. this dude is a piece of shit, and so was/is his gf. that's just disgusting. your parents seem like dumbasses, no offense. i would emotionally distance myself as much as possible from these people. do not worry yourself with their finances, or anything to do with them. you and your brother are deeply affected by your step brother's actions, and if your PARENTS were/are too dense/callous to protect their children, they're not real parents at all. you're not pathetic. you've undergone trauma. how can you feasibly expect a child to grow to its full potential when it's surrounded by harmful behavior/toxic people? don't feel like a bad person. THEY'RE shit people, again, no offense, but let's call a spade a spade. serious allegations should be taken seriously, and there's more than enough evidence here for your OWN PARENTS, to believe their children about their abuse.
No. 6638
>>6629tbh sounds like you did the right thing lol
she sounds like a fat bitch
>>6636>actually being this new No. 6642
>>6622Exactly. Course, my mother didn't like her much either before and after that. It's annoying because I found her on facebook not too long ago, she seems real cosy living her life normally. What is even funnier is that she tried adding me too! This was a while ago, couple of years and first thing I actually asked her was "Why did you do that to me when we were eight at that sleepover?" it's so hilarious that she even REMEMBERS and she was all "Oh…Oh yeah… :(" I didn't get a sorry or anything. I just deleted and blocked her ass.
I just— ugh.
No. 6656
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>>6645Kek, I used to work at a Starbucks, and I would spit in people who acted like assholes drinks. (Among other things…)
No. 6661
>>6656> implying you'd actually be able to spit in a drink when the machines and everything are right there in front of the customers and every part of making a drink is done in view of customerstrying to look cool and edgy on the internet is sad :\
and before you make crazy claims that i don't know what i'm talking about, i work at a bookstore with a starbucks and have done shifts as a cafe server.
No. 6675
>>6658we can be friends, anon.
>>6663And 21.
No. 6677
>>6670honestly, not to go all sjw on you, anon, but it's like… feeling objectified, constantly, makes me feel totally invalidated as a human. like, guys don't even have to do anything that would make me think they're just assessing me for my utility, so to speak, i just assume all guys are like that (and tbh, for the most part, they are). it's so depressing and makes me so sad to be out in public. everything i do feels like it has no weight in comparison to being a hottie. it's ruining the fuck out of my relationship, on top of it.
No. 6680
>>6677Different anon from who you responded to but, and I just want to make it clear that I don't lean on either side of the sjw or anti-sjw fence, but I think you feel that way because its what guys are represented to be like in society. Guys feel the same emotions as women despite not having the exact same experiences. They likely feel judged for their image just as frequently and intensely as women, they just have the option of not having to care, though that is only if they have a bunch of money to impress girls with as media/society dictates or they're really intimidating.
I have two brothers, both of which value appearance highly, but not enough as a personality. My little bro was telling me the other day that one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen was sitting across from him in gym and she said something along the lines of, "why are guys always attracted to fat ugly bitches just because they have a huge ass or tits". He said it turned him off and he doesn't see her in the same light anymore. I was surprised, he's 18 and figured he wouldn't care or agree with her but he said he and his friends always talk about how so and so's appearance was ruined by their shitty personality. They'd rather date a 5/10 who they look forward to meeting than a 10/10 who drains their energy from how upset they make them.
If you feel ugly you will express that and it pushes people away. Not that it's your fault, but that a lot of people don't like putting up with that (I was like you in hs).
No. 6690
I have a hard time making friends because I seem to have a higher threshold of what makes a person a friend. I feel like these days people have such a loose view of friendship that they tend to consider me a friend much faster than I do, then they realize that and give up trying to be friends with me because I'm "distant".
Similarly, I'm introverted and have nerdy hobbies, so I spend a lot of time at home by myself playing games or reading manga or what have you, but I'm decently sociable if not a tad awkward around new people, and I don't have any mental disorders or illnesses. Not to be rude, but the people I find who have similar interests and outlooks as me tend to be the kind of sad, lonely people with social anxiety or depression. I'm happy to be friends with anyone who's cool, but sometimes these people get to the point where they confide their problems in me and it scares me because I'm not a therapist or have any knowledge of helping people deal with their symptoms. I can't do much more than give bland advice or just listen, and they take it as me judging them for being crazy or something and stop talking to me.
At this point, a good percentage of my friends have some kind of anxiety or mental illness that I feel like I can never bridge the gap between acquaintances and friendship because I just can't relate to them on a deeper level because of their issues. For once, I'd like to be friends with a non-normie but socially/mentally adjusted female who I can talk about girl shit with, so I can give my boyfriend a break from talking about lolcows all the time.
No. 6693
>>6690Oh man I'd love to have a friend like you
All my friends are either actual Normie's, psychos pretending to be Normies or attention whores
Where are the cool people who just want to chill?
No. 6847
>>6690>>6693Lol I attract normies and never any people with mental illnesses. I'm not that outgoing, but I am outspoken, and people seem to like that because they feel as though they're getting to see the real me off the bat (which for the most part they are), the only thing is that i don't like hanging out/talking with extroverted people for long periods of time, they drain my energy and because I don't go out as much as they do, don't have a lot of things in common to talk about in terms of drama in my life.
Although I have depression, I realized a while back I don't like making friends with people who remind me of my own issues.
No. 6855
>>6693>>6847I'm kind of glad I've managed to avoid making friends with attention whores. I guess the thing I find the most vexing about being friends with maladjusted people is that they always cry about how much their life sucks but don't really make any efforts to change it (though i guess that's part of their illnesses), and engage in destructive behaviors like drinking a lot. I like to drink too, but nowadays getting together and drinking inevitably turns into a huge dramafest because they all have issues that cause them to read situations wrongly then they get buttmad at each other, or sad, then the next morning they aren't able to look at the situation objectively and apologize or clear the air, and everything just gets swept under the rug until the next thing happens.
These are all internet friends, btw. I guess I've managed to hang on this long since I can just leave with no questions asked, which isn't something you can really do irl. Part of why I'm wary of making irl friends since I worry this might happen among them too.
>I don't like making friends with people who remind me of my own issues.tbh I think this is for the best. Some of my friends I've watched get worse over the years since they've made friends with others with similar conditions and instead of commiserating and encouraging each other to get better, just create a hugbox for themselves and feed into each other's illnesses.
No. 6861
>>6856I don't think it's really that different. Guys can't do so much as put on make up to enhance their appearance. There's so many little tricks that a woman can do to make herself more attractive, but for guys most of what they can do involves a lot of effort, like working out or somehow making a bunch of money. A fat girl can now be seen as empowered and embracing her size; a fat guy is still generally seen as a lazy slob.
Anyway, I'm not a man so I don't know how much this still holds true. but just look at places like /r9k/ and tell me that guys can't feel a similar amount of crippling pressure to be one way or another.
No. 6879
>>6877by that logic,
>>6677 is a loser too, with a manufactured fear that all guys objectify her even when some of them don't even do anything. it's not any different from /r9k/ retards bitching and moaning about bitches and sluts.
btw, I wasn't saying that all guys are on the level of /r9k/, they were just the most extreme example I could think of. You can still feel the intense pressures of society without whining about it on an anonymous imageboard. Maybe that's why it seems like women have it worse, they whine more.
No. 6880
>>6661I worked there for 4 years faggot, 180 partner number. It's easy as fuck to get away with that shit in a
real Starbucks. Just crouch and act like your picking something up from the ground and you're running the floor.
No. 6934
>>6848Because there is more Asian mums than Dads in the blasian ratio thingy
I was just curious, sorry to come off as rude.
No. 6946
>>6944>>6945Yeah I wish, but they cut off all contact with me after I asked when they would be paying me back for all the rent bills ect. I paid for them. They are all living with mommy or daddy currently and don't have any financial worries anymore. But they don't believe they have any reason to pay me back because they don't like me anymore.
Court fees just aren't worth it to me because currently I have about $1.43 in my bank account and I'm just trying to figure out how I can pay rent this month. One of them even moved out of the state so he didn't have to pay me back anymore. And another claims that she didn't live there so she wasn't responsible (but she lived there 98% of the time and was the most wasteful, rude, nasty person ever the entire time.)
I've been advised to go to small claims court but it's such a fucking hassle and they don't have anything except what their parents give them anyway so there's not really a chance I'd get anything back for the trouble. :/ thank you anyway, guys. i'm just extremely cranky right now because i'm living in povertyville while they are currently in the lap of luxury with no financial worries to speak of.
No. 6949
>>6932I gave the gifts with the hope she would become nice but she didn't. It was bought with my money though, not hers. I just took back what was rightfully mine.
>>6933 Don't feel bad, she deserved it. She's always criticizing others.
No. 6957
>>6952Lol, actually I wouldn't be surprised if
>>6695was the girl who lived off me for months (while continuing to bash me on her tumblr accounts for being such a meanie by telling her to clean up her shit while i paid for excel and rent every month.) she would spend days and days sitting in her room on the computer (using internet she never paid for) fapping to furry porn and social justice. i always had to go collect dishes from her room any time i wanted to run the washer and there would be like 7 in there. so i wouldn't be surprised if she thought she deserved to make me drink her urinary tract infection riddled piss for taking care of her living arrangements. (she would get them weekly because she doesn't know how to shower.)
No. 6960
>>6959Oh, I know. I really do. But I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised, because she spewed venom out at me from every orifice and was a disgusting, unwashed person who went around to all of our mutual friends and tried to get them to stop being friends with me (she was really pissed off when they told her no.)
she also dropped out of a 50,000$ a year art school to live with her boyfriend in my apartment and then whined and complained incessantly about how horrible it was to live there.
No. 6963
>>6962No, I would never force anyone to drink my piss. What the fuck kind of NEET pisses in their own room, anyway. I'm not confirming it was her but it sounds eerily like something she would do. She didn't get what she deserved: currently she is living in her mother's home (she kicked her mom out of the house) for almost no rent, doesn't have to pay bills, and her mom is paying the girl's boyfriend $500 a week to do basic chores.
I imagine she wouldn't go on here because she doesn't understand imageboards and would think lolcow is beneath her. She is a Lolita though so idk. She likes to say that she's going to meetups and then bail out on the last day, so that I won't go because I don't want to see her ugly mug. She also tried to convince my Lolita friends to not hang out with me anymore.
thanks for your sympathies, anon. sorry for airing out my dirty laundry on lolcow but i'm really bitter still over everything.
No. 6968
>>6964Well from what I heard, what happened was she was moving into her mom's house with her boyfriend. i saw on her tumblr month ago (haven't checked it since) that she was throwing a gigantic fit about her mom living in the house after the mom had thought about moving in with her boyfriend of three months. apparently this chick bitched so hard about her mom living there (i fucking hate this bitch around, she can't cook and it makes me sick, i just want to live with my boyfriend) that her mom actually moved out and left the house to the chick and her sibling.
so now it's 5 twenty something year olds living in this woman's house, for $200 a month. apparently they were all making the house so fucking dirty and disgusting that her mom PAYS the girl's boyfriend to do basic chores around the house, like dishes and laundry and pulling weeds. Something like a couple hundred-$500 dollars a week, apparently.
Anyway, it's just weird and idk I'm pissed because I have a $300 comcast bill that I can't pay from them, as well as I payed off the entire last bill from excel, which was something like $400. Not to mention that one of my roommates owed me and my bf for three months of rent that he didn't pay for. (He's the ones who moved states.)
I'm sorry for spilling so much everyone. To be honest I didn't make the best decisions in that apartment (did lots of drugs, other bad decisions I regret) but I always had my rent paid every month (as well as my bf) and I payed for all the basic things like paper towels, sponges, soap. I was also the only person who cleaned, which was shitty because they were fucking slobs.
Her and I don't talk anymore obviously, and I haven't checked her tumblr to see if she's talked any shit about me recently. Whats funny is that she never said anything to my face and until I found her tumblr with "I hate that bitch omg she's ruining my life being friends with her was the worst decision I ever made she's awful ect." written all over it, I was still trying to be her friend. I got her a birthday present and a christmas present too (I also bought a tree and set it up, but I digress.)
Anyway, this is tl;dr so I'll cut it off here. Idk if she will find this but I don't want her bitching at me because I'm busy with school and trying to find a job, and I feel like a shitty person for talking about it. Sorry farmers.
No. 6971
>>6916Continuation: years later, she still tried to get an apology out of me, and when I didn't give it, she started talking about me online about my previous theft, which I was going to make amends for, but rescinded my apology attempt when I saw her talk about me. She thinks just because she didn't use any names, it's ok to talk shit about me. I hacked her account and made her lose access to it, then told my mom she talked about me online and she started beating her and she whined to the police about it because she's too wimpy to solve her own problems. She got our mom sent to the behavioral unit of the hospital. I couldn't see my own mom for days and she tried to tell the FBI that I stalked and hacked her. the FBI doesn't give a shit about your weeby online accounts lmao.
I bet these two are her defending herself.
>>6932>>6933 No. 7011
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>>6530>23>virgin neet>never had a bf>don't have a single friendI know that feel well. I hate being lonely but I'm terrified of getting close to others or even approaching them. I see my neighbors outside going to their cars and imagine a scenario of going out there, saying hi or them saying hi to me and we end up being in a relationship where we play vidya in each others apartments. Then I see their wife/girlfriend follow after them. I know it's pathetic. I'm lonely and terrible at socializing. I get nervous and trip over my words, say something stupid or don't say anything at all.
No. 7029
>>6916Continuation: I heard yelling in the living room last year. Lo and behold, my sister was yelling at my mom, proving she yet again learned nothing from the punishment.
I took my tablet and started recording her, threatening to show the authorities and use it in court against her and she ran to her room. I told her "Come out and face the camera you piece of shit!"
She called the police on me again saying I illegally recorded her. I'm beginning to think she's just making up laws right now. She started whining about how she was visiting and our mom assaulted her, which is why she began yelling. She complained that I pointed the camera at her instead of our mom and tried to paint me as the bad guy. If I didn't point the camera at her, she wouldn't have stopped. The fact you guys side with her is disgusting.
No. 7056
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>boyfriendo dumped me
>"fell out of love"
>"couldn't deal with my depression"
>did some snooping
>found out his skype password
>look through old messages he sent
>found something i never wanted to see
>he was probably in love with another girl the whole time
>girl will probably friendzone him because she already has a boyfriend
>tfw he's going on his life watching animu and playing vidya telling me to get over it on my own
>tfw he doesn't care about me anymore
>tfw he only cares to apologize when the girl he likes tells him to.
>tfw you love someone who doesn't love you back
I guess that's what I get for being nosy.
It still hurts, but at least I know the truth…
I still dream him, I still have feelings for him, I still care for him. I hate that he dropped me like this but there's literally nothing I can do about it now except to move on and maybe find someone else, eventually.
ANNND I do have access to several of his accounts now, not the psycho girlfriend type, but bitch I might become one if he treats me like I never existed. I'm gonna lay low for a bit.
No. 7068
>>7061If it helps you feel better anon, I'm really proud of you. I ended my first year of college with a 3.0, even though I
know I could have done a lot better.
I hope you don't feel too bad about the B+'s because getting a job is wayy more important. Congratulations!
No. 7070
>>7064Lol no, but they share a lot of similarities!!
>>7056I've had boys cheat on me too anon, and it's completely heartbreaking :( the only advice I can give you is to know that you are better than him and you deserve to care about yourself and make a good life for yourself. As soon as you let go, love will find you again. <3
There was a post about a visit from China in this thread but it disappeared before I got to read it :( darn.
No. 7072
>>7071I understand being a perfectionist! Sometimes you crack under the pressure of doing everything perfect 100% of the time though, so just remember to congratulate yourself when do you a good job. <3
thank you! i had to deal with two moves, three jobs and an eviction so I'm glad I even managed a 3.0, haha. I know I can do better next year though so I will try harder to get better grades.
No. 7074
File: 1432774827174.gif (344.91 KB, 500x270, I cant stop crying.gif)

>>7070Thanks anon, your words really do help. I think I'm going try to be more active in this community here, and work more and more on myself. I need to learn how to let go, it's just so hard.
No. 7075
File: 1432775259397.gif (482.25 KB, 500x237, sophie.gif)

>>7074It's okay~! I understand completely. It's hard to let go, but in a month I promise you will be wondering what you ever saw in him in the first place.
You is important anon, remember to love yourself and others will love you. <3
No. 7076
>>7074anon do you have a kik? so we can talk
I went through a similar thing recently
>boyfriend 'so in love with me'>we make a friend on league of legends>we all hang out online/play all the time>suddenly he gets closer and closer to her>low key flirting disguised as friendliness>he says he loves me and suddenly leaves me the next day after ignoring me for two days no warning signs. he even fucked me the day before>i talk to the girl, super distraught, thinking she is my friend>i have a breakdown and get interned in mental hospital>he tells me to call him when im there and he will visit and bring me clothes. tells me to call until he picks up>he never picked up the phone. i called for days straight. never brought me clothes so i was alone, wearing the same dirty clothes everyday for two weeks>find out he is now dating this girl online>she was telling him the whole time to dump me during our whole relationshipthe most painful thing of my life. scarred me honestly. I was in love, I thought he was the one
No. 7077
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>>7076what the actual fuck
i'm so sorry.
No. 7078
>>7077thanks anon. It ruined my life for so many months. it's been almost a year and I still catch myself crying over him, thinking about all the things we did, how he said he wanted to marry me
I still haven't thrown away his I love you cards. it hurts so bad
No. 7080
File: 1432776651611.jpg (11.57 KB, 350x168, AGH.jpg)

>>7076Anon, I don't but I can totally get one. Our stories are very similar. Mine was all up my face before the break up too telling me he loved me, had sex with me, then just left me like he had never said anything at all. !!!!!! I will totally back you up. I'm downloading kik now.
No. 7082
>>7078I know that it's a sappy, stupid adage but time will really heal those kinda things. I've been through similar (with the cheating and everything) but six years later, it hurts a lot lot less and moving on really does close up that hurt.
It's hard not to dwell on what you had, especially if you were convinced that you were in love but man, yeah, you have to accept that he'll never change his mind and you can't make someone love you back no matter how much you want it.
But I hope you feel better, anon. He sounds like a douchebag and I hope you find some solace in the fact that it will get better.
No. 7083
>>7082Alright, I've made one, my username is Sioynx.
I've been getting a lot of advice here and there, and everyone is telling me whatever I do: do NOT go back to him, you and I deserve so much better.
No. 7098
>>7083>>7082Yeah I was in a similar situation as well. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and it affected almost every other aspect of my life: friendships, how I was doing in school, relationship with my family, my mental health, my financial situation, etc.
I went back to a guy repeatedly after being treated as though i were his worst enemy. He humiliated me in one of the worst possible ways, broke up with me in one of the worst ways and tried to convince me it was both my fault and that he didn't know what I was talking about. It doesn't make any sense, and it didn't to me then either, but I conceded just to try and get on his good side again even though it made me become more worthless in his eyes.
I wish I could say everything he did. Our relationship ended in 2007 and until 2012, I was still grieving because of how I had to process what happened and how to deal with the aftermath.
I'm awkward around guys now, I don't want to flirt with anyone or have relationships because I fear them feeling the way he eventually did about me. What sucks is that he was my first bf, and that was my introduction into romantic relationships. I haven't had a bf since.
No. 7133
>>7098It's only been a few weeks since we've been broken up. He dumped me right before finals, the whole weekend before finals I was complete mess. It made me bomb my exam and make my dad extremely upset. My ex treated me like I was his worst enemy as well when I went to go reconcile something out of the breakup. Every time I would try to him, it just seemed like he didn't give a fuck. The last note I left off on was me trying to be friends again with him. I don't think it's ever going to happen. He just seems like he wants nothing to do with me all of a sudden and it feels terrible.
If we do somehow start talking next semester, I will just end up getting hurt, like you said.
Do breakups ever really end in a good way? Can you really 'just be friends' with someone? I hate that I still care for him really because these past two weeks have been absolute hell. My dad's on my back 24/7, and my ex has no idea what I am going through. I think that's the irony of it all. I just wish he'd feel sorry for me.
This is my first relationship as well. and I just can't wait to be happy again.
No. 7145
>>7133A lot of my friends have remained friends with their exes, only if it was a mutual break up or if they found someone else to date. I think its awkward for a lot of people due to the unresolved feelings.
Honestly, if he didn't care about your feelings as your boyfriend or now as your ex, it's difficult to assume he's care as your friend because he seems to not have those underlying feelings. If he cared he wouldn't have hurt you as much as he did unless you did something horrible to him first and he couldn't take it. I doubt that based on what you've said, so I just think he doesn't care.
The only benefit that comes out of being friends is that you have no claims to each other so you can't have any romantic expectations from one another, and therefore can't get as angry over many things.
However, can you really have a friendship if it is just a way to keep him in your life, despite being heartbroken over how he treated you? It seems rather unfair to yourself. No matter how hurt you are, you have to remember that he does not deserve you. You shouldn't have to grief over what could have been. There will be more possibilities to make it happen with other people. You may want a future with this guy, but leave your heart open to the idea of one without him in it.
It's difficult, but possible. The more you do things to take your mind off of him and what you shared, the more you can focus on yourself and whats right for you. Is it him? If he could hurt you that way and not seem to give a fuck, I doubt it.
You'll be happy again, hopefully much faster than I will be. Please, don't let it affect you as much as it did me, try to keep every aspect of your life separate from your relationships.
No. 7186
>ex bf raped me> admitted to it online> i called police> arrested, bailed out, then all charges dropped>his name still shows up as arrested for 'sexual assault' He didn't go to jail (like he should have), is walking around my town free, hopefully this impacts his future. I know he got kicked out of his university ( i think so?)and they even sent me a letter if I would like to talk to them about the charges
No. 7212
>>7149>>7151I am not trolling and you don't even know the full story. You want me to get my sister in here to verify it?
Listen, if you bought your friend, child, or any other person a Lamborghini or other items with your hard earned cash, and they started treating you like shit anyway, you would want to revoke their shit anyway. You would feel bad because that was your hard earned money. You'd want to do worse to them.
Don't lie, some of you guys on lolcow have wanted people to commit suicide and yet you're treating me worse. Being constantly criticized by my sister makes me feel like a caged animal. It's horrifyingly hurtful. It brings out the worst in people when people are super critical.
No. 7213
what if this is dakota
No. 7215
>>7029this shit sounds like one of those 'bla bla long story- ends up being fresh prince lyrics'
is this from some crazy tv show?
No. 7227
File: 1432851139044.gif (810.18 KB, 640x360, kotakoti_dakota_rose_36.gif)

I have a need to obsess over something/someone to feel good. I used to be obsessed with an emo girl, a sweet lolita,… Right now I obsess hardcore over Kotakoti's old persona (2011-2012). I made a fucking plan of her room back in America,list of her clothing and cute things she owns in general and that i like myself,i collected most of the musics she used,cute old pics of her and cute pixels on her old blog,stalk her old twitter through wayback machine and PULL. And not later than yesterday I bought the same drink she drinks in one of her gifs,… The new Dakota is boring and i don't care about her, i am not efamous/a living doll/… AT ALL and do not wish to be (too anxious anyway), i used to do the same with that emo girl into kawaii stuff and the sweet lolita but both moved on and are pretty boring too since years now. Also who will i stalk when i am done with everything about old dakota…?? I kinda need to do this to feel comfortable and relaxed i don't even know anymore… What should I do?. I dont wanna "get help" I am too fierce for that and no one included the kota,the emo girl and the lolita know about it. Only me.
No. 7244
>>7233Sorry. Yea what you did was harmless and there's nothing wrong with emulating the style you like.
However, it's funny when Totemokawaii does it is because she insults Venus so much while trying to be her. She probably is more obsessed with Venus than you are work Dakota. She bought from Bodyline and did Venus's make up exactly as she did it as she has confessed and tried to enter every contest Venus entered in hopes of outshining her.
No. 7245
>>7234Aw man…I was diagnosed with a severe BDD too since three years but i am still healing, please be safe <3 as
>>7240said i could use an online friend feeling similar as well. Just remember it's all in your head and ask yourself the question "why do i find myself hideous?" and ask yourself questions until you can't answer.
>>7244Don't be sorry it's ok you did nothing wrong. Yeah Totemo was reaaaally creepy, and she had that weird "i'm rly beautiful u guise" thing she constantly brought up idk she was so bizarre and crazy…
No. 7254
>>7234>>7244>>7245It's also very funny because Totemo was so against Venus openly to the point of being very indifferent to any cruelty she endured or any cruelty she might have endured (example: "So what if she was abused, she's still an ungrateful bitch she was never prostituted and sold in cages omg!")
Do you guys worry if someone will add you online just to make fun of you later? I think adding people from lolcow is not a good idea
No. 7257
god frikkin dammit phone
No. 7262
>>6971You sound cray anon-chan.
>>7227I can relate to you on so many levels.
I really want to be able to talk to other girls who feel this way. I really do like the kawaii style girls are doing now.
No. 7281
>>7083i messaged you
said 'looks like – phone has been off/disconnected for a while. well deliver your message when they connect again'
open the app maybe and it should deliver :)
No. 7282
>r u me, anon-chanseriously, I really empathize with you. my mom (super image-obsessed too) did the exact same things, like I'd be playing a video game and she'd walk by and retort "hope you're going to do some time on the treadmill." or telling me on the verge of crying she'd take me to a "nutritionist" because I was 135lbs at age 19…..and many similar comments. she even went and signed me up for track without my permission….i was 17. my self esteem is in the shitter now. i change outfits like 5x before I go out anywhere, even if it's to a long-time friend's place. i've been sucking in my stomach nonstop since i was 12 years old.
I have a lot of conversations with my friends about the differences in abusive parents (as in, father vs. mother, daughter vs. son, etc.) and it's almost universally agreed that fathers have an impact
upon the child (usually son) like, "what would my dad think" / "I dont wanna be like my dad"
whereas with mothers, they are skilled at manipulating one's sense of self- and self-worth…."I can't believe i'm fat/ugly/stupid" and so on.
srry for blog post, a little tipsy rn. wouldn't mind making friends and sharing feels.
No. 7287
>>7282omg, I've never come across someone else who constantly sucks in their stomach, I've been doing that since I was 12 too
During my freshman yr of hs, this senior noticed and would always tell me to stop being self conscious and let it go, that I was still pretty and I stayed shut to let him know I didn't wanna talk about it
No. 7289
>>7284El. Em. AY. Oh.
Fuckin tumblr man.
No. 7310
>>7305People already explained to you, you already
GAVE her the gifts. It was
HER property. You can say you technically
STOLE her stuff, and sold it. Parents don't do that, they usually hide the shit until they behave. Besides, you are not HER parent, so you should have told your mother instead of taking it into your own hands. You had no right to access her account or do any of the crazy shit you did.
I want to be convinced that you are trolling at this point.
No. 7312
>>7310You know what? I bet you are her defending herself. You think saying sorry erases your past crimes. I try to be a better person, but you keep bringing how I treated you in the past, bringing up the stealing and hacking. How can I get better? You have to take responsibility for making me this way, you can't keep on making rude jabs about my personality like you're some saint.
Every time you say sorry, you commit the crimes again and again and again so your apologies are useless to me. Don't give me that "I try to be better but I just slip up so sorry" shit because I really don't believe you if you manage to slip up and criticize people time and time again. I can't stand people picking apart my behavior.
No. 7316
>>7312Haha, you sound crazy as fuck brah. Know what, Idk if simple Anon's could check ip address or only Anon-sama, but I'm pretty sure I live on the edge of an ocean and a sea in the Caribbean. I also don't have a sister anon, maybe instead of accusing someone of being your sis, reevaluate your thinking and see someone else's view on why you're maybe the wrong one.
Just think, in court, you may be the one in trouble depending.
No. 7321
>>7312wow you sound like a paranoid psycho who came from a super fucked up family find a fucking counselor you're disgusting. from your posts your sister seems to be the most sane of your family.
uhhh, anon…. you kinda painted yourself to be the bad guy here. what the fuck did you expect?
No. 7325
>>7323remember, this is someone who felt justified taking back gifts they gave because the girl was talking back to her father.
she sounds extremely manipulative and controlling.
anon, nothing you've accused your sister of doing is ANYWHERE CLOSE to the shit you and your mom have done in terms of wrongfulness, get a fucking grip.
No. 7332
>>7325Yes, she is very manipulative and controlling. I can't any peace of mind. Whenever she lost access to an account or when something of her's went missing, she immediately pointed fingers at me and then called the cops. She calls the cops over every little thing that wasn't my fault. I can't go through life without knowing the cops are going to breathe down my neck.
>>7326Lolcow rules don't apply on the other forums and REAL LIFe where she talked about me. And last time I checked, parents punished kids with spankings, belts, smack them with slippers. Do you want kids to be disciplined or not? People complain when you don't whoop kids, then people complain when you do. Wtf.
Then she starts telling OTHER people I stalked her online. I didn't stalk her. It's all in her head. I just glanced at her internet activity for like a few seconds then go back to what I do, then glance again.
She just likes victimizing herself and hearing herself talk by throwing my past deeds up in my face every time.
>>7328But on lolcow, someone said "no one does things without a reason. Don't act like she turned into a horrible person overnight" and no one disagreed with that anon but with my terrible luck, people disagree with me? I didn't get this way overnight. Repeatedly provoking others is wrong.
No. 7335
>>7333>>7334You have to use drastic measures to change someone. Look at what this dad did. He shot his daughter's laptop with a gun for talking shit about her family on facebook and most people cheer him on. If my mom took her items and sold them and monitored her activity, everyone in this thread would be cheering. I'm a guy and she gives unsolicited opinions and critique even when no one fucking asked and thinks she's doing God's gift to humanity. And beating and whooping is the same to me. She only got a very minor bruise or two it's not like she was traumatized and only once she bled but only because she was scratched by accident. Look at the comments in the video above. The people brag about beating children to punish them and they get a lot of likes.
No. 7336
>>7332Stop trying to justify your "past crimes". You say that she was overly critical and talked shit about you therefore you were in the right. You're not. You have committed more horrific acts than she. You cried suicide to get her mother to beat her. You lied about a very serious thing to get her beat. You stole and hack, which in the court of law, is a serious crime. She justly called the cops on you, and you got her beat for it. You claim she is too wimpy to handle her own issues, but clearly you are the wimp.
You know for a fact that what you did was wrong. And newsflash, she is allowed to talk shit about people on forums. It's considered therapeutic. I mean, you're on fucking lolcow, talking shit about your sis right now.
No matter what we say, you're going to try and justify your wrongdoings. You literally believe she deserved all this, when clearly you didn't.
You are the biggest lolcow right now.
No. 7340
>>7336I'm not justifying anything. What I did was a necessary evil like being violent towards a mugger for example. Violence can be evil but when the mugger is trying to steal or kill you, you have to fight back.
From toddler to adulthood, she was always very mean to me and I was so kind and yet she continued being cruel to me over the mistakes I made. Yes I was young and stupid but how long is she going to beat this dead horse? People CHANGE. She repeatedly blocks off any chance for me to change by milking the past for sympathy and then having the cops hold her hand every step of the way through life.
Did you know how traumatized I was when I almost went to jail? She said it was to teach me a lesson and that I wasn't going to jail. She went TOO far. I lost sleep over it. I grew white hairs. I had baggy eyes and I had to hide at my friend's house because she turns anywhere she goes into a police state just to make the world more pleasant for herself! Fuck everyone else, spare her and her only! That's why she is pure evil. My parents disowned her after that, claiming she is a danger to the family. She works two shitty jobs while trying to get into a shelter and taking from food pantries because she flashes the "MUH PERSECUTION!" card. Karma is sweet and beautiful and it's satisfying to see what bullies get in the end.
No. 7348
>>7345holy shit you're literally grasping at anything to try and justify your actions. too bad none of it is working.
folks, what we have here is a lolcow
No. 7358
>>7357They don't understand you, but I do. Your sister shouldn't jump to assumptions about you. Just because you're the one who doesn't give her a right to privacy and have taken expensive things from her in the past, like birthday presents you gave her, she shouldn't be calling the cops on you. Thats uncalled for. Who cares if she feels in danger around you because of your logic, she's the one who needs help, not you! Anon, if I were you, I'd move out so that
you can live in peace without the cops having to be called on you, when they could be out there dealing with actual criminals, like those sitting inside a mall waiting for their kids to come out from school.
No. 7360
>>7358The women's shelter was stocked full and couldn't give her a spot. Now she's back to living here temporarily. It's a nightmare to watch my step and look over my shoulder in my own house. I think she should move away. She's the one with jobs so she should be better equipped to move out. Why should it have to be me? I'm doing my best and applying for jobs every day and I almost never get call backs let alone interviews.
She claimed that she wouldn't jump to conclusions again but knowing her, she will fuck it up and go back to doing it like how she says sorry but then goes back to being a cunt and plays dumb saying she slips up and says sorry again. It's fucking annoying.
No. 7362
>>7359I have 3 years of experience and that's absolutely nothing to employers. Good luck, anon.
My parents have been divorced since I was 4. My mom has been remarried 3 times and divorced all three. My dad remarried once but I fucking hate most of my step family.
It's just made me never want to be married, ever. Idk. It's disenchanting.
No. 7370
>>7358since you like to assume everyone who thinks you're in the wrong is your sister, i'm gonna go ahead and guess that this is you defending your psycho self. i sort of hope you do go to jail so noone has to deal with your bullshit.
whether your sister did wrong or not you're handling things like a fucking child.
>>7360if you want her to stop interfering maybe YOU'RE the one who should leave and go somewhere else
No. 7371
>>7370That wasn't me. An admin can confirm.
I bet everyone defending her is one of her friends like you. She should go to jail for disorderly conduct such as yelling at my parents. She should be taken to court for slandering me online. I did try to repent but she ruined that because she brings out the worst in people and gaslights me, trying to force me to get disability. She stole my information and then applied under my name. That's identity theft. She knows my social security number. How am I supposed to not feel afraid?
I already said I don't have the means to leave. I don't have a job and it's extremely difficult to get one. She has the means to go away and my mom agrees she shouldn't even be here but my dad is too lenient and now she's here making the environment toxic.
No. 7373
>>7371what the fuck world do you live in where yelling at your parents gets you in jail???
are you delusional?????????????????????? you complain that she calls the cops over silly things and here you are saying she should go to jail for yelling at her parents?
do you even know what slander is?? talking shit about someone on a forum isn't slander.
identity theft, yeah that's a crime…but everything else you mentioned just sounds like you being a huge baby.
there is no excuse for your actions. getting back at people solves nothing and it's not your job to teach them any lessons.
stop with this "she is why i act like this!!" bullshit. in the end YOU are responsible for YOUR actions.
hearing all this, it's no wonder you can't get a job. get a fucking counselor or something.
No. 7374
>>7370lol I'm
>>7358 and I was being sarcastic, I thought it was obvious.
No. 7375
>>6957Wasn't me since I'm a clean freak so you're safe.
I did keep jars full of pee too though.only a few jars like three I think and they weren't big or out in the open. I don't know why i did that. Curiosity I guess.
I'm perfectly normal now though. I guess it was just a phase.
No. 7376
>>7373When it gets noisy enough, it's legally classified as disorderly conduct. there are peace disturbance laws you know.
Yes it is slander because she was defaming me online. Explain how spilling negative things about someone isn't defamation. It'll harm my rep and keep me from being employed.
I tried to tell the social services office that she signed me up for disability against my will and they won't do anything about the identity theft and neither will the police. I think they are all high or something to not do anything. I canceled the disability application. That was all I could do. If I get on disability, that would limit the amount of hours I could work when I get a job. She is trying to sabotage me from climbing up higher on the career ladder.
Stop making assumptions about me. The employers I have tried to apply myself to don't know any of this and I'm afraid she'll tell everyone and attach this all to my name. I don't get hired because I don't have enough experience.
>>7362Thank you so much for wishing me luck. And I think marriage is overrated. Who cares? Just do you.
No. 7384
>>7374I was hoping it was someone being sarcastic, but after seeing this person try and justify their bullshit so adamantly, I figured it's entirely possible there's at least one other crazy lurking here.
I might be embarrassed by the mistake if I weren't too busy laughing at the anon for believing you as well.
>>7377>couldn't stand seeing my mom get abusedBro…….. your mom PHYSICALLY BEAT HER and you are torn up over your sister yelling at her?
You are the bigger piece of shit here, not your sister.
If you went to a therapist and said all this, you would be diagnosed with a personality disorder on the spot. Your victim complex is completely transparent.
No. 7387
Dude, you're the toxic one. You wanna know why you don't have a job? Because employers can smell the crazy on you, and frankly, I'm starting to wonder about your mother too.
I seriously think you have some sort of mental disorder, and i want yoyr sister to post here so you can become a true lolcow.
No. 7389
>>7384She doesn't get any marks from the whoopings most times and when she does, they're very minor. Parents whoop their children all the time. The whooping was deserved which is why I didn't feel sorry for her. She was going to throw my entire future down the drain for some petty theft she thought I did.
What she did, shouting crazily at her own mom like a psycho is disrespectful to her elders, over tiny reasons most times. Her yelling was not justified.
>>7387I will make sure she wouldn't do that. If she did, I'm dropping all the information I collected on her online.
Employers smell the crazy? Are you joking? I put on my best face forward. I really doubt it's because of the way I carry myself because I do know how to act when getting a job. My mom does have mental problems and I was protecting a disabled person from getting abused. She is fucking disgusting for shouting at a disabled person.
>>7379 I don't keep track but she is an adult and younger than me.
No. 7392
>>7387My sister has obvious mental disorders and her actions can drive any sane person insane. She devotes her life to ruin my life every step of the way instead of bettering herself. If I'm toxic, then she is toxic too.
>>7391 Why would I keep track of that? I'm not her keeper. How does knowing her exact age benefit me?
No. 7398
>>7389what do you mean "if"??? i thought all the people here calling your bullshit ARE your sister according to you lel
>>7389clearly you don't know how to put your best face forward because despite all the straw grasping and trying to justify yourself, we can still all tell you're a fucking mess and very obviously in the wrong here.
i hope you get some help and realize your wrongdoings, otherwise i kind of hope she ruins any chance at you having a successful future… though i don't think a successful future is very likely for someone like you.
No. 7400
>>7398I meant if she dropped my usernames, real life names and attached it with slander, I will be dropping all the information I collected on her and trust me she is a lolcow too.
Yes, because how I act in private or on the internet is how I would act to an employer's face. I wouldn't complain to my employer about my sister (unless if she slandered me to his or her face) but I would complain here because this is a fucking confessions thread, idiot. There is a time and a place for things.
No. 7413
>>7398A lot of people tend to hide their behavior from employers. Let's say you got wasted on alcohol until you black out during your free time. does that mean you do that at work? how about if you play WoW or CoD all day long on day offs? Does that mean you do that at work or interviews? Enough assumptions.
>>7410Are you one of her friends mocking me right now or does she have access to the computer at work?
No. 7432
This thread is gold. I'm crying. Legitimate tears.
>>7424How do we know you aren't your sister trying to slander you?
No. 7433
File: 1432958782014.jpg (169.62 KB, 1280x1440, here you go anon.jpg)

>>7079Anon, could you try re-adding me? I activated my kik account at last, but I still haven't gotten a request.
No. 7438
>>7424Wait so who really are you?:
a) your sister
b) you pretending to be your brother
c) you pretending to be your sister
d) you pretending to be you
e) you
f) not your sister
g) not you
h) you and your sister
i) neither you nor your sister
j) your actual sister
k) actually you
l) kind of your sister
m) kind of you
n) no one
o) anon
Please answer asap, for I fear that if you are your sister, you are in danger for you may call the cops on you for pretending to be you online.
No. 7470
>>7377>Physically attacking your own child is A-OK. Stealing from them if they make you mad is fine too. That's just discipline.>YELLING AT YOUR PARENTS?? That's just abusive!>It's not okay for you to slander me online! But I will do the same to you because ______!>It wasn't wrong of me to threaten to kill myself just to hurt my sister and take away something she owned! >It's wrong of her to criticize people, even though I'm criticizing her openly and literally browse a website dedicated to criticizing people!It's really upsetting to me that there are people out there invested in THIS MUCH of their own bullshit. If you're a troll, 10/10 I mad.
Otherwise, how about actually killing yourself instead of pretending you will for the sake of causing emotional damage, a fucked up sleep schedule and parental abuse to someone? Think about it. You'll be free of your sister, and finding a job won't be an issue anymore.
No. 7472
I was raped by my pedophile neighbors for years ever since I was 5 up until I was 12 and I never told anyone because they threatened to kill me and my parents. Being a stupid kid I believed it. They took pictures and videos of the acts (which would get extreme at times, even involved their huge dog), so who knows if my abuse is up in one of those sick cp sites on TOR.
Because of the abuse, my sexuality was warped beyond belief. I knew about sex in kindergarten and constantly took bathroom trips to masturbate compulsively. It didn't even matter if I was in public, which lead to some unfortunate encounters with my parents. They are devout Christians and don't believe in therapy and psychiatric help, so the next best thing they believed that would help was an "exorcism". Cue all the religious bullshit, but it didn't help at all. I kept masturbating compulsively, I just got better at hiding it. As you could imagine, I am a wreck of a woman. I've been in and out of mental institutions for suicide attempts and mental breakdowns. I cannot perform sexually. The only thing that can get me off is sick, extreme porn because of how broken I am. I tried having a bf only to have massive panic attacks every time he made me touch him. It's difficult for me to have friends because I feel like a disgusting monster. Whenever I speak to my few friends I think obsessively on how they're judging me, that I act weird and retarded and they're just talking to me out of pity. I just feel burdened by so many dark secrets that I wonder why I was born at all. At least lolcow is fun and entertaining! T-thanks…
No. 7477
>>7470If it was abusive hitting it's not ok. If it's just a whooping like she received, then it is. She wasn't traumatized, she wasn't badly injured. And I admit maybe what I did wasn't the best approach but her overreaction of calling the cops on me when I did it was too much. I was just barely an adult when I did that. She should've found other ways to make her point rather than call the cops at the drop of a hat.
I threatened to kill myself to manipulate the situation a long time ago. That was ages ago, like almost a decade ago. I was young and stupid. I wouldn't do that again.
The recording of her when she yelled at her parents was a year or two ago and I felt that was justified because there are people who record proof of crimes all the time. You have to admit what she did was disrespectful. What about that dad who embarrassed her daughter to the public by telling everyone her insults against her family on facebook? He shot her laptop with a gun and the whole world on youtube saw.
I am criticizing her because she started the chain of criticism. She made this bed now she has to lay in it.
No. 7481
>>7477You're the one that started all of this shit.
> she wasn't seriously injuredUhm, if she's injured… that's not okay. An ass beating isn't supposed to leave you with injuries other than a sore ass.
> manipulate the situationYou're fucking insane.
> the dad that shot his daughters laptop.But thats her FATHER though. I personally thought he didn't need to do all of that posting it online shit, because to me it seemed like he was looking for asspats on how good he disciples his kids.But he's the FATHER of the child. You aren't your sisters father. And, by the way, that guy got backlash too.
You have a mental disorder and you should go talk to someone about it. Yoy aren't a saint for anything you did, and i hope to god you never get married, and especially have kids.
No. 7483
>>7481I meant she only had very minor bruises and she blew it up into a big deal and baww'd about it as if she survived a huge knife fight or something.
Stop judging me by how I acted when I was young. That was almost a decade ago. If I could go back in time and change my actions I would.
Besides, I was going to make amends but she ruined it by showing her extreme lack of compassion for others and materialism. She cried for 1 hour straight over MATERIALS being missing. How long did she cry when I said I would kill myself, when I said I would never speak to her again and extend my silent treatment for every infraction she makes? I haven't spoken to her ever since then as a punishment and not once did she cry or say she missed me. At first she tried to make small talk, then just gave up and let things run its course. I didn't talk to her unless if it was very serious like when I pointed the camera at her and told her to face the camera.
She just went like "Kay bye." That is insensitive. She is fucking monster. She cares more about electronics than people.
No, she has a mental disorder because she missed days of school because of her imaginary one and it takes her 1 hour or more to fall asleep while I can do it in minutes then she takes 1-2 hours to wake up. I never missed a day of school. At least I was prudent. I did better than her so I will do better than her in life. If I do have a mental disorder, it's not serious enough to prevent me from functioning. If you interact with people who have mental disorders too much, you will go crazy yourself and do things you'll never dream of doing like how my sister provoked me into taking back my gifts, recording her and other things I would have never done if it weren't for the way she acted. If you take me out of this environment, you'll see how well I would act and I behave pretty well as is.
No. 7484
>>7481Ok so if I were my sister's mom or dad and I did all this, I would get mostly praise instead of mostly negativity? If I get a little negativity along with mostly praise, I would still think that is great.
She pushed me to a breaking point and no talking-to was working on her. She is now a more compassionate, gentle person all thanks to me (but my silent treatement is still in effect against her because she could relapse).
I do what I can to improve life for my family. Without me, she wouldn't know how to even work a computer. Without me, she would have been lost.
When I tried to fix my sister's computer, my hand got electrocuted. She was hovering around me falsely accusing me of doing something to her computer that made it crash and have viruses instead of thanking me. I couldn't salvage it in the end but I gave my best and she still treated me that way, still salty about past deeds. That is a testament to her ungratefulness.
No. 7486
>>7472Wow anon, I couldn't even begin to imagine the torture you went through and are still going through. I fucking
hate pedophiles with such a passion. I'd probably be in jail because I'd burn their house down while they were asleep.
I genuinely hope that one day you will not be in so much pain anymore, where you can just enjoy the moment without being weighed down by your past. I'm glad you did not go through with suicide, even if the chance is minuscule, I think you deserve to live long enough to experience true joy. There is nothing wrong with you, you were abused. It would be strange if you had come out of that unscathed. Please, do not blame yourself.
No. 7488
>>7483>>7484>>7485Is each of these a separate personality posting? You keep replying to the same post 2-3 times saying the same thing in different ways, it's creepy as fuck. STOP.
I'm glad your sister hates you, she'll become more successful in life for not pandering to your bs
No. 7489
>>7487But attendance is everything in life. It didn't matter that she had higher grades because a bad attendance ruins everything. She was constantly tardy and shit at school while I wasn't and that's why I would go farther in life. She is lazy.
>>7488I was responding with more detail in each post. That's what I was doing. How can you cheer a sociopath on? Only my best friend sided with me somewhat even til this day. When she complained to him about my theft years ago and how he helped me pull it off, he tells her even to this day "It's not my problem. Were you traumatized? Come on." He and my mom are the only ones who gets me. Everyone else has been brainwashed by my sister to be against me and somehow treat what I did like it was some war crime.
There are children forced to be soldiers, forced into prostitution and she chose to cry over VIDYA GAEMZ OMG. and you choose to side with her? Her life isn't even that bad these are all just first world problems.
My sister laughed at me when I threatened to commit suicide over the piano. I had the computer cord around my neck and she shook her head and laughed all those years ago. That is not a mentally sane person. No normal person laughs at someone trying to kill themselves.
Then on a forum she made fun of me for not having jobs and bragged about how easy it was for her to find them. She has experience by her side but I don't. It's not a fair advantage. She should recommend me for a job if she really cared about me because jobs are easier to get if someone refers you. Instead she just stands on her high and mighty pedestal and looks down on me. I really wish she would take her two jobs and go live on the street again and starve. I never took handouts in life but she was a food pantry beggar so who is more pathetic now?
No. 7491
>>7488>>7488 She works more than one job and begs from pantries oh yeah real successful give me a break. I also run an online business. Do you know how hard that is? I provide for the family too. I have saved my parents hundreds of dollars worth of money from downloading movies. She is too stupid to know how to do that and if it weren't for me, she wouldn't have discovered how to use the internet in the first place. I opened up a whole world to her. I introduced her to video games in the first place. Her life would have been completely different without me.
Then she exaggerates my "spying" by saying "you must not be that busy at your online job if you have time to stalk me for hours a day." Glancing once or twice at her internet activity is not stalking especially not for hours a day and not everything wrong with her account has to do with me.
Even after all this, I have been gracious enough to let her keep using my wifi to find jobs and goof around despite all the wrongdoings she committed against me. Without my wifi she would be completely cut off from the internet world.
She just uses people. I gave her internet. I gave her so many game consoles and games and she repays me with cruelty. She was only using me for games. She doesn't care about me. She never liked me. She only liked my games. Then she puts on a facade for people pretending to care about me, trying to get me locked up in a hospital because "she cares" give me a break. She just wants everyone to give her ass pats and call her a saint.
She was getting addicted to video games years ago and I had to take them all away because that was another good reason for doing it. She wasn't focusing on her homework. Then she started yelling at me, flashing her report card at me bragging about how she was so much smarter than me. A good GPA does not mean someone is smart. I could get a higher GPA than her because I know for a fact I am more intelligent but I chose not to. Look at Bill Gates. He dropped out of college and became one of the richest people. I have my own business too. That can be me some day.
Look at all the high GPA doctors without jobs and even with jobs, they wouldn't make as much as Bill Gates, Paul Dejoria and other people with just high school education because unlike her, I have the ability to think outside the box while she is just good at coloring inside the lines.
Look up "Famous Failures." They failed multiple times before they hit it big. I am like that. I get turned down from jobs many times but one day I can hit it big whether it's from my business or being employed at someone else's.
>>7490I think I know who you are because my sister's friends were joking about that. That is not true that is disgusting.
No. 7501
>>7496I didn't for the initial offence. I got the thread deleted by filing reports with the moderators of the forum for slander. When they wouldn't remove it, I went into her account and had it deleted, then I locked her out of her account to prevent her from doing it again. This happened a couple years ago.
I told my mom and she screamed at my sister and slapped her. My sister was forced to go on a deleting spree. Then she took precautions to make sure I wouldn't do that again so she posts under someone else's internet connection sometimes and I can't even trace her activity anymore. i know they are talking about me because her friend sent me an email criticizing my behavior before and they won't let me in on her little gossip circle.
I will only release the few screenshots and other embarrassing things if she starts it first. I will not stoop to her level and initiate conflict. Everything I'm doing is something she started. Like I said, if she leaks my usernames and irl name I will hold her accountable. These videotapings and other recordings are the only way I can stop her from any kind of power trip. Every adult I talked to cannot stop her, only I can.
>>7495 There is a lot to remember but I'll do my best. I'll start with the straw that broke the camel's back.
When she was like 16 or something, she was shouting at her dad. I didn't hear what was said but she shouldn't have done that. While she was asleep, I took back all my electronic gifts totaling hundreds of dollars I gave her which was bought with my allowance money with the help of my best friend and sold them all. When she woke up, we said "YEP! We sold every one of her electronics!"
We kept taking turns saying "YYEP! We sold them all! YYEP! For $20! YEP!"
Her jaw dropped. She started begging my mom to tell him to bring them all back. I told my mom which places we pawned them all at but the employees said they didn't know what she was talking about.
She cried for 1 hour straight over materials, showing her materialistic nature. Then she demanded an apology. I hid at my friend's house as my mom called me asking me to apologize and I said "But I already apologized."
She screamed in the background that I didn't apologize and to this day she still wants one, showing how entitled she is. I explained to her multiple reasons as to why I did it.
1. She shouldn't have been obtrusive to her parents
2. She shouldn't feel entitled to things I bought with my allowance.
3. She should focus on schoolwork rather than become increasingly addicted to computers, other electronics, etc.
4. I had to teach her how horrible it feels when someone is being yelled at or berated or criticized. The pain of having all her items taken away all at once, never to be recovered was to simulate how someone feels when they get criticized. Words are like bullets, I told her. When you fire a bullet into someone, the bullet does not come out of the body easily and you can get permanent injuries. Her words kill me on the inside. They are like bullets that stay inside and never go away. I explained this to her multiple times and she said "So?" SO? words can cause lasting scars. Materials can always be replaced but can pieces of a heart be put back together just like how it used to be?
Then she justified her saying "so?" by saying that I interrupted her and didn't let me finish. No. You NEVER go like "So?" when people pour their heart out to you. I told her that her words hurt my feelings and she goes like "It still needed to be said." She doesn't give a shit about someone else's feelings.
I told her since she didn't learn her lesson, I would be extending my silent treatment and she was disgustingly apathetic about it. She still didn't learn her lesson after that so that's when I had her piano taken away. After that she STILL didn't care about the points I made and that I extended my silent treatment so I asked my mom to take out one entire drawer from her dresser and I picked out any gift I may have given her in the past.
No. 7512
>>7501Wow anon, you are amazering, I bow my scalp to you. I can't believe people wouldn't be on your side after reading the horrific ordeal you went through. If they take her side, then they just don't get it and need to re-read everything you've said until they do because it's obvious you're the one in the right mind.
You are the punisher, and it is your right as her brother,and even though its questionable that you would continue to say
her parents, I ignore that in favor of comforting you in your time of need.
All these other confessions pale in light of the travesties you had to endure, because your sanity was questioned. QUESTIONED. As though you would lie about something so disturbing.
I'm on your side fabler-kun.
No. 7513
>>7501You are the ultimate sperglord if you think that 'punishing' your sister is going to teach her anything. It's just going to make her hate you & justify her own shitty behavior by comparing it to your control freak response. Your relationship with this girl is already probably damaged beyond repair from what it sounds like. She's going to be bitter towards you & the rest of your fam for probably the rest of her life.
0/10, I ain't even mad, just fascinated. Tell us more stories.
No. 7516
>>7501do you realize how fucking childish it is to justify your shit with "WELL SHE STARTED IT"
grow up. you're not teaching her any lessons.
No. 7519
>>7513That isn't true. She grew up to be a more compassionate and gentle adult thanks to the actions that set the events of her life in motion. She still gossips about me, she still gives me the third degree and gets suspicious around me but other than that, her attitude improved. She even told others she wanted me to succeed in life and asked my best friend if he could refer me to a job. She also asked others to pray for me (although this could all be a facade to make herself look better) I am still continuing the silent treatment against her though because she still has a lot of reforming to do like still not letting go of past offenses and gossiping about what she thinks are huge war crimes, which is bullying and can travel to the ears of employers.
>>7516And what about my sister? she is the same. She goes like "If you hadn't started x I wouldn't have had to x" She is every bit as guilty.
No. 7520
>>7519so, you're both pieces of shit you're just the bigger piece of shit? ok, got it.
just an hero already, you clearly can't handle things like a sane adult. if you don't end up killing yourself- for the love of god please never have children.
No. 7530
>>7519She told you she wanted you to succeed, she begs her friend to give you a job, and she prays for you…it sounds like your sister simply pities you at this point. She's probably seen enough examples of your bizarre autistic behavior to realize that you can't help yourself and will never function as a normal human being in social environments. You are honestly deluded if you think that you're doing the 'correct' thing… which is what makes your POV so interesting for us here at lolcow.
but yeah, like anon said, never reproduce. You sound like you'd be a horrible mother/father figure.
No. 7531
>>7530But she could be doing all this to make herself seem holy and if she did really pity me, that means she is looking down on me somewhat. She doesn't win either way.
My actions weren't completely right but she did turn into a better person because of me. She would never be that compassionate towards me. Only outsiders because she likes to put on a holier-than-thou face and now I think she probably has an idea of what true compassion is.
She still will not back out of the lie she told about feeling unsafe and being afraid I'd kill her. that is a HUGE leap. How in the world did I do anything close to trying to kill her? I didn't even touch her. Like I said, she still loves playing herself up as a victim.
>>7526Ok but at least you were sane enough to admit she is one unlike the others who think she is some pure angelic lamb.
No. 7532
>>7531She did not turn into a better person because of you, sperglord. You can't claim that you forced someone to change their behavior based on a single person's vain attempt to control their environment. It sounds like your sister just grew up. How old is she, anyways? It's normal to fight with parents as a teenager, it doesn't mean you're a shit human being. It's a blend of hormones, lack of life experience, and the entitlement that comes from having parents who have worked and paid for every good thing in your life up until you become independent.
most people are shitty until they have their fair share of life experience. Hell, my relationship with my family improved dramatically after I moved out and started living on my own. But it baffles me that you think you deserve the same respect and authority as a parent over her simply because you bought her a couple of electronic toys.
It is really shitty to 'reclaim' a gift after its given, though, ngl. Plus hacking into her accounts is way too far of a 'punishment'.
I honestly feel sorry for your sister. Unless you can provide evidence more compelling than 'she fought with her dad! And talked shit about me online!' then it sounds like she's the least shitty member of your immediate family.
No. 7533
>>7531if she turned into a better person because of you, why are you still angry with her?
your stories never added up, so hopefully
this proves that you're trolling
No. 7534
>>7533Because she is not completely good. Better is not satisfactory. Having a less stinky shit is better than extremely stinky shit but it's still shit. Like I said, she still has moments where she relapses and treats me like a criminal, victimizing herself by saying she has to be on her toes give me a break I am not even doing anything these days.
>>7532Who cares how old she is? I don't even care about my own birthday sometimes.
Again I have already explained this: I did feel bad about reclaiming the gifts and other things and I was going to make amends. I probably should but it's really hard to do that to someone who hurt me on this level. Words can drive someone into suicide. That's how powerful they are. That was the point I tried to make when I was young.
No. 7550
>>7532She laughed about me wanting to commit suicide. I have mentioned that. She also said she wanted to hurt me so badly in the past, but now she said she doesn't want to but still she is a ticking time bomb and could relapse. I am the one who should be fearing for my life.
In the past, when I turned up the air conditioning, she turned it down and laughed and used the air conditioning costs excuse. She did that to bully me.
I bought a clear box with a lock on it with a matching key and installed it around the air conditioning panel to prevent her from messing with the A/C and letting me overheat or become too cold.
Recently, when I brought home a cat, she tried to give it away to a shelter, then lied about it having fleas. When I denied the cat had fleas, she started saying I was a lazy pet owner in front of our parents and started contacting local animal shelters, neighbors and friends if they could take the cat in. Shelters KILL animals. Then she tried to backpedal saying she meant a no-kill shelter. No-kill shelters secretly kill too! She almost sent our cat to be killed!
2 years ago, when I had pizza and other food in the fridge, I labeled "DO NOT TOUCH" with big letters and she still disrespected my property and ate the items anyway. She even wrote "lol" on the sign. I showed our mom and she got punished again.
No. 7555
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>>7550Listen, anon. I have read every post in this thread by you. And with each progressive post, my jaw confines to drop at your abhorrent and abysmal behavior towar your own flesh and blood.
You are going to say that she is the one with abysmal behavior. You, being so busy with your online 'job' and pirating movies, are going to type another 15 posts furiously defending yourself against her. You are going to continue to claim that any improvements she has made in her life are due to you and you alone, all because you took away the gifts you gave to her when she was 16 because she was
being a fucking bratty teenager. You are completely insane. Completely. You lack any capacity for empathy, and for the ability to admit you may be wrong. No one is perfect, but from everything I have read you have been a completely detestable, shitty fucking person to your sister by getting her beat, taking away the things she treasured (because it is okay to treasure things and then get upset when they are taking away from you) and FAKING BEING SUICIDAL JUST SO YOU COULD GET WHAT YOU WANTED, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SPMETHING YOU GAVE TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I can't even begin to describe what an autistic, psychopath piece of shit you are. You need to move out f your parents house and get a fucking job at McDonald's. You need to become independent and stop following your sister around on the internet (you are a fucking weirdo for checking her internet history
multiple times a day) and stop fucking thinking about stupid bullshit that happened when you were a teenager. Get over it, you sick NEET motherfucker.
In glad that she got away from you, because you seem absolutely insane. I'm sure she grew up and feels pity for you because of your callousness and retardation. I guarantee she is not a better person because of anything you did.
Anyway, I hope that you get off wizardchan and /r9k/ and LEDDIT and especially lolcow and get a fucking job. I hope you have fun talkin to yourself for the next 15 replies in this thread. Finally, if you are going to accuse me of being your sister or her friends (which points out to me you are probably a paranoid schizo) Admin has the permission to check my IP, it will be in Colorado, and if that doesn't convince you I can make a sign too.
You need to realize that you are a shitty person just like everyone else, and you need to wake up and move past this bullshit, because absolutely none of it counts as abuse against you. Get a job, you fucking psychopath.
No. 7565
>>7555I didn't fake being suicidal. Never said that. I was being truthful. I actually wanted to kill myself sometimes but couldn't do it. Again, I was young and dumb.
I used the opportunity to see how far her lack of empathy goes. She shook her head and laughed when I had the computer cord around my neck, tightening it by pulling. She made up a million excuses saying "You're an idiot for killing yourself over a piano" or "That computer cord isn't even going to do the job" and she laughed at me and denied it anyway and said "If you're really going to do it, you wouldn't announce it over something. Let's see you really do it since I'm not going to give you anything of mine anymore." She was egging me on my suicide attempt. I felt nausea so I dry heaved into a toilet. Now explain how this isn't abuse? I don't have autism. If I did, my school counselors from middle school to college would've detected it and told me, which they never did.
The piano wasn't given to her by me. It was a birthday gift from my mother to her and she didn't deserve it because of her attitude and the fact she wasn't even going to put it to use. It was collecting ACTUAL dust and that was sickening to see her deny someone something she rarely even used. I was going to use it every day for piano class at school and that piano was wasted on someone like her.
When I finally had the piano, she denied the charging cord at first. I told my parents and they panicked over my being suicidal and demanded it out of her.
I cleaned and dusted the piano, something she didn't do. I criticized her for having dirty fingers and she gave the "that's dust not finger dirt" excuse. My parents praised me for actually talking with my sister and temporarily breaking the silent treatment and she turned it into something rotten again. She said the words weren't good enough. I broke my silent treatment to talk to her. How is that not good enough? I would think any response when breaking a silent treatment would be good but she wasn't even grateful for my lapse in silent treatment and still didn't care about it.
Really? You are in Colorado? She has visited friends there too. Let's see which one of her friends this is.
She also stole my Harry Potter book for 8 years and didn't give it back. She used it to press flowers and ruined the pages. I recently found it and became so enraged I just wished she could just die. She tried to backpedal saying she didn't know, she forgot she borrowed it all those years ago, got busy and forgot. More bullshit to paint herself in a positive light. She just chooses to neglect responsibilities by being an obsessive gamer.
No. 7575
>>7568if anything, you sound like the one who's materialistic, manipulative and tends towards backpedaling.
Face it, if this many total strangers on the internet have heard your heavily biased version of events and still can't find a good reason to give you support, your actions are completely unwarranted. I hope your sister gets away from you and your parents as soon as she can.
Even if she wasn't using the piano, you could have just
ASKED to borrow it for your piano classes instead of DEMANDING it by threatening to commit suicide, you shitheel. It was a fucking birthday present, you have no right to someone else's stuff just because you share DNA. No wonder she laughed at you when you threatened to kill yourself in front of her, I would have wanted to strangle you myself after witnessing that kind of behavior. If she had to deal with these kinds of antics while growing up, she has every right to talk shit about you on the internet–much like you're trying to do to her right now, you hypocrite.
I'd say you deserve your own thread on /pt/ but like previously mentioned, nobody itt knows who you or your sister are, and we certainly aren't biased in her favor because we're her 'friends' or w/e justification you're scrambling after. You're despicable.
No. 7607
>>7575>I would have wanted to strangle you myself after witnessing that kind of behavior.You advocate violence against me and you're calling me a shitheel. Nothing I did was violent. I was violent when I was little but that's about it and I stopped because it was wrong.
She wanted me to get on my knees, kiss her ass and say please for the piano like she was some high and mighty goddess and said she wouldn't give it unless if I did so. I couldn't bring myself to humor her sadistic sense of superiority. "Oh look at me I'm so mighty I am supreme ruler of my realm I am the queen of materials my reign is absolute." It was disgusting. And she hardly used it. That's a fucking WASTE. had a greater use for it than she did. Think about it.
I needed the piano for lessons. She doesn't use it yet refuses to give it to me. Then why does she fucking have it? What good is it for it to sit around and not be used? Does that make sense?
You guys just badly want to be right so you look for reasons, ANY reason and ignore all the positive parts just like my sister. You're all negative. I did admit my wrongdoings.
>>7555Oh and I wanted to add that I did in fact admit I was wrong several times in this thread. I said I could've done this or that better but nooo you choose to ignore those parts and focus on the negative. Yes I was wrong but I am just explaining why I did what I did and the outcomes it had such as humbling her, teaching her to be detached to materials so she doesn't cry like a little bitch for 1 hour over some measly items.
No. 7638
>>7607Saying you wanted to strangle someone =/= advocating violence. Advocating violence would be the sentence 'she should have strangled you.' Expressing empathy towards another person's lack thereof is not the same as suggesting that killing you is the correct solution in that situation, and you're still a piece of shit. You have no remorse for your actions, and you're still holding a grudge like a
little bitch because she ate your pizza two fucking years ago.
You couldn't stand to humble yourself enough for a single minute in order to ask permission to borrow your sister's item, so you threatened to kill yourself in front of her over AN ELECTRIC KEYBOARD, a TOY, because you 'genuinely felt suicidal at the time'.
You need mental help. Even if you weren't diagnosed by your schools (honestly they probably didn't give enough of a shit) you have serious mental problems if you want to commit suicide because you feel your sister doesn't love you as much as you deserve, despite having been a complete asshole to her.
Seriously, go to your parents or guardians or whoever and demand that they take you to a psychologist, because your sense of 'justice' and the colossal amount of entitlement you possess is beyond warped. You have some kind of disorder that needs to be diagnosed. Hell, maybe you can even get some therapy or some shit. Your sister is not the problem. It's not 'negativity' when it's simply the objective conclusion formed by MULTIPLE non-biased observers, it's the truth.
No. 7701
>>7638You sympathize with her lack of empathy while stating I lack empathy but don't have sympathy for me. That's faulty logic.
She goes like "It's hard to be nice to you sometimes, I try but it's hard when you do this and that and I just get angry sorry" that is not ok she isn't a saint. You do have to admit it is shitty to not use an item then deny someone who has a better use for it. It's like dangling food in front of someone who's starving and saying "now get on your knees and say please" even though you have 3 fridges full of food.
People can do shit to me all they want but when I snap back, all the sudden they want me to be the world's little bitch and say sorry and paint themselves as angels while I'm a big bad criminal.
She thinks saying sorry is like dumping a bucket full of offenses out, then filling it back up and doing it again and again and again AND FucKING AGAIN!! That's not what sorry is. Sorry isn't a "get out of jail free" card. I don't believe her when she says she tries to not reoffend when she is doing it at the same rate. I keep track.
Stop playing internet psychologist you probably aren't even a professional and you're just going by internet posts.
She was looking through my internet posts on a forum. She probably wanted to use something against me. She stalks too." Stop acting like she is some abused child living in a war-torn area. She had access to the internet, games, a roof over a head and plenty of food for now. Her life wasn't that bad. She just chooses to dramatize for attention. These are just electronics you first world problems sympathizers. It's not like I stole food off her plate or deprived her of important medicine. Did she die from this? No. Was she injured? No. These aren't even necessities. You are all materialistic too if you think it's a big deal she lost luxuries.
No. 7704
>>7701>they're just electronic toys it's not like she's living in a war-torn country where people are starving >compares being deprived of an electronic toy to food being refused from starving people in the same postI can understand and empathize with her lack of empathy for you because you sound like a complete tool if you're going to threaten suicide over such a trivial 'materialistic' issue.
If you are a troll, you are the most convincing and dedicated shitposter I've seen in years. Bravo?
if not, seriously seek psychological services. Or cry more, blame everyone else for not taking your side, and continue on your downward spiral. When you end up completely isolated from the rest of the human race on account of your behavior, think back to this thread and how absolutely no-one came forth to say, 'yeah, that's a reasonable response' to any of your posts.
And yeah, I'm not a psychologist. That's exactly why I'm suggesting you go see a professional. But my mom worked with special ed kids for 25 years, and I was around for enough of it to pick up on some of the giveaway tells. Holding grudges over minuscule slights for an unwarrantedly long time is one. If she killed your puppy, sure, that's a good reason to mistrust someone and think they might have sociopath-level skills of manipulation. But eating your pizza? Not so much.
No. 7707
>>7704Stop picking apart my posts. I wouldn't do that again. The point is is that she is still salty over it, still feeling entitled to an apology over something I did while young and dumb. If I wouldn't do it again, what is the problem? This is a confessions thread where people talk about PAST problems and shit like that. I am talking about the PAST. If I could go back and do it again, I wouldn't do that.
Oh well aren't you special for being around special ed kids but did you work with them?? yup that's what I thought.
No. 7714
>>7707And you're just as salty as she is. Which is why you're still here, venting, like a little kid having a tantrum.
I guess all that previous stuff about genuinely hoping the best for you and seeking employment for you from her friends was just her being 'salty', too, huh?
idk why I'm even bothering with your delusional ass anymore, but you keep responding with incredibly obvious fallacies and I'm bored.
No. 7719
>>7714She hoped for success for me because she was trying to seem holy and trying to be well liked.
Ok maybe I am salty but I wouldn't do it again. Why can't she forgive and forget if she really were that holy? People change. It's not like I am up in her face demanding an apology for hurting me in the past.
No. 11989
I am still continuing the silent treatment against my sister for showing indifference to my relationship severing with her. And she was so happy without me despite everything I did for her and it makes me furious to see her happy and even DANCING when I said the silent treatment was in effect after I repossessed my gifts to her.
>>7575In what way am I materialistic? the gift repossession isn't to satisfy my materialism. It is to teach her how it feels when words leave a hole in your heart. To have a high amount of things taken away all at once simulates that.
Then she had the nerve to copy me and say she was going to commit suicide and she overdosed on pills, expecting me to pay for her treatment. She said her eating and sleeping disorders were my fault, and showed irate behavior towards me, lowering the chances of me giving her an apology by slandering me again and vilifying me. All of these are her problems and hers alone. She shouldn't ask for $100 a month for medical problems she brought upon herself. I scoffed and laughed at her demands.
I didn't tell her to overdose or even suggest it to her. My silence treatment was in effect for years so nothing I said or did could've done that.
No. 12020
>>6910>>6922We are one omg
(Not that anon)