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No. 65105
Youtubers that you don't necessarily hate. Perhaps you don't love them either since their channel is still growing.
I only have a few to share as i'm mainly looking to discover new channels that need exposure. Feel free to contribute.
Choom Chan:> black chick from london recently hired as 6%dokidoki shopgirl, street snapped in KERA, mainly doing well for herself in Harajuku Eleanor Medhurst:>don't really know how I feel about her but she seems to be building on decent content, cute backgrounds, general pink aesthetic, kind of into egl etcPrincess Fancypants:>can sometimes be boring but i usually give her videos a shot since she has a decent personality, mainly lolita content No. 65351
Princessmei could have been a part of this thread a few months ago, she only started doing videos in the summer time. I think I started following her in August or September and she only had a few thousand subscribers at most but she blew up like insanity.
She now has 140k sucribers and averages 50k views on her videos. I've never seen a youtuber blow up so fast, especially in the kawaii/cosplay community.
It must be because she's a cute asian girl which makes her seem more authentic to normies idk? I don't really have any problems with her I just find her to be a bit angtsy/rude. I'm not here for her teenage can't-be-bothered vibes (coming from another teen lmao). What are your thoughts farmers?
(I've been contemplating a thread in /snow/ to discuss her but with the shitpost threads recently I thought it would just come across as another desperate thread) No. 65464
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>>65105Awww choom seems like a total sweet heart. I loved this OOTD. I'm a sweet lolita and I'm always jealous of the freedom of other styles like fairy kei or decora. Just seems so light hearted and fun !
My only critique for her is that she should do a bit of editing to take away the pauses, ums, and ahhs in her videos. Ever since Kotabear that shit is my pet peeve.
No. 65525
>>65464Her entire insta is gold
She generally has great aesthetic No. 65738
I found out that Kammie has a channel and basically no views wtf
She should be considered one of the most inspiring sweet lolitas since LJ days No. 75710
Einshine ( Mentioned on the EYK thread. Apparently friends with Sharla. Spergy weeb but seems harmless
Raphael Gomes ( it's weird that he never blew up like his YouTube posse (Jason, Craig, etc.), no one seems to know who he is…I did find his older comedy videos amusing but now he's a basic bitch with the What's on my iPhone 6SGABCDEFG videos.
No. 75729
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honestly, regardless of whatever the fuck your race is, when your whole life revolves around spending hundreds of dollars a month on shitty anime merch and watching cartoons, I don't really think you are in a position to criticize people. Plus, he and that Joey guy act like being haffu makes them experts despite both being pretty much raised in the states.
And i'm pretty sure shine is only popular because he isn't particularly fugly or anything. With the right styling he could be pretty attractive. All of his fangirls have yellow fever and pretty much want his dick.
No. 75742
>>75714How can you be a weeb when youre a haffu jap? Lol shit does not make sense. He could be called a loser/nerd but not weeb, weeb.
t. Ex-weeb for over 5 years
No. 75775
>>75768Just an Asian weeaboo.
>>75742>>75744Fucking semantics, who gives a shit.
No. 75787
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>>75729For some reason I thought of Markiplier's face when I saw this photo. I think he is also part Asian?
Both are not particularly unattractive but the fact that they spend their days shouting at cameras and broadcasting their hideous expressions kind of ruins it.
No. 75796
All I do on youtube is watch listen to music and watch videos about video games to see if they're interesting enough for me to buy them or not, or if I don't have the console for some games, at least not yet. I like sirlionhart's video because he played some SMT games and talk while playing them, I don't have any friend who play these games so I find it fun to listen to his reactions. I also like le joueur du grenier's videos, even though he can be a bit annoying when he make jokes about Japan being weird as fuck because that's too repetitive. This guy (+Seb) are well-known among French people though so maybe they don't count for this thread. There are some videos I watched a long time ago about shitty movie adaptations of video games but I don't remember the name of the guys who made them. I found them funny as well.
I've been told that famous gamers on youtube are obnoxious most of the time but I haven't got the time to see this for myself.
>>75787I haven't seen any of he's video but I've been told that he's half German and Half Korean, it came up because somebody accused him of being racist again Asians because some people thought he was always "squinting" (don't know if that's the word) his eyes on purpose.
No. 75809
>>75796>I've been told that famous gamers on youtube are obnoxious most of the time but I haven't got the time to see this for myselfIt's true. The non-annoying ones are the ones who don't talk over the gameplay at all. What is it with being a gamer and being horribly unfunny/awkward? I've never come across anyone whose commentary was actually clever and helpful.
>somebody accused him of being racist again Asians because some people thought he was always "squinting" his eyes on purposelmao. That's like accusing someone of doing blackface and then realizing it's their natural skin color.
No. 75817
>>75812I love it when social justice types ironically demonstrate their own sexism/racism lmao.
My favorite is one woman who accused a guy of being racist against black people because he used the phrase "da bomb". Because black people all have bad grammar and pronunciation or something. And I guess everybody was racist in the 90s….
No. 75821
>>75817My favorite is that we've come full circle and you see some SJWs advocating for segregation again
Crazy world